From: Johnna Teare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>On 16 Aug 99, at 10:12, Nick Humphries wrote:

>> *  How many units of any particular software title are being sold a month?

>> *  Is there any possibility of the older titles being rereleased either on

>> a compilation or separately.

>Now that is perhaps a very valid point. There would be a great

>demand for, say , The Enigma Collection or Pop, Lemmings and

>ONML all in the one pack. If the people who hold their licences still

>want to try and feed their families on the back of SAM Software

>sales, then this is the way forward.

Re-releasing could be the way forward. After eight years or so, Prince of Persia
simply isn't worth £9.99 in today's market. Back in the Spectrum days, games got
re-released about four years after its original release (and the period got
shorter towards the end of the Spectrum era, sometimes down to the order of a
few months). Why haven't the SAM software sellers followed suit?

An uncharitable mind would put it down to greed, to squeeze every last penny out
of the SAM market. Put PoP et al out for £2.99 or £3.99 and you'd sell a few
copies. Create three or four game compilations and put them out for a tenner and
you'll make some more money. In a games market which is very probably
non-existent, any sales are better than none at all.


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