On Tuesday 19 June 2001 10:03, John Chambers wrote:
> The biggest single  problem  is  the  damage  caused  by  email  line
> wrapping.   This isn't caused by any single program.  It's a systemic
> problem caused by many of the email packages that have been  released
> in  recent years.  This isn't just a problem for abc; it is a serious
> problem that  programmers  have  been  fighting  for  decades.   Line
> wrapping  destroys code in most programming languages, and makes hash
> out of a lot of plain-text data files.   So  even  if  we  adopt  the
> abc2win approach to staff termination (not a bad idea), we don't even
> start to solve the problems with line wrapping.

Yup. It does hideous things to SQL code too. The scripts I routinely forward 
to our DBA at work *must* be sent as attachments because of this. 

> While working on my code to handle abc2win's variant syntax,  it  has
> occurred  to  me that bringing abc2win into the main line wouldn't be
> all that difficult.  I haven't seen any messages from  Jim  Vint  for
> some time, and there aren't any in my archived mail for 2 years, so I
> don't know whether he's even working on it.  In any case, we have  no
> way  to demand that he do anything; he gave his program out for free,
> so all we can do is thank him for his work and then ask  that  he  do
> some  more  work  for us (for free).  If he's too busy, we could also
> encourage someone with a Windows C development environment to take it
> off his hands and work on it.

I could be wrong, but I think it's in VB. IIRC it requires vbrun300.dll (?)


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