On Sunday, March 2, 2014 1:34:51 AM UTC-8, Volker Braun wrote:
> On Sunday, March 2, 2014 2:31:56 AM UTC+1, rjf wrote:
>> The papers you can find from that search might change your mind.  How 
>> hard is it to say
>> sine of  eks over cosine of  eks equals tangent of  x  ?
> sin(x/cos(x)) = tan(x) ?

There are preferred groupings  (i.e. implicit parentheses) that can (and 
are) used for
parsing speech.  They are not too hard to set up.  It must be possible to 
speak the
other groupings, such as

sine of quantity eks over cosine of eks close equals tangent of x.

which would get your result.  I'm not saying that speech is totally 
Try speaking the quadratic formula.  If you begin with "minus b plus or 
minus ..." 
you have lost the denominator. 

On the other hand, if math could not be "linearized" textually, we couldn't 
type it, either.
You can, if you wish, experiment with constructing a parser in which 
parentheses are
mostly optional, even without speech input.  Just a sequence of tokens.  
See how
far you get by adding tokens  "the quantity"  and "end"   or  some such.  
e.g. open, close.
or in Tex,  { }.

Why do math teachers speak when they write formulas on the black/white 
What is it that they say?

> Really useful speech input, as in being able to efficiently do any 
> programming/math input without being restricted to a narrow domain is IMHO 
> going to sound more like R2D2 opening a door than a poetry reading contest:

As in other domains, the people who are most enthusiastic are those who 
provide facilities for
the disabled.  I am more motivated by providing facilities for people who 
COULD type or
select tokens from a palette or handwrite,  but would rather dictate (say) 
TeX than type it. 

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SkdfdXWYaI

I looked at this a bit.  There is a history of this kind of thing, e.g. 
RMS at one point (maybe still?) could no longer type.

There was early work at Bell Labs, too.
The major issue is to come up with a command language mechanism that you 
can speak.

For math input this is not much of an issue except for commands
"start math"  and "end math".
Everything else is a stream of tokens to be inserted somehow into an 

We don't need to talk like R2D2 like the guy in the youtube video above.


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