On Jan 3, 2009, at 4:33 PM, calcp...@aol.com wrote:

> Exactly, the function log base 2 of x is not defined at 0.
> So, why won't sage return some sort of domain error?

Sage doesn't test to see if the function is defined on the whole  
domain (if this is even a decidable question in general, and I bet  
it's not), it just passes the expression to maxima and/or numpy. Of  
course, there is lots of room for improvement, and I don't like the  
current behavior.

> I noticed something similar when I plotted (x^2-1)/(x-1) and got the
> graph of x+1.
> I was hoping for a removeable discontinuity to show in the graph!
> IE a hole in y=x+1 at x=1.

If you evaluate (x^2-1)/(x-1) at 100, or even 1000s of random points  
say, between 0 and 10, chances are very slim you'll try and evaluate  
it at the point x=1. Thus when you interpolate the rest of the graph  
it would come out as a straight line. Also, it's unclear how much of  
a "hole" you would want to see--mathematically even one pixel would  
be too large.

It would be nice to do something more clever than evaluate at a bunch  
of points and "connect" the dots, but then there is no end to the  
amount of cleverness one could ask for.

- Robert

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