Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating from mariadb to postgresql

2022-09-07 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-09-07 5:27 AM, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:

sql_create.c:483 Create DB Media record INSERT INTO Media 
 failed. ERR=ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "media_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (mediaid)=(1) already exists.

You'll need to look at the DDL and see how mediaid is defined: hopefully 
it's a 'default next value for $some_sequence' (whatever postgres syntax 
is for that), then you find the the next available number from media 
table. I.e. if the last mediaid in mysql dump is 42, you want 
$some_sequence start with 43.

psql> alter sequence $some_sequence restart with 43;

(Or, before the import, you can edit the DDL and change $some_sequence 
definition to 'start with 43'.)

Repeat for all sequences in the database. (There is a '\d - something' 
command in psql to list all sequences.)


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating from mariadb to postgresql

2022-09-05 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-09-05 11:14 AM, Martin Simmons wrote:

I think you need convert_from(), not encode().  Something like

select convert_from(VolumeName::bytea, 'SQL_ASCII') from media;

Right, I saw the starting '\x' and looked no further. OP will have to 
figure out what encoding that POS is actually dumping into -- keeping in 
mind that it may be the OS messing it up when saving to text file -- and 
then figure out the right spell to un$#@! it.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating from mariadb to postgresql

2022-09-05 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-09-05 4:21 AM, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:

bacula=# select encode(VolumeName, 'hex') from media;


Is the "\xss850938sdkl" you posted before an actual value from your 
table? -- It's not hex even though it starts with \x.

You should be able to mysqldump just that one table with some 
combination of --compatible and maybe --hex-blob, in a decipherable 
form. Then you could load it in psql (after truncating the existing table).

FWIW I use python to move databases. Character encodings is one of the 
problems that solves. Creating/checking the table/column mappings 
between source and destination is a lot of boring work but IME the 
alternatives take even longer and don't work half the time -- as you're 
finding out.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating from mariadb to postgresql

2022-09-01 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-09-01 7:57 AM, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:

So I'm wondering why "text" would end up displayed as "hex" in bconsole?

Because it's a hex text, presumably ;)

This is likely happening when pulling the data out of mysql, not when 
displaying it in bconsole.

You could try `select encode(Volume, 'hex') from` whatever table it's 
in, in psql. If that looks OK: `update $table set Volume=encode(Volume, 
'hex')` would be quick fix. Maybe add a guard along the lines of "where 
Volume like '\x%'" or something.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating from mariadb to postgresql

2022-08-30 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-08-30 9:04 AM, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:

ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "status_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (jobstatus)=(A) already exists.

Any idea what could be causing this?

Without looking at the actual DDL, I'd say your tables are wrong and 
primary key should be (jobid,jobstatus). ICBW and all that.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bsmtp from within a container

2022-08-02 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-08-02 3:46 PM, Justin Case wrote:

The container uses the container ID as hostname. nothing I can do about it with 
I will retire the Synology mail server at somepoint but that is months in the 

I disabled authentication for local networks, but still:
504 5.5.2 <3422f1072002>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname

Yeah, well, as Phil said elsethread, your Synology has a 
"point-and-drool web management interface ... full of You Can't Do 
That." You probably could configure docker to use your home lab IP range 
-- or even run the container with "host networking" and then its IP 
should be in Synology's "LAN", but... evidently Synology does *not* make 
a usable mailserver and that's your problem.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bsmtp from within a container

2022-08-02 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-08-02 2:16 PM, Justin Case wrote:

I run the mailserver put its basically a tightly baked postfix dovecot under 
Synology DSM UI. So I won’t manually change config files. But “Ignore 
authorization for LAN connections” sounds reasonable, I have activated that 
now. Lets see if that helps.

It has to know 172.x is a "LAN" connection... if they don't have a way 
to set $mynetworks, I think you might want to add a raspi to your home 
lab to run a proper postfix instance. ;)

This does, however, not solve the problem that the hostname is not an FQDN and 
that it cannot be overridden with bsmtp. So I am still 100% away from a working 
solution :(

It's common enough, half of them get "localhost" from the resolver 
anyway and happily stick it in the mail header. I tend to specify From: 
addresses like "win-acme-on-server-X@mydomain" to know where it came 
from -- and if anyone decides to reply, they can keep the bounce.

As far as mail delivery goes, FQDN is not needed for anything. It's only 
there for that UCE check which should be disabled for "LAN connections".

PS. if bsmtp gets its hostname from the resolver, you might be able to 
fool it by setting up a nameserver for docker ips. Or maybe get names 
from docker network -- but I never looked into that.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bsmtp from within a container

2022-08-01 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-08-01 3:57 PM, Justin Case wrote:

bsmtp: bsmtp.c:124-0 Fatal malformed reply from 504 5.5.2 
<3422f1072002>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname

Who runs the mailserver? Typically you's set "permit-mynetworks" before 
"reject-XX-helo-hostname" and add the docker ip ranges to "mynetworks" 
-- assuming it's postfix.

Since docker uses private ip ranges, these ips should never appear on 
"the Internet" side of the mailserver, i.e. it's not opening the relay 
for everyone: only to docker containers (which could be a problem too 
dep. on how far they trust their customers).


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] PostgreSQL replication

2022-07-27 Thread dmitri maziuk
On 2022-07-26 7:19 PM, Shaligram Bhagat, Yateen (Nokia - IN/Bangalore) 

Hi all,

We are using Bacula 9.x on CentOS with PostgreSQL.

I am curios to know if anyone has implemented PostgreSQL replication to 
a remote site for disaster recovery preparedness.
 Not for bacula server and I'm not sure about a remote site -- I think 
$work[-1] may have it running from US to Japan now but I'm not sure. We 
actually had our website running off of a hot replica (physical).

Like all things postgres it worked pretty much out of the box.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Q: Bacula for TrueNAS Core?

2022-06-19 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-06-19 5:02 PM, Larry Rosenman wrote:

For the record it's FreeBSD, not OpenBSD.

Sorry, us liGNUx lusers keep forgetting which one's which, or why.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Q: Bacula for TrueNAS Core?

2022-06-19 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-06-19 2:42 PM, Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:

But reading on the internet what iX-Systems Plugins are I think it is 
not what I understand with the above term.

TrueNAS is a specialized version of OpenBSD that comes with web-based UI 
to ZFS storage subsystem. A plugin is a binary packaged for install via 
said UI.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Q: one job for a group of "identical" machines using the same fileset?

2022-06-15 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-06-15 11:21 AM, Justin Case wrote:

in the age of virtualization and cloud technology such as Kubernetes I would 
assume that people might have a lot of VMs that use the same setup where they 
may store container user data under the same path for each machine.

This is somewhat related to your FreeNAS question: VM/container storage 
tend to be iSCSI volumes, not network shares, so they have to be backed 
up from the client. Each has to have their own bacula client and each 
client has to have a job.

