On 10/25/2010 05:04 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On 10/25/10 06:21 PM, kcrisman wrote:
>>>> 2. what is needed to run a buildbot?
>>> Mitesh will know more, since he has set them up.
>>> I know for me personally I just gave him an account (username
>>> buildbot), and an IP address into which the buildbot can ssh.
>> Was there an announcement of this recently?  I might be able to make a

No, not really.

>> machine available for this, depending on what the buildbot would
>> actually do.  Mitesh or you can email offlist if desired.

Thanks!  I'll try to starting adding new contributed hosts in the coming
weeks.  If you're interested, please let me know by emailing me directly.

If I don't reply immediately, it's probably because I'm a bit "Saged
out" and should "decompress" for a spell after 4.6 is out.

> I can't recall if there was an announcement, but I was cc'ed on a ticket
> about this. There's some quite interesting looking graphs
> Go to here
> http://build.sagemath.org/sage/
> then pick one of several sorts.
> I find this Waterfall most informative
> http://build.sagemath.org/sage/waterfall
> I don't think the 'console'
> http://build.sagemath.org/sage/console
> is too useful - I suspect there's some information missing from that.

We're not yet using a few potentially useful Buildbot features.  These
would populate some of the empty pages/fields.  There's an evolving,
informal, and non-binding TODO list at


See also


> The buildslaves page
> http://build.sagemath.org/sage/buildslaves
> could perhaps be improved a bit, with more detailed information, though
> perhaps there's not the space.

There's more space on the individual pages, e.g.,


But I haven't yet filled out this information for most.

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