On Friday 08 Mar 2002 5:32 pm, you wrote:
Your sarcasm is directed at the copyright holders of old games. You're asking them to abandon their rights and allow you to copy the game for free. Is this not a favour? What exactly do they owe you?

Did you read my last post in response to sarcasm?!! It most definitely was NOT directed at the copyright holders of old games.

Just because you can download games for other systems, doesn't make it legal. You mentioned JetPac, and Ultimate are one of the companies who most viciously protect their old Spectrum games: you didn't find JetPac at World Of Spectrum.

Correct! I never said I did!!!

I think the point is that people on this list only want to point out download sites which respect the wishes of the copyright owner. If that wish is that some money goes to charity every time somebody gets a game, then it's their right to say so and you should respect it too.

I would if I knew what games they were referring to!

Persona negotiated with some programmers to get rights to distribute a number of their titles, when the original publisher(s) went into liquidation. I don't see that the situation should be any different between these titles and the ones developed for Persona specifically.

You don't? Well that's your opinion, which I will respect. Amstrad bought the rights to the Sinclair ROM - what would you say if they charged you for using that, however indirectly? What would you say if Simon Owen charged you for using SIM Coupe?

Unlike a certain other publisher who allegedly copied the same games and sold them for money, paying no royalties to the programmer. Suffice it to say that there is a *LOT* of history here, some very bitter memories, and I think most of the people who were involved at the time would rather put the circumstances behind them and not get involved with it again.

Fair enough - but I don't know of *ANY* history, so forgive me.

Part of the problem is that there was so much misinformation and half-truths spread about by a few influential people, that very few people will ever now know exactly who owns what. To the best of my knowledge, Persona negotiated rights to all the Enigma games, the SamCo (original-Revelation) games, everything by Phoenix software systems, and Exodus by Apex. I don't know who owns the Fred titles now, there was a lot of changing-hands a few years ago,

Well that's all I'm trying to find out...

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