Re: [Assam] ULFA REPLY

2007-10-15 Thread Chan Mahanta
At 8:28 PM -0500 10/15/07, kamal deka wrote:
>In my humble opinion,it is the system of governance in Assam that 
>needs overhauling in toto.

  I agree wholeheartedly Kamal. I also know you are one of a very 
few in this forum who realizes that. That brings the question of HOW 
Assam will accomplish that? Or for that matter India? Had India 
demonstrated an ability to address the issues that  have been 
spawning insurgencies , rebellions or whatsmacallits across the 
length and breadth of its boundaries, it won't be in the mess it is 

>Moreover,to all intents and purposes,sovereignty is an unattainable 
>goal.Why chase wild goose ?

 That, Kamal I don't agree with. For a simple reason: Humanity 
would not be where it is today, if others before us  had given up 
without a struggle.

>Sovereignty will not be able to cast any magic spell in the over-all 
>development of Assam unless there is a sea-change in the system of 
>governance,currently in place out there.

 Kamal, you have to be realistic: Sovereignty is only a first 
step. It is not the end. It  became essential, ONLY because of 
India's incapability  or unwillingness or both to respond to its 
constituents' crying needs.  You cannot depend on India for anything, 
other than to bribe your leaders into submission. But it controls ALL 
the significant powers of state while professing to be a federal 
republic.  A more bald-faced lie I cannot imagine. Truth is they 
don't even KNOW the meaning of the words they speak. Just look at our 
own forum here.

>Hope,I have made some sense.

 You do indeed make a whole lot more sense most amongst are 
willing or have the courage to admit. But that is NOT enough Kamal.


>assam mailing list

assam mailing list


2007-10-15 Thread kamal deka

In my humble opinion,it is the system of governance in Assam that
needs overhauling in toto.Moreover,to all intents and purposes,sovereignty
is an unattainable goal.Why chase wild goose ? Sovereignty will not be able
to cast any magic spell in the over-all development of Assam unless there is
a sea-change in the system of governance,currently in place out there.Hope,I
have made some sense.

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply to Kamal Deka

2007-10-15 Thread kamal deka
It would have been complete tomfoolery on my part if I had expected a
meaningful reply from the ' mouth organ ' of an outlawed organisation who
even doesn't know  how to differentiate between figurative language and
literal meaning ( living in cave ).Anyone even with a modicum of brain would
understand that.

Yes,I live in Texas.That does not mean that I should not be allowed to care
for Assam---a state,I hold so dear. What constructive works have you all
done save carrying out gory pogrom in order to mow down innocent unarmed
civilians including children and women ? But then,I should not expect
anything good coming out of an outfit, whose credo has been to rule with
guns and rods,shutting out dissents by death.


On 10/15/07, ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hounorable Netters,structive
> By suggesting that the ULFA members are cave dwellers, Dr. Kamal Deka
> seems to have taken the opportunity to highlight  that he lives in Texas.
> His wording in the relevant mail is speaking that loud enough.
> There is no doubt that he has the required qualification to work abroad
> and earning a lot of money.
> As ULFA members home is Asom rather than Texas or New York, their lives
> are akin to cave dwellers as perceived by Kamal Deka. Therefore, he thinks
> that these cave dwellers are unable to understand and appreciate what is
> Sovereign independence. Consequently there is no point of having a
> plebiscite to end the Asom-India conflict peacefully. Asking for a
> plebiscite in his eyes is likened to a child demanding the moon! Hence, he
> has not offered any definitive idea for a solution. We do not think that he
> has an answer how to bring in the resolution to the conflict. But we would
> like to say that by bringing in the idea of autonomy he is skillfully
> diverting the focus from a true solution to a non-solution. During the
> freedom struggle against the imperialist British colonialists such educated
> class of people tried to derail the rise ups. He is an incarnation with the
> same mentality.
> Members and visitors to the AssamNet must have noticed his disdain by
> commenting the ULFA as 'Cave dwellers' and in contrast raising his profile
> as an educated successful person. But he has not indicated of his
> contribution, if any, in resolving the national problem of Asom. Apart from
> making his life in America, if he has done anything for Asom and her
> people we do not know. It is not clear if he understands his servitude to
> America by offering his brain and skill for riches.
> In our opinion he is a so-called educated person without social and
> political insight, wanting to be an arm-chair revolutionary. Dr. Deka
> perhaps has never read the poem 'Soha aru pondit, r Sohoror odurot asil ejon
> soha nam tar jurmon Bara'.
> Despite his expressed unhelpful views, we would urge him to get involve
> within his limitations for the emancipation of the oppressed and exploited
> majority of Asom
> Rubi Bhuyan
> Central publicity member,ULFA
> Sat, 13 Oct 2007 21:00:41 -0500
> "kamal deka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  cave,totally detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely
> prodding at the body of ' *sovereignty'* without knowing what it is all
> about---like children at a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's
> point of view expressed in the Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am
> concerned.>
> I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this
> forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the
> sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a
> 60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a
> referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed
> by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right
> to self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series
> of voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the
> demand of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be
> defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the
> chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state
> as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
> Kamal J Deka
> sugarland,Texas.
>  --
> Nervous about who has your email address? Yahoo! 
> Mailcan
>  help you win the war against spam.
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-15 Thread uttam borthakur
1. I have not said that the insurgents are fools or otherwise. If someone said 
that, it is his view. Why bring that view? This is unfair, sir.
  2. The common people with average intelligence in Assam have not done or  
been able to solve so many problems that plague them. That is evident. Why 
should they do something if either those in 'legit governance'(your term) and 
those trying to evict them have nothing to show for themselves? There is 
nothing amiss. Everything adds up well. May be they are not citizens of America 
and lack American efficiency. 
  3.The problem is that some people despite having above average intelligence 
have not understood the facts as they are, and have been prodding the 'average' 
people in stupor to join them on either side of the fence by brandishing 
weapons and other violent means. 
  4. So you want the plebscite because your adopted country ( this is my 
presumption, i am sorry if i am wrong, i hate offending people) with the UN 
flag in the humvees can have the license to come in openly that it was doing 
covertly for so long. Have we not seen enough of American democracy in 
Afghanisthan and Iraq in recent times? I always guessed your motive:-)

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  >The 'Above Average' are already in the surreal/illogical/romantic 
conflict:-). They are very few in >numbers and have taken their seats either 
with those who are in governance or those who want to >evict them with 'force'. 



  *** Really? But from what I read in esomonline or in assamnet, the insurgents 
are fools and fill the ranks of the ignoramus That would leave the above 
average running the show,  duly elected thru that universal adult franchise our 
Texan friend reminded us of. Are they clueless?


  >The common people with average intelligence in Assam understand this 

   If they do, how come they don't do something about it? After all they 
are in a democracy? they can change things to fir their needs. Who is holding 
them back? The ignoramus of the insurgents?

  Something does not add up here, does it?


  > Yet, till now the common people with average intelligence have put the 
'colonisers' in legit >governance through 'vote' and have spurned the 'freedom 


  *** So what seems to be problem? They are already in the promised land.


  >Then why is the need for a plebiscite?  Or UN presence will give the 'votes' 


  *** Can we try a wild guess ? I explained it about half a dozen times in the 
last two days or so. If we don't agree, can we at least hear WHY?

  That is because no one , not even Indians, trust desi-demokrasy, would be my 
conclusion. Am I wrong?



  > Or would you say that all people have not 'voted' in these 'elections' or 
that they are manipulated/ >rigged?


   What do YOU think?

  >Why do you think that all oxomiyas and oxombaxis would go out to vote if 
held under UN auspices?

   I don't  know what they will do. Their track record  of elections 
certainly have not done any good for Assam.That is why I would like to FIND OUT.




  At 2:46 AM +0100 10/15/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  The 'Above Average' are already in the surreal/illogical/romantic 
conflict:-). They are very few in numbers and have taken their seats either 
with those who are in governance or those who want to evict them with 'force'. 
Irony is, both sides have nothing to show. The common people with average 
intelligence in Assam understand this reality. Yet, till now the common people 
with average intelligence have put the 'colonisers' in legit governance through 
'vote' and have spurned the 'freedom fighters'. Then why is the need for a 
plebiscite? Or UN presence will give the 'votes' credibility? Or would you say 
that all people have not 'voted' in these 'elections' or that they are 
manipulated/ rigged? Why do you think that all oxomiyas and oxombaxis would go 
out to vote if held under UN auspices? 

