On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 3:38 AM, cschwan <csch...@stamaonline.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> since this is my first post on this list I think it is a good idea to
> briefly introduce myself: My name is Christopher Schwan, I am studying
> physics at Uni Mainz (Germany) and I am one of the maintainers of
> "sage-on-gentoo" (http://github.com/cschwan/sage-on-gentoo). Francois
> Bissey, the other man working on it already wrote some comments about
> it, but now about three months passed and I would like to report the
> status of our project.
> Our intention was and still is to provide so called "Split Ebuilds"
> for the Gentoo Linux distribution to enable users of this distribution
> to build Sage on Gentoo (since building from source is the default way
> of installing programs on Gentoo). "Split" means that Sage and its
> dependencies are seperately installed (and out of Sage's directories)
> - we do this not only because its part of Gentoo's philosophy, but
> also because of that makes it much easier maintainable.
> I think we proved that this is actually possible, because we have
> removed most of Sage's dependencies and only a handful are left. Doing
> that some questions and suggestions arised which would ease our work.
> The following Tickets should be fixed imo (my top 4 bugs which should
> be fixed for Sage 4.4, referring to the post of William Stein in "Vote
> on bugs to be fixed for sage-4.4 "stabilization release"):
> - update cvxopt, ticket #6456
> - remove pyprocessing, ticket #6503
> - update networkx, ticket #7608
> - patch combinat, ticket #7803

Could you please respond to that thread with this list?  It will make
it easier for me when I'm going through and making a summary.  Thanks.

> Questions:
> - Is sqlalchemy still needed ? After removing dsage a quick grep
> showed that no package in Sage uses it

Yes, it is still needed.  It is used, e.g., by the database of graphs.

> - Sage uses twisted-web2-8.1.0 which is officially deprecated.
> Upgrading to twisted-web-9.x would be nice

twisted-web2 and twisted-web are not compatible.  Making that
"upgrade" would require a significant rewrite of the notebook.   At
some point that should probably happen.

> - Which directories in devel/sage/build are actually needed ? They
> look very similar and take quite a lot of disk space

wst...@ubuntu:~/sage/devel/sage$ ls build/
lib.linux-x86_64-2.6  sage  temp.linux-x86_64-2.6

You need the directory "sage".  It *is* the actual Sage library
install, i.e., there is a symlink from
local/lib/python/site-packages/sage to this.   It's not just a
temporary build staging area.

> - Singular is heavily modified which make it impossible to split it
> out of Sage - are there any intentions to send these modifications to
> upstream ?



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