Re: Martyrdom of the Bab : understandings and misunderstandings

2004-05-12 Thread Sandra Chamberlain
Scott wrote:  < As to the Muslim idea that all He had to do
was speak and be saved, I am not entirely sure they have a
good embrace of what His motives were at the time. Purely my
own opinion, of course, but on this particular incident we
have little else to go on but our own understandings and

Scott, Susan, David:

Earlier today I was reading the following quote from
Abdu'l-Baha's *Divine Philosophy*.  After reading your recent
posts it occured to me that this may explain the different
conclusions with regard to the Bab's disappearance and return
to his cell.

"The senses mistake a mirage for water; the eyes see the sun
move; your train or boat seems immobile and the landscape
seems to pass by, planets look like fixed points of light; but
they have measurable dimensions. A lighted point set in
rotation appears like a circle. These examples show the senses
subject to error. How can we put our trust in them?
 The test of logic is just as imperfect, for were this
criterion perfect there would never have been the continual
clash of opinion as to the sacred texts. How can they be
interpreted by logic if the means be at fault?
 Inspiration, what is it? Whence comes it? Is that which
reaches our heart divine or satanic? How can we judge?
 It is no proof of intelligence to reject everything which
does not strike the senses. Nay, rather, such a one is brother
to the animal. The cow has no idea of God; she does not know
the soul. So the only difference between her highness the cow
and a materialistic philosopher is that the latter takes a
great deal of trouble! It is not a special or exclusive
privilege to be the prisoner of one's senses; the cow is the
example of this theory.
 Man has a sacred power beyond the confines of the senses.
The power of the rational mind is the power of the soul over
the senses. This cycle is radiating love and the bestowals of
God are descending like unto rain. Man's glory lies in the
difference between him and the animals."  pp 94-95

Lovingly,  Sandra

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread Ahang . Rabbani
Hi Patti,

> even I, a relative novice with a rifle, can 
> group shots in a 12" diameter at 100 yards).

I suspect you're using a relatively modern rifle.  It would be different 
results using a 1830's or 40's French or Russian substandard guns sold to 
Iranian military.

> I wonder it the sketch of the bodies mentioned is still in existence?

It is, but it's best for me not to say more.


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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread Patti Goebel

"Fourth, most firing squads consist of 5 to 8 soldiers.  No military 
commander is going to waste that much powder and bullet for the execution 
of a single convict, regardless of the rank of the prisoner. . . . 
Hello Ahang,
I was just reading The Dawn-Breakers, so it's 
fresh in my mind, and based on the conditions of the bodies (as described 
below) it is probable that all 750 men fired.  
Depending on the skill of the marksman and the quality of the 
rifles it wouldn't have been that difficult for most of them to hit their 
targets (even I, a relative novice with a rifle, can group shots in a 12" 
diameter at 100 yards).  I wonder it the sketch of the bodies mentioned is 
still in existence?
"Contrariwise to the previous occasion, when only 
the cord with which they were suspended had been shot into pieces, this time 
their bodies were shattered and were blended into one mass of mingled flesh and 
bone.[1] “Had you believed in Me, O wayward generation,” were the last words of 
the Báb to the gazing multitude as the regiment was preparing to fire the final 
volley, “every one of you would have followed the example of this youth, who 
stood in rank above most of you, and willingly would have sacrificed himself in 
My path. The day will come when you will have recognized Me; that day I shall 
have ceased to be with you.”[2][1 According to “A Traveller’s Narrative” (p. 
45), “the breasts [of the victims] were riddled and their limbs were completely 
dissected, except their faces, which were but little marred.”]
 (Shoghi Effendi, The Dawn-Breakers, p. 
"I have heard Haji Ali-’Askar relate the following: 
“An official of the Russian consulate, to whom I was related, showed me that 
same sketch on the very day it was drawn. It was such a faithful portrait of the 
Báb that I looked upon! No bullet had struck His forehead, His cheeks, or His 
lips. I gazed upon a smile which seemed to be still lingering upon His 
countenance. His body, however, had been severely mutilated. I could recognize 
the arms and head of His companion, who seemed to be holding Him in his 
 (Shoghi Effendi, The Dawn-Breakers, p. 

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread James Mock

>The argument "He is God!" may work with those who believe in God parting seas or doing other cute miracles, but since harmony of faith and science is enjoined upon us, let's look for rational explanations. 

"He is God" is not meant to be either an "argument" nor a fundamentalistic response.
It simply states my perspective:
1.  I don't know what happened or why
2.  I don't care what happened...e.g. I do not need miracles for my faith
3.  I will never know what happeneddespite what historians might conjecture
I only imply "He doeth whatsoever He willeth."  The circumstance, reasons, etc. are irrelevant to mepersonally.  That's all!no more, no less.

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread Ahang . Rabbani
The argument "He is God!" may work with those who believe in God parting 
seas or doing other cute miracles, but since harmony of faith and science 
is enjoined upon us, let's look for rational explanations.

Let's do a little geometry to help understand why a military commander 
wouldn't arraying rows of 250 men to execute the Bab.

