Yes, I think that's right, Justin.

I just tried this:

1.  Build libpng and libjpeg, static-only, and install to SAGE_LOCAL/
2.  Build Imaging-1.1.7 (after setting CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to point
to SAGE_LOCAL), and install to SAGE_LOCAL/lib.
3.  Remove my /opt/local/lib/ directory.

Now and .show() work fine.

I think this should become part of the Sage build process, if it isn't
already.  That way you won't wind up with "improper builds".  You can
delete the PNG and JPEG libraries after building PIL, as they're now
statically linked into the PIL libraries.

So, why not build libpng and libjpeg dynamically?  Because Sage also
sets DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (usually a bad indicator on Macs), and the
dynamic version would override the versions various system frameworks
(like ImageIO) are supposed to link against.  Might it make more sense
to use DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH for this purpose?


On Nov 13, 11:50 am, "Justin C. Walker" <> wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2011, at 09:59 , Bill Janssen wrote:
> > You're implying that 4.7.1 or 4.7.2 fix this issue in some way?  I
> > don't see anything in the release notes which would cause me to
> > suspect that.
> Unless I'm still too caffeine-deprived, I think the issue is that you are one 
> of the first to try the Mac OS X 10.5 binary release of 4.7, at least with 
> something involving this particular library.
> There is no (i.e., doesn't seem to be an) issue for those who are using 
> either a different binary or have built from source (at least, your 
> primordial example works for me) (once I change my name to "wjanssen" :-}).
> This doesn't seem to be a problem in Sage that needs to be fixed.  It seems 
> to be a problem with one (or perhaps more than one) binary that has been 
> built improperly.
> If someone else doesn't verify this first, I'll try to get to it tomorrow.
> Justin
> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
> Director
> Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's income
> -----------
> --
> They said it couldn't be done, but sometimes,
> it doesn't work out that way.
>   - Casey Stengel
> --

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