Seinfeld was disappointing. Not that I loved the show but I got into it
during the last season and remember being disappointed.

Most American shows have been bad with endings. Many of them are canceled
before there is a scheduled ending so I guess that they don't know how to
finish it.

Big O was another disappointment, but it wasn't their fault. The creators
got caught up in a mess and they didn't get a chance to complete the

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Keith Johnson

> The talk of "Lost" and the less-than-spectacular ending (no Spoilers!) made
> me think of "The Sopranos", whose ending angered many fans. And that made me
> think of BSG, whose ending angered many fans. BSG made me think of
> "Enterprise", whose ending angered many--get the drift?
> So I was thinking of shows that we loved or at least were attached to,
> which ended in less than satisfactory methods.
> "Enterprise" ticked me off by using another time-travel type device, by
> killing Trip, and by inserting Riker and Troi unnecessarily.
> What other series can you think of whose endings you anticipated, but which
> disappointed you? I'm talking about shows that actually got an ending, not
> those that were canceled and simply stopped airing new eps. This can be
> scifi, animation, or any real life drama.

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