Just to get this one out of the way...
John Chambers says -

>This is presumably the source of his use of the term "hypocrisy".

I've just done a quick check and I can't find the term "hypocrisy" in any
posting of mine I've still got on file (and I don't tidy up very often).  I
didn't actually make any comment at all but just compared the statements.  
The point I was actually making was that you were saying that abc2win was a
minor player and that there were thousands of tune to be corrected.  Well,
perhaps thousands is minor.

>If abc2win is 5% of the tunes and half
>its  output  causes  problems, then this could easily account for all
>the problems that I see.

>In fact, abc2win isn't nearly this bad.  This is,  in  part,  because
>I've  added  code that notices some of its variant syntax and handles
>it most of the time.  

So in fact a very small proportion of its output causes problems which
suggests that it must be a very major player indeed if it still causes so
much trouble.

I don't use abc2win much so I'm not being partisan.  What worries me is the
hostile attitude.  You are hardly going to get Jim Vint on board with lines
like -

>abc2win, which seems be the
>current record holder  for  gratuitous  violations  of  the  standard

... and as for what you said about www.irishtunes.net....!

Be nice to people.


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