Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-30 Thread Gonçalo Marrafa


This thread is being very enlightening. I have a question though: doesn't
an action always render a view (unless $autoRender is set to false)? Here's
an example:

in one_controller.php:

function foo()
$this-set('foo', $this-Foo-findAll());

*NOTE*: The render() part is optional, of course, but assuming $autoRender
is not set to false it will implicitly render foo.thtml.

in other_controller.php:

function bar()
$this-set('bar', $this-Bar-findAll());
$this-set('foo', $this-requestAction('/one/foo'));

Maybe i'm missing something but doesn't the call to '/one/foo' always
render the view, even though requestAction is not asked to return the
rendered view? Does foo()'s implementation have to contemplate the two
distinct situations? Kinda like:

function foo()
$foo = $this-Foo-findAll();
if ($this-isCalledByRequestAction) {
return $foo;
else {

Thanks in advance.

Gonçalo Marrafa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-30 Thread 100rk

 if ($this-isCalledByRequestAction) {

if (!empty($this-params['bare']))

But be careful, 'bare' parameter is 1 in case of ajax call also

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-30 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

I'm also dreaming of a


I made a ticket for this


Gonçalo Marrafa wrote:

 This thread is being very enlightening. I have a question though: doesn't
 an action always render a view (unless $autoRender is set to false)? Here's
 an example:

 in one_controller.php:

 function foo()
 $this-set('foo', $this-Foo-findAll());
 *NOTE*: The render() part is optional, of course, but assuming $autoRender
 is not set to false it will implicitly render foo.thtml.

 in other_controller.php:

 function bar()
 $this-set('bar', $this-Bar-findAll());
 $this-set('foo', $this-requestAction('/one/foo'));

 Maybe i'm missing something but doesn't the call to '/one/foo' always
 render the view, even though requestAction is not asked to return the
 rendered view? Does foo()'s implementation have to contemplate the two
 distinct situations? Kinda like:

 function foo()
 $foo = $this-Foo-findAll();
 if ($this-isCalledByRequestAction) {
 return $foo;
 else {

 Thanks in advance.


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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would really like to see my original question answered. Doesn't the
view get rendered with requestAction(), even if the 'return' parameter
isn't passed? Master bakers, can you enlighten us?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-30 Thread gwoo

Yes if you put $this-render() in the method. As was discussed the  
really should not be needed and a simple return is preferred.

function foo(){
return $this-Example-findAll();

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-30 Thread Gonçalo Marrafa

On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:19:42 -0700
gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes if you put $this-render() in the method. As was discussed the  
 really should not be needed and a simple return is preferred.
 function foo(){
   return $this-Example-findAll();

OK, but doesn't work for me. I have actions that render different views
according to conditions so i have to use redner(). I think there should be
a parameter indicating if the request was made through requestAction().

Gonçalo Marrafa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread admataz

Thanks Felix,

That's great info - I actually had bookmarked your blog  post in my
feeds to read later  - wasn't sinking in when I tried reading it before
-  so I'll take a closer look now. 

all the best, 

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread johnwik

I am also using actionRequest to render several different controllers
from within a main controller and I have noticed that the dispatcher is
called for each call to a controller. I haven't done any real testing
yet so I'm not sure about the performance.

Is there a way to reuse the Dispatcher and Controller for several user
controllers and plugins? I'm also thinking about extending the
Dispatcher or the Controller with a class that should be globally
accessible by the user controllers and views. Any comments on that?

At the moment I am experimenting with creating a private singleton
class in the AppController that is extended by public accessible
classes such as Request, Response, Security etc.

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread 100rk

It depends on way how You're using requestAction().

If You're using it like:
$somedata = $this-requestAction('/some/url');
then it is supposed to be quite fast, as target controller's action is
not rendered. Off course there is new dispatch process for every such a
call, but it is cool, because You can use routed-url's and passing
parameters like requestAction('/url',
array('myParamName'='myParamValue')) with requestAction() also.

