> I mentioned to Bob ages ago that he should advertise the SAM in
> electronics magazines. It's an excellent platform for electronics
> experiments.... It's the one reason why I got my SAM out of the attic
> a couple of years ago.
> But, "No!" he said...
> Justin.
To add to that :)
A while (OK a very long time ago) when the SAM came out it was featured in the
Magazine Everyday Electronics, where they did some stuff about its interface, 
I was too young to do much with it then. Unfortunately due to various problems
we all know about, they stopped the SAM & speccy column. I believe they have a
PC one now.


  /\   /\          "Be quick to judge yourself and
 /  \_/  \          slow to judge others"
/ .     . \EOW CAT
     Y             http://homepages.tesco.net/~Diggory/

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