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  At 3:24 PM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  That is what makes it surreal, and not real; beyond cause and effect; beyond 
rationality. This is bothering common people of average intelligence; they 
cannot afford romanticism.

   How about the ABOVE AVERAGE, those who are in charge of their 
'legitimate' governance, and those who put them there, by their overt or tacit 
support? Can they afford it?  
  If they cannot, as I like to think they can't, WHAT HAVE THEY SHOWN for their 
effort to bring the conflict to an end? I mean other than to wish ULFA away or 
making perfunctory noises about the Govt. acting undemocratically  every now 
and then?  

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the objective measure 
about the stage when such a vote becomes mandatory?

[Assam] ULFA reply to Kamal Deka

2007-10-15 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Hounorable Netters,
  By suggesting that the ULFA members are cave dwellers, Dr. Kamal Deka seems 
to have taken the opportunity to highlight  that he lives in Texas. His wording 
in the relevant mail is speaking that loud enough. 
  There is no doubt that he has the required qualification to work abroad and 
earning a lot of money. 
  As ULFA members home is Asom rather than Texas or New York, their lives are 
akin to cave dwellers as perceived by Kamal Deka. Therefore, he thinks that 
these cave dwellers are unable to understand and appreciate what is Sovereign 
independence. Consequently there is no point of having a plebiscite to end the 
Asom-India conflict peacefully. Asking for a plebiscite in his eyes is likened 
to a child demanding the moon! Hence, he has not offered any definitive idea 
for a solution. We do not think that he has an answer how to bring in the 
resolution to the conflict. But we would like to say that by bringing in the 
idea of autonomy he is skillfully diverting the focus from a true solution to a 
non-solution. During the freedom struggle against the imperialist British 
colonialists such educated class of people tried to derail the rise ups. He is 
an incarnation with the same mentality. 
  Members and visitors to the AssamNet must have noticed his disdain by 
commenting the ULFA as ‘Cave dwellers’ and in contrast raising his profile as 
an educated successful person. But he has not indicated of his contribution, if 
any, in resolving the national problem of Asom. Apart from making his life in 
America, if he has done anything for Asom and her people we do not know. It is 
not clear if he understands his servitude to America by offering his brain and 
skill for riches.   
  In our opinion he is a so-called educated person without social and political 
insight, wanting to be an arm-chair revolutionary. Dr. Deka perhaps has never 
read the poem ‘Soha aru pondit, r Sohoror odurot asil ejon soha nam tar jurmon 
  Despite his expressed unhelpful views, we would urge him to get involve 
within his limitations for the emancipation of the oppressed and exploited 
majority of Asom
  Rubi Bhuyan
  Central publicity member,ULFA
  Sat, 13 Oct 2007 21:00:41 -0500
  "kamal deka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this 
forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the 
sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a 
60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a 
referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed by 
the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right to 
self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series of 
voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the demand of 
the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be defined and 
redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the chaos,it would create in 
a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state as Assam's,if such recipe 
were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
  Kamal J Deka

Nervous about who has your email address? Yahoo! Mail can help you win the war 
against spam.___
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread Chan Mahanta

The 'Above Average' are already in the 
surreal/illogical/romantic conflict:-). They are very few 
in >numbers and have taken their seats either with those who are in 
governance or those who want to >evict them with 'force'.

*** Really? But from what I read in esomonline or in assamnet, the 
insurgents are fools and fill the ranks of the ignoramus That would 
leave the above average running the show,  duly elected thru that 
universal adult franchise our Texan friend reminded us of. Are they 

The common people with average intelligence in Assam understand this reality.

 If they do, how come they don't do something about it? After all 
they are in a democracy? they can change things to fir their needs. 
Who is holding them back? The ignoramus of the insurgents?

Something does not add up here, does it?

Yet, till now the common people with average intelligence have put 
the 'colonisers' in legit >governance through 'vote' and have 
spurned the 'freedom fighters'.

*** So what seems to be problem? They are already in the promised land.

Then why is the need for a plebiscite?  Or UN presence will give the 
'votes' credibility?

*** Can we try a wild guess ? I explained it about half a dozen times 
in the last two days or so. If we don't agree, can we at least hear 

That is because no one , not even Indians, trust desi-demokrasy, 
would be my conclusion. Am I wrong?

 Or would you say that all people have not 'voted' in these 
'elections' or that they are manipulated/ >rigged?

 What do YOU think?

Why do you think that all oxomiyas and oxombaxis would go out to 
vote if held under UN auspices?

 I don't  know what they will do. Their track record  of 
elections certainly have not done any good for Assam.That is why I 
would like to FIND OUT.

At 2:46 AM +0100 10/15/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
The 'Above Average' are already in the 
surreal/illogical/romantic conflict:-). They are very few in numbers 
and have taken their seats either with those who are in 
governance or those who want to evict them with 'force'. Irony is, 
both sides have nothing to show. The common people with average 
intelligence in Assam understand this reality. Yet, till now the 
common people with average intelligence have put the 'colonisers' in 
legit governance through 'vote' and have spurned the 'freedom 
fighters'. Then why is the need for a plebiscite? Or UN presence 
will give the 'votes' credibility? Or would you say that all people 
have not 'voted' in these 'elections' or that they are manipulated/ 
rigged? Why do you think that all oxomiyas and oxombaxis would go 
out to vote if held under UN auspices?

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 3:24 PM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

That is what makes it surreal, and not real; beyond cause and 
effect; beyond rationality. This is bothering common people of 
average intelligence; they cannot afford romanticism.

 How about the ABOVE AVERAGE, those who are in charge of their 
'legitimate' governance, and those who put them there, by their 
overt or tacit support? Can they afford it?

If they cannot, as I like to think they can't, WHAT HAVE THEY SHOWN 
for their effort to bring the conflict to an end? I mean other than 
to wish ULFA away or making perfunctory noises about the Govt. 
acting undemocratically  every now and then?

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the 
objective measure about the stage when such a vote becomes 

 It is NOT about making some OBJECTIVE , UNIVERSAL law, that 
will make it BINDING on all those in violent conflicts, for whatever 
reason, to submit to a plebiscite.

The plebiscite idea is  a RESPONSE to the ULFA/Assam/  GoI conflict, 
because those who accept and promote Indian supremacy over Assam 
CLAIM that they are the majority in Assam, thus ULFA ought to 
disappear, in a desi-demokratic dispensation where the numerical 
majority is expected to run supreme on all issues.

No one needs to seek a plebiscite in Nagaland, do they?

 On the matter of numbers of lives lost in the conflict, should 
it make a difference whether it is 1,000 0r 5,000 or 10 if not 15?

And should it make a difference  WHO are included in it?

George Bush and Dick Cheney would love it so to preside over 
desi-demokrasy, where they wouldn't have to explain  to anyone why 
their armies are permanently placed in the NE or Kashmir , or tell 
anyone how many  of their own people they have killed or put in 
harms way, or  what part of their annual outlay is and have been 
expended since independence in fighting these  wars against their 
beloved brethren in Nagaland , in Assam, in Mizoram, in Manipur ,in 
Kashmir and PRODUCING WHAT  and  at WHOSE expense.

Apparently democracy lovers brought up under the fine traditions of 
desi-demokrasy  missed it altogether.

Wonder WHY?

At 6

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread uttam borthakur
The 'Above Average' are already in the surreal/illogical/romantic conflict:-). 
They are very few in numbers and have taken their seats either with those who 
are in governance or those who want to evict them with 'force'. Irony is, both 
sides have nothing to show. The common people with average intelligence in 
Assam understand this reality. Yet, till now the common people with average 
intelligence have put the 'colonisers' in legit governance through 'vote' and 
have spurned the 'freedom fighters'. Then why is the need for a plebiscite? Or 
UN presence will give the 'votes' credibility? Or would you say that all people 
have not 'voted' in these 'elections' or that they are manipulated/ rigged? Why 
do you think that all oxomiyas and oxombaxis would go out to vote if held under 
UN auspices? 

