On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 10:40:11 William Stein wrote:
> > sage -t  "devel/sage/doc/en/tutorial/tour_numtheory.rst"
> > **********************************************************************
> > File "/opt/sage/devel/sage/doc/en/tutorial/tour_numtheory.rst", line 94:
> >    sage: x = crt(2, 1, 3, 5); x
> > Expected:
> >    -4
> > Got:
> >    11
> The above two are because you are using GMP instead of MPIR.
So you are saying we need to link against the mpir version of the gmp
libraries and that linking against gmp ones produces this result.
I guess a finer point to know is. is this result correct but not reduce to
same domain? And does it have nasty consequences later - ie do
other thing rely on the result to be in this domain?

One more question, if we need to link against mpir's libgmp, does linking
sage itself against it enough, or do we need to also link pari, mpfr, mpfi
and other against it as well? mpfr in itself would be a problem as it is 
part of the toolchain (gcc is compiled against it).


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