Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Gi's ware is the hidden weapon for level 2.3?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Here are some suggestions. First of all, light attack, medium attack, heavy attack and block. That's all the buttons you really need for melee. You could make throws by simultaneously hitting light and heavy, you can stun an enemy by blocking at just the right time ( similar to a flawless block in MK ). And you could have so many combos with just those.The rage meter, OK, so rather than one misstep killing it, here is my suggestion. First, I really really don't like the way it is now where you're getting pounded on and you just have to punch reeal ral slow. That doesn't make sense to me. So here's what I think. After four successive strikes at any speed, the meter will start to fill. Landing more strikes fills the meter more, being struck reduces it. Jumping reduces it by say 30% but won't nullify it necessarily. Blocking strikes will neither cause it to fill nor to drain. Pulling off a counter attack ( by first blocking at just the right time, then taking advantage of their stunned state to launch strikes ) should fill it by 30%. Also, landing a successful throw should increase it as well.When the meter fills and you're in rage mode, it drains like an hourglass but faster. Launching successful throws, combos, not getting hit and landing counter attacks are all ways to stay in rage mode. Being hit too many times in a short amount of time will drain it very rapidly. Also, using guns in rage mode should make them wildly inaccurate and cause the meter to drain faster. If you launch a throw but it is tekked, you lose some rage, but if you are thrown, it reduces by half.As for stats, I think any successful combo should yield an increase, even if it's a very very small one. They'll add up over time. In rage mode, successful combos, throws, and counter attacks could multiply the stat gain by a certain amount.If a player can manage to stay in rage mode for all of the enemies in a level, it's not balanced right. Rage mode should be relative short if you don't work to keep it up, and even then, that should only slow the drain. Unless someone's really damn good, they won't be able to over turn it and start building back up.I see your kickstarter got smashed within like two days. That's really cool and I'm glad to see that, because this game definitely deserves to be made. I just want to see the melee system match the rest of the dopeness that this game is, and I think that will happen.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

SO how do i get the new weapon on 2.3, i don't mean to be rude asking this 2 times but i've bin on this thing for a day lol.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@127. I'm not in favour of a light edium heavy system because that kind of complexity is seen mostly in fighting games. Beat em ups really only need one button, maybe two at best... but again, that's just imo. No need for anything other than a basic block, either. Hybrids that try and combine complexity of fighting games and beat em ups are usually more style than substance... and I like your suggestionabout the rage meter, other than te fact that jumping will decrease it. That's franklyunnecessary... and I lso think that a really good player, in point of fact, will be able to keep rage mode activated for the duration of a whole area if they're skilled enough and if the rage system is properly done.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Also, ust backed the project. Nice to see the goal's already been met and surpassed!


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Agreed with 129... a three attack system isn't strictly necessary IMO. Maybe two at best, depends what you guys wanna go for. Light and heavy? Also means you can have better control over a combo system.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

You can still do a lot with two buttons. Or even one. It's down to getting creative with it. Like with the space bar, track how long it has been held, that build heavier attacks, a tap is a light attack. A double tap and hold is a jab straight then a kick or something like that as a combo.I would like to see a block option though. Not only that, but smarter enemies that try other things rather than just standing there and pummeling you or getting pummeled themselves. Make them cagy, hit a few times, then jump over you and turn around and hit some more. If they go for a block option, make it facing dependent, i.e. you can't block a dude on the right by facing left. Holding the block should diminish in effectiveness the more you do it. It's good to catch your breath, but not a way to just stand there and take endless punches. If an attack gets through, your guard is broken and you need to release the block key and press it again.A way to go for an anti-air would be nice too. Make them fall and be stunned for a short while. I also thought of some close quarters combat stuff, but I don't think that's right for this game, as much as I like slitting throats and choking people out.There could also be a dash, though more of a short sprint with a cool down by double tapping a direction. Launching an attack while dashing would make it more powerful. Conversely, if you are dashing, and you run straight into an attack, it should hit you harder. The only potential problem I see with that is people who want to be extra careful with their platforming accidentally triggering it.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

To be honest I am more a fan of the 3 button attack system. I have the feeling that creating combos or different attacks with directional inputs might be better with a multy button system. Sure, you could use one button with different hold times or tapping it multiple times, but I really like the 3 button system together with possible directional inputs for more attack variation.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

And mabey an upper cut type of thing, mabey control up arrow? or something.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

All there really needs is to be one combo. Press space up to four times, and each one is a different attack. The last one, whatever the number of blows is, is always a heavy attack that has blowback or knockdown. Or the attack button in conjunction with the arrow keys. The key is to not overcomplicate it. Final fight had two attacks. A standard combo and a jumping attack. there was also one special move that would clear the screen but also drain a little of your health. That litterally was it... and that formula is still used today. The challenge was with enemies that had different attack patterns and trying to anticipate for all the different moving pieces with a very simple set up of your own. But the right amount of complexity can be good too. But it's quality over quantity, for sure.As for close combat stuff... I mean, this is close quarters combat. But there would never be a choking mechanic unless it was a stealth section. You can't choke out one guy when there are five others trying to get on your back. lol I do like the idea with slitting throats though, or some sort of well timed instakill. But knives don't even exist in the concept demo.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Well, you don't want to source keys from all over the keyboard for things you can use your attack buttons for, but yes, some variant of one of your attack buttons plus up would work. I would also loove to see controller / gamepad support as well... here's hoping. Not just that, but with proper rumbles as well when you get hit hard, block a heavy attack or land a damaging blow.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

