On 22 Sep 99, at 10:07, Nick Humphries wrote:

> From: Chris White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [Prince Of Persia]
> >But it did sell 1500+ Copies for Sam Co
> Hmmm... that's got me thinking... When SAMCo went down, Alan Miles put
> poor sofware sales down to putting demos on the NewsDisk - he complained
> that out of a user base of 1500, only five people ordered a copy of some
> shoot-em-up.
> How many copies did he EXPECT to sell? What percentage of people usually
> buy games as a result of playing a demo?

I think the main point to be made was that the demos were pretty 
crap . Plasmoid (later to become Dyzonium) looked like a bad 
budget Speccy game. Great game maybe, but not anywhere near 
the class of DOFE to look at.

Then there was Vegetable Vaction...nuff said.

Batz n Ballz. Great game, but impossible to play without a mouse. 
Nobody i know can get past the demo on a keyboard or joystick.

Manic Miner - a demo that worked well. Enough to give you a taster 
- two levels - and made me go out and buy the games.

The simple fact is, if the games were worth buying, people bought 
them. But who wants to spend a tenner on stuff like Star Atlas 
(yes...I bought it!) and Splat when they can buy the same stuff 
(literally in the case of splat!) on teh speccy and run it under Lerm 
for less than £3.

I think I bought more stuff _because_ of seeing it on Newsdisk than 
anything else. Otherwise,  I would never have touched E Tracker, 
SCADs, SAS or the like.

> Nick

Peace, Love and Kisses,
JohnnaPig Teare
ICQ: 48928093
"It won't get better but it might never get worse..."

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