[abcusers] New version of abc tunebook

2001-06-19 Thread Henrik Norbeck

This is to announce that a new version of Henrik Norbeck's abc 
tunes is available at
Updated and enlarged. New titles for previously untitled tunes. 
Additional information and cross-references.
Now 1625 Irish tunes!

It's also a test of the abcusers list, since I haven't received any 
messages from that since 19 March 2001.

Henrik Norbeck, Stockholm, Sweden
http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-11382/ My home page
http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-11382/abcmus/  Abcmus ABC program
http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-11382/abc.htm  1000 abc tunes
http://surf.to/blackthorn Irish trad music band
http://www.rfod.se/folklink/  Links to Swedish music
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Re: [abcusers] MIDI cat ?

2001-06-19 Thread James Allwright

On Mon 18 Jun 2001 at 05:07PM +0100, Phil Taylor wrote:
 I don't think you can do this by simply concatenating the MIDI files.

I agree with this. Concatenating single track MIDI files could perhaps
be done without too much analysis, but concatenating multiple track
MIDI files would require quite a bit of analysis. It might be possible
to write a utility to do the job in a day or so, but I've never felt
the urge to write one, and I've never come across a utility to do it.

James Allwright
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Re: [abcusers] abc compliant software

2001-06-19 Thread Phil Taylor

Bryan Creer wrote:

Yes, it is true that www.irishnet.com makes a bit of a pigs ear of the
individually displayed tunes but I downloaded the whole collection and it
only gave me one significant problem, an M: 6/8 command imbedded in the tune.
  There shouldn't be a space after the :.  So abc2win's error checking isn't
perfect.  I've never come across this error before.


Advertising feature -
To see whether your ABCs conform to the standard, try ABCcheck.

Does ABCcheck report a space in the M: field as an error?  It isn't as far
as I can see.  A space _before_ the colon would be an error.

And does it fail to report all those lines which start with a single colon
instead of |:?  Or all the extra spaces at the ends of lines and between the
tunes?  How about all the reels marked at Q:180?  I suppose that's not
really an error;  you might want to play like that at an Old Folks Ceilidh:-)

Phil Taylor
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Re: [abcusers] New BarFly release ...

2001-06-19 Thread Phil Taylor

John Chambers wrote:
Phil Taylor wrote:
  If you want to see the BarFly version of the tune, it's at:

It occurs to me:  If Phil were to write a version of BarFly
that  also  worked  with lilypond, the first releases would
probably not do too good a job of it, and would mess  up  a
lot  of both abc and lilypond files.  The wags on this list
would inevitably start referring to it as BarfLy.


(If anybody's been trying unsuccessfully to look at that tune,
my apologies.  The site was down overnight.  Back up now though.)

Phil Taylor
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Re: [abcusers] abc compliant software

2001-06-19 Thread Wendy Galovich

On Tuesday 19 June 2001 04:34, Frank Nordberg wrote:

 Do you mean poor John is supposed to offer free personal tutoring to
 anybody who wants to write ABC? John has given a lot of good advice on
 the subject both here at abcusers and on his web site, so I don't think
 you should criticize him for that.

I'll add my voice to Frank's on this one. John's contributions of ideas and 
help both on and off list have been invaluable. Thanks John! 

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Re: [abcusers] abc compliant software

2001-06-19 Thread Bryancreer
Frank Nordberg  said -

Hi Bryan - I had begun to wonder if you were on a vacation trip or something.

Hi Frank- no, but after Phil Taylor's descent into puerile personal abuse and 
the subsequent failure of anyone else to tick him off for breach of etiquette 
I decided I'd had enough for a while and there's only so much you can say to 
people who don't want to listen. It is only the value I place on abc and the 
belief that there are some sensible people on this list that brings me back.

Do you mean poor John is supposed to offer free personal tutoring to
anybody who wants to write ABC? John has given a lot of good advice on
the subject both here at abcusers and on his web site, so I don't think
you should criticize him for that.

and Wendy Galovich said -

I'll add my voice to Frank's on this one. John's contributions of ideas and 
help both on and off list have been invaluable. Thanks John! 

I utterly agree. John's tune finder is invaluable and he is the source of 
excellent advice both on this list and through his website. He contributes 
some excellent ideas for the development of abc which he generally posts for 
discussion on the list before implementing them rather than presenting them 
as fait accompli. Apart from some slightly odd interpretations of my views 
(I've never believed there was a conspiracy of developers, John) he has been 
invariably polite in his dealings with me. 