If anyone can, I'd recommend trying either Battle Circuit, or Warriors of Fate, from the Capcom Beat Em Up bundle, as these two demonstrate the combo system we're on about, including the mashing the air thing, but once you start hitting, each hit is then timed, it's not four rapid hits at any time, there's a little delay between each one that the game forces, I don't really know how to describe it. So even if you mash, the game will still delay it. It's not about timing the button press, but it's the game that does the timing for you. Also, these two have stereo sound. The fourth hit always acts as a knockback. Although, back then, I don't think there was a rage meter, so if the melee system does get some sort of revamp, I'm wondering how rage will, eventually, be factored in. Cheesewheel idea is also fairly interesting but if you're trying to get to different positions and things, I don't know if you want too many keys especially with an arrow keys for movement setup. YOu can't exactly use up arrow to jump then j k j k j for a combo or whatever.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Well yes, yu can. Air combos are a thing, just not in beat em ups.My point in stating that things should be simple to start is that this game's combat system needs to get the basics right before experimenting with al the extras that cheeseWheel is talking about. And the reason for the delay timing in those games is, remember, because theyare actual attacks, and each attack takes time to execute because visually, animations take frames. The problem is how to give that kind of similar response purely with audio, without animations. How to time two jabs, a hook, and a spinning kick, for example. And most blind people have never performed that combination in real life let alone do it regularly as part of training so aren't aware of how fast it would realistically be. It's easier just to ave one generic atack, like this game or adventure at C:, that just comes out as fast as you can mash the attack button.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

I feel like having interesting little sub bosses to break up long levels with lots of enemy waves would help things feel less monotonous after you've played the game a bit.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

lol still trying to figure out the best way to do 1.3


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : whocrazy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hi.In the level 1.3, do the soldiers just endlessly spawn at you, or are you able to kill them all eventually?Cheers.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!



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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PhantomCreations via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hello,First of all I want to apologize to those who have been sending emails, it appears our smtp server is having issues.To those wondering if 1.3 does eventually end, yes, it does. You just have to survive long enough. Of course, that's way easier than it sounds...So @assault freak, @Aaron, @BlindNinja and the cheese wheel.One of the first things we're going to focus on after the campaign ends is stripping the combat systems down to simple punches, then rebuilding it with at least 3 possible combos.Just trying to think of a system that would work and make sense in a game like this where your often swarmed on all sides, and you don't often have time to reload your weapon.I really like what all star batnet did where you had A and b. I figured out that if you were running and held A then really quickly added an opposing arrow, you would jump back a few squares. I got really good at being able to charge enemies that way, though unpredictability of it was what really made it something worth trying.Not saying that will or won't be our combo system, but that's what Lauren and I initially thought of when improving combos and the melee mechanics in general.Since you 4 seem to have the most experience in mainstream games, I would really love to sit down with you some time in the future whenever the campaign ends to brainstorm some mechanics that would make sense and be fun and addicting in a game like this. I can already tell you (meaning everyone) that I've seen some players get immense enjoyment out of kicking enemies sending them flying halfway across the screen.Really passionate about developing this game to it's fullest potential, within reason. At most, I think the combos will be limited to 2 buttons. Adding the arrow keys would do things, although I don't want to get into a system where you have a hole cluster of buttons to memorize. That being said, all of you are more than welcome to continue leaving feedback here. Although we are putting development efforts on pause until the campaign ends, suggestions will be noted down for when the campaign ends and we can get to work.Best,The phantom Creations team.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Again, are you gonna add any mor melay weapons like knifes or sords? because there could be abunch of cool combo's availible with though's things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Again, are you gonna add any mor melay weapons like knifes or sords? because there could be abunch of cool combo's availible with though's things.and explosive stuf like mabey a bomb that wen it explodes abunch of shrapnel or something can come out depending on the environment around it? etc.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Just curious what might be added if you significantly exceed your kickstarter goal, as I notice you don't have any stretch goals.So aside from just adding those, in a non binding sort of way, what might my money go towards if I back this already backed project?Even if you say nothing, I'll probably throw a bit in anyway because IMO you deserve to be paid for your time and to at the very least break even on the sound purchases, but it would help me feel more comfortable about putting more in if I knew it was going to improve the game.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@FantomJust curious what might be added if you significantly exceed your kickstarter goal, as I notice you don't have any stretch goals.So aside from just adding those, could you talk about (in a non binding sort of way) what my money might go towards if I back this already backed project?Even if you say nothing, I'll probably throw a bit in anyway because IMO you deserve to be paid for your time and to at the very least break even on the sound purchases, but it would help me feel more comfortable about putting more in if I knew it was going to improve the game.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@PhantomCreations I'll join the discussion if there will be a chance! I was growing up playing TONS of brawlers from Capcom plus other fighing games etc. Oh, so great days and even it was around 20 years ago I still remember the fun  and I'm going back to these days just running these games emulated. I'll keep my eye on this for sure as the project looks promising! :-)


