> From Andrew:
> > Hi Nathan,
> >
> > I participated in the initial drafting of the code. Our draft closely
> > follows, and was stolen from, similar codes of conduct from other
> projects.
> The main question of Nathann, which is really fundamental is: "why was
> it redacted by a small group of people and immediately proposed as a
> vote (and not as an open discussion)?". This is really what happend:
> the first message of the thread is the proposal of the code of honnor
> (by Volker) and the second is the proposal to vote about it (by
> William).

You're not being completely fair on this. There was a lot of discussions
going on on the first thread before the vote was proposed. Most of the
discussion was about having a code of conduct or not having one, but people
could also have suggested changes in the text itself.

I don't know why people wrote the text before, probably it didn't strike
them as being a problem as they mostly adapted other texts from similar
groups. Anyway, I don't see anything weird here. Sometimes, we do the same
with code: someone just does the job and propose an implementation and then
ask the community what they think. It does not mean the text cannot be

> You are right that there was a communication problem. But this was not
> presented in this way!
> > Ultimately all that it  asks is that people be polite and respectful
> > towards others. I don't think that this very onerous.
> This has been discussed and I do not agree. The code of honor is not
> at all welcoming. I would have started any official text by "Anybody
> is welcome to contribute" or something like that. It looks much more:
> like if you do not agree with somebody then do not say it too loudly.

Once again, the text can be changed, you can make such a proposition...
Also it is not a question of not being loudly, but of being respectful when
disagreeing, which was not always the case in sage-devel.

> +1
> Let me say again on the list that I am in favor of having a text that
> define what is the sage community. And this has to be agreed by
> everyone and modified until a common consensus. A wiki page is open:
> http://wiki.sagemath.org/SageCommunityProposal

That seems like interesting project but it's quite a different one and a
much bigger one. In my opinion, the actual "Code of conduct" has no
ambition to define the Sage community, I really understand it as some basic
guidelines to behave towards each other...

> > The motivation for suggesting the code was that quite a few people were
> > unhappy with repeated negative comments that appeared in a long series of
> > posts. I had tried talking off-list with the person making these to try
> and
> I really think that this should have been said before. This is really
> important to mention that some people were hurt. Anne Schilling
> mentioned some of it but it was never really discussed. It seems that
> it is the "hidden" subject of that proposal. And it is shameful that
> it ends with the creation of a police.

Once again, I don't see where there is a police. No one has been given any
power over anyone else, there is no sanction mentioned, or anything like

> > guidelines in the hope that this might help. I'm still a little baffled
> as
> > to why the suggestion that we try to being nice to each other  is causing
> > such a commotion.
> You can not state "be nice" as an order. The only thing which makes
> sense is to say "welcome".

I disagree with that. You can say "welcome" and "be nice" (or something
more specific like "be respectful"), I don't see why not.

> Vincent
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