On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 06:00, Julien Puydt <julien.pu...@laposte.net> wrote:
>> beta branch: these would be introduced when the release manager has
>> decided to cut off new features from the next release. these would be
>> heavily tested across many platforms until it was determined stable
>> enough for release, at which point we would make it a
> Well, yes and no : branches can be used for new development, or to test
> patches/branches from others.
>> release branch: these are static, never to be changed
> A release is just tagging the "master" ; branches are for live things.

Not exactly a tagging of "master", since I would imagine that there
would be commits added to the "master" that were not added to the
"beta" (obviously the reverse would never be true).

This makes it obvious that I'm against having later versions of sage
be based upon previous versions, however, I am completely for later
versions of sage having all of the commits of earlier versions of sage
(as well as all relative order maintained).


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