> On 11 September 2010 21:48, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> > When building femhub and packages for femhub, I have to deal with
> > these fortran issues as well. And I never understood
> > 
> > a) why sage used g95 in the first place (yes I know it's smaller, but
> > it's not standard at all imho)
> Agreed. I can't see the point of it.
> > b) all this mess with fortran --- lots of packages (like Trilinos)
> > simply fail to compile thanks to some setup in Sage/FEMhub due to
> > fortran/blas/atlas. It works in Ubuntu.
> > 
> > So I just want to give you a big thumbs up to make these fortran
> > issues less pain, and following standards more.
> > 
> > Ondrej
> To follow "standards" in the lose sense of the word, we would drop the
> name SAGE_FORTRAN and instead use FC like other packages to indicate
> the path to a Fortran compiler.
> * We do not have SAGE_C, we use CC instead
> * We do not have SAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS - we use CXX instead
> * We DO use SAGE_FORTRAN, when everyone else uses FC now.
> That's a different issue though. Sage would need more changes to get
> rid of SAGE_FORTRAN. But it would be worth it in my opinion. Having a
> script as a compiler is a pain. One can''t see what options are passed
> to the code.
> BTW, POSIX does not mandate the use of CC, CXX or FC, but does contain
> a list of commonly used variables they suggest people do not use. FC
> is one of them. So whilst it is not a "standard", it is rather
> commonly used.
+1 to move to FC. 

surely you meant: "they suggest people use" rather than "do not use"?


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