Re: Ultrium Support

2001-08-07 Thread Bernhard R. Erdmann

> Does anyone know if amanda supports HP's Ultrium 215?

Does your OS / your SCSI host adapter support it? Then it will be ok.

Re: getting an estimate

2001-08-07 Thread Bernhard R. Erdmann

> Is there a good way to run just the estimating part of amanda, so that I
> can get an idea of the size that a dump is going to be, without actually
> running amdump? The one idea that I've had is to run amdump with a tapedev
> of null: (I'm using the tapeio branch), but that would still force my
> hosts to send backups over the network, just so I can get an estimate.

John R. Jackson told me ("Re: xfsdump estimates sometimes fail", Jul
23th, 2001):

> Sendsize may be run by hand.  Look for an amandad*debug file with
> SERVICE sendsize.  Take all the lines in the packet from the OPTIONS
> through the last DUMP line and put them in a temp file someplace.
> Then run sendsize by hand **as the Amanda user** with that file as
> standard input.

Thanks again, John - that really sorted out the problem to be a kernel
bug with XFS.

amrecover issues with linux server and solaris client dump

2001-08-07 Thread auto204958

My amanda server is a linux box
My solaris client is a solaris 7 box

The email says everything was backed up and the index file lists all
the correct files, but when I try to extract a file it asks me if I
want to restore it to a  dir instead of the proper
dir. What's wrong?

# amrecover -C Daily
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on
mybackup ...
220 mybackup AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2001-01-17)
200 Working date set to 2001-01-17.
200 Config set to Daily.
501 No index records for host: mybackup. Invalid?
Trying mybackup ...
501 No index records for host: mybackup. Invalid?
Trying localhost ...
501 No index records for host: localhost. Invalid?
amrecover> sethost sun-server
200 Dump host set to sun-server.
amrecover> ls
Must select a disk before listing files
amrecover> setdisk /mydir
Scanning /dumps/amanda...
20010117: found Amanda directory.
200 Disk set to /mydir.
amrecover> ls
shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access
parent directories: No such file or directory
2001-01-17 .
2001-01-17 bin/
amrecover> cd bin
amrecover> ls
shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd:cannot access
parent directories: No such file or directory
2001-01-17 .
2001-01-17 core.html
amrecover> add core.html
Added /bin/core.html
amrecover> extract
Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nst0 on host mybackup. 
The following tapes are needed: DailySet222 
Restoring files into directory ¨yass@%^!%@#^!?

The amanda.conf on the server used a dump rather than gnu tar and
compression was enabled.

The linux versions were:
dump 0.4b19
tar (GNU tar) 1.13.17

The sun versions were:
# dump -V
dump: Software Generation Utilities (SGU) Solaris-ELF (4.0)
The gnu tar is /bin/tar which come with solaris 7

Is amrecover refusing to restore the file because it was dumped on
solaris which has compatibility issues with the linux dump?

Free, secure Web-based email, now OpenPGP compliant -

getting an estimate

2001-08-07 Thread Dan Debertin

Is there a good way to run just the estimating part of amanda, so that I
can get an idea of the size that a dump is going to be, without actually
running amdump? The one idea that I've had is to run amdump with a tapedev
of null: (I'm using the tapeio branch), but that would still force my
hosts to send backups over the network, just so I can get an estimate.

There's got to be a better way. Ideas?


The more advertising I see, the less I want to buy.

Dan Debertin

Ultrium Support

2001-08-07 Thread Scott Ritchie

Does anyone know if amanda supports HP's Ultrium 215?

  Thanks in advance

Re: typetype for Tandberg MLR1

2001-08-07 Thread jan


>>length 12380 mbytes
>>filemark 32 kbytes
>>speed 1306 kps
> Those numbers are quite a bit lower than what you originally
> mentioned.
> Are you sure you had hardware compression disabled?

Pretty sure, yes. The MLR1 doesn't have a switch to enable
hardware compression like e.g. the DLT7000 has. The only way to
enable hardware compression is a firmware update AFAIK, of which
I'm absolutely positive it has not been applied. 

> If you think the above (or a new run w/o hw comp) is OK,
> please post
> it to the FAQ.

Well, at least it's what tapetype suggested. 

