Thanks for your help, everything works great now.
How do I write matrices inside [ ] instead of ( )  ?

On Mar 9, 7:38 am, kcrisman <> wrote:
> > The terminal opened as follows:
> > Last login: Sun Mar  8 16:23:08 on console
> > /Applications/sage/sage ; exit;
> > You have mail.
> > Laptop-3:~ test$ /Applications/sage/sage ; exit;
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > | Sage Version 3.2.3, Release Date: 2009-01-05                       |
> > | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > sage:
> This looks great - type in
> 2+2
> then Enter, and hopefully you will get
> 4
> > The instructions say:
> > 4) Select to run it with "Terminal":
> >      Choose Applications, then select "All Applications" in the
> >      "Enable:" drop down.  Change the "Applications" drop down
> >      to "Utilities".  On the left, scroll and select "Terminal".
> >      Click "Open", then in the next dialog select "Update".
> Apparently your Mac already knows what to do with Sage, or perhaps our
> dmg builder already made the double-clickable application available
> for download (mabshoff, did you do that with 3.2.3?).
> Anyway, if you can enter commands, that sounds good.  As it says, type
> notebook() for the graphical user interface.
> > Also: I intend to use sage in TeXshop with LaTeX. When I try to follow
> > the instructions there and run the supplied
> > tutorial file, I get the error message that sage does not work.
> There are several threads about this on the sage-support list right
> now; probably more details about the error message and the exact steps
> you followed would help those who are experts in this to give you a
> helpful answer.
> Good luck,
> - kcrisman
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