On 09/12/10 12:10 AM, François Bissey wrote:
On 11 September 2010 21:48, Ondrej Certik<ond...@certik.cz>  wrote:
When building femhub and packages for femhub, I have to deal with
these fortran issues as well. And I never understood

a) why sage used g95 in the first place (yes I know it's smaller, but
it's not standard at all imho)

Agreed. I can't see the point of it.

b) all this mess with fortran --- lots of packages (like Trilinos)
simply fail to compile thanks to some setup in Sage/FEMhub due to
fortran/blas/atlas. It works in Ubuntu.

So I just want to give you a big thumbs up to make these fortran
issues less pain, and following standards more.


To follow "standards" in the lose sense of the word, we would drop the
name SAGE_FORTRAN and instead use FC like other packages to indicate
the path to a Fortran compiler.

* We do not have SAGE_C, we use CC instead
* We do not have SAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS - we use CXX instead
* We DO use SAGE_FORTRAN, when everyone else uses FC now.

That's a different issue though. Sage would need more changes to get
rid of SAGE_FORTRAN. But it would be worth it in my opinion. Having a
script as a compiler is a pain. One can''t see what options are passed
to the code.

BTW, POSIX does not mandate the use of CC, CXX or FC, but does contain
a list of commonly used variables they suggest people do not use. FC
is one of them. So whilst it is not a "standard", it is rather
commonly used.

+1 to move to FC.

surely you meant: "they suggest people use" rather than "do not use"?


No, I said what I meant.

CC/CXX/FC are not standards as mandated by the Unix standard. So the Unix standard does not suggest you use them. What they suggest you do is to not use commonly used variables for anything else. This is what what is said.


"It is unwise to conflict with certain variables that are frequently exported by widely used command interpreters and applications:"

That list includes CC, CXX and FC.

So its agreed FC is widely use - why the hell does Sage have to be any 


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