The talk of "Lost" and the less-than-spectacular ending (no Spoilers!) made me 
think of "The Sopranos", whose ending angered many fans. And that made me think 
of BSG, whose ending angered many fans. BSG made me think of "Enterprise", 
whose ending angered many--get the drift? 

So I was thinking of shows that we loved or at least were attached to, which 
ended in less than satisfactory methods. 
"Enterprise" ticked me off by using another time-travel type device, by killing 
Trip, and by inserting Riker and Troi unnecessarily. 

What other series can you think of whose endings you anticipated, but which 
disappointed you? I'm talking about shows that actually got an ending, not 
those that were canceled and simply stopped airing new eps. This can be scifi, 
animation, or any real life drama. 

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