ZFS will let you export its filesystems as iSCSI volumes. You can 
snapshot them, ship the snapshots away, back up the snapshots etc. I 
don't see why you couldn't do all your volumes as one job.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Q: Bacula for TrueNAS Core?

2022-06-15 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-06-15 5:49 AM, Justin Case wrote:

All the best, I am looking forward to your thoughts on this.

My $.02 is why? If you're looking for a basic undelete/rollback 
capability, ZFS has snapshots. It can ship those incrementally to 
another ZFS system, in the long run the 2nd system tends to be cheaper 
than the tape. You can even "hold" the snapshots on the receiver have 
the filesystem mounted and accessible -- read-only of course -- while 
deleting them on the source to save space.

If you need archival forever, it's probably trivial (I haven't looked) 
to connect a "cloud bucket" and dump your ZFS snapshots onto it for 

So I'm not quite sure why muck around with tapes, all things considered.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Virtual tapes or virtual disks

2022-01-26 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-01-26 12:57 PM, Josip Deanovic wrote:

The number of files per directory is far bigger and is unlikely to
get reached, especially not for this use case.

The limit is one thing, the scaling is another. I agree: 40TB of 10GB 
files is not enough to see the slow-down on any modern system, you'd 
need an order of magnitude more files to get there. Still it's something 
to be aware of when deciding on volume size.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Virtual tapes or virtual disks

2022-01-26 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-01-26 11:59 AM, Peter Milesson via Bacula-users wrote:

I'm having a RAID5 array of about 40TB in size. A separate RAID 
controller card handles the disks. I'm planning to use the normal ext4 
file system. It's standard and well known, most probably not the fastest 
though. That will not have any great impact, as there is a 4TB NVMe SSD 
drive, which takes the odd of the slow physical disk performance.

Yeah, we gave up on hardware RAID controllers long ago, but YMMV.

As for SSDs, if you spool the jobs you can run them in parallel to 
spool->volume stream. You'd have to look at the numbers for your setup 
but generally despooling off the SSD over the bus runs just fine while 
clients are spooling to it over the network.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Virtual tapes or virtual disks

2022-01-26 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-01-26 11:06 AM, Peter Milesson via Bacula-users wrote:

Your way of explaining the reasoning of why to use smaller file volumes, 
is very appreciated. 


The only thing I haven't found out is how to preallocate the 
number of volumes needed. Maybe there is no need, if the volumes are 
created automagically. Most of the RAID array will be used by Bacula, 
just leaving a couple of percent as free space.

If you use actual disks as "magazines" with vchanger, you need to 
pre-label the volumes. If you use just one big filesystem, you can let 
bacula do it for you (last I looked that functionality didn't work w/ 

If you use disk "magazines" you also need to consider the whole-disk 
failure. If you use one big filesystem, use RAID (of course) to guard 
against those. But then you should look at the number of file volumes: 
some filesystems handle large numbers of directory entries better than 
others and you may want to balance the volume file size vs the number of 
directory entries.

For single filesystem, I suggest using ZFS instead of a traditional RAID 
if you can: you can later grow it on-line by replacing disks w/ bigger 
ones when (not if) you need to.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] postgres db error while despooling attributes to database

2022-01-12 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2022-01-12 12:06 PM, wrote:

bacula: 9.6.5
Postgres 8.4.20

After some large (12TB, 7TB) backup jobs finished and were in the process of 
despooling attributes to the database, I got the followingg errors:

12-Jan 12:43 vbacula JobId 131494: Fatal error: sql_create.c:841 Fill File table 
Query failed: INSERT INTO File (FileIndex, JobId, PathId, FilenameId, LStat, MD5, 
DeltaSeq) SELECT batch.FileIndex, batch.JobId, Path.PathId, 
Filename.FilenameId,batch.LStat, batch.MD5, batch.DeltaSeq FROM batch JOIN Path ON 
(batch.Path = Path.Path) JOIN Filename ON (batch.Name = Filename.Name): ERR=ERROR:  could 
not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.4702": Input/output error
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.5134": 
Input/output error
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.5134": Bad 
file descriptor
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.5134": Bad 
file descriptor
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.5134": Bad 
file descriptor
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.4702": 
Input/output error
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.5134": 
Input/output error
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.5134": Bad 
file descriptor
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.5134": Bad 
file descriptor
ERROR:  could not close file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp25672.5134": Bad 
file descriptor

Are you sure your database server is not dead/dying? RAM and/or disks 
aren't failing? Filesystems have room in them?


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula for QNAP?

2022-01-04 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 1/4/2022 12:21 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
This is why for many years now my NAS has run Solaris.  It is THE 
reference implementation of NFS.

Same reason we kept our storage on Solaris for as long as we could at 
$work[-1], long after Sun quit doing 50% off "educational" sales and 
priced itself out of our budget...


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula for QNAP?

2022-01-04 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 1/3/2022 8:05 PM, Gary R. Schmidt wrote:

On 04/01/2022 05:47, David Brodbeck wrote:


I could see iSCSI maybe working better, but I haven't tried it.

iSCSI is not the same as NFS (or SMB), it shares a "raw device" which 
the mounting system then formats and uses, the device can't be shared 
on/from the iSCSI server.

I think he means if you use an iSCSI device for your storage you should 
avoid most of the shared-FS problems: it's not like you *need* your 
volumes shared to multiple servers.

> ...   (Well, it can be shared by simulating
> sneaker-net, mount-fiddle about-umount-mount elsewhere-fiddle
> about-umount-etc.)

In theory ZFS will let you make a mirror from a local drive and an iSCSI 
device, and then you could restart each half in "degraded" state...


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula for QNAP?

2022-01-04 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 1/3/2022 1:31 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:

I did consider completely wiping the thing and installing either Gentoo 
Linux or Solaris x86.  But I hesitate to do that on a brand new unit 
still under warranty.

I usually pull out the system drive and stick a clean one in for this. 
But they probably have a "warranty void if removed" sticker somewhere in 
the way.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula for QNAP?

2022-01-03 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 1/3/2022 7:23 AM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

On 1/3/22 13:56, Heitor Faria wrote:

Therefore, you could try TrueNAS , which is 
based on FreeBSD

Then I'd use FreeBSD directly, as I do for servers :)

True (formerly known as Free) NAS is FreeBSD, it's just everything you 
need for the NAS conveniently pre-packaged, and comes with a web GUI.

Their target hardware is a bit higher than QNAP-type devices: x64, 8+GB 
RAM ECC highly recommended, stay away from Marvel SATA chips, etc. It'll 
probably run on a low-end microATX setup for home NAS just fine... but 
not on a Pi yet. :(


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula for QNAP?

2022-01-02 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 1/2/2022 7:18 AM, Jose Alberto wrote:

I have a NAS with HP StoreOnce.

I have 4 network ports.

Take one of them and connect it point to point with the Bacula.