BUT: if You're using it like
$renderedView = $this-requestAction('/some/url', array('return'));
(so You will obtain rendered view content), then targetted controller's
action is rendered, so extra instance of View class is created for it,
there is used output buffer and if You're using rendering by
requestAction() often in during of one request, Your page generation
time will slow down a little bit - 'how big bit' depends on many

I was talking about same thing some time ago at IRC with one of core
devs and his propose to me was: use requestAction() for obtaining data
and pass them to renderElement() method - so all render-actions will be
maked in lifetime of one View instance.

I hope it makes sense, I speak English like Tarzan.

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread Felix Geisendörfer

Hi johnwik,

I think the problem with requestAction is not the dispatching alone.
There is a good bit of things happening, just to name a view:

  Dispatcher does routing
  Dispatcher figures out what (Plugin)/Controller/Action is request
  Dispatcher loops through all $paths-controllerPaths files, to
figure out what Controller to load (if you request one you haven't
requested before)

Comment: None of this is necessary when you use requestAction.
You know what exact controller/action you need. No request-php
interface for this is needed

  recursive functions get called twice (stripslashes_deep, see
Dispatcher::parseParams() )
  Lot's of regex get's executed again (finding webroot, base, etc.)

Comment: Some of this stuff is necessary to parse the params
correctly, but most of it is overhead you only need when rendering the
first Controller action in your script execution.
Controller setup
Once the dispatcher has figured out what Controller you want to use,
the following things get executed over and over again for every
requestAction, even if you call the same controller again.

  All Controller Models get loaded and referenced as Controller
variables (Note: I think the ClassRegistry keeps record of previously
created class instances, which is good)
  All Components get re-instanced over and over again
  All filter's (before, after, beforeRender) get executed

Comment: I think for a good deal of things requestAction is
beeing used right now, some of the stuff above in unnecessary, however
avoiding some of it by default could lead to confusion and strange

So I'm not trying to say that requestAction should be avoided, nor that
it is bad. But I think doing a fair performance test on it, vs. other
approaches would be hard to setup because it's difficult to say what of
the stuff above is definitely unnecessary and what isn't. And depending
on this decision results could be pretty different. 

Side Note: I've written the stuff above from my understand of
the dispatching process and only looked in the core code a couple
times, so some of it might not be completely correct.

My advice to people who are concerned about performance, is to think
about what they are using requestAction for right now, and to try to
figure out if some of it should be moved to the AppController. This
will always be the better and faster solution if you have something
like a menu, that you need to have rendered for every request. At least
it is to me.

I think requestAction is more of a problem when you are working with
plugins that are supposed to be independent from the AppController
setup like I do. Because in that case you might end up with something
like 15-20 requestActions / execution which is definitely too much
overhead for me. Right now I'm running with my own solution for the
problem which I mentioned in my earlier post, but I definitely want to
talk to one of the devs about it when I (and they) find time to. 

Anyway, I hope that stuff above is useful when you try to get your own
idea about the overhead caused by requestAction.

Best Regards,
Felix Geisendörfer

johnwik schrieb:

I am also using actionRequest to render several different controllers
from within a main controller and I have noticed that the dispatcher is
called for each call to a controller. I haven't done any real testing
yet so I'm not sure about the performance.

Is there a way to reuse the Dispatcher and Controller for several user
controllers and plugins? I'm also thinking about extending the
Dispatcher or the Controller with a class that should be globally
accessible by the user controllers and views. Any comments on that?

At the moment I am experimenting with creating a private singleton
class in the AppController that is extended by public accessible
classes such as Request, Response, Security etc.


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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread admataz

Ok, between this, the wiki and manual things are getting tasty and I
think I'm understanding how to bake better cake... thanks all for the
discussion and feedback.

