On 8 February 2010 18:15, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:

>> I'm not sure what to make of all this. I'm basically confused!
> The above makes perfect sense to me. Python was able to find the OpenSSL
> include files (did you add /usr/sfw/include to the build scripts somewhere?)
> but not the library files (until you added /usr/sfw/lib).
> If /usr/sfw/include is in the default Solaris paths, but /usr/sfw/lib is
> not, it seems that'll be an issue with any libraries there, not just
> OpenSSL. If it doesn't find the include files, "import hashlib" will still
> work as _md5 will be built, showing that OpenSSL is not a dependancy.
> - Robert

/usr/sfw/include was not in any search path at all. So it is not a
case of the headers being found, but the libraries not found.

I was setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in a Unix shell script before running
Sage - not in a python file. Looking at the ssl_incs and
search_for_ssl_incs_in in python's setup.py, neither include anywhere
related to /usr/sfw. Although the contents of /usr/sfw/ are shiped
with Solaris, they are not in the linker's search path. The directory
only contains 'freeware' so are not used by the system unless one
makes a positive effort to so so.

What I have just discovered is OpenSSL was installed in /usr/local/ssl
on one machine. It's an version (dated 2004). It might be worth my
while tring a fresh build from scratch, with /usr/local/ssl and
/usr/sfw not readable. Either that, or perhaps a better long-term
solution is to modify python's setup.py to exclude any search
directories where SSL might be found. The problem is, to do a really
frsh build, it takes days on that machine, at it is very old.

Given OpenSSL gives extra functionality, even if not needed in Sage, I
dont'd know where Sage would stand legally if it was changed so
OpenSSL was not linked by default, but was done if an environment


needed to be set. To my knowlege, if I take GPL code, modify it to
link to non-GPL code, as long as I do not distribute that code in
either binary or source form, I'm not breaching the GPL. I suppose at
that point, it would be wise that Sage was modified to print a message
like "Sage is GPL 2, but this version has been modified so it is no
longer GPL 2 and so the code must not be distributed". I've been
through the FAQ, and can't find anything specific about the use of one
copy of a program for private use.


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