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 3:24 PM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  That is what makes it surreal, and not real; beyond cause and effect; beyond 
rationality. This is bothering common people of average intelligence; they 
cannot afford romanticism.   



   How about the ABOVE AVERAGE, those who are in charge of their 
'legitimate' governance, and those who put them there, by their overt or tacit 
support? Can they afford it?

  If they cannot, as I like to think they can't, WHAT HAVE THEY SHOWN for their 
effort to bring the conflict to an end? I mean other than to wish ULFA away or 
making perfunctory noises about the Govt. acting undemocratically  every now 
and then?









Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the objective measure 
about the stage when such a vote becomes mandatory?
   It is NOT about making some OBJECTIVE , UNIVERSAL law, that will make it 
BINDING on all those in violent conflicts, for whatever reason, to submit to a 
  The plebiscite idea is  a RESPONSE to the ULFA/Assam/  GoI conflict, because 
those who accept and promote Indian supremacy over Assam  CLAIM that they are 
the majority in Assam, thus ULFA ought to disappear, in a desi-demokratic 
dispensation where the numerical majority is expected to run supreme on all 
  No one needs to seek a plebiscite in Nagaland, do they?  
   On the matter of numbers of lives lost in the conflict, should it make a 
difference whether it is 1,000 0r 5,000 or 10 if not 15?  
  And should it make a difference  WHO are included in it?  
  George Bush and Dick Cheney would love it so to preside over desi-demokrasy, 
where they wouldn't have to explain  to anyone why their armies are permanently 
placed in the NE or Kashmir , or tell anyone how many  of their own people they 
have killed or put in harms way, or  what part of their annual outlay is and 
have been expended since independence in fighting these  wars against their  
beloved brethren in Nagaland , in Assam, in Mizoram, in Manipur ,in Kashmir and 
PRODUCING WHAT  and  at WHOSE expense.  
  Apparently democracy lovers brought up under the fine traditions of 
desi-demokrasy  missed it altogether.  
  Wonder WHY?  
  At 6:34 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  As I understand it, according to Sri C. Mahanta, 15000 lives lost ( I do not 
know how this figure has been arrived at... whether it represents the number of 
ULFA cadres killed or Oxomiyas killed (including those in unintended 
cross-fires),  whether it includes all lives lost including the 
non-oxomiyas) over 29 years is the objective basis making the plebiscite 
imperative. So, that is one measure.

   Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the objective measure 
about the stage when such a vote becomes mandatory?
kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in order to 
hammer out a solution within the ambit of the Constitution.What is wrong with 
that ?

  On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The big vacuum of reason here I see is  this:
  IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so wish for 
an end to hostilities
  and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, declare that 
they will abide by the
  verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 15,000 
Oxomiya lives over
  29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?
  What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a hope for 
peace), or is that yet another
  display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?
  At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of wisdom as 
Plato would ask us to believe.  
  The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. But the

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread Chan Mahanta

At 3:24 PM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
That is what makes it surreal, and not real; beyond cause and 
effect; beyond rationality. This is bothering common people of 
average intelligence; they cannot afford romanticism.

 How about the ABOVE AVERAGE, those who are in charge of their 
'legitimate' governance, and those who put them there, by their overt 
or tacit support? Can they afford it?

If they cannot, as I like to think they can't, WHAT HAVE THEY SHOWN 
for their effort to bring the conflict to an end? I mean other than 
to wish ULFA away or making perfunctory noises about the Govt. acting 
undemocratically  every now and then?

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the 
objective measure about the stage when such a vote becomes 

 It is NOT about making some OBJECTIVE , UNIVERSAL law, that 
will make it BINDING on all those in violent conflicts, for whatever 
reason, to submit to a plebiscite.

The plebiscite idea is  a RESPONSE to the ULFA/Assam/  GoI conflict, 
because those who accept and promote Indian supremacy over Assam 
CLAIM that they are the majority in Assam, thus ULFA ought to 
disappear, in a desi-demokratic dispensation where the numerical 
majority is expected to run supreme on all issues.

No one needs to seek a plebiscite in Nagaland, do they?

 On the matter of numbers of lives lost in the conflict, should 
it make a difference whether it is 1,000 0r 5,000 or 10 if not 15?

And should it make a difference  WHO are included in it?

George Bush and Dick Cheney would love it so to preside over 
desi-demokrasy, where they wouldn't have to explain  to anyone why 
their armies are permanently placed in the NE or Kashmir , or tell 
anyone how many  of their own people they have killed or put in 
harms way, or  what part of their annual outlay is and have been 
expended since independence in fighting these  wars against their 
beloved brethren in Nagaland , in Assam, in Mizoram, in Manipur ,in 
Kashmir and PRODUCING WHAT  and  at WHOSE expense.

Apparently democracy lovers brought up under the fine traditions of 
desi-demokrasy  missed it altogether.

Wonder WHY?

At 6:34 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

As I understand it, according to Sri C. Mahanta, 15000 lives lost ( 
I do not know how this figure has been arrived at... whether it 
represents the number of ULFA cadres killed or Oxomiyas killed 
(including those in unintended cross-fires),  whether it 
includes all lives lost including the non-oxomiyas) over 29 
years is the objective basis making the plebiscite imperative. So, 
that is one measure.

Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the objective 
measure about the stage when such a vote becomes mandatory?

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in 
order to hammer out a solution within the ambit of the 
Constitution.What is wrong with that ?


On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta 

The big vacuum of reason here I see is  this:

IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so 
wish for an end to hostilities

and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, 
declare that they will abide by the

verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 
15,000 Oxomiya lives over

29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?

What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a 
hope for peace), or is that yet another

display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?

At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of 
wisdom as Plato would ask us to believe.

The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. 
But the question is: how the stage is to be assessed where a 
plebiscite becomes imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should 
it be held? That NSCN or other outfits have claimed parts of the 
present Assam, should a plebiscite be held for that purpose in the 
disputed areas? In that case there would be no end to plebiscite and 
that is a very impractical thing. Then we will have to divide Assam 
to the size of the city states and have to decide every issue 
through citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the stage has 
come. I request everyone here or otherwise to find an objective 
measure of assessment. Moreover, could not the protagonists of 
secession consider building up of the opinion without training 
their guns on the people of Assam on the pretext of they being spies 
of the 'state' etc? The covert organisations always fall prey to the 
guiles of the 'state' they fight by killing their own due to 
suspicion and sometimes intra-organisational feud. Better th

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread uttam borthakur
That is what makes it surreal, and not real; beyond cause and effect; beyond 
rationality. This is bothering common people of average intelligence; they 
cannot afford romanticism. 

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>Has anyone made up his/her mind 
as to what should be the objective measure about the stage when such a vote 
becomes mandatory?  



   It is NOT about making some OBJECTIVE , UNIVERSAL law, that will make it 
BINDING on all those in violent conflicts, for whatever reason, to submit to a 


  The plebiscite idea is  a RESPONSE to the ULFA/Assam/  GoI conflict, because 
those who accept and promote Indian supremacy over Assam  CLAIM that they are 
the majority in Assam, thus ULFA ought to disappear, in a desi-demokratic 
dispensation where the numerical majority is expected to run supreme on all 


  No one needs to seek a plebiscite in Nagaland, do they?


   On the matter of numbers of lives lost in the conflict, should it make a 
difference whether it is 1,000 0r 5,000 or 10 if not 15?

  And should it make a difference  WHO are included in it?


  George Bush and Dick Cheney would love it so to preside over desi-demokrasy, 
where they wouldn't have to explain  to anyone why their armies are permanently 
placed in the NE or Kashmir , or tell anyone how many  of their own people they 
have killed or put in harms way, or  what part of their annual outlay is and 
have been expended since independence in fighting these  wars against their  
beloved brethren in Nagaland , in Assam, in Mizoram, in Manipur ,in Kashmir and 
PRODUCING WHAT  and  at WHOSE expense.

  Apparently democracy lovers brought up under the fine traditions of 
desi-demokrasy  missed it altogether.

  Wonder WHY?











