On Jan 3, 4:33 pm, calcp...@aol.com wrote:


> Exactly, the function log base 2 of x is not defined at 0.
> So, why won't sage return some sort of domain error?

We call numpy for the numerical roots and I guess this might be a bug
there, but we will check. Somebody please open a ticket for this.

> I noticed something similar when I plotted (x^2-1)/(x-1) and got the
> graph of x+1.
> I was hoping for a removeable discontinuity to show in the graph!
> IE a hole in y=x+1 at x=1.

Ouch, I think this might explain the problem:

| Sage Version 3.2.3.final, Release Date: 2009-01-02                 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: f=(x^2-1)/(x-1); f
(x^2 - 1)/(x - 1)
sage: f.simplify()
(x^2 - 1)/(x - 1)
sage: f.simplify_full()
x + 1

Not sure is this is an issue with Maxima, but I would guess so.
simplify_full() shouldn't do this since it is clearly mathematically
not equivalent. My suspicion is that we probably call simplify_full()
before plotting and/or feeding it into _fast_float(). Someone please
open another ticket for this one.

> TIA,



> A. Jorge Garcia
> Teacher and Professor
> Applied Math and Comp Sci
> Baldwin High and Nassau CC
> Long Island, NY, USA
> mailto:calcp...@aol.comftp://ftp.baldwinschools.nethttp://calcpage.tripod.com/bshs
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