>   I would expect significant pushback from the Gentoo people
> on the issue of including other projects inside Sage. GCL
> packaged gmp4 (now fixed) and their response was that this
> should not be part of GCL. I'm not sure if independently
> available projects (e.g. ECL, Maxima, etc) would fit the
> compile-from-source Gentoo model. Certainly the packaging
> of OSX binaries for Fortran will raise a few eyebrows.
Hi Tim,

Yes Thomas told me about your exchange. The basic idea is that 
we don't like duplication generally. That's not specifically a Gentoo thing.

However, what the user does with a tar ball downloaded from sagemath or
axiom is their business. But if we are officially packaging it we try to avoid
that. Sometimes we have no choices (openoffice.org, google's chromium 
and paraview come to mind). For sage-on-gentoo if have totally split sage
in its components. In fact, we even have split the sage spkg in two: the
library libcsage and the python extension.
gmp is a fundamental piece of the system and the only reason gmp4 wouldn't
be in the system is that the user has moved to gmp5. That's one of the package
we fundamentally don't want replicated.

I am pleased you say it is fixed, that means making axiom a package for Gentoo
is on again and _I_ won't have to fix that particular problem (I volunteered).


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