  At 6:34 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  As I understand it, according to Sri C. Mahanta, 15000 lives lost ( I do not 
know how this figure has been arrived at... whether it represents the number of 
ULFA cadres killed or Oxomiyas killed (including those in unintended 
cross-fires),  whether it includes all lives lost including the 
non-oxomiyas) over 29 years is the objective basis making the plebiscite 
imperative. So, that is one measure. Has anyone made up his/her mind as to 
what should be the objective measure about the stage when such a vote becomes 
kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in order to 
hammer out a solution within the ambit of the Constitution.What is wrong with 
that ?  KJD

   On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The big vacuum of reason here I see is  this:  
   IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so wish 
for an end to hostilities  and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the 
villains, declare that they will abide by the  verdict of the people 
for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 15,000 Oxomiya lives over  29 
years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?  
   What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a hope for 
peace), or is that yet another  display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have 
it both ways?  
   At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of wisdom as 
Plato would ask us to believe.
   The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. But the 
question is: how the stage is to be assessed where a plebiscite becomes 
imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should it be held? That NSCN or 
other outfits have claimed parts of the present Assam, should a plebiscite be 
held for that purpose in the disputed areas? In that case there would be no end 
to plebiscite and that is a very impractical thing. Then we will have to divide 
Assam to the size of the city states and have to decide every issue through 
citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the stage has come. I request 
everyone here or otherwise to find an objective measure of assessment. 
Moreover, could not the protagonists of secession consider building up of the 
opinion without training their guns on the people of Assam on the pretext of 
they being spies of the 'state' etc? The covert organisations always fall prey 
to the guiles of the 'state' they fight by killing their own due to
 suspicion and sometimes intra-organisational feud. Better they do things under 
the sun taking people as their forte rather than ineffectual guns.  
   If the majority of the people feel that they should protect themselves with 
guns, I would not oppose that. But the people do not need a few to 'protect' 
and/or'kill' some of them on whimsy on the pleas of mistaken identity, 
cross-fire etc.

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread Chan Mahanta
Ooops! Did I , perchance commit yet another sin of interrupting your 
'mouno brot' on my questions/comments  Nayan?  Or was the 'mouno 
brot' ( vow of silence)  merely a ploy to avoid answering 
embarrassing questions about your pronouncements, verdicts and 
arguments :-)?

By C Da I meant ULFA. Why I meant that should be clear to everyone.

*** Failing which, they must be a bunch of  ---   WHAT ?

Anyway, that is yet another fine demonstration of a High Court 
Advocate's steel-trap minded observations, that I must admit.

	C-da is ULFA, but how?  (Don't ask embarrassing questions, 
Nayan will not answer them.)

ULFA has not done anything for Assam!

	But how can ULFA, being hounded by the  Indian military, 
aided and abetted by the
	likes of Nayan, forcing them to resort  to lungi-shelter? 
Have Assam's intelligentsia
	cooperated with them, even though they egged them on in the 
beginning,? Helped them
	set up INSTITUTIONS of governance to administer, to undertake 
public welfare, to

enforce the law, to provide uniform and timely justice?

	Would an adult with half a working brain make such an 
argument, much less an advocate of
	the High Court? Are we in the twilight zone or something? 
More so  in the light of their
	undying support for what passes for 'legitimate' governance 
and their dedication to
	what passes  for democracy, unable to hold  them accountable, 
unable to reform what is
	dysfunctional, even unable to raise their VOICES  seeking 
response to  their concerns

and needs.

Yes, it is yet  another of Kharkhowa life's many  mysteries. And 
demonstration of desi-logic's power, as could be seen from Asssam's 
best--in the Internet, in the editorials of 'respected' newspapers, 
from Indian intellectual giants, Indian military scholars, leading 
journalists, High court advocates and their lordships--the demigods 
of justice themselves, high and mighty politicians---you name them!

Those who have heads ought to bend them in SHAME is how I see it.

At 5:46 PM +0530 10/14/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
*But here Nayan makes a very curious claim: That *I*, cm, have 
not done anything, like his govt., to bring peace to Assam.  Do *I*, 
a foreigner, have either the resources, or the responsibility to 
do, ANYTHING at all for him or his state?

By C Da I meant ULFA. Why I meant that should be clear to everyone.


On 10/14/07, Chan Mahanta 

O' kamal:

 >kaleidoscopic federation.

 WHAT exactly is this K-fed Bapa?  Are you suggesting Assam  is 
in charge of its own destiny, making use of its best of human 
resources , with controls over its natural resources? Does this FED 
you are alluding to allow Assam to bring its best  out to take care 
of itself? That it  polity is independent? That it has controls over 
its finances?

What kind of a voodoo federation are you speaking of? Does it really 
exist or is it merely a figment of some kharkhowa imagination 
steeped in 'bhangor jaal' ( cannabis induced torpor) :-)?

Those who, on the one hand claim that Oxomiyas do not want any part 
of sovereignty, but on the other hand oppose a plebiscite to 
determine if it really is so, obviously are incapable of  realizing 
that those who are observing silently are a bunch of morons, who 
can't put two ands two together to figure out what it amounts to. 
That, Kamal, is a  highly tenuous proposition if you asked me.

 >Infact I have gone on record saying that I am disgusted with both 
the Government and you (see my >reply to C Da's post) because 
neither has done anything for peace and progress of Assam (I have 
not >seen any results in 28 years, I have become a man from 4 months 
old baby).

*** I agree that Nayan is one of a very few, who had the courage of 
his convictions to support  a plebiscite., even though he slinked 
back to the cave he came out of when I challenged him to put his 
nmoney where his mouth is and raise his voice in support of a 
plebiscite. Instead of accepting the challenge, he put me , in his 
own words, "ignore list", declaring he won't answer my questions.  I 
can't imagine why, heh-heh .

But here Nayan makes a very curious claim: That *I*, cm, have not 
done anything, like his govt., to bring peace to Assam.  Do *I*, a 
foreigner, have either the resources, or the responsibility to  do, 
ANYTHING at all for him or his state? Tell you what Nayan, you need 
to go back to your law-college texts and see if you can figure that 
out., about MY responsibilities here. What I do is out of the 
goodness of my heart :-), not because I owe you or your ilk anything.

Further down I noticed that Nayan exhorted Rubi  to "---Please ask 
Chandan Da not to barge in and write a hilarious reply to what i 
have written coz i won't reply then." That , by itself is quite 
hilarious. Does Nayan think that I have been prompting Rubi 
surreptitiously? And he still has not figu

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread Chan Mahanta
 >Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the objective 
measure about the stage when such a vote becomes mandatory?

 It is NOT about making some OBJECTIVE , UNIVERSAL law, that will 
make it BINDING on all those in violent conflicts, for whatever 
reason, to submit to a plebiscite.

The plebiscite idea is  a RESPONSE to the ULFA/Assam/  GoI conflict, 
because those who accept and promote Indian supremacy over Assam 
CLAIM that they are the majority in Assam, thus ULFA ought to 
disappear, in a desi-demokratic dispensation where the numerical 
majority is expected to run supreme on all issues.

No one needs to seek a plebiscite in Nagaland, do they?

 On the matter of numbers of lives lost in the conflict, should 
it make a difference whether it is 1,000 0r 5,000 or 10 if not 15?

And should it make a difference  WHO are included in it?

George Bush and Dick Cheney would love it so to preside over 
desi-demokrasy, where they wouldn't have to explain  to anyone why 
their armies are permanently placed in the NE or Kashmir , or tell 
anyone how many  of their own people they have killed or put in harms 
way, or  what part of their annual outlay is and have been expended 
since independence in fighting these  wars against their  beloved 
brethren in Nagaland , in Assam, in Mizoram, in Manipur ,in Kashmir 
and PRODUCING WHAT  and  at WHOSE expense.

Apparently democracy lovers brought up under the fine traditions of 
desi-demokrasy  missed it altogether.

Wonder WHY?

At 6:34 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
As I understand it, according to Sri C. Mahanta, 15000 lives lost ( 
I do not know how this figure has been arrived at... whether it 
represents the number of ULFA cadres killed or Oxomiyas killed 
(including those in unintended cross-fires),  whether it 
includes all lives lost including the non-oxomiyas) over 29 years is 
the objective basis making the plebiscite imperative. So, that is 
one measure.

Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the objective 
measure about the stage when such a vote becomes mandatory?

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in 
order to hammer out a solution within the ambit of the 
Constitution.What is wrong with that ?


On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta 

The big vacuum of reason here I see is  this:

IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so 
wish for an end to hostilities
and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, 
declare that they will abide by the
verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 
15,000 Oxomiya lives over

29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?

What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a 
hope for peace), or is that yet another

display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?

At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of 
wisdom as Plato would ask us to believe.

The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. 
But the question is: how the stage is to be assessed where a 
plebiscite becomes imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should 
it be held? That NSCN or other outfits have claimed parts of the 
present Assam, should a plebiscite be held for that purpose in the 
disputed areas? In that case there would be no end to plebiscite and 
that is a very impractical thing. Then we will have to divide Assam 
to the size of the city states and have to decide every issue 
through citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the stage has 
come. I request everyone here or otherwise to find an objective 
measure of assessment. Moreover, could not the protagonists of 
secession consider building up of the opinion without training 
their guns on the people of Assam on the pretext of they being spies 
of the 'state' etc? The covert organisations always fall prey to the 
guiles of the 'state' they fight by killing their own due to 
suspicion and sometimes intra-organisational feud. Better they do 
things under the sun taking people as their forte rather than 
ineffectual guns.

If the majority of the people feel that they should protect 
themselves with guns, I would not oppose that. But the people do not 
need a few to 'protect' and/or'kill' some of them on whimsy on the 
pleas of mistaken identity, cross-fire etc.

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a 
cave,totally detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are 
merely prodding at the body of ' sovereignty' without knowing what 
it is all about---like children at a new toy in the market 
showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view expressed in the Assam Net is 
of no consequence as far

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread Chan Mahanta

At 11:49 PM -0500 10/13/07, kamal deka wrote:
The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in 
order to hammer out a solution within the ambit of the 
Constitution.What is wrong with that ?


 It is a surreal  proposition, that's what. Its like asking, 
'Please come let us talk, but not about what you have been fighting 

Is that a deal-maker or what ?

On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta 

The big vacuum of reason here I see is  this:

IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so 
wish for an end to hostilities
and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, 
declare that they will abide by the
verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 
15,000 Oxomiya lives over

29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?

What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a 
hope for peace), or is that yet another

display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?

At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of 
wisdom as Plato would ask us to believe.

The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. 
But the question is: how the stage is to be assessed where a 
plebiscite becomes imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should 
it be held? That NSCN or other outfits have claimed parts of the 
present Assam, should a plebiscite be held for that purpose in the 
disputed areas? In that case there would be no end to plebiscite and 
that is a very impractical thing. Then we will have to divide Assam 
to the size of the city states and have to decide every issue 
through citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the stage has 
come. I request everyone here or otherwise to find an objective 
measure of assessment. Moreover, could not the protagonists of 
secession consider building up of the opinion without training 
their guns on the people of Assam on the pretext of they being spies 
of the 'state' etc? The covert organisations always fall prey to the 
guiles of the 'state' they fight by killing their own due to 
suspicion and sometimes intra-organisational feud. Better they do 
things under the sun taking people as their forte rather than 
ineffectual guns.

If the majority of the people feel that they should protect 
themselves with guns, I would not oppose that. But the people do not 
need a few to 'protect' and/or'kill' some of them on whimsy on the 
pleas of mistaken identity, cross-fire etc.

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a 
cave,totally detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are 
merely prodding at the body of ' sovereignty' without knowing what 
it is all about---like children at a new toy in the market 
showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view expressed in the Assam Net is 
of no consequence as far as I am concerned.

I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in 
this forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing 
solely on the sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are 
itching to break-up a 60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we 
have to hold a referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit 
that has been outlawed by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive 
preserve of the ULFA ? The right to self-determination,if allowed in 
Assam,would then be reduced to a series of voting 
exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the demand 
of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be 
defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the 
chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious 
state as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a 

Kamal J Deka


On 10/13/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

Dear Rubi,

I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online 
and Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese 
would want for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe 
the one interacting with me and the one following my posts are 
probably not the same person. If both were the same person, then you 
would not have written this to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, 
he will tell you that I have been one of the few in Assamnet who has 
been advocating against the kiling of our own brothers and sisters. 
Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in their own backyards. 
I have even gone on record saying that there should be a plebiscite. 
Preferably a independent one where the Government agencies has no 
part/role to play. I had requested only one condition that there 
should be a guarantee that the people's wishes should be

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
*But here Nayan makes a very curious claim: That *I*, cm, have not done
anything, like his govt., to bring peace to Assam.  Do *I*, a foreigner,
have either the resources, or the responsibility to  do, ANYTHING at all for
him or his state?

By C Da I meant ULFA. Why I meant that should be clear to everyone.


On 10/14/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  O' kamal:
> >kaleidoscopic federation.
>  WHAT exactly is this K-fed Bapa?  Are you suggesting Assam  is in
> charge of its own destiny, making use of its best of human resources , with
> controls over its natural resources? Does this FED you are alluding to allow
> Assam to bring its best  out to take care of itself? That it  polity is
> independent? That it has controls over its finances?
> What kind of a voodoo federation are you speaking of? Does it really exist
> or is it merely a figment of some kharkhowa imagination steeped in 'bhangor
> jaal' ( cannabis induced torpor) :-)?
> Those who, on the one hand claim that Oxomiyas do not want any part of
> sovereignty, but on the other hand oppose a plebiscite to determine if it
> really is so, obviously are incapable of  realizing that those who are
> observing silently are a bunch of morons, who can't put two ands two
> together to figure out what it amounts to. That, Kamal, is a  highly tenuous
> proposition if you asked me.
> >Infact I have gone on record saying that I am disgusted with both the
> Government and you (see my >reply to C Da's post) because neither has done
> anything for peace and progress of Assam (I have not >seen any results in 28
> years, I have become a man from 4 months old baby).
> *** I agree that Nayan is one of a very few, who had the courage of his
> convictions to support  a plebiscite., even though he slinked back to the
> cave he came out of when I challenged him to put his nmoney where his mouth
> is and raise his voice in support of a plebiscite. Instead of accepting the
> challenge, he put me , in his own words, "ignore list", declaring he won't
> answer my questions.  I can't imagine why, heh-heh .
> But here Nayan makes a very curious claim: That *I*, cm, have not done
> anything, like his govt., to bring peace to Assam.  Do *I*, a foreigner,
> have either the resources, or the responsibility to  do, ANYTHING at all for
> him or his state? Tell you what Nayan, you need to go back to your
> law-college texts and see if you can figure that out., about MY
> responsibilities here. What I do is out of the goodness of my heart :-), not
> because I owe you or your ilk anything.
> Further down I noticed that Nayan exhorted Rubi  to "---Please ask Chandan
> Da not to barge in and write a hilarious reply to what i have written coz i
> won't reply then." That , by itself is quite hilarious. Does Nayan think
> that I have been prompting Rubi surreptitiously? And he still has not
> figured this out, even though I explained it in so many words:  That I don't
> need his permission, like he does not need mine, to BARGE IN on any debate
> or discussion in progress in this forum. Looks like, among other things,
> Nayan is also afflicted with a learning disability. But , (sigh!!!)  he is
> not alone here.
> > I have become a man from 4 months old baby
> That, I must give Nayan credit for, considering that he overcame such
> an impossible hurdle  faced by so few men :-). I don't know Nayan---you
> don't learn , do you? But I am 62 and patient, unlike SH. I hope you will
> learn, one of these years.
> c -da
> At 9:00 PM -0500 10/13/07, kamal deka wrote:
> Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a cave,totally
> detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely prodding at
> the body of ' *sovereignty'* without knowing what it is all about---like
> children at a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view
> expressed in the Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am concerned.
> I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this
> forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the
> sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a
> 60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a
> referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed
> by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right
> to self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series
> of voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the
> demand of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be
> defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the
> chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state
> as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
> Kamal J Deka
> sugarland,Texas.

