Wow, strong sentiment! For the last couple of years, Voyager used to air at 4 
or 5 pm EST, and I recorded or watched it daily. It was amazing because I 
wasn't a big fan, and probably had only seen two-thirds of the eps. So it was a 
very new shows in many ways to me. I came to like it more, but never loved it. 
Things like the over reliance on Seven--who was even shown as a better martial 
artist than fighting expert Tuvok--the minimization and castration of Chakotay 
as a strong character, Harry Kim being treated like a stereotypical smart, 
harmless Asian eunuch--it all irritated me. Like you, though , I enjoyed a few 
arcs. I didn't like "Unimatrix Zero" because it went too far for me. The whole 
idea of this alternate world where the real personalities of the Borg gathered 
was just overkill, as I was really tiring of the dependence on the Borg. I did 
like "Year of Hell", I liked the eps when they crew was put into a WWII 
scenario and hunted by the Hirogen (sp?), and I liked almost any ep focusing on 
the Doctor. 
The ending didn't bother me as much as Enterprise's, though the use of time 
travel again(!) had me spewing vitriol! WTF was B&B's fascination with time 
My other only complaint with the Voyager finale was that I wanted to see what 
happened *after* they got back to Earth. I'm a big fan of the story behind the 
story. What about Chakotay and the other Maquis? Were they subject to a court 
martial, then pardoned? Was he brought up on charges? Did Janeway have to speak 
for them? What did Seven do on a planet of billions of illogical beings? What 
was Tuvok's reunion with his wife like? Tom's with his dad? 
A big opportunity missed for a great epilogue.... 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daryle Lockhart" <> 
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 3:09:18 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Series That Ended Badly 

"Voyager". What a complete waste of time. 

If you'll remember, I recently decided towatch the show from the beginning at 
the suggestion of Garrett Wang. I have now watched every episode of Voyager. 
"Year Of Hell" and "Unimatrix Zero" are worth the price of admission (episodes 
that remind me remarkably of where the "Lost" finale went left, but I digress) 
. But Endgame was the worst ending of any Star Trek show in history -- 
INCLUDING "Enterprise". 

On May 24, 2010, at 2:06 PM, Keith Johnson wrote: 

The talk of "Lost" and the less-than-spectacular ending (no Spoilers!) made me 
think of "The Sopranos", whose ending angered many fans. And that made me think 
of BSG, whose ending angered many fans. BSG made me think of "Enterprise", 
whose ending angered many--get the drift? 

So I was thinking of shows that we loved or at least were attached to, which 
ended in less than satisfactory methods. 
"Enterprise" ticked me off by using another time-travel type device, by killing 
Trip, and by inserting Riker and Troi unnecessarily. 

What other series can you think of whose endings you anticipated, but which 
disappointed you? I'm talking about shows that actually got an ending, not 
those that were canceled and simply stopped airing new eps. This can be scifi, 
animation, or any real life drama. 

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