On Dec 9, 7:03 pm, Rob Beezer <goo...@beezer.cotse.net> wrote:
> Thanks, everybody, for the illuminating discussion.
> Is there any objection to deprecating the current .adjoint() function
> (which returns a matrix of cofactors) and renaming it as the
> "adjugate"?  With all the usual procedures and warnings for the
> deprecation.  That would begin the process to free up "adjoint" for
> something else (ideally the conjugate-transpose).

We definitely should have adjoint be conjugate transpose as soon as
possible.  In this case, I would even argue that the current behavior
is close enough to "wrong" that it would be acceptable to discuss a
shorter deprecation period, though in reality Sage 5.0 isn't coming
soon, so that will still be plenty of time...

> Jason - wasn't there some spirited discussion a while ago about using
> Python properties?  I couldn't find it in a search.

Oh, please don't bring that back.  It's already enough work getting
students to remember the parentheses; having to remember when to use
it or not, yikes...

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