I'll just submit it, mentioning the firmware update had not been

Cheers and thanks,


Radio HUNDERT,6 Medien GmbH Berlin
- EDV -

Re: Backing up filesystem to large for one tape

2001-08-07 Thread Jens Bech Madsen

Kris Boulez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What do people think about my proposed solution to this problem
> Problem
> ---
> Filesysteem needs to be backed up using amanda. Level 0 doesn't fit on a
> single tape anymore (after compression)
> Solutions
> -
> a) By a tape unit which can hold more data (expensive)
> b) Wait for multi-tape support in amanda (ETA ?)
> c) Split the filesystem on the server
> d) let amanda believe that the filesystem is split
> - create two dumptype, each with a seperate exclude list
> - add two entries to the disklist with seperate dump type (will
>   amanda backup the same partition twice ?)
> - (if the above step doesn't work) create a new /dev/rdsk/.. entry
>   pointing to the same device but with a different name
> Do you think d) can be made to work ?

It can. Works ok here. Takes a little work before the backup is run,
bus is fairly straightforward, especially if you use a version of
Amanda, which let's you define dumptypes in the disklist (2.4.2?).
Also requires you to use tar since Amanda doesn't support excluding
with dump (even if the dump program supports it).

> Kris,

Jens Bech Madsen
The Stibo Group, Denmark

amrecover issue

2001-08-07 Thread Matt Galer


I just got amanda up and backing things up fine.  The next step is obviously
to test restores, and I've come up with some questions/concerns in this

first, I have NO tape drive yet - I'm trying to pry some dollars out of
managements' hands for this, but no luck so far - so all backups are being
done to holding disks only (RAID 0+1).

anyway, I wanted to restore a file from yesterdays backup as a test.

from log.20010805.0:

SUCCESS dumper utl-atl-06 /export/home 20010805 0 [sec 59.666 kb 393280 kps
6591.3 orig-kb 393260]

so a full backup was done successfully.  I went ahead and verified the file
in question was in the index file:

[siteops@utl-atl-06 _export_home]$ zgrep *

ok, looks good to me!  I su over to root and go into amrecover inside the
/export/home directory

[root@utl-atl-06 home]# amrecover Daily
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on utl-atl-06 ...
220 utl-atl-06 AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2001-08-06)
200 Working date set to 2001-08-06.
200 Config set to Daily.
200 Dump host set to utl-atl-06.
$CWD '/export/home' is on disk '/export/home' mounted at '/export/home'.
200 Disk set to /export/home.
amrecover> history
200- Dump history for config "Daily" host "utl-atl-06" disk "/export/home"
201- 2001-08-05 0 /backup/hd2/20010805/utl-atl-06._export_home.0 0
201- 2001-08-04 1 /backup/hd2/20010804/utl-atl-06._export_home.1 0
201- 2001-08-03 1 /backup/hd1/20010803/utl-atl-06._export_home.1 0
201- 2001-08-02 1 /backup/hd3/20010802/utl-atl-06._export_home.1 0
201- 2001-08-01 1 /backup/hd2/20010801/utl-atl-06._export_home.1 0
201- 2001-07-31 0 /backup/hd2/20010731/utl-atl-06._export_home.0 0
200 Dump history for config "Daily" host "utl-atl-06" disk "/export/home"
amrecover> setdate ---05
200 Working date set to 2001-08-05.
amrecover> ls
2001-08-05 app/

hmm.. not good - here is a directory listing for /export/home:

[root@utl-atl-06 home]# ls -la
total 26
drwxr-xr-x   6 root root 512 Dec 13  2000 .
drwxrwxr-x   3 root sys  512 Dec 11  2000 ..
drwxr-xr-x   5 root other512 Dec 15  2000 app
drwxr-xr-x   8 aribaariba512 Dec 27  2000 ariba
drwx--   2 root root8192 Dec 11  2000 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x   6 siteops  siteops  512 Aug  6 12:19 siteops

so we are missing a couple of directories in the interactive part of
amrecover.  Being semi-concerned at the integrity of the backups, I decided
to try a manual restore, and so extracted the gzip-tar image from the
holding disk with dd.  Then unzipped it, and verified that the file was

[root@utl-atl-06 20010805]# dd if=utl-atl-06._export_home.0 bs=32k skip=1
12290+0 records in
12290+0 records out
[siteops@utl-atl-06 /tmp]$ tar tvf out | grep
-rw--- siteops/siteops 2678 2001-04-20 16:41

extracting the file and diff'ing the original confirms that it is ok.

any suggestions?

is this a by-product of only using holding disks, or something else?  (note
that I got similar results for all the filesystems I backed-up - some
directories would appear in amrecover, some would not.

