> The terminal opened as follows:
> Last login: Sun Mar  8 16:23:08 on console
> /Applications/sage/sage ; exit;
> You have mail.
> Laptop-3:~ test$ /Applications/sage/sage ; exit;
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Sage Version 3.2.3, Release Date: 2009-01-05                       |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sage:

This looks great - type in


then Enter, and hopefully you will get


> The instructions say:
> 4) Select to run it with "Terminal":
>      Choose Applications, then select "All Applications" in the
>      "Enable:" drop down.  Change the "Applications" drop down
>      to "Utilities".  On the left, scroll and select "Terminal".
>      Click "Open", then in the next dialog select "Update".

Apparently your Mac already knows what to do with Sage, or perhaps our
dmg builder already made the double-clickable application available
for download (mabshoff, did you do that with 3.2.3?).

Anyway, if you can enter commands, that sounds good.  As it says, type
notebook() for the graphical user interface.

> Also: I intend to use sage in TeXshop with LaTeX. When I try to follow
> the instructions there and run the supplied
> tutorial file, I get the error message that sage does not work.

There are several threads about this on the sage-support list right
now; probably more details about the error message and the exact steps
you followed would help those who are experts in this to give you a
helpful answer.

Good luck,
- kcrisman
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