In Bacula I do a mount NFS readonly

In this way backup (backup) everything that exists in the NFS at 
transfer rates between 100 and 180 MB / s on average.

I don't know if this can help you.

Setting up zfs on the other host, doing incremental snapshot transfers 
and baking up those would be more efficient. I don't think that's what 
Phil's trying to achieve though


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] make_catalog_backup stopped working

2021-12-27 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 12/27/2021 2:02 PM, Josip Deanovic wrote:

On 2021-12-27 19:19, Phil Stracchino wrote:


The blazes?   If mysql.user is a VIEW, something is VERY BADLY WRONG.

Are you still using Akonadi's MySQL instance?

Yes, that doesn't look normal.
I hope it's not something Suse specific.

Google sez it's one of the many improvements in mariadb 10.4. Does 
bacula support mariadb at all?


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] make_catalog_backup stopped working

2021-12-27 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 12/27/2021 1:44 PM, Josip Deanovic wrote:

'localhost' and '%' are special keywords.
'localhost' applies only to unix socket.
'%' has a meaning of any AF_INTET socket (any IP address or host)

So, the '%' does not include 'localhost'.

Thank you, I learned something today (not that I wanted to: I try to 
stay away from that POS as much as I can, but that doesn't work 100%). 
Now I know why you had to grant to both 'root'@'localhost' and 
'root'@'' -- in addition to 'root'@'%' of course.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] make_catalog_backup stopped working

2021-12-27 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 12/27/2021 7:24 AM, Graham Dicker wrote:

If I change the Catalog definition from

dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = ""


dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "root"; dbpassword = ""

then Bacula does work but it doesn't "see" the volumes already in the database
and wants
to create new ones when I try to run a backup.

'bacula'@'%' is supposed to match bacula@ANY_HOST ('%' being the SQL 
wildcard) but in my limited mysql experience it never worked 100% of the 

You need to figure out who really owns bacula database and every object 
in it, and connect as that role. There is an easier way out: switch to 
postgres and thank me later.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] New Bacula Server with multiple disks

2021-12-16 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2021-12-16 3:44 AM, wrote:

Good day
I hope this message finds you all well.

I have been running a small Bacula server with a single disk for a 
number of years now and it has become a vital part of our small business.

I setup our original server with some help from the community and am 
very grateful to anyone who freely shares their knowledge.

I am using Debian 9 and Bacula 7.4.4
I have 4 storage drives mounted as backup1-4

What kind of drives? In what kind of chassis?

If I were setting this up from scratch, I'd go with a ZFS raidz-1 on 3 
drives and a (large-ish) SSD in the 4th slot for ZFS write cache and job 
spool. Unless there's 5th disk: system, in which case I'd use an SSD 
there as well and put ZFS write cache on that instead.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] postgres createdb for bacula fails

2021-05-03 Thread dmitri maziuk

On 2021-05-03 7:38 PM, Dan Langille wrote:

On Mon, May 3, 2021, at 6:16 PM, wrote:

DETAIL:  The chosen LC_CTYPE setting requires encoding "UTF8".

$ createdb -E SQL_ASCII -T template0 bacula
$ dropdb bacula
$ export LC_ALL=C
$ createdb -E SQL_ASCII -T template0 bacula

Works there. I suspect it is something specific to the environment.

I guess freebsd doesn't set LC_CTYPE? Postgres falls back on LC_ALL only 
if that (and IIRC some *LANG* too) isn't set.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] how to tell 9.6 director to use mysql?

2020-07-20 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 7/20/2020 8:50 PM, Gary R. Schmidt wrote:

Every day that you learn something new is a good day!

I had no idea that Fedora had anything like that - I've seen it on 
Solaris - I will have to add it to my "things that you needed to know 
before you broke that" list.  :-)

It's from debian actually, /bin/whatever is a symlink to 
/etc/alternatives/whatever, which in turn a symlink to something else, 
and it's symlinks all the way down. ;)

But yeah, that's the library I was thinking of.

The proper way of doing it is to make a libfoo-postgres and libfoo-mysql 
RPMs and each would `update alternatives` in its postinst script and 
it'll all magically "just work". Except when it doesn't.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] how to tell 9.6 director to use mysql?

2020-07-20 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 7/20/2020 6:31 PM, Gary R. Schmidt wrote:

On 21/07/2020 09:21, Greg Woods wrote:

Has this always been the case?


Wow. I could swear I installed a backend-specific library RPM and made a 
symlink or something in the version we're using. It all must've been a 
figment of my imagination I guess.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] areas for improvement?

2020-06-12 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 6/12/2020 12:39 PM, David Brodbeck wrote:

None of this, of course, is an issue when backing up always-on servers with
static IPs -- which is Bacula's focus.

Not really: what's happening is if an intermediate node goes down, IP 
will find a different route -- *at the network layer*.

We normally run backups over non-routed links. "Always-on servers with 
static IPs" would normally be on the same (V)LAN. A VPN is a direct 
point-to-point link at Data Link Layer, even if it's tunneled over TCP/IP.

When a switch or NAT router or a virtual interface goes down at link 
layer, there's nothing IP can do about it.

The problem is time: as data size goes up, it takes longer to complete 
the backup, and with that the chances of a link-level disruption go up too.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Converting from Sqlite3

2019-07-05 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users

On 7/4/2019 5:24 AM, Axel Kittenberger wrote:

So... what would you recommend, MariaDB or PostGres?

That's easy: last I heard mariadb was not officially supported so it's 
postgres or postgres.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Doubts about Bacula

2019-04-23 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 23:43:12 +1000
"Gary R. Schmidt"  wrote:

> 1 - That was proper clusters, that was, not the half-arsed crap that 
> lusers call clustering these days.

It's called availability to the max. As in 737 Max.

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Doubts about Bacula

2019-04-16 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 23:24:10 -0300
Marcio Demetrio Bacci  wrote:

> 5. Currently the OS and Backup disks are on the same DRBD volume, so
> would it be better to put the OS disk out of the DRBD volume? (the VM
> has frequently crashing what makes me think that excessive writing on
> the disk may be impacting the OS)

I would put everything out of drbd volume because quite frankly I don't
see the point. I don't think you can fail over in a middle of a backup,
and without that, why not just put OS on NFS? -- or ZFS and send
incremental snapshot as part of your manual failover. Using drbd for
backup storage is just a waste of disk.

I'd also try to run bacula in a container instead of VM at this point.
but that's just me.
Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Multiple disk usage

2019-03-31 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Sat, 30 Mar 2019 18:30:18 +0300
Yılmaz Bilgili via Bacula-users 

> Hello,
> I have 900 GB data to backup. And I have two disks in my backup
> system, first one 2 TB, second one 8 TB. I want to use both of them,
> what is the most effective way to use these disks in Bacula?

Personally I would replace the 1st one with an 8TB and make a RAID-1
out of them. That said, 
1. you can make a volume that spans both disk, then bacula will be able
to auto-label, auto-recyle, etc., or
2. use vchanger to treat the two disks as two "magazines". That comes
with a bit more manual work, but not too much.

