On 16/04/2012 11:29, Simon Owen wrote:
Seems like a promising start: http://simonowen.com/raspberrypi

Speed is fine with the normal SDL build, even with demanding titles like 
MNEMOdemo1 part 2.  It ran at about 450% with the emulator turbo button held 
(max speed but video capped at 5fps).

The OpenGL version ran very slowly in X, as though it was missing hardware 
acceleration.  That will be needed for the 5:4 aspect ratio feature, to make it 
look more like the original display.

There wasn't any sound from the 3.5mm jack, and I did see some warnings about 
not being able to find a sound device.  My monitor doesn't have speakers so I 
haven't checked whether there's anything over HDMI, but I doubt it.  I'm using 
the latest Debian build from 13th April, so I'll need to look into drivers etc.

I had to head off to work so it's just a brief look for now...


I just get a 403 error following that link.. Do you have some .htaccess rule in there somewhere?

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