> Aley went for the latter- although what he's actually done, as far as I can
> tell, is actually build up that buffer every 1/50th of a second and then
> squirt it. This means that changes that occur at finer than 1/50th sec
> resolution will be lost using Aley's code as far as I can see - so much for
> emulating Sam Mod Player!
> (Aley has a function called UpdateSound which he says should be called 50
> times a second ... and the SAA registers are maintained through a simple
> byte array which affords no time-stamping .. :(
> I was under the impression that the solution to use would be to build a list
> of OUT 255,n instructions timestamped by t-state, and then every 50th/sec
> build up a buffer from that list?
> Dave

Dave, please stop consult these thing on Sam users.
If somebody reads this, he must think my SAAemu is somewhat very bad, evil

I declared Hq driver as experimental, MANY features doesn't work yet,
since I've only put this stuff to the existing SAAemu. No additional fixes
has been done.
SAAemu is tested on SAA32 now, and it can't use anything else than 1/50th
timing, since it emulates game-music on that system.

When there will be SimCoupe available, I will do the advancements, I will
do some fixes so the sound latency is not as bad as it is now, and finally
I will add the support of sending commands to the emulator, as you want
(without 1/50th sec. boundaries.)


You idea of building a list of OUT 255,xxx instruction seems to be good.
Maybe we should process this-way buffered data 100 times per second. This
would help to lower the latency.

 Aley [eili] Keprt - student, programmer (multimedia soft. etc.)
                    phone: +420-68-538 70 35
     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ***  http://get.to/aley

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