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread uttam borthakur
As I understand it, according to Sri C. Mahanta, 15000 lives lost ( I do not 
know how this figure has been arrived at... whether it represents the number of 
ULFA cadres killed or Oxomiyas killed (including those in unintended 
cross-fires),  whether it includes all lives lost including the 
non-oxomiyas) over 29 years is the objective basis making the plebiscite 
imperative. So, that is one measure.
  Has anyone made up his/her mind as to what should be the objective measure 
about the stage when such a vote becomes mandatory?

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in order to 
hammer out a solution within the ambit of the Constitution.What is wrong with 
that ?

  On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   The big vacuum of 
reason here I see is  this:
  IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so wish for 
an end to hostilities
  and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, declare that 
they will abide by the
  verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 15,000 
Oxomiya lives over
  29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?
  What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a hope for 
peace), or is that yet another
  display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?

  At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
  Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of wisdom as 
Plato would ask us to believe. The right to self-determination should not 
be denied to any people. But the question is: how the stage is to be assessed 
where a plebiscite becomes imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should it 
be held? That NSCN or other outfits have claimed parts of the present Assam, 
should a plebiscite be held for that purpose in the disputed areas? In that 
case there would be no end to plebiscite and that is a very impractical thing. 
Then we will have to divide Assam to the size of the city states and have to 
decide every issue through citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the 
stage has come. I request everyone here or otherwise to find an objective 
measure of assessment. Moreover, could not the protagonists of secession 
consider building up of the opinion without training their guns on the people 
of Assam on the pretext of they being spies of the 'state' etc?
 The covert organisations always fall prey to the guiles of the 'state' they 
fight by killing their own due to suspicion and sometimes intra-organisational 
feud. Better they do things under the sun taking people as their forte rather 
than ineffectual guns.  If the majority of the people feel that they should 
protect themselves with guns, I would not oppose that. But the people do not 
need a few to 'protect' and/or'kill' some of them on whimsy on the pleas of 
mistaken identity, cross-fire etc. 

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a cave,totally 
detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely prodding at the 
body of ' sovereignty' without knowing what it is all about---like children at 
a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view expressed in the 
Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am concerned. I respectfully 
disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this forum in regard to 
holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the sovereignty issue as 
demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a 60-year-old kaleidoscopic 
federation.Why do we have to hold a referendum,buckling under the pressure of 
an outfit that has been outlawed by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive 
preserve of the ULFA ? The right to self-determination,if allowed in 
Assam,would then be reduced to a series of voting exorcises,conducted every 10 
years or so in order to meet the demand of the new generation,at whose
 whim the border of a country could be defined and redefined.It will not be 
very difficult to imagine the chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic 
and multi-religious state as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied 
state-wide as a solution. Kamal J Deka  sugarland,Texas.

   On 10/13/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Dear Rubi, I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam 
online and Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese 
would want for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe the one 
interacting with me and the one following my posts are probably not the same 
person. If both were the same person, then you would not have written this to 
me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, he will tell you that I have been one of 
the few in Assamnet who has been advocating against the kiling of our own 
brothers and siste

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread kamal deka
The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in order to
hammer out a solution within the ambit of the Constitution.What is wrong
with that ?

On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The big vacuum of reason here I see is  this:
> IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so wish
> for an end to hostilities
> and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, declare that
> they will abide by the
> verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly
> 15,000 Oxomiya lives over
> 29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?
> What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a hope for
> peace), or is that yet another
> display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?
> At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
> Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of wisdom as
> Plato would ask us to believe.
> The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. But
> the question is: how the stage is to be assessed where a plebiscite becomes
> imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should it be held? That NSCN or
> other outfits have claimed parts of the present Assam, should a plebiscite
> be held for that purpose in the disputed areas? In that case there would be
> no end to plebiscite and that is a very impractical thing. Then we will have
> to divide Assam to the size of the city states and have to decide every
> issue through citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the stage has
> come. I request everyone here or otherwise to find an objective measure of
> assessment. Moreover, could not the protagonists of secession
> consider building up of the opinion without training their guns on the
> people of Assam on the pretext of they being spies of the 'state' etc? The
> covert organisations always fall prey to the guiles of the 'state' they
> fight by killing their own due to suspicion and sometimes
> intra-organisational feud. Better they do things under the sun taking people
> as their forte rather than ineffectual guns.
> If the majority of the people feel that they should protect themselves
> with guns, I would not oppose that. But the people do not need a few to
> 'protect' and/or'kill' some of them on whimsy on the pleas of mistaken
> identity, cross-fire etc.
> *kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a cave,totally
> detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely prodding at
> the body of ' *sovereignty'* without knowing what it is all about---like
> children at a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view
> expressed in the Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am concerned.
> I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this
> forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the
> sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a
> 60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a
> referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed
> by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right
> to self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series
> of voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the
> demand of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be
> defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the
> chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state
> as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
> Kamal J Deka
> sugarland,Texas.
> On 10/13/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Rubi,
> I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online and
> Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese would want
> for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe the one
> interacting with me and the one following my posts are probably not the same
> person. If both were the same person, then you would not have written this
> to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, he will tell you that I have been
> one of the few in Assamnet who has been advocating against the kiling of our
> own brothers and sisters. Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in
> their own backyards. I have even gone on record saying that there should be
> a plebiscite. Preferably a independent one where the Government agencies has
> no part/role to play. I had requested only one condition that there should
> be a guarantee that the people's wishes should be respected. I am on record
> that i have been advocating against killing. of innocents and others
> equally. But then how would you know. You are not the one following the
> posts. However I w

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread Chan Mahanta

The big vacuum of reason here I see is  this:

	IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so 
wish for an end to hostilities
	and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, declare 
that they will abide by the
	verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 
15,000 Oxomiya lives over

29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?

What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a hope 
for peace), or is that yet another

display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?

At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of 
wisdom as Plato would ask us to believe.

The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. 
But the question is: how the stage is to be assessed where a 
plebiscite becomes imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should 
it be held? That NSCN or other outfits have claimed parts of the 
present Assam, should a plebiscite be held for that purpose in the 
disputed areas? In that case there would be no end to plebiscite and 
that is a very impractical thing. Then we will have to divide Assam 
to the size of the city states and have to decide every issue 
through citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the stage has 
come. I request everyone here or otherwise to find an objective 
measure of assessment. Moreover, could not the protagonists of 
secession consider building up of the opinion without training 
their guns on the people of Assam on the pretext of they being spies 
of the 'state' etc? The covert organisations always fall prey to the 
guiles of the 'state' they fight by killing their own due to 
suspicion and sometimes intra-organisational feud. Better they do 
things under the sun taking people as their forte rather than 
ineffectual guns.

If the majority of the people feel that they should protect 
themselves with guns, I would not oppose that. But the people do not 
need a few to 'protect' and/or'kill' some of them on whimsy on the 
pleas of mistaken identity, cross-fire etc.

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a 
cave,totally detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are 
merely prodding at the body of ' sovereignty' without knowing what 
it is all about---like children at a new toy in the market 
showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view expressed in the Assam Net is 
of no consequence as far as I am concerned.

I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in 
this forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing 
solely on the sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are 
itching to break-up a 60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we 
have to hold a referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit 
that has been outlawed by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive 
preserve of the ULFA ? The right to self-determination,if allowed in 
Assam,would then be reduced to a series of voting 
exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the demand 
of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be 
defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the 
chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious 
state as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a 

Kamal J Deka

On 10/13/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

Dear Rubi,

I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online 
and Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese 
would want for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe 
the one interacting with me and the one following my posts are 
probably not the same person. If both were the same person, then you 
would not have written this to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, 
he will tell you that I have been one of the few in Assamnet who has 
been advocating against the kiling of our own brothers and sisters. 
Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in their own backyards. 
I have even gone on record saying that there should be a plebiscite. 
Preferably a independent one where the Government agencies has no 
part/role to play. I had requested only one condition that there 
should be a guarantee that the people's wishes should be respected. 
I am on record that i have been advocating against killing. of 
innocents and others equally. But then how would you know. You are 
not the one following the posts. However I would suggest that you 
see the postings in Assamnet put there by me few days back. You will 
find that it is me who wrote that there should be a plebiscite 
because a very miniscule portion of the masses have access to 
internet and their views here do not reflect the view of the masses. 
And that is the very reason why I requested you (ULFA) to go to the 
masses in the last 

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread Chan Mahanta

O' kamal:

kaleidoscopic federation.

