Gordon Wallis wrote:
> Martin Wilson wrote:
> [snip]
> > Well special reserve still have 3do software at £3.99
> >

On the subject of Special Reserve I'm well annoyed with them. I ordered
a slot 1 converter from them on a sunday then quickly discovered about a
half hour later that their price was about three times that of another
supplier. So I went back to the special reserve site to find the sales
department email address like you would for many internet shopping sites
but there isn't one. I used the webmasters email address to cancel the
slot 1 converter but they still sent it anyway or at least it now says
on the site it has been despatched. I couldn't believe its a truly crap
internet shopping site. To be honest its completely put me off special
reserve I probably won't shop there again unless I see a mega bargain. I
don't like this sort of thing. Theres bound to be questions,
complications etc occasionally so why no contact email addresses?

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