Thanks in advance!


Matthew Galer
770-453-9001 x149

Re: amanda + tape changer + solaris 8

2001-08-07 Thread thomas graichen

Thomas Hepper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 09:48:08AM +0200, thomas graichen wrote:
>> "John R. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> the backtrace looks like it tries to access the labelfile
>> somehow - but i did not define one in chg-scsi.conf
>> #labelfile  /usr/local/amanda/etc.local/amanda/fptsys/labelfile

> OK, what happens if you define it, may be you hit a bug :-), no you hit
> a bug, will fix it. In the meantime try to set labelfile.

didn't help (at least with an empty labelfile it still coredumps)
- but i got chg-scsi to do what i wanted it to do without crashing
by commenting out some calls to MapBarCode (which i think you are
working on fixing so that it plays nice without a labelfile :-)

can you please tell me then you have fixed it so that i may move
towards "clean" code?

thanks for all so far and in advance for the stuff coming


thomas graichen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ... perfection is reached, not
when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no
longer anything to take away. --- antoine de saint-exupery

RE: trouble backing up with tar

2001-08-07 Thread Silke Mueller

For some strange reason that doesn't work. The backup always fails with:

sendsize: getting size via dump for /dev/vx/dsk/tmp_perforce/vol01 level 0
sendsize: running "/usr/sbin/ufsdump 0sf 1048576 - /dev/vx/rdsk/tmp_perforce/vol01"
running /usr/local/libexec/killpgrp-2.4.1p1
  DUMP: Warning - super-block on device `/dev/vx/rdsk/tmp_perforce/vol01' is corrupt - 
run fsck
  DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.

Can anybody tell me why ufsdump is being used instead of vxdump?
I built the amanda client on the machine with the disk and configure found
vxdump and vxrestore.


"Jolet, John"  
 Subject: RE: trouble backing up with tar  

use dump.  it runs dump on the 2.6 machine, then pipes the stuff through to
the amanda server.  I'm backing up aix boxes using aix's backup to a linux
amanda server.  the dump program is local to the client.

-Original Message-
From: Silke Mueller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 5:48 AM
Subject: trouble backing up with tar


I want to back up a 40 GB disk with gnutar and a DLT 7000.
There are approximately 1.300.000 files on the disk and
the dump exits with the error message
"driver: result time 8235.753 from dumper0: FAILED 01-2 [data timeout]".
There are no other errors. Btw. the etimeout is 15000.

I don't use dump, because the disk is vxfs on a Solaris 2.6 machine
and my backup server is a Solaris7 machine without any vxfs.

Any ideas how to solve this?


amrecover issues

2001-08-07 Thread auto204958

If I do amrecover on the command line,
# amrecover
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on mybackup ...
220 mybackup AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2001-01-01)
200 Working date set to 2001-01-01.
200 Working date set to 2001-01-01.
amrecover: Unexpected server end of file
Amanda complains of "amrecover: Unexpected server end of file" My amanda tape server 
is mybackup server I want to restore a file from its /var backup. If I do 
# amrecover -C Daily
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on
mybackup ...
220 mybackup AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2001-01-01)
200 Working date set to 2001-01-01.
200 Config set to Daily.
501 No index records for host: mybackup. Invalid?
Trying mybackup ...
501 No index records for host: mybackup. Invalid?
Trying localhost ...
501 No index records for host: localhost. Invalid?
amrecover> sethost
200 Dump host set to
amrecover> setdisk /var
Scanning /dumps/amanda...
200 Disk set to /var.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator
amrecover> history
200- Dump history for config "Daily" host ""
disk "/var"
201- 2001-01-01 0 DailySet10 1
200 Dump history for config "Daily" host ""
disk "/var"

I know the dumps are working for /var. I get a successful backup email and amadmin 
works too except for amrecover. Weird huh? My /etc/hosts file is correct. I have index 
generation enabled too and there are files created in my index dir.

