On 16 Aug 99, at 16:25, David Ledbury wrote:

> > On 15 Aug 99, at 22:24, Martin Wilson wrote:
> > 
> > > > The last time this one was mentioned someone went on to say that
> > > > they shouldn't be uploaded because of various copyright reasons.
> > > >=20
> > >=20
> > 
> I think before u even think of doing this - you should contact Persona:
> their telephone number is on my website www.persona.clara.net

The reasons why we've put this debate into the public forum is to 
get feedback and debate the issue publically.

Certainly the arguments _for_ putting some downloads up are 
clear. I'm waiting for someone to enter into the public forum and 
explain the reasons _against_.

Of course I'm not out to put everybody in the SAM world out of a 
job, and I don't want to damage any potential trade that might exist, 
but most of teh games and utilities that I would be interested in 
putting on an ftp were written ten years ago - thing like MultiPack, 
Mind Games, Defenders etc. Utils like Etracker - freeware anyway 
now, perhaps version 1 of the MIDI Sequencer, Football Director II, 
Famous Five, Issues 1-50 of FRED, pretty much every other disk 

Most of the people on this list are likely to already have this stuff 
anyway - the only people who'd be getting freebies would be 
those who were new to the SAM Emulator scene - people who 
are unlikely to buy any of this software from a company whilst just 
dabbling with the SAM but who would possibly putmoney into the 
SAM if they got interested in it.

Companies have been flogging some of this software for ten years 
now - imagine if Ocean were selling Hunchback or Mr Wimpy for 
full price whilst they were releasing Chase HQ on the Speccy - it 
would have been ridiculous.

There's nothing stopping people from putting the files up there now 
- stick them on an ftp in another country, Russia for example, and 
you'd have a nightmare trying to bring a copyright suit against 
them. However, the whole thing is much better done in cooperation 
with the SAM world rather than against it.

A better idea would be to knock up a CDR with everything the SAM 
has had written for it on it plus an emulator. You could then flog 
this and redirect some money back into the companies who 
participated. The last tim this kind of idea was mooted around, 
various 'industry heavies' if indeed we have a SAM industry 
scrambled around desperately trying to put a stop to it all to 
preserve their crumbling monopolies.

Sorry folks, but its open season now. Either come up with some 
attractive ways of remarketing games that most SAM owners 
already have, or expect the worst.

This is a chance to do somethig a bit different and take the SAM 
into the new millenium with a chance of survival - even if it is only 
in emulated form.

Go on - send me the death threats that usually accompany 
anybody who tries to undermine the great Fred / Format empire.

[god i love stirring it up!]
> -- 

Peace, Love and Kisses,
JohnnaPig Teare
"It won't get better but it might never get worse..."

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