 WHAT exactly is this K-fed Bapa?  Are you suggesting Assam  is 
in charge of its own destiny, making use of its best of human 
resources , with controls over its natural resources? Does this FED 
you are alluding to allow Assam to bring its best  out to take care 
of itself? That it  polity is independent? That it has controls over 
its finances?

What kind of a voodoo federation are you speaking of? Does it really 
exist or is it merely a figment of some kharkhowa imagination steeped 
in 'bhangor jaal' ( cannabis induced torpor) :-)?

Those who, on the one hand claim that Oxomiyas do not want any part 
of sovereignty, but on the other hand oppose a plebiscite to 
determine if it really is so, obviously are incapable of  realizing 
that those who are observing silently are a bunch of morons, who 
can't put two ands two together to figure out what it amounts to. 
That, Kamal, is a  highly tenuous proposition if you asked me.

Infact I have gone on record saying that I am disgusted with both 
the Government and you (see my >reply to C Da's post) because 
neither has done anything for peace and progress of Assam (I have 
not >seen any results in 28 years, I have become a man from 4 months 
old baby).

*** I agree that Nayan is one of a very few, who had the courage of 
his convictions to support  a plebiscite., even though he slinked 
back to the cave he came out of when I challenged him to put his 
nmoney where his mouth is and raise his voice in support of a 
plebiscite. Instead of accepting the challenge, he put me , in his 
own words, "ignore list", declaring he won't answer my questions.  I 
can't imagine why, heh-heh .

But here Nayan makes a very curious claim: That *I*, cm, have not 
done anything, like his govt., to bring peace to Assam.  Do *I*, a 
foreigner, have either the resources, or the responsibility to  do, 
ANYTHING at all for him or his state? Tell you what Nayan, you need 
to go back to your law-college texts and see if you can figure that 
out., about MY responsibilities here. What I do is out of the 
goodness of my heart :-), not because I owe you or your ilk anything.

Further down I noticed that Nayan exhorted Rubi  to "---Please ask 
Chandan Da not to barge in and write a hilarious reply to what i have 
written coz i won't reply then." That , by itself is quite hilarious. 
Does Nayan think that I have been prompting Rubi surreptitiously? And 
he still has not figured this out, even though I explained it in so 
many words:  That I don't need his permission, like he does not need 
mine, to BARGE IN on any debate or discussion in progress in this 
forum. Looks like, among other things, Nayan is also afflicted with a 
learning disability. But , (sigh!!!)  he is not alone here.

 I have become a man from 4 months old baby

That, I must give Nayan credit for, considering that he overcame 
such an impossible hurdle  faced by so few men :-). I don't know 
Nayan---you don't learn , do you? But I am 62 and patient, unlike SH. 
I hope you will learn, one of these years.

c -da

At 9:00 PM -0500 10/13/07, kamal deka wrote:
Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a 
cave,totally detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are 
merely prodding at the body of ' sovereignty' without knowing what 
it is all about---like children at a new toy in the market 
showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view expressed in the Assam Net is 
of no consequence as far as I am concerned.

I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in 
this forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing 
solely on the sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are 
itching to break-up a 60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we 
have to hold a referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit 
that has been outlawed by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive 
preserve of the ULFA ? The right to self-determination,if allowed in 
Assam,would then be reduced to a series of voting 
exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the demand 
of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be 
defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the 
chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious 
state as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a 

Kamal J Deka

On 10/13/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi 

Dear Rubi,

I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online 
and Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese 
would want for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe 
the one interacting with me and the one following my posts are 
probably not the same person. If both were the same person, then you 
would not have written this to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, 
he will tell you that I have been one

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread uttam borthakur
Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of wisdom as Plato 
would ask us to believe.
  The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. But the 
question is: how the stage is to be assessed where a plebiscite becomes 
imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should it be held? That NSCN or 
other outfits have claimed parts of the present Assam, should a plebiscite be 
held for that purpose in the disputed areas? In that case there would be no end 
to plebiscite and that is a very impractical thing. Then we will have to divide 
Assam to the size of the city states and have to decide every issue through 
citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the stage has come. I request 
everyone here or otherwise to find an objective measure of assessment. 
Moreover, could not the protagonists of secession consider building up of the 
opinion without training their guns on the people of Assam on the pretext of 
they being spies of the 'state' etc? The covert organisations always fall prey 
to the guiles of the 'state' they fight by killing their own due to
 suspicion and sometimes intra-organisational feud. Better they do things under 
the sun taking people as their forte rather than ineffectual guns. 
  If the majority of the people feel that they should protect themselves with 
guns, I would not oppose that. But the people do not need a few to 'protect' 
and/or'kill' some of them on whimsy on the pleas of mistaken identity, 
cross-fire etc.

kamal deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a cave,totally 
detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely prodding at the 
body of ' sovereignty' without knowing what it is all about---like children at 
a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view expressed in the 
Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am concerned.
  I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this 
forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the 
sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a 
60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a 
referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed by 
the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right to 
self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series of 
voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the demand of 
the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be defined and 
redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the chaos,it would create in 
a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state as Assam's,if such recipe 
were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
  Kamal J Deka

  On 10/13/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear Rubi,
  I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online and 
Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese would want for 
me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe the one interacting with 
me and the one following my posts are probably not the same person. If both 
were the same person, then you would not have written this to me. Even if you 
ask Chandan Mahanta, he will tell you that I have been one of the few in 
Assamnet who has been advocating against the kiling of our own brothers and 
sisters. Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in their own backyards. I 
have even gone on record saying that there should be a plebiscite. Preferably a 
independent one where the Government agencies has no part/role to play. I had 
requested only one condition that there should be a guarantee that the people's 
wishes should be respected. I am on record that i have been advocating against 
killing. of innocents and others equally. But then how
 would you know. You are not the one following the posts. However I would 
suggest that you see the postings in Assamnet put there by me few days back. 
You will find that it is me who wrote that there should be a plebiscite because 
a very miniscule portion of the masses have access to internet and their views 
here do not reflect the view of the masses. And that is the very reason why I 
requested you (ULFA) to go to the masses in the last post as well as in my 
reply to the letter written by you to Shantikam Hazarika, a copy of which was 
also sent to me.  
   Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, saying that 
the United Nations won't agree to a plebiscite, is not like plucking a solution 
from the thin air? 
  You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has brought in. 
  Pray tell me when and where did I make the statement that United Nations 
won't agree to a plebiscite. And one thing more. I have never emphasised on the 
changes the administration has bought in. Again, I ask you, When and where did 
I say that? 

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread kamal deka
Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a cave,totally
detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely prodding at the
body of ' *sovereignty'* without knowing what it is all about---like
children at a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view
expressed in the Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am concerned.

I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this
forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the
sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a
60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a
referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed
by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right
to self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series
of voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the
demand of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be
defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the chaos,it
would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state as
Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a solution.