I also know daemons and hosts file are ok
# more /etc/hosts   mybackup localhost mybackup

#more /home/amanda/.amandahosts
mybackup amanda
mybackup root amanda root amanda root

Thourgh the includedir /etc/xinetd.d directive, the 3 services also work
service amanda
 socket_type= dgram
 protocol   = udp
 wait   = yes
 user   =amanda
 group  =disk
 server =/usr/local/libexec/amandad
service amandaidx
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
groups  =yes
server  =/usr/local/libexec/amindexd
service amidxtape
 socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= root
groups  = yes
server  =
server_args = amidxtaped

The xinetd /var/log/messages confirm that xinet serves
the four processes just fine
mybackup xinetd[11344]: xinetd Version 2.1
mybackup xinetd[11344]: libwrap
mybackup xinetd[11344]: options compiled in.
mybackup xinetd[11344]: Started working: 3 available services
mybackup xinetd: xinetd startup succeeded
I also have the correct entries in /etc/services 
amanda  10080/udp #amanda backup services
kamanda 10081/tcp #amanda backup services(Kerberos)
kamanda 10081/udp #amanda backup services (Kerberos)
amandaidx   10082/tcp #amanda backup services
amidxtape   10083/tcp #amanda backup services

My /etc/hosts.allow has all:all

Here is my amanda.conf and my disklist

define dumptype global {
index yes

define dumptype myvartest {
comment "/var directory"
compress client best
holdingdisk yes
index yes

As for the disklist,
#more disklist /var myvartest

The backups work, but restores using amrecover don't. What could be wrong?
Free, secure Web-based email, now OpenPGP compliant -

problem running amrecover

2001-08-07 Thread Arne Hueggenberg


so as of late im running amanda to make nice shiny backups of all my servers.
Now ive tried for the first time to actually recover soemthing and lo and 
behold, im running into problems.

what im trying to do is recover a few files of one of the partitions i back up
whats happening is the following:

AMRECOVER Version 2.4.1p1. Contacting server on backup ...
220 backup AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2001-08-07)
200 Working date set to 2001-08-07.
200 Config set to work.
200 Dump host set to xxx.
$CWD '/home/httpd/htdocs/tsv_entwicklung/templates/spiele/spielplan' is on 
disk 'sda8'
mounted at '/home'.
200 Disk set to sda8.
WARNING: not on root of selected filesystem, check man-page!
amrecover> ls
2001-08-07 .
2001-08-07 index.html
2001-08-07 index_00_01.html
2001-08-07 index_alt.html
amrecover> add index.html
Added /httpd/htdocs/tsv_entwicklung/templates/spiele/spielplan/index.html
amrecover> extract
Extracting files using tape drive /dev/null on host backup.
The following tapes are needed: ABT451
Restoring files into directory 
Continue? [Y/n]:
Load tape ABT451 now
Continue? [Y/n]:
EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file.
amrecover: short block 0 bytes
amrecover: Can't read file header
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1


amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 19204 ruid 502 euid 502 start time Tue Aug  7 
17:18:34 2001
amidxtaped: version 2.4.2p2
bsd security: remote host xxx user root local user amanda
amandahosts security check passed
> 6
> -h
> -p
> /dev/null
> xxx
> ^sda8$
> 20010807
Ready to execv amrestore with:
path = /usr/local/amanda/sbin/amrestore
argv[0] = "amrestore"
argv[1] = "-h"
argv[2] = "-p"
argv[3] = "/dev/null"
argv[4] = "xxx"
argv[5] = "^sda8$"
argv[6] = "20010807"
amrestore: missing file header block
amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
amrestore:   0: reached end of tape: date ^L
amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 1
Rewinding tape: done
amidxtaped: pid 19204 finish time Tue Aug  7 17:18:34 2001

not having much experience with amanda and all im a bit stumped as to whats 
going on here

anyone got any ideas?

Arne Hueggenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator
Sports & Bytes GmbH

Re: Listed-incremental interaction

2001-08-07 Thread Marc SCHAEFER

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

> GNU tar.  Instead, it creates a copy of the file (  In the case
> of a full dump, it will copy /dev/null to the file.  Otherwise it copies

oh, I see.

> the "live" name for the next run.  But in the case of no-record, the
> rename is bypassed and the file effectively thrown away.

ah, that's good.

Thank you. I will verify that on the next backup :)