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error running bacula-sd 9.2.2 on a Zyxel NSA310 [SOLVED]

2019-03-04 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users

On 3/4/2019 10:11 AM, Josh Fisher wrote:

... The fix should be either compiling 
Bacula with the correct headers or else file a bug report with Zyxel.

Or to use plain accept() and call fcntl() with CLOEXEC. As I understand 
it, there can be a race condition if you fire off your pre-(post-?)job 
script from a separate thread, that's the only difference between that 
and accept4().

Whatever problem is being avoided by using accept4() on linux 2.6.32+, 
is presumably still alive and well on every other supported platform?


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error running bacula-sd 9.2.2 on a Zyxel NSA310 [SOLVED]

2019-03-01 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users

On 3/1/2019 10:10 AM, Josh Fisher wrote:

On 3/1/2019 6:34 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:

At this point, my best assessment is that there is a bug in the Zyxel

It is certainly a bug in the Zyxel libraries. The accept4() is throwing 
a ENOSYS, meaning that the function is simply not implemented. It seems 
the header file being used (sys/socket.h) does not match the installed 

Nevertheless, accept4() is a convenience extension and it doesn't seem 
worth potentially breaking some platforms to save one or two fcntl() calls.

My point was, what are the chances the programmer had no clue about 
accept4() being non-portable non-POSIX gunk in the first place? One 
wonders what flags are actually being passed to the call in question.

(Yes, I've built GNU stuff on SPARC Solaris with Sun Studio. That's 
where contempt for libtool and "gunk" pronunciation of "GNU C" comes from.)


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error running bacula-sd 9.2.2 on a Zyxel NSA310 [SOLVED]

2019-02-28 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users

On 2/28/2019 8:06 AM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

On 2/28/19 2:23 PM, Martin Simmons wrote:

That suggests the function accept4 was defined at compile time by 
fails with

errno=38 (ENOSYS) at run time.

I don't know what to answer.
I'm not competent enough to understand the difference between the two; I 
cannot also tell why it is defined and why it does not work.

It looks like accept(4) is a gnu-ism that takes a couple of convenience 
flags and falls back on accept() if the flags are 0. Arguably it's an 
error between the programmer's chair and keyboard: by using a 
non-standard extension that at best saves you a couple of extra lines of 
code, they lost portability to non-glibc systems including presumable 
musl-based linux distros.

But hey, we don't need portable C: ./configure libtool will figure it 
all out for us.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Spooling vs buffering

2019-02-07 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Thu, 07 Feb 2019 11:32:29 +0100
Wolfgang Denk  wrote:

> Dear Adam,
> In message <> you wrote:
> >

> Also, disk space is cheap - where is the problem of using a much
> bigger spool area?  I use only LTO4 tapes so far, and I have a
> 1.5 TB spool area.  Where is the problem?

Running it on spinning rust is suboptimal, so, over here in murka:
 ~2TB of SATA SSD is under $300
 1.6TB SAS SSD is ~$600
 1.9 TB MVMe is ~600
and an 11TB U.2 NVMe is over $4K. 

Which one you can use depends on what connector you can free up in your
hardware. If you only have a 2.5" NVMe slot, spool space is not cheap at

> > ...  However with Bacula, my spool file
> > must be 800GB to achieve the same result, and even this makes the
> > process take much longer because the tape is idle while the spool
> > file is filling up the first time.

Your clients can stream data over the net at your LTO-whatever's full
throughput, and you can't afford an 800 GB SSD? Interesting setup you

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [External] Re: [Bacula-devel] IBAdmin

2019-01-26 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Sat, 26 Jan 2019 14:27:10 +0100
Kern Sibbald  wrote:

> On 1/25/19 7:06 PM, Josip Deanovic wrote:

> > API would be really cool thing to have.
> Yes, I will check if we have some documentation on it.

FWIW I don't think a) having strictly read-only access to the catalog is
a bad thing and b) you can stop someone with a little knowledge of psql
from getting in. I would start with a read-only role created by install
script (easy in postgres 9+) and detailed documentation of the database

It's placing your own objects in the catalog schema that I have a
serious problem with.

APIs are work and IME everyone wants something just different enough
that you have to add more API calls, and more, until you end up looking
like matlab.

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] IBAdmin

2019-01-25 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
Swearing is not an opinion.

Swearing is an expression of, in this case, disbelief.

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backing up to NetApp

2019-01-20 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Sun, 20 Jan 2019 15:06:53 -0500
Dan Langille  wrote:

> Have you backed up to NetApp?

No, and we recently turned our FAS2020 boat anchor off altogether, for
various reasons, but I would pick iscsi over nfs/cifs for this.

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] "ERR=database or disk is full" while building directory tree for restore

2018-12-27 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Thu, 27 Dec 2018 02:44:52 +0100
Kern Sibbald  wrote:

> ...  I run PostgreSQL, so if someone wants and needs MariaDB
> then the project kindly requests the necessary patches and testing.

LOL. I run postgres too, mysql's continuing existence has always
been a mystery to me. I can sort of see the need back when the only
alternative on winders was trying to get AOL CD users to build postgres
in cygwin and... and even then one could find e.g. interbase for free if one 

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Tape shoe-shining with spooling enabled - why?

2018-12-23 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Sun, 23 Dec 2018 13:27:48 +1000
Adam Nielsen  wrote:

> > So it looks like when Bacula/btape writes an EOF mark, this causes
> Support for MTWEOFI was added to the kernel[2] back in October 2010,
> and looks like it was first released in 2.6.37, so it's not something
> new.
> I am not familiar with Bacula's cross-platform support, so is this
> something that can simply be changed?  Or could it just be wrapped by
> an `#ifdef MTWEOFI`?

RHEL 6 is based on 2.6.32 with an unknown number of back-ported
patches. It'll be with us of some time yet.

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] "ERR=database or disk is full" while building directory tree for restore

2018-12-22 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Fri, 21 Dec 2018 16:34:39 -0700
Chandler  wrote:

> Kern Sibbald wrote on 12/21/18 01:34:
> > You should be aware that the project no long support SQLite as it
> > is not suitable for backups of the size we are seeing today.  We do
> > leave the code in Bacula so that users can upgrade to MySQL or
> > PostgreSQL at their ease rather than being forced.
> Thanks, I didn't realize that.  I guess I should work on migrating to 
> MySQL... our catalog is about 20GB and probably over 50 million file 
> records.

Skip mysql and go postgres: you're going to get mariadb that Kern
doesn't support either, once you hit 50M and 1 records you'll need to
figure out how to tune up your innodb, when to optimize every table,
etfc. Postgres is pretty much fire-and-forget.

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Nagios notification setup

2018-12-05 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
Heh. There's a few "check-bacula-backup" plugins at nagios exchange, maybe I'll 
take a look at some when I get a fresh supply of round tuits. A couple are 
per-job/client and so should do per-host notification.