All of which makes his negativity towards www.irishnet.com and his antagonism 
against abc2win all the more surprising. I don't expect him to give free 
personal tutoring but if he'd put as much effort into being positive as he 
has into his recent negativity it might have been more use. I presume that 
the developers of www.irishnet.com are unpaid volunteers and Jim Vint is 
hardly profiteering with abc2win nor is their intent likely to be 
deliberately malicious. Don't they deserve more respect?

 but do many of the developers care or
 are they
 only interested in their own "extensions to"/"gratuitous violations
 of" the
 standard regardless of the affect on anybody else?

The latter, I'm afraid. Can't really blame them, though. After all most
of them are doing this programming for fund - and for free.

This really strikes at the point I've been trying to make all this time. I 
said some time ago that just because developers were working for free that 
didn't give them the right to dictate to others, either developers or users. 
Their software is their own but abc is communal property; it calls for a 
cooperative approach. The V: command provides an excellent example. A great 
idea that different developers went off and implemented in different ways 
before agreeing on a common standard. I doubt if it will ever become part of 
the standard now since quite a few people will have to back down and change 
their software.

You forgot to mention gender, though.

Mea Culpa. Laura has already compared (her interpretation of) my views to 
male chauvinism.

Why is Laura the only profilic *female* abcuser?

I genuinely have no idea. Is it true?

unsubscribe messages 

Totally unjustified speculation, but I couldn't resist it.

Bryan Creer

(My spellchecker offers abusers and accusers for abcusers. How delightful.)

Re: [abcusers] abc compliant software

2001-06-19 Thread Bryancreer
Phil Taylor says -

Does ABCcheck report a space in the M: field as an error?

No it doesn't. This is a specific problem to do with abc2win (so it will 
give you another stick to beat it with.)

The problem was not with ABCcheck but with abc2nwc. abc2win allows inline 
commands just by plonking them in and terminating them with a space. A good 
idea not very well realised. Standard 1.6 makes no allowance for this and 
the draft standard suggests putting them in square brackets. Better, but yet 
another meaning when you hit [ in a tune.

The line in question was -

!:M: 6/8 F2A ABc|ded cBA|Bcd AGF|BGE EFG|

(Interesting use of !)

abc2nwc read the M: and then read everything up to the next space (ie 
nothing) and failed to make sense of the result. If the space is edited out, 
it works. Hence my comment about abc2win's error checking not being perfect.

ABCcheck successfully reports this as an error and, if the space is removed 
reports it as an abc2winism.

Don't get me wrong, this was not the only error ABCcheck found. There were 
704 in the whole file, mostly to do with bar lines and repeat starts and ends.

And does it fail to report all those lines which start with a single colon 
instead of |:?

No. It reports all those.

Or all the extra spaces at the ends of lines and between the tunes?

Are these against the standard?

How about all the reels marked at Q:180?

I'm not a music critic.

Nice to have you being polite to me Phil.


Re: [abcusers] abc compliant software

2001-06-19 Thread Bryancreer
Just to get this one out of the way...
John Chambers says - 

This is presumably the source of his use of the term "hypocrisy". 

I've just done a quick check and I can't find the term "hypocrisy" in any 
posting of mine I've still got on file (and I don't tidy up very often). I 
didn't actually make any comment at all but just compared the statements. 
The point I was actually making was that you were saying that abc2win was a 
minor player and that there were thousands of tune to be corrected. Well, 
perhaps thousands is minor.

If abc2win is 5% of the tunes and half
its output causes problems, then this could easily account for all
the problems that I see.

In fact, abc2win isn't nearly this bad. This is, in part, because
I've added code that notices some of its variant syntax and handles
it most of the time. 

So in fact a very small proportion of its output causes problems which 
suggests that it must be a very major player indeed if it still causes so 
much trouble.

I don't use abc2win much so I'm not being partisan. What worries me is the 
hostile attitude. You are hardly going to get Jim Vint on board with lines 
like -

abc2win, which seems be the
current record holder for gratuitous violations of the standard

... and as for what you said about www.irishtunes.net!

Be nice to people.


Re: [abcusers] superscript in abcm2ps 2.3.3

2001-06-19 Thread Atte André Jensen

On Sunday 17 June 2001 18:14, Jean-Francois Moine wrote:

 I looked at the french printed music I have, and I choosed to let the
 \# and \b aligned with the other text, as it was.