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@PhantomCreations, just dropped you an email as I thought it'd be better to take this off the forum. But definitely willing to sit down and talk about thi, for sure.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : necrozma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

hi. i completed the demo and i have a suggestion. do you have a  plan about adding explosive weapons or flame throwers? also, adding healing drinks or somethings can be awesom.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Definitely have items that can heal you, in a mainstream beat em up you'd just pick them up and get health back, for the most part. So no inventory as such.If you pick up a knife, the attack button will of course use that. You either: keep that weapon until it breaks, or you're knocked down, or die, whichever happens first. There are other items like barrels which are one use, I don't know if knives can also be thrown or not. When I had a knife, tapping the attack button kept on using it until I was knocked down, so that's the use I definitely know about.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PhantomCreations via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@defender,So when we ran out of funding there were a couple options we could have taken.Option 1. Make the game paid, introduce authentication tokens and servers and databases, doing a bunch of key verification checks and so on. Point being, the more that I specifically thought of to make key registration secure enough, the less convenient it would have been for players to register copies of the game.Quite honestly, I had way, way better things to do than keep track of anti-piracy measures.So we went with option 2, which was to set up a campaign where people could choose to support the game if they wanted to. This way, the game was still available to everyone to play and complete. Plus there's the fact that some countries (surprisingly) still don't access to paypal.As for stretch goals, none have really come to mind. Full voiced cut scenes aren't on the priority list since it doesn't exactly feel like it'd fit in very well in a game like this.Apart from music and sound effects, (which are pretty expensive in their own right) we were planning on taking the finished story to an editor such that it could be improved and corrected as needed. There's also voice acting for one, maybe up to 3 additional characters you will occasionally get the chance to play as.One such example would be Alex, after her and her teammates are discovered and she and the team must fight off the soldiers. Still going over the details of that, though we're pretty clear on a vision for that specific scene.Take care,The Phantom Creations team.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PhantomCreations via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Oops, @Aaron wrote a post while one was being composed.Absolutely love the limited use of melee weaponry. We were actually going to do that with ranged weapons as well, and more than likely will.So imagine, if you will, the pmc-44 having a very poor durability. If you didn't allow it time to cool down and fired several dozen rounds in under a minute, yeah, no more pmc-44. Where as your starting weapon would be almost immune to that. Keyword almost.How about a system in where enemies might sometimes be able to yank your current weapon away from you and either break it, or use it against you?That feels like the ultimate evil, but it's something worth considering IMHO.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs used guns and it worked like there's was limited ammo. You have just one round for example and when it is over it is over and your attack is changing from this weapon to the normal attack. That worked pretty great and this is why I love old capcom beat em ups: Simple mechanics but great gameplay and balance.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Vulcan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

weapons beeing able to break sounds like a cool idea. whether it be the enemies doing it, or you from falling from great heights, or beeing blown up in a mine.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fatih via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

I think those mines should definitely be tweaked, like you can make it loop a little faster or something. Because 2.2 is really frustrating because either I step on a mine while trying to move and die, or eventually the drones are killing me. I cannot concentrate both the mines and the drones and the turrets this way. I believe we need a little bit tweaking for this


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : black_dog via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

I think that breaking weapons is unnecessary


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@154i think if you loop them any faster they will just mix in to won beeping sound. next, what's your defense, you should make sure that's hi, wen i get to this part it's like 40. and then what i did was. if you no ware the first mine is jump to the next.and then use d to see how far the other one is, and then just walk close to it and jump over it, and repete


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

tryed this thing out, and gosh!awesome music, nice combos, a bit easy going a i but i'm sure ya can fix it.ok, now, here comes the idea cargo:1. combos. combos could be done with the combination of the numbers 1 2 3 to say, while tab switches to fire arm mode or what ever, and 1 2 and 3 become something like, one shot, small burst and full magazine, woch you could stop by pressing again the 3 key for example.about clips and such, soldiers should probably drop more loot, to say, ammo, medkits so you can heal up, or just rambdom stuf that you could hurl / throw / whatever.2. more possibities in melee. you could get some weapons that would break after a while... idk, a baseball bath with wich you could do a upper swing or a low swing? a knife or sword that could insta kill somebody if you are in rage mode?3. invincibility: instead of having full invincibility so you can fight a whole freakin swarm of a 200 enemies, you could have a maximum amount of enemies that can swarm you, and ya could either jump or duck / dive and slide dowards your enemie to trip it, or disarm it, wich would be really cool.4. explosives: we all know that something like this, where ya find soldiers, trucks, machineguns and lots of fast patched action, has to get  something that goes boom. be it a grenade, a bomb, a mine, or a tank of noss. even making the crates, or some of them have explosive material and when you shoot them they explode and throw shrapnel around? or have the old good beer bottle with alcohol and a cloth, ya all know where i'm going.5. stage 1.3: in stage 1.3 the swarming and need of rage combo is more prominent. instead of having the enemies spawning like crazy wich gets the lag up to crazy levels sometimes, you could have a limit of mobs that can be on screen, cause after a bit while i was on the first truck fending of those poor unarmed buddys down from that the situation was basically crazy witha  crazy amount of lag... talking about 400 ms, 250 at best.6. grappling, throwing, making things go airborn to their death: i know there's that kick thing that goes after 6 hits. but would be fun having a tackle ability, if you run and as soon as you're in range of an enemie you punch it and the momentum you have sends it sky high, that could be a thing. or, making it like in bk where there was friendly fire among the enemies. i mean, having a 2d thing can be difficult to improove, but have enemie fire occasionally hit the enemies them selfes... i mean, 30 people fireing at the same time can hit each other by mistake...8. an idea for something that probably anibody would like: human shield. yes, i've sayd it, human shield. how nice was in those bar fights where you usually see the guy take an other and use it to basically knock the other down? in other words, hurling an enemie against an other to possibly kill the hurled one and knock the other down, could be a nice whay of making melee combat more interesting.9. the punching the air noises. if possible, would like to have some louder swing noises, would make the o crap i just messed up a combo more clear.and finally,10 the enemie sight range. no, not like in b z where it was like enemie saw me, ki, enemie out of sight range, o there's nobody in this world lets just stand here. basically, enemies after you're out of sight range start patrolling the area or something. of course we could talk about a 70 / 80 tiles for sight range, so it isn't just your stereo field.and after that shipment of ideas that i have...11? or not... this is the end of the post acttually.feel free to tell me if this stuf was good, or if my ideas were useless. and best of all, good luck with s s, i'm liking what i heared till now!good day to ya all


