Hi all!

Thank you very much for all your comments and your help to improve my
general knowledge! I guess these are things that one would learn at
school, but I never learned English in a formal setting over a period
of more than 4 weeks. At school I just had German, Latin, French and
Ancient Greek, and at university I had one semester of Akkadian...

Back to "a" vs "an": If it depends on pronunciation then I doubt that
there is an easy algorithm. So, I have to look for a way around.

I can not say "the", because my problem comes from the __repr__ method
of cochains (or actually cocycles, but I thought that cocycles are
cochains, after all). It would, for example return
  c_2_2*b_1_0^6+c_2_2^3*b_1_0^2, a 8-Cochain in H^*(D8; GF(2))

In general, it starts with either a custom name or a construction
description. The construction description may be "0", therefore I add
information on the degree and the cohomology ring it belongs to. And
since the cohomology ring contains more than one cochain class, I
can't say "the cochain".

Perhaps this is a way out:
 c_2_2*b_1_0^6+c_2_2^3*b_1_0^2: 8-Cochain in H^*(D8; GF(2))


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