You might be right with this, I see both (should I post some tiny gif's with 
examples to discuss??) In my sheetmusic. But as far as I can tell the 
accidentals are either quite a bit larger than abcm2ps' or they are 

 But now, I check for
 '#' or 'b' as the 2nd character in the guitar chords, and these ones are
 printed as accidentals and super-scripted. This is done in abcm2ps-2.5.0.
 Is it OK for you?

You make it sound like I'm just an angry guy killing you with my suggestions, 
surely not the case, and I hope you don't take it as such... Maybe this would 
be the right time to (once again) express my enthusiasm about abcm2ps: I love 

Anyway; I'll get 2.5.0 ASP, but it sounds nice! But what else can b and (esp) 
# mean in a guitarchrod? Why not just typeset all appearances with 
accidentals to get stuff like Db7(b9, #11)?
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Re: [abcusers] abc compliant software (was:midi2abc [was: Wanted: ABC transcription...])

2001-06-19 Thread Atte André Jensen

On Monday 18 June 2001 12:19, Frank Nordberg wrote:

 Sorry Steve, your way behind modern times too. Fact is, we already have
 perfectly good (or so the ads say) ways to get computers to compose and
 play the music without any subjective and emotional human interference
 at all.

Yeah, seems your radiostation plays the same music as mine :-)
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Re: [abcusers] abc compliant software

2001-06-19 Thread Wendy Galovich

On Tuesday 19 June 2001 10:03, John Chambers wrote:

 The biggest single  problem  is  the  damage  caused  by  email  line
 wrapping.   This isn't caused by any single program.  It's a systemic
 problem caused by many of the email packages that have been  released
 in  recent years.  This isn't just a problem for abc; it is a serious
 problem that  programmers  have  been  fighting  for  decades.   Line
 wrapping  destroys code in most programming languages, and makes hash
 out of a lot of plain-text data files.   So  even  if  we  adopt  the
 abc2win approach to staff termination (not a bad idea), we don't even
 start to solve the problems with line wrapping.

Yup. It does hideous things to SQL code too. The scripts I routinely forward 
to our DBA at work *must* be sent as attachments because of this. 

 While working on my code to handle abc2win's variant syntax,  it  has
 occurred  to  me that bringing abc2win into the main line wouldn't be
 all that difficult.  I haven't seen any messages from  Jim  Vint  for
 some time, and there aren't any in my archived mail for 2 years, so I
 don't know whether he's even working on it.  In any case, we have  no
 way  to demand that he do anything; he gave his program out for free,
 so all we can do is thank him for his work and then ask  that  he  do
 some  more  work  for us (for free).  If he's too busy, we could also
 encourage someone with a Windows C development environment to take it
 off his hands and work on it.

I could be wrong, but I think it's in VB. IIRC it requires vbrun300.dll (?)


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Re: [abcusers] abc compliant software

2001-06-19 Thread Wendy Galovich

On Tuesday 19 June 2001 10:03, John Chambers wrote:

 The biggest single  problem  is  the  damage  caused  by  email  line
 wrapping.   This isn't caused by any single program.  It's a systemic
 problem caused by many of the email packages that have been  released
 in  recent years.  This isn't just a problem for abc; it is a serious
 problem that  programmers  have  been  fighting  for  decades.   Line
 wrapping  destroys code in most programming languages, and makes hash
 out of a lot of plain-text data files.   So  even  if  we  adopt  the
 abc2win approach to staff termination (not a bad idea), we don't even
 start to solve the problems with line wrapping.

Yup. It does hideous things to SQL code too. The scripts I routinely forward 
to our DBA at work *must* be sent as attachments because of this. 

 While working on my code to handle abc2win's variant syntax,  it  has
 occurred  to  me that bringing abc2win into the main line wouldn't be
 all that difficult.  I haven't seen any messages from  Jim  Vint  for
 some time, and there aren't any in my archived mail for 2 years, so I
 don't know whether he's even working on it.  In any case, we have  no
 way  to demand that he do anything; he gave his program out for free,
 so all we can do is thank him for his work and then ask  that  he  do
 some  more  work  for us (for free).  If he's too busy, we could also
 encourage someone with a Windows C development environment to take it
 off his hands and work on it.

I could be wrong, but I think it's in VB. IIRC it requires vbrun300.dll (?)


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