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

tryed this thing out, and gosh!awesome music, nice combos, a bit easy going a i but i'm sure ya can fix it.ok, now, here comes the idea cargo:1. combos. combos could be done with the combination of the numbers 1 2 3 to say, while tab switches to fire arm mode or what ever, and 1 2 and 3 become something like, one shot, small burst and full magazine, wich you could stop by pressing again the 3 key for example.about clips and such, soldiers should probably drop more loot, to say, ammo, medkits so you can heal up, or just rambdom stuf that you could hurl / throw / whatever.2. more possibities in melee. you could get some weapons that would break after a while... idk, a baseball bath with wich you could do a upper swing or a low swing? a knife or sword that could insta kill somebody if you are in rage mode?3. invincibility: instead of having full invincibility so you can fight a whole freakin swarm of a 200 enemies, you could have a maximum amount of enemies that can swarm you, and ya could either jump or duck / dive and slide dowards your enemie to trip it, or disarm it, wich would be really cool.4. explosives: we all know that something like this, where ya find soldiers, trucks, machineguns and lots of fast patched action, has to get  something that goes boom. be it a grenade, a bomb, a mine, or a tank of noss. even making the crates, or some of them have explosive material and when you shoot them they explode and throw shrapnel around? or have the old good beer bottle with alcohol and a cloth, ya all know where i'm going.5. stage 1.3: in stage 1.3 the swarming and need of rage combo is more prominent. instead of having the enemies spawning like crazy wich gets the lag up to crazy levels sometimes, you could have a limit of mobs that can be on screen, cause after a bit while i was on the first truck fending of those poor unarmed buddys down from that the situation was basically crazy witha  crazy amount of lag... talking about 400 ms, 250 at best.6. grappling, throwing, making things go airborn to their death: i know there's that kick thing that goes after 6 hits. but would be fun having a tackle ability, if you run and as soon as you're in range of an enemie you punch it and the momentum you have sends it sky high, that could be a thing. or, making it like in bk where there was friendly fire among the enemies. i mean, having a 2d thing can be difficult to improove, but have enemie fire occasionally hit the enemies them selfes... i mean, 30 people fireing at the same time can hit each other by mistake...8. an idea for something that probably anibody would like: human shield. yes, i've sayd it, human shield. how nice was in those bar fights where you usually see the guy take an other and use it to basically knock the other down? in other words, hurling an enemie against an other to possibly kill the hurled one and knock the other down, could be a nice whay of making melee combat more interesting.9. the punching the air noises. if possible, would like to have some louder swing noises, would make the o crap i just messed up a combo more clear.and finally,10 the enemie sight range. no, not like in b z where it was like enemie saw me, ki, enemie out of sight range, o there's nobody in this world lets just stand here. basically, enemies after you're out of sight range start patrolling the area or something. of course we could talk about a 70 / 80 tiles for sight range, so it isn't just your stereo field.and after that shipment of ideas that i have...11? or not... this is the end of the post acttually.feel free to tell me if this stuf was good, or if my ideas were useless. and best of all, good luck with s s, i'm liking what i heared till now!good day to ya all


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

and by the whay, i forgot to say, in the 1 2 3 keys idea, while in melee 1 could be left punch, 2 could be right punch and 3 could be left kick, 4 right kick and idk, you could throw 5 as the grab key? with that you could do a combo sistem to say a 5 1 3 would grab the enemie, punch it and then kicks it in the air? just an idea that i hope ya can pick up


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Remember... more buttons does not always equal better.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kratos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

absolutelly great game. I hope that we will have full game soon.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

