Actually, I lie, slightly. I did find one instance of `numerical
stability' used in reference to the FFT, and that is on wikipedia (so
now we all know it must be true). There I presume the context is
signal processing rather than polynomial multiplication. I did track
down one article which specifically states that the Rader-Brennen FFT
is numerically unstable and it gave a reason why (the size of the
twiddle factors used), though I don't recall a definition of what they
meant by numerical stability. Again, I assume this concept is well-
understood by the signal processing people. How that concept actually
applies to polynomial multiplication I don't know.

What I imagine is the correct way of looking at the problem is via
pontrjagin duality, where the group algebras of Z/nZ and its dual are
isomorphic via the fourier transform. I suppose that polynomials
modulo x^n - 1 are complex valued functions on Z/nZ and that the
numerical stability of FFT's is examined in that context. Even as I
say that though, I am uncertain how inexact representations of R are
handled under this interpretation....

I'm sure it is an interesting problem. Just not one I have much time
to study theoretically at this time.


On Apr 30, 9:57 am, Bill Hart <> wrote:
> On Apr 30, 6:58 am, rjf <> wrote:
> > On Apr 29, 10:58 am, Robert Bradshaw <>
> > wrote:
> > > On Apr 29, 2010, at 8:30 AM, rjf wrote:
> > > > (RJF)Again, I see no definition of what you mean by accuracy in the 
> > > > result
> > > > of polynomial multiplication.The easiest position to take is that of 
> > > > MPFR--
> > > considering the inputs as exact rationals, how far off is the output  
> > > (say, coefficient by coefficient) from the actual result. One could  
> > > also use other measures, such as an L^2 norm over some compact region  
> > > (like [-1,1]). What may make sense for many applications is some kind  
> > > of a "slopped absolute" precision, as has been discussed with p-adic  
> > > polynomials. These would have good behavior on |x| < a or |x| > a  
> > > depending on the slope.
> > There is a large literature on the meaning of the "approximate GCD" of
> > two polynomials with floating-point coefficients.  The term
> > "stability"
> > also has a pretty good definition, and it does not seem to correspond
> > to how you are using it here.
> Approximate GCD? That's a curious concept. What is it used for? I
> can't imagine defining a GCD in this context as divisibility is an
> exact phenomenon.
> I hear the term numerical stability used quite a lot. The two contexts
> I've encountered it are in linear algebra and in differential
> equations. Actually, I might have heard it used in polynomial
> evaluation too.
> I happily admit that I've no idea of a definition in the case of
> polynomial multiplication. However, regardless of what the correct
> terminology is, the problem I am studying is precisely the one stated,
> which I took to be the subject of the thread.
> I'm not interested in numerical stability in any of the other senses
> that I know of, at this point. I don't even claim that what I am
> studying is a useful notion, But feel free to suggest some references
> if there is something I ought to read. Oh wait, every single published
> article out there is nonsense. Damn, I forgot. You don't recommend any
> articles.
> Bill.
> > > It all really depends on your application, and currently we don't  
> > > define, let alone make guarantees, on the precision of the result (and  
> > > nor does Maxima as far as I understand).
> > Maxima was designed around exact arithmetic, and generally offers to
> > convert floats to their corresponding exact rationals before doing
> > anything
> > that requires arithmetic. It makes no claims about floats per se,
> > partly
> > because saying anything sensible is a challenge, compounded by
> > particular issues that are not mathematical but practical .. overflow,
> > different machine floating point formats, etc
> > > We do, however, try to avoid  
> > > algorithms that are known to be numerically unstable.
> > The lack of serious understanding of numerical computation in Sage is
> > unfortunate. It might be cured by someone taking an interest in the
> > topic
> > and taking a course or two.
> > > Fortunately for us, many asymptotically fast algorithms do have  
> > > cutoffs well within the size ranges we regularly encounter, and low  
> > > enough that it makes a significant difference in the runtime.
> > There are a few, but not many compared to the huge number that you
> > will encounter
> > if you read certain theoretical journals.
> > If you care about specifics of the failure of theoretical computer
> > scientists
> > to address computation, write to me privately.
> > RJF
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