FWIW I use net-snmp to check/publish the number of relevant processes (incl. 
bacula) in the mib and a  little perl wrapper around snmpwalk on the nagios 

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] PostgreSQL: WAL and log management

2018-11-26 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Sun, 25 Nov 2018 21:16:03 +0200
George via Bacula-users  wrote:

> The WAL files remain though. Should I delete them
> manually?

Postgres will fail to start if they're actually used. I think there are some 
functions to figure out which ones are used but I suppose you could just move 
them to e.g. /var/tmp and tehn move them back one by one starting from newest 
until it starts.

> I suppose it may be due to the
> multiple imports and table deletions. But it still
> looks too much considering that the total .sql file is
> less than 70MB.

Not really, I know that for e.g. deletions, a WAL stores the entire old row, 
and the entire new row. You could run a bunch of deletes and inserts and make 
it grow big, that's how yours could get that way. The issue though is that 
posgres is largely self-tuning, and normally that would gradually go down to 

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] PostgreSQL: WAL and log management

2018-11-25 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Sat, 24 Nov 2018 21:59:41 +0200
George via Bacula-users  wrote:

> On Sat, 24 Nov 2018 11:39:37 -0600 Dmitri Maziuk via
> Bacula-users wrote:
> > So set
> >   max_wal_senders = 0 
> > as well. Now looking at the fine manual I see they
> > changed the default from 9.x, it used to be 0. 

> Could you please explain why this is what I should do?

You can replicate your database to other postgres servers. It is done by 
sending WALs. If you are not doing that, you don't need WAL senders.

Replication can create a backlog of WAL files. Those files if what you're 
trying to get rid of.

FWIW I left my few postgres-10 instances at the defaults, except for one that 
is actually replicated, they all seem to be honor the max_val_size, and the 
ones that are mostly idle have only 3-4 16MB files in pg_wal. So I don't know 
why yours is using too much space in pg_wal: it could grow over max_val_size 
when you run a lot of transactions, but then it should come down gradually. 
Checkpoint, specifically, should trigger that.
Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] PostgreSQL: WAL and log management

2018-11-24 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Sat, 24 Nov 2018 01:36:12 +0200
George via Bacula-users  wrote:

> >  wal_level = minimal
> > and restart.
> Trying this results in (journalclt excerpt):
> Nov 24 01:11:05 pc postgresql-script[6374]: 2018-11-24 01:11:05.565 EET   
> [6383]FATAL:  WAL streaming (max_wal_senders > 0) requires wal_level 
> "replica" or "logical"

So set
  max_wal_senders = 0 
as well. Now looking at the fine manual I see they changed the default from 
9.x, it used to be 0. 

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating from MariaDB to PostgreSQL

2018-11-17 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users

On 11/17/2018 10:56 AM, George Anchev via Bacula-users wrote:

# systemctl status postgresql

starts the service. In the 'status' details I see:

/usr/lib/postgresql10/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/pgsql/data

So from here: How should I proceed with Bacula?

As per the fine manual: create bacula role, create bacula tables, etc.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Migrating from MariaDB to PostgreSQL

2018-11-17 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users

On 11/17/2018 5:37 AM, George Anchev via Bacula-users wrote:

On Fri, 16 Nov 2018 17:46:13 -0600 Dimitri Maziuk via
Bacula-users wrote:

Well, that's b0rk3d.

What can be done about it?

You'd have to ask suse.

It may be that you need to run 'pg_ctl initdb' to get it all created.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Looking for a LTO autoloader

2018-11-13 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Tue, 13 Nov 2018 18:42:42 +0100
Peter Milesson  wrote:
> The backup station is a Linux based rig with CentOS 7.5. I'm not 
> completely convinced about the ZFS support under CentOS.

Well I'm not convinced about ZFS support under Linux in general but I'm not 
quite ready to switch to BSD just yet... However Lennartware is helping: I'm 
only deploying Centos 6 on servers now -- though our backup host is from back 
before that decision so it's still running 7.latest. 

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Looking for a LTO autoloader

2018-11-13 Thread Dmitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
On Tue, 13 Nov 2018 09:47:32 -0500
Josh Fisher  wrote:

> On 11/13/2018 5:38 AM, Peter Milesson wrote:
> > Hi Markus,
> >
> > I know my suggestion isn't concerning autoloaders, but it's a safe and 
> > working alternative to tapes (and all the hassles).
> >
> > I setup a dedicated backup station with 13TB of RAID10 storage. It's 
> > placed in a different location from the servers, and connected to the 
> > network backbone with a 10Gbit/s link. It's running CentOS 7.5, and 
> > utilizing the mhvtl virtual tape library. It's working very smoothly, 
> > and reliably. The cost of building the rig, running, and 
> > administration is quite on the plus side compared to tapes (been 
> > there, done that).
> I cannot see how the cost is lower. A 10G link to another location is 
> extremely expensive in my area. I see the same problem with using cloud 
> storage, S3, etc. The cost of the mhvtl rig or S3 storage is not the 
> issue, but rather the ongoing cost of the bandwidth required to transfer 
> the data in a timely manner. It may be different elsewhere, but in my 
> area the bandwidth is far more expensive than tapes.

Do you need a 10G link though? -- For the amounts I'm backing up here 1G works 

The other issue is RAID-10 and mhvtl: if you do disk backup, why go through the 
extra layer of mhvtl? And not use ZFS -- I just finished replacing 4TB drives 
w/ 8TB ones in our server, with no downtime.

Dmitri Maziuk 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Problem connecting to storage daemon [SOLVED]

2018-04-19 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 4/19/2018 11:27 AM, Martin Simmons wrote:
... public ip for localhost ...

I've often wondered: is there a good reason for doing that in the hosts file?

Last I heard linux kernel was supposed to figure it out and route 
connections to self locally regardless of the ip. IOW no, and bacula is 
not the only program that can break when you do that.

ICBW, not linux's MMV, and all that.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backups to Google Drive?

2016-07-29 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 7/28/2016 9:37 AM, Ken Mandelberg wrote:

> Just wondered if anyone had tried anything like this. Maybe there
> is different backup software that would be a better fit.

Yes. Amazon offers it for pay. There was also this but I don't read 


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula causing high disk-io on clients

2015-06-27 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 6/27/2015 8:55 AM, Alex Domoradov wrote:
> I have 1Gb uplinks between bacula sd and client and get the following
> results
> Compression: NONE
> Time: 07:16:58
> Size: 831.14 GB
> Files: 11,288,747
> Speed: 32.46 MB/s
> Compression: 0.00
> Compression: LZO
> Time: 07:56:38
> Size: 653.04 GB
> Files: 11,288,747
> Speed: 23.38 MB/s
> Compression: 0.21
> Compression: GZIP
> Time: 10:09:07
> Size: 636.41 GB
> Files: 11,288,747
> Speed: 17.83 MB/s
> Compression: 0.23

What that means is over a gigabit link you can read from 3 clients in 
parallel w/o compression, 4 clients w/ lzo compression, and about 6 w/ 
gzip. I agree, if you have a single roid-warrior fablet client who shows 
up on office vlan once a month, client-side compression is wrong for 
them. I would say as is bacula: get them btsync or something. I'm 
backing up linux servers, plural, so I'd rather gzip on the clients.