On the contrary. I think if there's enough left over, voiced cutscenes would definitely fit well in a game like this. Shank, for all its crappy voice acting, was a game that was enhanced by the voiced scenes instead of just scrolling dialogue which would've made it a different game. Same with Bladed fury, another favourite of mine in this genre.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@FantomThanks for the replySo after playing the game a bit more, I do have a couple of comments.1. I think the jump kick feature is pretty unbalanced.First, you can kick as fast as you want while in the air, but your kicks do extra damage up there so you can just move back and forth killing people while barely being touched your self.  It doesn't actually seem like you need to speed up fully first and you don't have any sort of cooldown time.I think ideally the way that jump kicks should work is that you need to get up to full speed first and have the ctrl key held while doing it, and then you can only use the kick every 3 seconds or something.  I wouldn't even mind if the damage was further increased so that it was almost always a foolproof kill, or if enemies behind the first one took some damage as well to simulate them  being thrown into each other.2. Waiting for HP to regen just isn't fun. If the regen rate was increased I wouldn't mind nearly as much, but as it stands having this be the only way to regain it really puts a damper on things, and I think health items would probably work better.3.  If only enemies could climb I think it would really help make things feel more dynamic.  Sitting at Z2 watching them all flail at you uselessly, or listening to them all trying to follow you on the ground while you're in the trees just makes me feel bad for the little guys... And I love the idea of throwing people off high platforms with the super kick thing or having a shootout in the trees and getting distracted to the point I fall off into a sea of enemies below.4. I think that end of level sub bosses with interesting attributes might make things allot more engaging. Even if you don't arbitrarily limit it to every level and just base it on how much grinding the player has been doing lately, it would still really help to break up the routine and add some more strategy.5. Having as many unique pitches for mine beeps as possible or even writing some kind of algorithm which prevents them from being too close to each other on the pitch scale would really help to avoid them blending into each other.6. Panning can update slowly sometimes. This can result in things like coming up on a mine way too fast or having an enemy death sound play in the center when they were killed to the right of you.7. Some of the firearm stats don't really make sense from a realism point of view, but I understand that game mechanics take priority.  If this wasn't purposeful though than maybe someone like me or Ironcross could help with that. Otherwise, I definitely don't mind much.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@FantomThanks for the reply, I just put in 10 bucks.So after playing the game a bit more, I do have a couple of comments.1. I think the jump kick feature is pretty unbalanced.First, you can kick as fast as you want while in the air, but your kicks do extra damage up there so you can just move back and forth killing people while barely being touched your self.  It doesn't actually seem like you need to speed up fully first and you don't have any sort of cooldown time.I think ideally the way that jump kicks should work is that you need to get up to full speed first and have the ctrl key held while doing it, and then you can only use the kick every 3 seconds or something.  I wouldn't even mind if the damage was further increased so that it was almost always a foolproof kill, or if enemies behind the first one took some damage as well to simulate them  being thrown into each other.2. Waiting for HP to regen just isn't fun. If the regen rate was increased I wouldn't mind nearly as much, but as it stands having this be the only way to regain it really puts a damper on things, and I think health items would probably work better.3.  If only enemies could climb I think it would really help make things feel more dynamic.  Sitting at Z2 watching them all flail at you uselessly, or listening to them all trying to follow you on the ground while you're in the trees just makes me feel bad for the little guys... And I love the idea of throwing people off high platforms with the super kick thing or having a shootout in the trees and getting distracted to the point I fall off into a sea of enemies below.4. I think that end of level sub bosses with interesting attributes might make things allot more engaging. Even if you don't arbitrarily limit it to every level and just base it on how much grinding the player has been doing lately, it would still really help to break up the routine and add some more strategy.5. Having as many unique pitches for mine beeps as possible or even writing some kind of algorithm which prevents them from being too close to each other on the pitch scale would really help to avoid them blending into each other.6. Panning can update slowly sometimes. This can result in things like coming up on a mine way too fast or having an enemy death sound play in the center when they were killed to the right of you.7. Some of the firearm stats don't really make sense from a realism point of view, but I understand that game mechanics take priority.  If this wasn't purposeful though than maybe someone like me or Ironcross could help with that. Otherwise, I definitely don't mind much.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@FantomThanks for the reply, I just put in 10 bucks.So after playing the game a bit more, I do have a couple of comments.1. I think the jump kick feature is pretty unbalanced.First, you can kick as fast as you want while in the air, but your kicks do extra damage up there so you can just move back and forth killing people while barely being touched your self.  It doesn't actually seem like you need to speed up fully first and you don't have any sort of cooldown time.I think ideally the way that jump kicks should work is that you need to get up to full speed first and have the ctrl key held while doing it, and then you can only use the kick every 5 seconds or something.  I wouldn't even mind if the damage was further increased so that it was almost always a foolproof kill, or if enemies behind the first one took some damage as well to simulate them  being thrown into each other.2. Waiting for HP to regen just isn't fun. If the regen rate was increased I wouldn't mind nearly as much, but as it stands having this be the only way to regain it really puts a damper on things, and I think health items would probably work better.3.  If only enemies could climb I think it would really help make things feel more dynamic.  Sitting at Z2 watching them all flail at you uselessly, or listening to them all trying to follow you on the ground while you're in the trees just makes me feel bad for the little guys... And I love the idea of throwing people off high platforms with the super kick thing or having a shootout in the trees and getting distracted to the point I fall off into a sea of enemies below.4. I think that end of level sub bosses with interesting attributes might make things allot more engaging. Even if you don't arbitrarily limit it to every level and just base it on how much grinding the player has been doing lately, it would still really help to break up the routine and add some more strategy.5. Having as many unique pitches for mine beeps as possible or even writing some kind of algorithm which prevents them from being too close to each other on the pitch scale would really help to avoid them blending into each other.6. Panning can update slowly sometimes. This can result in things like coming up on a mine way too fast or having an enemy death sound play in the center when they were killed to the right of you.7. Some of the firearm stats don't really make sense from a realism point of view, but I understand that game mechanics take priority.  If this wasn't purposeful though than maybe someone like me or Ironcross could help with that. Otherwise, I definitely don't mind much.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@FantomThanks for the reply, I just put in 10 bucks.So after playing the game a bit more, I do have a couple of comments.1. I think the jump kick feature is pretty unbalanced.First, you can kick as fast as you want while in the air, but your kicks do extra damage up there so you can just move back and forth killing people while barely being touched your self.  It doesn't actually seem like you need to speed up fully first and you don't have any sort of cooldown time.I think ideally the way that jump kicks should work is that you need to get up to full speed first and have the ctrl key held while doing it, and then you can only use the kick every 5 seconds or something.  I wouldn't even mind if the damage was further increased so that it was almost always a foolproof kill, or if enemies behind the first one took some damage as well to simulate them  being thrown into each other.2. Waiting for HP to regen just isn't fun. If the regen rate was increased I wouldn't mind nearly as much, but as it stands having this be the only way to regain it really puts a damper on things, and I think health items would probably work better.3.  If only enemies could climb I think it would really help make things feel more dynamic.  Sitting at Z2 watching them all flail at you uselessly, or listening to them all trying to follow you on the ground while you're in the trees just makes me feel bad for the little guys... And I love the idea of throwing people off high platforms with the super kick thing or having a shootout in the trees and getting distracted to the point I fall off into a sea of enemies below.4. I think that end of level sub bosses with interesting attributes might make things allot more engaging. Even if you don't arbitrarily limit it to every level and just base it on how much grinding the player has been doing lately, it would still really help to break up the routine and add some more strategy.5. Having as many unique pitches for mine beeps as possible or even writing some kind of algorithm which prevents them from being too close to each other on the pitch scale would definitely help to avoid them blending into each other.6. Panning can update slowly sometimes. This can result in things like coming up on a mine way too fast or having an enemy death sound play in the center when they were killed to the right of you.7. Some of the firearm stats don't really make sense from a realism point of view, but I understand that game mechanics take priority.  If this wasn't purposeful though than maybe someone like me or Ironcross could help with that. Otherwise, I definitely don't mind much.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