Kamal J Deka

On 10/13/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Rubi,
> I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online and
> Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese would want
> for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe the one
> interacting with me and the one following my posts are probably not the same
> person. If both were the same person, then you would not have written this
> to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, he will tell you that I have been
> one of the few in Assamnet who has been advocating against the kiling of our
> own brothers and sisters. Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in
> their own backyards. I have even gone on record saying that there should be
> a plebiscite. Preferably a independent one where the Government agencies has
> no part/role to play. I had requested only one condition that there should
> be a guarantee that the people's wishes should be respected. I am on record
> that i have been advocating against killing. of innocents and others
> equally. But then how would you know. You are not the one following the
> posts. However I would suggest that you see the postings in Assamnet put
> there by me few days back. You will find that it is me who wrote that there
> should be a plebiscite because a very miniscule portion of the masses have
> access to internet and their views here do not reflect the view of the
> masses. And that is the very reason why I requested you (ULFA) to go to the
> masses in the last post as well as in my reply to the letter written by you
> to Shantikam Hazarika, a copy of which was also sent to me.
>  Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, saying that
> the United Nations won't agree to a plebiscite, is not like plucking a
> solution from the thin air?
> You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has brought
> in.
> Pray tell me when and where did I make the statement that United Nations
> won't agree to a plebiscite. And one thing more. I have never emphasised on
> the changes the administration has bought in. Again, I ask you, When and
> where did I say that? Infact I have gone on record saying that I am
> disgusted with both the Government and you (see my reply to C Da's
> post) because neither has done anything for peace and progress of Assam (I
> have not seen any results in 28 years, I have become a man from 4 months old
> baby).
> Nayan
> P.S: Please ask Chandan Da not to barge in and write a hilarious reply to
> what i have written coz i won't reply then.
> On 10/13/07, ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Dear Nayanjyoti Medhi,
> >
> > We have read your comments in AssamOnline. You wrote,"  "Times have
> > changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps with
> > mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian security
> > forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese the
> > ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one that keeps
> > normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the people what
> > they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people see the
> > ULFA movement as a beneficial and healthy activity for the betterment of the
> > Assamese people? Do the Assamese people really feel they are not part of
> > India and are being exploited by New Delhi?
> >
> > Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something
> > that is wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it
> > something which is being imposed on them."  We find that your statement
> > is a mere repetition of what the unified command structure has been

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Dear Rubi,

I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online and
Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese would want
for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe the one
interacting with me and the one following my posts are probably not the same
person. If both were the same person, then you would not have written this
to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, he will tell you that I have been
one of the few in Assamnet who has been advocating against the kiling of our
own brothers and sisters. Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in
their own backyards. I have even gone on record saying that there should be
a plebiscite. Preferably a independent one where the Government agencies has
no part/role to play. I had requested only one condition that there should
be a guarantee that the people's wishes should be respected. I am on record
that i have been advocating against killing. of innocents and others
equally. But then how would you know. You are not the one following the
posts. However I would suggest that you see the postings in Assamnet put
there by me few days back. You will find that it is me who wrote that there
should be a plebiscite because a very miniscule portion of the masses have
access to internet and their views here do not reflect the view of the
masses. And that is the very reason why I requested you (ULFA) to go to the
masses in the last post as well as in my reply to the letter written by you
to Shantikam Hazarika, a copy of which was also sent to me.

 Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, saying that
the United Nations won't agree to a plebiscite, is not like plucking a
solution from the thin air?
You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has brought in.
Pray tell me when and where did I make the statement that United Nations
won't agree to a plebiscite. And one thing more. I have never emphasised on
the changes the administration has bought in. Again, I ask you, When and
where did I say that? Infact I have gone on record saying that I am
disgusted with both the Government and you (see my reply to C Da's
post) because neither has done anything for peace and progress of Assam (I
have not seen any results in 28 years, I have become a man from 4 months old


P.S: Please ask Chandan Da not to barge in and write a hilarious reply to
what i have written coz i won't reply then.

On 10/13/07, ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Nayanjyoti Medhi,
> We have read your comments in AssamOnline. You wrote,"  "Times have
> changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps with
> mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian security
> forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese the
> ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one that keeps
> normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the people what
> they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people see the
> ULFA movement as a beneficial and healthy activity for the betterment of the
> Assamese people? Do the Assamese people really feel they are not part of
> India and are being exploited by New Delhi?
> Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something that
> is wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it something
> which is being imposed on them."  We find that your statement is a mere
> repetition of what the unified command structure has been saying for the
> last twenty eight years.  We do not accept such views. The colonial
> administration has been trying to steer the fate of the liberation struggle
> of Asom to their liking for the past 28 years. You have put emphasis on the
> changes the administration has brought in. But, why the struggle by
> thousands of freedom fighters in a tough situation created by fifth
> columnists facing uncertain future is still ongoing has not been highlighted
> by you?
> The ULFA has admitted of civilian casuality  in unfortunate
> circumstances(viz suddenly appearing during firing) while conducting
> operations against the enemy. Anticipating such casualities we have publicly
> requested people not to be with the occupation forces or in close proximity
> of the military camps or otherwise.
> The murder of engineer Ajay Deka and the old woman Sabitri Rajbangshi has
> proven again our contention that the unified command structure has been
> involved in these crimes in a planned manner to malign the ULFA.  Some may
> not believe our position, but, they should not believe the unified command
> structure's assertions either.  You are talking about people supporting the
> unified structure but there is no mention of the need for independent
> inquiry into their operations leading to human suffering and deaths. Hence
> we find your views biased.
> We are saying that there are masses who want an independent Asom. We have
> demanded a pl

[Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

Dear Nayanjyoti Medhi,
  We have read your comments in AssamOnline. You wrote,”  “Times have changed. 
The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps with mosquitoes and 
malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian security forces, and no 
real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese the ULFA is no longer a 
struggle for national salvation but one that keeps normal life disturbed. Is it 
not the time to rethink and ask the people what they want? The ULFA should ask 
the people if the Assamese people see the ULFA movement as a beneficial and 
healthy activity for the betterment of the Assamese people? Do the Assamese 
people really feel they are not part of India and are being exploited by New 

Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something that is 
wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it something which is 
being imposed on them.”  We find that your statement is a mere repetition of 
what the unified command structure has been saying for the last twenty eight 
years.  We do not accept such views. The colonial administration has been 
trying to steer the fate of the liberation struggle of Asom to their liking for 
the past 28 years. You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has 
brought in. But, why the struggle by thousands of freedom fighters in a tough 
situation created by fifth columnists facing uncertain future is still ongoing 
has not been highlighted by you?
  The ULFA has admitted of civilian casuality  in unfortunate circumstances(viz 
suddenly appearing during firing) while conducting operations against the 
enemy. Anticipating such casualities we have publicly requested people not to 
be with the occupation forces or in close proximity of the military camps or 
  The murder of engineer Ajay Deka and the old woman Sabitri Rajbangshi has 
proven again our contention that the unified command structure has been 
involved in these crimes in a planned manner to malign the ULFA.  Some may not 
believe our position, but, they should not believe the unified command 
structure’s assertions either.  You are talking about people supporting the 
unified structure but there is no mention of the need for independent inquiry 
into their operations leading to human suffering and deaths. Hence we find your 
views biased.
  We are saying that there are masses who want an independent Asom. We have 
demanded a plebiscite on the restoration of Asom’s sovereignty under the 
supervision of the United Nations. We have declared long time ago that we shall 
accept the verdict of the people.  Pre-judging of a possible negative outcome 
of such a plebiscite conducted in a environment fee of fear, surely is not 
devoid of prejudices? Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, 
saying that the United Nations won’t agree to a plebiscite, is not like 
plucking a solution from the thin air? Why do you have to be dependent on 
whether India will agree to it or not? Without gauzing the true depth what the 
majority of people of Asom wants, based on a opinion poll conducted at the 
behest of the army and the police and use of the internet voting available only 
o some town dwellers, you suggest be the decisive  verdict on the fate of the 
land and the people?
   Is it not very childish to talk like this? 
  With warm wishes
  Rubi Bhuyan
  "Nayanjyoti Medhi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  28 years have gone by since the start of the liberation struggle by the 
United Liberation Front of Assam. Many boys have died and their bodies rest in 
unmarked graves in jungles of Bhutan, Arunachal, Myanmar and still many have 
died in their own backyards. Many are languishing in the different jails all 
throughout Assam. Many have surrendered and joined the mainstream. Not only the 
boys, with them many civilians who did not have anything to do with liberation 
have given their lives in this ongoing struggle between the state and the 
liberation army.

United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) was formed on April 7, 1979 at the Rang 
Ghar in Sibsagar to establish a "sovereign socialist Assam" through an armed 
struggle. Of course, there was an initial euphoria and an unnaturally 
heightened sense of alienation because of the step motherly attitude of the 
Indian Government in the initial stages of the movement. The truth has since 
been gradually realised and that sense of alienation has died.

Times have changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps 
with mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian 
security forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese 
the ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one that keeps 
normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the people what 
they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people see the ULFA 
movement as a beneficial and healthy activity