On Feb 7, 2010, at 3:29 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

Robert Bradshaw wrote:
On Feb 6, 2010, at 2:09 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
Robert Bradshaw wrote:
On Feb 6, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
Robert Bradshaw wrote:
On Feb 6, 2010, at 3:58 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

I've noticed an issue at


where something fails when using the GUI, but which works at the command line.

import haslib

Are you sure that's not a typo? You probably want hashlib (which should work regardless of OpenSSL being found). I'd be really surprised if "import haslib" (missing h) worked anywhere.
Hi Robert,
yes, you are correct, it was a typo. It is actually
"import _hashlib"
which causes the problem. It works at the command line, but not in the browser.
Doesn't work in either for me.

It does if you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH first on 't2'

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sfw/lib
import _hashlib

will work.

I've also got _haslib working on the notebook at


try it and see. You will not get the error you used to get.
So you're confirming that this is not a GUI vs CLI issue. That's good.

No, quite the opposite.

I was saying it was necessary to add something to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get _hashlib to work on the command line, but despite trying to do this in a startup script, it would not work. I had to edit 'sage' manually.

I note your later points about not need _hashlib, but irrespective of that, I think it would be useful if tests could be run in the GUI. That was the subject of the email, but was prompted by the fact that I believe its possible for some things to work on the command line, but not on the GUI.

Sorry, what I was reading was:

- CLI: error

    I've seen this.

- CLI + modified LD_LIBRARY_PATH: success

    You've confirmed this.

- GUI: error?

    This was the original notebook setup, which had errors.

- GUI + modified LD_LIBRARY_PATH: success?

This is the current notebook setup (I tried os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']), which works fine.

Ultimately, it seems to me we rely on the front end giving the same results as at the command line, but never actually testing that. As I cited with Mathematica, I've known that to give problems with the graphical front end consuming tons of CPU time, but not at the command line.

I agree that this is undesirable that there be a difference.

I think it would be advantageous to add /usr/sfw/lib to that search path, as at least on Solaris 10, it will give some extra functionality. On OpenSolaris it will not, as the OpenSSL libraries are not installed by default. When they get installed, they install in /usr/local/ssl, and python finds them.
If you're referring to #7761, I'm fairly confident that the errors here had nothing to do with OpenSSL--none of the extension modules were being compiled correctly because -m64 was not being propagated to distutils. (It just so happens that we tried to import hashlib, but importing zlib or something else would have failed as well). The gnutls bugs at #7387 seemed to boil down to the same issue (non-64 bit binaries). Whether it was the lack of OpenSSL that was really causing problems still seems uncertain, I hope they're not, but who knows.
- Robert

No, I'm not simply referring to #7761. It is very easy to get python to build in 64-bit mode, by (for example) setting CFLAGS directory to include -m64. In any case, I've seen this in 32-bit mode (see below).

That will cause hassles later with cython (possibly other things too), but we have long since passed the point where building a 64- bit version of python is problematic.

My point is that although you are able to build Python in 64-bit mode, the resulting Python may be broken, which is why we have the issues later on. If "import hashlib" fails, the first thing to do is see if "import math" fails as well.

I'm less convinced we have passed the point where OpenSSL is not presenting issues.

Here is part of the log of a 32-bit build on Solaris 10 (SPARC).

Sleeping for three seconds before testing python
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/export/home/drkirkby/sage- hashlib.py", line 136, in <module>
   md5 = __get_builtin_constructor('md5')
File "/export/home/drkirkby/sage- hashlib.py", line 63, in __get_builtin_constructor
   import _md5
ImportError: No module named _md5

real    24m50.923s
user    20m4.386s
sys     3m54.626s
sage: An error occurred while installing python-2.6.2.p4

Then after adding /usr/sfw/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so the test at the bottom of spkg-install passes.

Sleeping for three seconds before testing python
hashlib module imported

real    29m35.662s
user    23m29.130s
sys     4m24.886s
Successfully installed python-2.6.2.p4

It looks like hashlib might rely on _md5.

_md5 is a pure C module that is shipped with Python, and does not link to or rely on anything else. It's built if and only if the ssl headers are not found (though the logic that handles the imports is rather ugly). Even with a modified LD_LIBRARY_PATH, import _md5 will still break.

William, Jaap and I have all has some issues on Solaris with python not passing the test at the bottom of python's spkg-install on OpenSolaris, and I've seen it on the first release of Solaris 10 on SPARC, as shown by the logs above. (But I don't think that has been consistently the case).

I'm not sure what to make of all this. I'm basically confused!

The above makes perfect sense to me. Python was able to find the OpenSSL include files (did you add /usr/sfw/include to the build scripts somewhere?) but not the library files (until you added /usr/ sfw/lib).

If /usr/sfw/include is in the default Solaris paths, but /usr/sfw/lib is not, it seems that'll be an issue with any libraries there, not just OpenSSL. If it doesn't find the include files, "import hashlib" will still work as _md5 will be built, showing that OpenSSL is not a dependancy.

- Robert

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