The only times I see high i/o load on ext4 is a) recursive chown/chmod 
on a large directory tree on nfs file server (because you can't train 
users to do it themselves) and b) when a cheap non-tler disk is dead but 
doesn't know it yet.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula causing high disk-io on clients

2015-06-27 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 6/26/2015 7:26 AM, Josh Fisher wrote:

> However, for backup devices lacking hardware compression (such as disk),
> compression may be warranted regardless of client connection speed. This
> is why a SD level compression feature would be useful.

Compressing data on the client means fewer bytes to send over the wire. 
Block-level compression like bzip2 tends to be completely cpu-bound and 
anything bigger than a cellphone tends to have plenty of cycles to 
spare. SD level compression is saving bandwidth where it's scarce at the 
cost of cycles that are abundant -- why would anyone *not* want it?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Job auto-pruning and automatic volume recycling with disabled pool auto-pruning

2015-02-06 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 2/6/2015 6:52 AM, Heiko Wundram wrote:

> that's not what I meant: I don't want to reclaim parts of a volume, but
> simply that Bacula keeps the (complete) volume until no more jobs are
> stored on it (i.e. no more jobs in the catalog reference the volume),
> and then (and only then) recycles it. I know that this "wastes" space,
> but generally, I do think behaviour like that is useful when you have
> rather small(ish) tapes (as the backup is disk-based, my simulated
> "tapes" are 500MB each, so this kind of usage is perfectly possible
> without lots of wasted space).

I think you can set it up to do one job per volume and sidestep the 
issue altogether.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Request for help

2015-02-02 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 2/2/2015 9:56 AM, Dmitri Maziuk wrote:

> ... WTF did
> think would happen?

Where's the "you", I swear I had a "you" in there.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Request for help

2015-02-02 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 2/1/2015 11:49 AM, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> Oh boy,  That's quite the irony, isn't it, Kern?  Bareos is accusing you
> of misusing and misappropriating code that was submitted under a
> reuse/redistribution license, while themselves misappropriating code to
> which no license was ever granted.

Allegedly^2. So you sue them and get a "he said she said" countersuit 
right back at ya that shapes up to cost more than you could ever hope to 
gain from the original lawsuit. Methinks the ironic part is WTF did 
think would happen?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] how to debug a job

2015-01-24 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 1/24/2015 9:00 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> Bottom line: contrary to what I previously thought there *might* be some
> benefits to turning on spooling for disk Volumes, but only if you have
> really fast spooling disks (or SSD).  This is an interesting topic, and
> it would be nice to see some real performance measures as often what one
> expects in performance does not correspond to what computers really deliver.

How much faster the cache tier is is only part of the equation, but even 
looking at just that: obviously, if your storage is a tape and your 
cache is a disk. Or the storage is spinning rust and cache's an ssd. 
Well, how about a 6G sata disk cache and .5G usb-2 storage? How about a 
10k rpm "enterprise" cache disk and 5400 rpm storage disks?

That's only cache to storage, there's also clients to cache speed and 
the degree of parallelism. If you only have one client then there is of 
course no point. At some number of clients & the amount of data you 
could keep the spool "full" and have one job despooling as fast as it 
can while all jobs are spooling as fast as they can. Theoretically. -- 
Or 2 jobs despooling, or 3, but then you'll bottleneck on the sata 
backplane, or total usb throughput on the mobo.

"Bottleneck: by solving it you create another."

You yourself mention no interleaving as a possible benefit for faster 
restores. Especially if you have fewer external drives you need to go 
fetch and hook up and "update slots". And yes, you'd also have fewer 
volume-to-job rows in the database and associated joins. Doesn't matter 
if you have one client with a few thousand files and all your backups 
fit on one wd mybook that's always connected. Might make a lot of 
difference on the "enterprise" side of the scale.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] how to debug a job

2015-01-23 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 1/23/2015 9:03 AM, Josh Fisher wrote:

> I use another approach. I define the vchanger to have multiple virtual
> drives... So for 10 concurrent jobs there would be 10 virtual
> drives and so 10 opened volume files.

My way also keeps the config simple stupid: as long as the backups 
complete on time that's worth more to me than performance.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula 5.2.16 (slaanesh) anyone?

2014-12-24 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 12/24/2014 6:09 PM, Simone Caronni wrote:

> The packages work fine, in fact they are almost the same that have been
> put into rhel 7. I do not suggest to disable SELinux, you should first
> try to set up things as described in the readme and quickstart files in
> /use/share/doc/bacula-common/*.

Right, apologies for the noise. We  disable selinux anyway because its 
security model is inappropriate for our environment. (That is why I 
didn't think of selinux until later: I assumed it was disabled like on 
every other computer here.)


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula 5.2.16 (slaanesh) anyone?

2014-12-24 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
OK, scratch that. It turns out I forgot to disable nsalinux -- I though 
it'd be a reflex action by now but evidently not. Problem solved.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file table - additional indexes

2014-12-23 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 12/23/2014 8:53 AM, Dan Langille wrote:

> select * from file where fileindex = 23495
> It took a long time.
> I added this index: create index file_fileindex on file(fileindex)
> I am willing to sacrifice that space.  I’m also willing to bed that
> table updates won’t be affected by much at all.  We’ll find out on 4
> Jan when the full backups are run.

The issue is how often you query for a specific fileindex vs how often 
you update the file table. If you save 5 minutes once a year and lose 5 
seconds every night, that's not such a great trade-off.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Dell powerVault 124T tape library

2014-12-04 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 12/4/2014 9:33 AM, Ian Lord wrote:
> Hi,
> We are looking for a solution to backup freebsd machine with large ZFS
> pools (8TB)

> ... if I can be safe to purchase a 7000$ library, a new server
> running freebsd and that it will work. This is not the kind of things I
> have sitting in my lab J

Dunno about prices in .ca but south of your border $5K will buy you a 
36+2-bay chassis where you could keep a whole lot of zfs snapshots. 
Probably 72+2 even. What's your planned retention period?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] current recommendations for SSD spool disk with LTO/Ultrium?

2014-12-03 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 12/3/2014 8:23 AM, Josh Fisher wrote:
> On 12/3/2014 8:12 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> Can anybody make any practical comments on how to choose a suitable
>> spool disk (both speed, size and whether to make an array of disks for
>> spooling)?

> ... The maximum write speed of LTO-6 is 400
> MB/s, but what is the average write speed after writing many blocks for
> a whole job? A single Lyndonville drive may suffice, or a RAID array of
> SAS drives.