As I mentioned earlier, if 750 men were used, then each row had to be 
about 210 yards long.  Let's assume that the firing squad stood 40 yards 
from the Bab.  Further, let's assume that the Bab was positioned in the 
mid-point of the firing squad.

Now imagine a triangle with a side 105 and another side of 40 yards.  That 
means the hypotenuse would be:  square-root of (105^2 + 40^2) = 
square-root of ( 12625) = 112 yards.  That is, the soldier at the end of 
each row would be 112 from the Bab.

I don't know what sort of muskets they were equipped with, but my guess is 
that they had Russian guns, which at the time would be .58 or .54 caliber 
guns with a range of about 120-150 yards.

So, attempting to reach a target at 112 yards with such a gun is bit 
foolish and no commander would allow it. 

The problem is more complicated than that since the radial accuracy has to 
be considered.  When it came to accuracy (or lack of "bias"), 1840's 
Russian-made muskets had an error band of 3 inches/10 yard.  That is, if 
one tried to hit a target at 10 yards, typically you hit within 3 inches 
to either side (assuming perfect conditions).  But if you tried a target 
at 20 yards, then the error band would be 6 inches (i.e. on the average 
you'll hit an range of plus or minus 6 inches).

So to hit a target at 112 yards, that would mean an error range of 32 
inches to either side.  That is, you can aim at a target at 112 yards, but 
on the average you'll hit only within 32 inches of the target to either 
side, and that's assuming the best of conditions and no shaking hands, 

A simple exercise is to imagine that you're standing at a corner of a 
football field trying to hit the diagonally opposite corner of the field. 
It's next to impossible with an old musket and the regiment's commander 
would know that and would not be wasting his resources.


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Francais  Deutsch  Italiano  Espanol  Portugues  Japanese  Chinese  Korean

>Are there other theories?
He is God!


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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread James Mock

>Are there other theories?
He is God!


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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread Ahang . Rabbani
The issue of "750 soldiers" is more complicated than might appear.

First, it is reported that the men stood in 3 rows.  That makes it 250 men 
per row.  Assuming that they stood shoulder to shoulder, each man must 
have needed a minimum of 75 cm space for himself and his arms/gun.  That's 
a width of about 188 meters, or 210 yards, or just think of the length of 
2 football fields.  If you consider the picture of the barrack, clearly it 
was not that wide.

Second, even if they could have taken that much space, only the men in the 
middle had a clear shot at the two prisoners (the Bab and Anis).  The men 
beyond that, and certainly towards the endpoint of each row could not even 
see the target, so what were they shooting at?!

Third, the 3 rows could not have shot simultaneously.  Rather, one row 
shot and sat down.  Then the row behind it (2nd row) shot and sat down. 
And then the 3rd row shot and was finished.  But this won't work either 
since black powder makes very thick smoke with considerable sulfuric 
smell, which is nasty as all can get.  As soon as the first row shot 
(supposedly, 250 shots!), the next two rows of soldiers would loose all 
visibility and would be gasping for air.

Fourth, most firing squads consist of 5 to 8 soldiers.  No military 
commander is going to waste that much powder and bullet for the execution 
of a single convict, regardless of the rank of the prisoner.

So, most likely, the regiment consisted of 750 men, but actually about a 
half dozen or so of soldiers participated as the firing squad.  The 
problem with this theory, however, is that all eyewitness accounts report 
that a very thick smoke covered the barrack and the adjacent rooftops, 
which means that probably more men were involved with the actual shooting, 
but nevertheless it couldn't have been too many -- certainly no more than 
a couple of dozen men.

Are there other theories?


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"We don't even know for sure it was a miracle. Remember, the regiment in 
question had no wish to kill the Bab."


Yes, it's true that the leader of the regiment did not wish to kill the 
Bab; however, I doubt that he could have ordered his 750 soldiers to shoot 
for the ropes and for all of them to actually miss the Bab and Mirza 
Muhammad Ali, while still hitting the rope.  That would probably constitue 
a miracle in and of itself, let alone the miracle of 750 men keeping such 
an order secret.


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Francais  Deutsch  Italiano  Espanol  Portugues  Japanese  Chinese  Korean

"We don't even know for sure it was a miracle. Remember, the regiment 
in question had no wish to kill the Bab."
Yes, it's true that the leader of the regiment did not wish to kill the 
Bab; however, I doubt that he could have ordered his 750 soldiers to shoot for 
the ropes and for all of them to actually miss the Bab and Mirza Muhammad Ali, 
while still hitting the rope.  That would probably constitue a miracle in 
and of itself, let alone the miracle of 750 men keeping such an order 

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread Patti Goebel

"We don't even know for sure it was a miracle. Remember, the regiment 
in question had no wish to kill the Bab."
Yes, it's true that the leader of the regiment did not wish to kill the 
Bab; however, I doubt that he could have ordered his 750 soldiers to shoot for 
the ropes and for all of them to actually miss the Bab and Mirza Muhammad Ali, 
while still hitting the rope.  That would probably constitue a miracle in 
and of itself, let alone the miracle of 750 men keeping such an order 

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread Patti Goebel

> suppose He just walked or ran back while the smoke was in the air.  How
> would it have taken Him to get back, and could He have done so in time if

I'm not certain exactly how far apart the two doors were.  But, from this
description in The Dawn-Breakers, which places the nail in the wall from
which they were suspended adjacent to the room, it appears to be a short
walk.  Nabil visited the location himself and gives the following


"Siyyid Husayn had remained confined in the same room in which he had spent
the previous night with the Báb . . .

