On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 3:38 PM Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de> wrote:
> > sage: DOT_SAGE
> > '/home/user/.sage/'
> Do you literally mean "user", not the specific name of a single user?

yes, all cocalc projects run under the same user "user" in their own container.

$ echo $USER
$ id
uid=2001(user) gid=2001(user) groups=2001(user)

> Does that perhaps mean that some users have no write permission to
> it?

No, /home/user is a read/write mounted volume and ~/.sage is a
directory inside of it. i.e.

$ ls -ld ~/.sage
drwx------ 14 user user 20 Aug 19  2018 /home/user/.sage

$ touch ~/.sage/foo
$ ls -l ~/.sage/foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 Jul 12 17:38 /home/user/.sage/foo

> That would explain why the files are missing (because they are
> created when missing, which requires write permission).

Is there a way to explicitly trigger the creation of such a file?
Maybe some error pops up that reveals more information.

> > Sage is in a globally shared read-only directory
> > /ext/sage/sage-<version> and permissions are set such that a user "user"
> > can read/exec it.
> But not write? Then there is the underlying reason why meataxe doesn't
> work. I created the SharedMeatAxe wrapper under the assumption that a
> user has write permissions in DOT_SAGE.

No, users cannot write to /ext. But DOT_SAGE points to
/home/user/.sage, which is read-write, though.

$ sage -c 'print DOT_SAGE'

$ sage -c 'matrix(GF(25), [[1]])'
p025.zzz: No such file or directory
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