still can't get past 1.3. do I have to blow up the trucks?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Ok, little help for 1.3. When the level starts, go to the right truck,jump on it and clear the thing. If truck is clear, jump down and eliminate the people standing there. Then hide under the truck so the enemys can only come from the left.Build up rage and continue in the rage rhythm so the bullets cant hit you. do that till you have no more enemys, so the level ends. If you want, check the object scanner and if you have only one enemy left, get out of your hiding place, run over to the left truck, get the machine gun and punch out the last soldier.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@NarutoStart1.3SpoilersWhat I do is sit on the left truck and shoot some enemies with what ever gun I have before picking up the MG, then when I run out of ammo I pick that up, load it, and start building rage by hitting anyone who jumps up there with me while not wasting any ammo. I let my meter build quite a bit, then I jump down and hose the enemies on the ground with the XJ.Then I just repeat that, only picking up new guns from the trucks/ground when I'm almost out of ammo, and building rage before moving to the ground so I don't die instantly.Sometimes it can be tricky because later in the stage almost all enemies have guns so building rage safely can be hard and fewer enemies jump on the right hand truck, but thankfully they do have to load them first which gives you a head start on the fistycuffs.Also, make sure to use bursts on the ground, so you aren't just spraying the sides of the trucks and wasting your bullets.End1.3Spoilers


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

hold on. you can go under them to?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Yeah you can sorta go under them, if you run to the right and try jumping, you will notice that you jump against the truck, so you can stay there, enemys can just attack from the left then.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Yeah but then you can't really doj bullets so you bettor be carfull wen your loading that mg. takes abit


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Why would you need to charge the MG? Just rage through the enemys and take the weapon when it's almost over, well, if you raised your stats before that is.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hi,Can anyone give any hints on mines?spoilerI've heard you can set them off without dying, because I've done it, but I have no idea how it happened.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

You can clip them yeah.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@169 i mean if your under the truck. and you half to reload you can't doj the bullets if your under there.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheBlindSaiyan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Does this game plan to have an endless mode or replay value?The plot sounds amazing and I'm about the try the demo now.Keep up the good work! 


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@PhantomCreations, I was wondering, may I make a recording of me playing the concept demo?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

huge, ass, spoiler, carrier truck, ahead!1.3, how to finish it with out getting even touched4 stepsstep 1.go to the left truck, build some rage. 2 or 3 succesfull combo things work2. get the minigun kind of thing.3. jump off the truck, and start shooting till you cleared all out.4. stand in the middle of the stage, shooting left and right till there's no more enemies.tips1. what if you're out of ammo? usually there's the bigger gun with scatter shot around, and there's some enemies dropping it.2. what if i get swarmed?in that case, just run backwards, spray and pray till it's all cleared out and there ya go again.about mines, the blow up some times when you jump them, not sure how it works though.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

I wish I could consistently reproduce the mine explosion thing without dieing. There must be a way.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