Probably not so important in this case, but consider write wear on the 
SSD, too: they don't last quite so long under intensive write loads.

I sincerely doubt a tape drive can keep up with despooling off a 10Gb/s 
SAS drive, or even a 6Gb/s SATA one. (Should be a fair assessment as 
those numbers are as realistic as LTO-6's 400MB/s.)


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] ERR=Permission denied

2014-11-23 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 11/22/2014 7:43 PM, Alfons wrote:
> Hi,
> My bacula system stopped working ... because some kind of permissions error.

Whatever filesystem /home/backup/FileChgr1-Dev1/Daily-0001 is on might 
be remounted read-only, that happens on some disk/filesystem errors.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Configuration reload for bacula-sd

2014-11-09 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 11/9/2014 5:53 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> Bacula can only mount one device in any given Device section at a time,
> but in an Autochanger (virtual or not) there are multiple Devices and
> each can have its own directory.  However, if you use different
> directories, you must use different Media Types otherwise, Bacula will
> not know the right directory to look in for "fixed" disks.

That's the part that doesn't make sense to me: why not? If I have 2 
ait-3 tape drives, do I always have to put a tape in the drive that 
originally wrote it? If yes, then fine, whatever (and I haven't used 
bacula with tapes so I actually don't know), but if not, why do file 
volumes have to be different?

Aside from that it looks to me that you can't use different media types 
in the same pool, so yes, you can use more than one disk. But you have 
to define a separate pool for each and spread your clients over the 
pools and guesstimate your backup sizes/client correctly and generally 
make the whole thing much more complicated than it needs to be.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Configuration reload for bacula-sd

2014-11-08 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
PS. I should probably clarify that bacula has very convenient automatic 
volume management features that work perfectly well with 
single-filesystem disk backup.  It's a pity bacula's disk backup 
mechnism is apparently designed so you can have either automatic volume 
management or multiple disks, but not both.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Configuration reload for bacula-sd

2014-11-08 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 11/8/2014 5:36 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> I think so.  If I understand correctly, you want disk mount points or
> directories to be treated much like a tape drive, so that you can
> mount multiple "disks".
> I think this feature is already implemented, with one difference ...
> that when the device is mounted, it assumes that it has a
> filesystem  on it rather than treating it as a raw device.

Either way works, filesystem makes it easy to see what's on it, but you 
have to mkfs on a new disk.

> Much like the Virtual Autochanger feature, I am not 100% sure where this
> is documented, so you may have to search for it. The main requirement
> for it to work is to configure the SD Device (even if it is a disk
> device) as removable.

"Devices that require a mount (USB)" in
says, among other things, "write part command must be defined". "Write 
part command" is somewhat documented in "Devices that require a mount 
(DVD)" in docs for 5.0 and below, but not in 7.0. Its purpose is 
unclear, my guess would be it's intended for "write to optical disk but 
not close it", no idea how or why that would apply to a usb stick.

 From reading that section I can't figure out the config for 12-bay 
hot-swap sata storage server where I can write to all disks and replace 
them as they get full, just like they were tapes. (But see my reading 
comprehension note below.)

> By the way, in case you have not noticed, there are three white
> papers posted on the web site, two of them, if I am not
> mistaken, document Virtual Autochangers as implemented in the
> community version (slightly different from the Enterprise version).

I notice now, thanks.

CommunityDiskBackup.pdf has the same old problem in 2.1 Grouping Storage 
Devices: as usual, it talks multiple devices and shows 2 Device 
definitions with Archive Device = /disk in both. Personally I don't know 
how to mount multiple physical devices in the same /disk at the same 
time and keep them separate too.

Same goes for 2.2 Virtual Autochanger: it doesn't let you write to 
multiple (disk) devices, it lets bacula treat a single Archive Device as 
"multipe devices" -- presumably for concurrent access.

Same goes for section 3 (Multiple Devices) in CommunityDiskBackupDesign.pdf

At least that's what I read in there. Maybe I'm not reading it right: 
the years have not been kind and my leet reading comprehension skillz 
ain't what they used to be.

The rest of it is very useful but not germane to the topic of using 
multiple hot-swappable disks for storage.

This is all great but so far the only known config I've actually seen 
working is a vchanger. I'd consider buying it off and rolling it into 
bacula proper so instead of much handwaving and allegations of "maybe 
documented somewhere" features you'd have a definitive and working 
answer for retentive assholes like me.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Configuration reload for bacula-sd

2014-11-07 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 11/7/2014 7:10 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not sure, but it sounds like you are proposing that Bacula use a
> raw device for storing a Volume.  This is possible. There might be a
> trivial advantage in terms of performance, but there is no real
> advantage or demand to do it.

The advantage is you can pull the disk out and stick a new one in, just 
like you do with the tape.

...  It is, in general, far better to store
> Volumes in a filesystem rather than on a raw disk for a number of
> reasons.  It would even be preferable to dedicate a disk to Bacula and
> have a filesystem on it such as XFS rather than use it as a raw device.

I agree, however, in the current implementation volumes are files that 
must reside in a single filesystem (or you need a fake autochanger). If 
volumes were directories (i.e. mountpoints), we could use multiple 
removable disks, pull full disk out, stick new one in.

> Maybe you can be more precise about what you want.

Was that clear enough?


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Problem installing bacula on Solaris 10

2014-11-01 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 10/31/2014 4:53 PM, Kenneth Garges wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion. I avoided it because everyone in the
> office here said stay away from SunStudio, gcc is way better, Solaris
> compilers  are evil, blah blah.

They're incompatible with gnu build chains, especially libtool, so most 
gnuware won't build. Name mangling's different so you can't link c++ 
objs to g++ libs (and vise versa), etfc. Other than that, there was 
nothing wrong with 'em back when -- now that there is no sun, they'll 
presumably get obsolete at some point.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] automatic purge/delete volumes on full 'File' storage

2014-10-29 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 10/28/2014 10:48 PM, Alexei Babich wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> Tell me, please, how in the bacula possible to automate the process of
> automatic removal (or reuse) volumes, and, of course, prune jobs in
> database, when storage with 'File' type is completely full? In my case
> jobs/volumes retention period is 2 month, but disk filled before two
> months elapsed. I would prefer actions when early volumes/jobs will be
> purged, even without waiting for 2 months of storaging, but not a
> situation where, for example, "Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of
> volume" users-0213 "" in the case where the disk filled.

Read "Basic Volume Management" in the manual. Set max volumes and max 
volume bytes so they add up to <100% of your disk.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Configuration reload for bacula-sd

2014-10-28 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 10/28/2014 8:24 AM, Alan Brown wrote:
> Tape and disk are different animals and need to be approached differently.
> Virtual autochangers are a kludge to allow for removable disks but in
> most configured installations they do _not_ treat those disks in the
> same way as real tape drives.

