Velikanov, Mikhail wrote:
Unfortunately, just copying the binary and the libs it requires under
/host_usr didn't work. When I tried to run it inside Scratchbox, the
default dynamic loader in /scratchbox/host_shared/lib was used to load
the libs, and that produced a bunch of libc version incompatibility

That is why I said "in most cases" :)

The host-side glibc in scratchbox is quite old.

The only way I could make my binary to run inside Scratchbox was to copy
the host dynamic loader (from /lib outside Scratchbox) under /host_usr,
and make a couple of minor changes in sb_alien.c and libsb.c so that it
would be used instead of default loader when my binary is run.
I was a bit surprised to find the default loader
(/scratchbox/host_shared/lib/ hardcoded in sb_alien and libsb and
no way for the user to configure it. Wouldn't you say it makes sense to
provide the user with a means to control which loader should be used,
exactly for the purpose of running alien tools inside Scratchbox?

Perhaps you're right, perhaps some kind of a mechanism like this would be nice to have.

However, I'm beginning to think that the most sensible plan would be just to upgrade the host-side glibc to a less ancient level.


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