It's like you have to be at a certain Y as you pass over it. Too low, you land on it and die, too high, you fly over and it doesn't go off. Same thing with platforming. I figured out what I was doing wrong, with the help of someone else's example, namely stepping back and taking a run at it, but if you don't do it right, you can actually whack your face into the side of the platform.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kratos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

well, this game needs one improvement. the mines should beep quicklyer, because it is very but very hard to run and jump like when you are runing before drones.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Disclaimer: I have not read any of this topic other than the first few posts to get the game.Honestly, I’m seriously underwhelmed. I know this is a concept demo but it feels much more like an audio drama with scrolling text that just reeks of man a man. The grammar is not perfect, and neither is the spelling which isn’t the end of the world but really should be polished up in a concept demo if you’re releasing it to the public.Additionally, the combat just feels slow, very clunky, and not all that different than some thing like scrolling battles. You run, you jump, you hit. There are way too many enemies to actually have some sort of strategy. You’re expected to clear all of them, and yet by the time you clear the first level you are usually down to about 40% health.The  Momentum system is a good idea, but implemented very poorly. It doesn’t feel realistic. Probably a better point of the game at least in concept thoughI stopped playing a little bit after whatever that bomb thing was. According to my friend, and the object menu, it’s a mine. According to what the game gave me an impression of, it is a ticking bomb. It is a slow, rhythmic eat at the beginning of the level that is very reminiscent of a timed bomb going off. You might want to change the sound to something a little less recognizable.Why does it feel like I get the most underwhelming gun? My comrade gets an A.R. 10 and my other comrade gets an Uzi. I get a pistol. And especially with some of the enemies having automatic weapons, it almost feels unfair.Sound design is quite good, my favorite part about the game as a whole. It’s very cinematic and very bad ass. You feel powerful.Overall, somewhat of a mediocre start but I really hope you can pull it a little more back on track and make this thing awesome


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

uh I hate stage 3, lol.So for what I also have observed from mainstream beat em up is those games usually created for everyone, what I mean is that you can either hack away through stages for fun, or for those who would like to use strategy can also find their place by learning enemy patern etc. currently for scarlet shells I think it's more bias toward players who think and those who are good at timing and such. it's not nesecerryly a bad thing, but it is a mager knockback for those who just would like to have fun. look at stage 2.2 beyond for example, you could easily feel frustrated by the level. I love challanges but if is it up to the point that basicly like, "haha I can do this because I am better than you", and those who cannot complete stuck there hopelessly, that is too much for me.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

friends, i can't pass level 2. any help? i am trying to get that gun which is at 75, 25. i managed to reach up to 80 to 90 but after that i am falling down.any help?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Here's an interesting question that I hope Phantom reads. How much do you plan the main game to differ from the concept demo that is out right now? Are you guys flexible enough to make major gameplay changes if they are suggested by the ks testing branch?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hi,I didn't read the whole thread, and so I don't know if this was already asked:How does the ragemeter thing exactlya work?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@183just punch the enimys with a with a timing. like, 1 punch per second lke that.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

OK, thanks.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PhantomCreations via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hello,@174, nope, we don't mind. It's public material, after all.So for those struggling with 2.1 as it stands.spoilersThere's a guard up there in the sniping deck, If you can activate Dahlia's rage meeter and very quickly run down and activate the mine while still invincible, it will explode harmlessly.So one thing Lauren and I have agreed upon based on user feedback is the rage meter combo is going to go. It's clunky, it's impractical and it's purpose is kind of lost on the game.That being said, we will be working closely with the testing team to come up with an alternative. We're also working to figure out a system that allows your stats to improve gradually as you use weapons. It won't be much, though it would be far better than the current nothing.Best,The Phantom Creations Team.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hi.At Phantom is there already a date when we will receive the link to the testing branch discord? I donated my 20 dollars but haven't received further info. Will we get access when the kickstarter has ended or how is this planned out?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

it says it will be given after the compaign ends.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PhantomCreations via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hello,The testing branch will open sometime in February. Those of you who sign up for the testing branch will receive a notification during the month of February when the testing environment is ready.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jasmin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Quick question. Is this written in bgt, my av program flags it since 20h2 updating.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Nope, PB.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

FOR THE STAT INCREASE, I WOULD SUGGEST, INSTEAD OF JUST THE RAGE METER, You could make it so if you do any combo such as the bie bie flight kick or the jump kick, although not as much as the other combo, but as you do combo's you earn something like a value. ones you get it up to 10 you earn a stat point that you can place where you want. i think it would get your char to be more customizable, to say if you're good at dodging enemie fire you go in with attack only, or with high defense if you aren't good at dodging shots and want to tank your whay through


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

or you get stat points that you can place where you want at the end of the stage, to say 1 1 2 and 3 give you 1 statpoint, 2 1 2 3 give you 2 and so on.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

I actually like the rage meter, I just wish it worked more like your average fighting game where different hits/combos contribute to the meter in different amounts until it fills up, or you can use small amounts of it for special moves (for instance jump kicks)


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@FantomI actually like the rage meter, I just wish it worked more like your average fighting game where it builds up slowly and different hits/combos contribute to the meter in different amounts until it fills up, or you can use small amounts of it for special moves (for instance jump kicks)