"Sam Khan ordered his men to drive a nail into the pillar that lay between
the door of the room that Siyyid Husayn occupied and the entrance to the
adjoining one, and to make fast two ropes to that nail, from which the Báb
and His companion were to be separately suspended."

 (Shoghi Effendi, The Dawn-Breakers, p. 510)

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread Smaneck
In a message dated 5/12/2004 7:41:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Another question springs to mind on this topic: why did the miracle have to 
happen in the first place?  If miracles are no proof of Prophethood, what 
was the point of it all?  

Dear David, 

We don't even know for sure it was a miracle. Remember, the regiment in question had no wish to kill the Bab. As a historian I don't really ask whether or not a miracle occurred. I tend to ask 'why is this story being told?' In the case of the Dawnbreakers the function of the story is to illustrate that the Manifestation was finally the Master of His own fate and that any sacrifice He made was done voluntarily. Keep in mind that most Muslims believe that God would never allow a prophet to be killed. That's one of the reasons they deny the crucifixtion. 

warmest, Susan 


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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread Popeyesays

In a message dated 5/12/2004 6:41:26 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Another question springs to mind on this topic: why did the miracle have to happen in the first place?  If miracles are no proof of Prophethood, what was the point of it all?  Couldn't God have just made sure that the Bab got all out He wanted to say the first time and not had the Bab miraculously disappear?  Evidently God wanted it to happen the way it did, but if miracles don't count as proof I'm not sure why He wanted it to happen that way.
Abdu'l Baha says miracles "count" as proof to those who see them. That is their limitation. Those who have other reasons to believe without seeing will take the miracle as further proof for their belief but it won't count to those who do not already believe. Remember, if you will, that Thomas was not chastised for asking to see the marks in Jesus' hands and side, but Jesus did say that those who accepted without seeing were particularly blessed; I think that applies here as well.

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-12 Thread David Friedman
Another question springs to mind on this topic: why did the miracle have to 
happen in the first place?  If miracles are no proof of Prophethood, what 
was the point of it all?  Couldn't God have just made sure that the Bab got 
all out He wanted to say the first time and not had the Bab miraculously 
disappear?  Evidently God wanted it to happen the way it did, but if 
miracles don't count as proof I'm not sure why He wanted it to happen that 


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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-11 Thread Popeyesays

In a message dated 5/11/2004 4:46:04 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
They said that if only the Bab had been able to keep his composure He could have stood before the crowd and proclaimed Himself the Mahdi and no one would have denied Him. But in His confusion He ended up running back to the barracks where He had been imprisoned and hid there until they dragged him back out. 
Well, the fact is we will never know what went through His mind at the time, and we will never know the state of His mind when He returned to the barracks. As to the Muslim idea that all He had to do was speak and be saved, I am not entirely sure they have a good embrace of what His motives were at the time. Purely my own opinion, of course, but on this particular incident we have little else to go on but our own understandings and misunderstandings.

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-11 Thread Smaneck
In a message dated 5/11/2004 8:52:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I never have considered teleportation to be an issue. The simple shock of facing death, hearing the crash of the muskets and suddenly dropping to the ground as the rope was cut would have been incapacitating for anyone. That the Bab was able to keep his composure, walk calmly to his cell to finsih His covernsation is indicative enough of the miraculous nature of the event.

It might be interesting to consider the Muslim take on this incident. They said that if only the Bab had been able to keep his composure He could have stood before the crowd and proclaimed Himself the Mahdi and no one would have denied Him. But in His confusion He ended up running back to the barracks where He had been imprisoned and hid there until they dragged him back out. 

warmest, Susan 

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Re: Martyrdom of the Bab

2004-05-11 Thread Popeyesays

In a message dated 5/10/2004 11:38:16 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
would it have taken Him to get back, and could He have done so in time if there was no teleportation?  If He entered into the room and didn't just 'appear' there, where would the door be that He entered, and was anyone standing there who could have seen Him go in?  How long did the smoke make it impossible to see?
The smoke cloud from 600 or so muzzle loading muskets of the period would have been pretty near impenetrable for the human eye. As to how long, it would depend upon the wind speed and direction which I do not believe are noted anywhere.
Black powder creates a thick pall of smoke, discharging in volleyfire a regiment worth of them would obscure the target from the sight of the shooters and the shooters from the sight of the target.
I never have considered teleportation to be an issue. The simple shock of facing death, hearing the crash of the muskets and suddenly dropping to the ground as the rope was cut would have been incapacitating for anyone. That the Bab was able to keep his composure, walk calmly to his cell to finsih His covernsation is indicative enough of the miraculous nature of the event.

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