On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 9:35 AM, Erik Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 5) also might be harder than you think--or at least, even if we can
> come up with an uncontroversial list of names, it's a discussion that
> invites questions about project governance.

To make it easier, I would suggest that the three names are for the
people specifically interested
in managing things related to the donations under NumFocus, and that's
the extent of
their roles.   So -- to keep this easier -- they aren't **the triad of
sages in charge of Sage forever**,
they are just in charge of this particular money.

I personally would nominate the following three people: Erik, Dima, Frédéric

Why?  They are the three in this thread who are most interested in
volunteering time to work on this,
and they all are clearly longterm serious Sage developers with
excellent reputations in the community.

 -- William

William (http://wstein.org)

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