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

thot would work too. as you continue doing combos in general, be it the rage it self, the 6 punches kick or the flying kick you build up the rage meter, and lets say, after 4 combos more if you do the flying kick, you get your stat increase.but then again, this makes you use just melee instead of guns, cause guns don't raise your stats.a cool thing would be ducking, if you do it on grass or stuf like that you would be allmost invisible, if you do it on concrete or whatever tile you would avoid just a small burst, to say 1.5 seconds? just an idea of some sort.also, there should be a whay in wich, if you jump and are one tile lower than the platform, you can grab on to it... would make things more realistic.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hi guys. This game is really amazing, I am having so much fun playing it. I am stuck in 2.2 however, any help would be appreciated. Specifically, I am having problems with the second part of the stage, where you are in the middle of a lot of turrets and soldiers, turrets and drones fire at you. Nomatter how many soldiers I kill I end up dying because the drones and turrets can not be destroyed so if I move out of that space I get blastered away eventually. Any tips on passing this stage? Is there anything I must do in order to pass it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hi guys. This game is really amazing, I am having so much fun playing it. I am stuck in 2.2 however, any help would be appreciated. Specifically, I am having problems with the second part of the stage, where you are in the middle of a lot of turrets, soldiers, turrets and drones fire at you. Nomatter how many soldiers I kill I end up dying because the drones and turrets can not be destroyed so if I move out of that space I get blasted away eventually. Any tips on passing this stage? Is there anything I must do in order to pass it?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Or, stats can be based on xp, like in 90% of other games.. lol


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : catfish1953 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hello. I can't pass the drones. How do you pass them without getting killed thanks. this game is awesome.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@catfish1953 I think you might be able to be still,and just jump in the air as they pass.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : catfish1953 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hello. I tried to stand still and jump but i still got killed. Is thaire a certain place i need to be to jump when they pass and am i supposed to jum-p up or to eather side. i am not sure how to do this. can someone tell me a better way to do this or am i missing something thanks.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

The only way I've found to deal with drones is constant motion. If there are drones coming after you, don't stop moving, and move in the opposite direction they're coming at you from. They basically dive bomb you and explode at a recent location you were at, so you need to always stay moving.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PhantomCreations via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hello all,New update available, bringing in a new ending section to level 2, area 1. Instead of having to run across a ladder to get past a mine, the layout has changed.Also in the update are adjustments to mines. Mines can beep faster now. We've also made minor adjustments to a few maps and tweaked weapons slightly.As usual, the update is live on our games page.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Something that would be good to have is multiple save slots in case you have more than 1 player at the same computer or you want to do some experimentation and not mess up your existing save.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Maranatà via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Sorry, I didn't quite understand how I have to do to collect the weapons, nothing happens when I step on them.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fatih via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

I think we need items to regenerate hp, even if rarely, for especially for 2.3. And game should definitely save after passing 2.2.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@204 You half to push enter on the same tile as the weapon is on to pick it up. ANd then i also agree with @205  about the healing items. but the slow gen systom should be used as a  last rezort not the only option, I'm sure you gi's have already figgerd out a  healing systom for the final version. But please for god sakes please don't add antibiotics as a  healing item because that's not what they do lol. Mabey if you add some diffrent types of ammo for example a  poizan bullet then sure. but there not ment to heal woonds lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : catfish1953 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

hello. How do you get passed those live electrick things wighout falling down in to them. can't figure that out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Maranatà via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Does this also apply to muni 


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

You can track the weapon useing the key D


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

The fact that you can't destroy either the turrets or the drones on 2/2 is a bit much IMO.Even with allot of save scumming I still can't manage it. If this was hard mode or something I would understand, and I'm not suggesting we should be able to destroy both enemies, but having to jump the mines safely while being bombed is bad enough, the turrets just make things ridiculous IMO.Besides, having to jump and shoot the drones or wait for a timing gap in a force field/chew through armor on the turrets would be neat anyway.And maybe other people can deal with it but between the footsteps, drones, turrets firing, items and sometimes mines going off I really struggled to focus even with the music off.At the least I think that turret shot speed and especially turret bombing speed could be reduced.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@fantomThe fact that you can't destroy either the turrets or the drones on 2/2 is a bit much IMO.Even with allot of save scumming I still can't manage it. If this was hard mode or something I would understand, and I'm not suggesting we should be able to destroy both enemies, but having to jump the mines safely while being bombed is bad enough, the turrets just make things ridiculous.Besides, having to jump and shoot the drones or wait for a timing gap in a force field/chew through armor on the turrets would be neat anyway.And maybe other people can deal with it but between the footsteps, drones, turrets firing, items and sometimes mines going off I really struggled to focus even with the music off.At the least I think that turret shot speed and especially turret bombing speed could be reduced.I don't mind having to try something quite a few times to perfect it, especially when the game saves at level start, because it lets me build my skill and feel more accomplishment, and if I've been away from the game for a while it can add replay value.But I think this is more of a spam issue than a skill issue.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@Maranatà the key here is your object locater. If Dalia and the weapon are at the same position, you can press enter to pick it up.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

The trick I found to that level is to constantly be running, and to use the object menu to your advantage. Mainly, its knowledge of exactly how far away the next mine is. You can basically ignore everything else.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

I was hoping this game would be two and a half D when I saw it for the first time.


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : singing butterfly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Dumb this new update a concept demo or a full build?


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Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

@GrannyCheeseWheelI was under the impression that 2.5D only referred to 3D images used in a 2D game, so how would that work in audio.Do you mean HRTF?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : catfish1953 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scarlet Shells, concept demo 1!

Hello. for some reason i still can not get pass the live electric wires without falling in in to them. I went to the top of the bridge or what ever that was and went over to the live wires and still went in to them and got fried. So am i suppose to come down from the ladder to go passed them or what. please help. I really appreciate if someone can give me a hint or something thanks.


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