On Feb 15, 12:23 pm, "Dr. David Kirkby" <david.kir...@onetel.net>
> kcrisman wrote:
> >> R's spkg-install needs an overhaul, as noted in my previous email (which  
> >> It
> >> seems to have invalid options, invalid comments, and various other issues. 
> >> It
> >> would appear we could potentially get better performance too, at the cost 
> >> of
> >> installing other libraries.
> > If you could point those out explicitly on the new ticket you created,
> > that would be awesome.
> Actually, I think I should create a new ticket, for
> "R's spkg-install needs a good overhaul"
> or something like that, as the ticket I created is very specific to the iconv
> code. The problems with R's spkg-install appear to go far beyond that.
> > With regard to the R graphics ticket, does Solaris automatically (or
> > Linux, for that matter) have Xwindows support?
> Solaris supports X. There is a directory /usr/include/X11, which has loads of 
> X
> related files. However, R's spkg-install has these 7 lines of code:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> # I have problems with this on OSX Intel 10.5.1 -- for now just turn it off.
> # It will be good to get something fully working before worrying about X.
> if [ -f /usr/include/X11/Xwindows.h ]; then
>      XSUPPORT=yes
> else
>      XSUPPORT=no
> fi
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> I don't have the file /usr/include/X11/Xwindows.h on my Solaris boxes, so X is
> disabled. I noticed sage.math does have that file, so I assume X is enabled on
> Linux (at least on sage.math).
> The fact the problem mentioned in spkg-install appeared to have been on OSX
> Intel 10.5.1, has not stopped someone disabling X on every platform if
> /usr/include/X11/Xwindows.h does not exist.
> I don't know if the file /usr/include/X11/Xwindows.h is mandatory for R to
> support X.

See the ticket about R graphics (don't have the # in front of me) for
an update on this, and a link to an spkg.  However, I know nothing
about X; the current spkg changes things to use quartz for Mac and
continue to look for this file for Xwindows.  Any comments you have
about graphics-specific things like this you should put on that

> It strikes me that packages get updated, and nobody actually looks *carefully*
> at what implications that update might have. In this case, the update broke 
> the
> build on Solaris, has useless options, patches that might not be needed, and
> might be undesirable .... etc.

Yes, please let us know about the other stuff (problems not related to
iconv or X) on a new ticket.

But in response to the other comments, the reality is that often
someone updating an spkg needs the new functionality on a few
platforms, and knows very little about configuration and/or other
platforms.  If it doesn't break something on currently supported
platforms, we seem to go with upgrades.  If we had an easier way to do
it automatically, that would help a lot, as we've both mentioned
before.  I certainly know there is no way I would every contribute to
Sage if I needed to test things on Solaris, Linux, Mac, and Cygwin; I
barely have the time to do it on Mac for patches, and Mac and Linux
for spkgs.

Thanks for your valuable help on this stuff!  It will make Sage so
much more stable long-term, I think.

- kcrisman

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