OT comment: I'll probably never understand that, I always thought a 
block device is a block device and one of the unix's strong points was 
to abstract away the physical differences and let the same code work 
with either. AFAICT the only reason they're different (in how SD treats 
them) is because the software is written that way...


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Forcing baccula to purge/recycle a tape instead of appending?!

2014-10-15 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 10/15/2014 11:45 AM, Thorsten Reichelt wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a problem with my tape pool configuration.
> I want to use exactly 12 LTO tapes (one tape per month).
> After 12 month the oldest tape shall be reused without appending new data.

Other issues aside, you do realise that tape reliability claims are 
based on the assumption you write the tape once, put it in (controlled 
enviroment) storage and never take it out again, right? I.e. if you plan 
on overwriting the same tape more than one or two times, you're better 
off backing up to hard drives.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Round robin to storage servers (disks)

2014-09-19 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 9/19/2014 9:15 AM, Hendrik Visage wrote:
> Goodday,
>   I'm investigating options, and my need is to send back-ups to
> separate storage servers in a round robin fashion. Typically only one
> of them will be connected at a time.

How do you intend to restore stuff?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-dir stuck trying to mount the wrong volume

2014-09-07 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 9/7/2014 4:33 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> It is not a question that I will not document something, why would I
> write code and discuss it if I did not want to document it?  It *was* a
> question that I incorrectly thought it was already documented.
> What some people tend to forget is that I am doing this for free, I
> volunteer for this.

I'm lucky to get paid for writing (when I get a chance to write instead 
of unfsck'ing other people's code gone haywire) public domain code. I 
don't have a problem when somebody else wants to get paid for their 
work. So come out and say it: if you buy enterprise license we'll tell 
you how to use virtual autochanger, or symlinks, or bandwidth 
limitation, whatever. I may not have a budget for it, but I won't bitch 
about it.

What you're doing instead is not helping your case.

We had this stupid joke back when I was a kid: "do you like tomatoes? -- 
To eat: yes, otherwise: not so much". Of course I don't like bacula, 
last time I liked a piece of software it was the original portal. D'uh.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-dir stuck trying to mount the wrong volume

2014-09-06 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 9/6/2014 2:59 PM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> perhaps I am overly sensitive

I've been dealing with other people's software for a living for close to 
two decades now and familiarity brings contempt. So yeah, I don't like 
software -- with very few exceptions, and bacula isn't one of them, I am 
jaded and sarcastic, and I don't like your position in the bareos 
debacle. So you're to some (large) extent correct on all counts. Keep 
telling us about wonderful features of your product that you won't 
document because I looked at you funny, see how many fans that wins you.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-dir stuck trying to mount the wrong volume

2014-09-06 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 9/6/2014 3:10 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> Can you tell me what my explanation of the disk autochanger was and why
> it did not make sense to you?

The goal was to write file volumes -- same pool, same backup set, to a 
set of filesystems (hosted on removable disks). The thread went on a for 
a couple of weeks and the conclusion was vchanger is the only way to do it.

As I recall somewhere in the middle you chimed in with "there's virtual 
autochanger and it works" or something along those lines. Pretty much 
what you wrote again in the message I'm replying to. I haven't seen any 
documentation on how it works or what it does, so a) I believe you and 
b) it's of no use to me.

Similarly, you've documented how to use symlinks for this? Great! Where? 
"Basic Volume Management - Backing Up to Multiple Disks" from 7.0 looks 
the same as it ever was. Is that in the enterprise manual only?


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Re: [Bacula-users] Looking for recommendations on how to backup a Postgresql database using Bacula

2014-08-22 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 8/21/2014 9:37 PM, Dan Langille wrote:

> When I said .conf, I mean bacula-dir.conf, etc.  Keep those files handy, 
> outside Bacula backups.

Ah. There's etckeeper for backing those and any number of ways to copy 
/etc/.git elsewhere. I've been eyeballing btsync lately, pity it'll 
probably never get into any of the linux distros...


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Lets open up a discussion about estimating required space for backups.

2014-08-15 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 8/14/2014 7:34 PM, Jeff MacDonald wrote:
> Is there a good way to plan ahead?

If your backup is growing (they always are), you will eventually hit the 
limits. There are a couple of workarounds: 1. use hot-swappable drives 
and vchanger. That means manual swapping of drives & re-labeling the 
volumes when your storage fills up. Some volumes will be offline. 2. Use 
resizable storage like zfs and hope drive capacity grows faster than 
your backup. Then you can keep replacing your drives w/ bigger ones & 
keep up while keeping everything online. No vchanger means bacula's 
autolabeling will work, too. 3. Back up to "cloud files". This one's 
ugly for many reasons but in theory "the cloud" will accommodate any 
number of file volumes, they'll all be online, autolabeled, etc.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] New user with Bacula

2014-07-30 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 7/30/2014 7:56 AM, Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:

> Could you explain what "NetApp Client" is/will be/could be, please. What
> do you mean by "NetApp Client". I'd like to understand this thread, but
> I'm not an english native speaker so I miss the main point of this thread.

It's not your English, it's NetApp. ;)

Netapp is a completely closed proprietary system with its own 
everything: from disk firmware to os. It's "appliance-type" filer and 
the os is incompatible with everything including its own major releases.

Their main selling point is working at the level of disk blocks, which 
makes for very efficient use of storage space, snapshots, replication, etc.

On second thought, their shiny! deduplicated block-level storage would 
probably not transfer to tape very well anyway, so there wouldn't be 
much advantage to creating a native netapp client.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] New user with Bacula

2014-07-29 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 7/29/2014 2:59 AM, wrote:
> Hi Dimitri,
> Thank you for your return. My requirement is just to keep some snapshots
> for a period of 30 days, and once a month an infinity retention job.

I expect you'll have to mount netapp volumes someplace and run bacula 
client there. Unless Kern has a netapp client in the "enterprise" codebase.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula backup Clusters

2014-05-24 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 5/24/2014 1:58 AM, Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:
> It is the different problem. Yes, bacula could be a more robust
> regarding network problems.

I wonder how much state you'll to have keep to successfully reconnect. 
E.g. re-establishing database connection at the start of a backup job 
should be trivial, however, what if you get cut off from bacula-sd in 
the middle of a write. There are downsides to restarting the job from 


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula backup Clusters

2014-05-23 Thread Dmitri Maziuk
On 5/23/2014 8:35 AM, Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:
> My suggestion was a very simple. Do not install/configure another
> bacula-fd but simply and clever use existing configuration. In my case
> it is a change of 4 parameters and adding a new client definition - your
> require a lot more.

FWIW I failed to get that to work back when I was playing with it, don't 
remember why. I ended up with what Josh suggests: as 2nd bacula-fd 
started by pacemaker and *listening on another port* because fd won't 
bind to eth0.0:9102 when eth0:9102 is already taken.

Other than that it's a straightforward setup, I've been backing up 2 
drbd clusters that way for years now.


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