Bryan Creer wrote:

>Yes, it is true that makes a bit of a pigs ear of the
>individually displayed tunes but I downloaded the whole collection and it
>only gave me one significant problem, an M: 6/8 command imbedded in the tune.
>  There shouldn't be a space after the :.  So abc2win's error checking isn't
>perfect.  I've never come across this error before.


>Advertising feature -
>To see whether your ABCs conform to the standard, try ABCcheck.

Does ABCcheck report a space in the M: field as an error?  It isn't as far
as I can see.  A space _before_ the colon would be an error.

And does it fail to report all those lines which start with a single colon
instead of |:?  Or all the extra spaces at the ends of lines and between the
tunes?  How about all the reels marked at Q:180?  I suppose that's not
really an error;  you might want to play like that at an Old Folks Ceilidh:-)

Phil Taylor
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