Previously I was using requestAction to return rendered views from
foreign controllers,  by using it in my elements or directly in the
layout. Apparantly that's what can lead to the overheads associated
with requestAction()

So to avoid rendering the view more than necessary I've altered my
strategy, and the controller methods I'm calling with requestAction
return an array , which I am passing to an element (via renderElement)
which handles the rendering of the view.

From my understanding of this discussion, the following is an example
of the more efficient way to use requestAction. I'm aiming to include a
list of events on an articles/view page.

It works, but does this look like the right setup for Cake best

1. In controllers/events_controller.php:
 function eventslist(){
return $this-Event-findAll() //returns an array of events

2. In views/elements/eventslist.thtml:
 - foreach loop to render the list

3. In controllers/articles_controller.php:
 function view(){

   [...article view stuff...]


4. In views/articles/view.thtml:
 echo $this-renderElement(eventslist,$eventslist);


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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

Hi felix

My advice to people who are concerned about performance, is to think
about what they are using requestAction for right now, and to try to
figure out if some of it should be moved to the AppController. This
will always be the better and faster solution if you have something
like a menu, that you need to have rendered for every request"

how are you doing that ? currently I have menus that are in every page,
and I use requestAction in the layout to do that.


Felix Geisendörfer wrote:

Hi johnwik,
I think the problem with requestAction is not the dispatching alone.
There is a good bit of things happening, just to name a view:
Dispatcher does routing
Dispatcher figures out what (Plugin)/Controller/Action is

Dispatcher loops through all $paths-controllerPaths files,
figure out what Controller to load (if you request one you haven't
requested before)

  Comment: None of this is necessary when you use requestAction.
You know what exact controller/action you need. No request-php
interface for this is needed
recursive functions get called twice (stripslashes_deep, see
Dispatcher::parseParams() )
Lot's of regex get's executed again (finding webroot, base,
  Comment: Some of this stuff is necessary to parse the params
correctly, but most of it is overhead you only need when rendering the
first Controller action in your script execution.
  Controller setup
Once the dispatcher has figured out what Controller you want to use,
the following things get executed over and over again for every
requestAction, even if you call the same controller again.
All Controller Models get loaded and referenced as Controller
variables (Note: I think the ClassRegistry keeps record of previously
created class instances, which is good)
All Components get re-instanced over and over again
All filter's (before, after, beforeRender) get executed

  Comment: I think for a good deal of things requestAction is
beeing used right now, some of the stuff above in unnecessary, however
avoiding some of it by default could lead to confusion and strange
So I'm not trying to say that requestAction should be avoided, nor that
it is bad. But I think doing a fair performance test on it, vs. other
approaches would be hard to setup because it's difficult to say what of
the stuff above is definitely unnecessary and what isn't. And depending
on this decision results could be pretty different. 
  Side Note: I've written the stuff above from my understand of
the dispatching process and only looked in the core code a couple
times, so some of it might not be completely correct.
My advice to people who are concerned about performance, is to think
about what they are using requestAction for right now, and to try to
figure out if some of it should be moved to the AppController. This
will always be the better and faster solution if you have something
like a menu, that you need to have rendered for every request. At least
it is to me.
I think requestAction is more of a problem when you are working with
plugins that are supposed to be independent from the AppController
setup like I do. Because in that case you might end up with something
like 15-20 requestActions / execution which is definitely too much
overhead for me. Right now I'm running with my own solution for the
problem which I mentioned in my earlier post, but I definitely want to
talk to one of the devs about it when I (and they) find time to. 
Anyway, I hope that stuff above is useful when you try to get your own
idea about the overhead caused by requestAction.
Best Regards,
Felix Geisendörfer
johnwik schrieb:
I am also using actionRequest to render several different controllers
from within a main controller and I have noticed that the dispatcher is
called for each call to a controller. I haven't done any real testing
yet so I'm not sure about the performance.

Is there a way to reuse the Dispatcher and Controller for several user
controllers and plugins? I'm also thinking about extending the
Dispatcher or the Controller with a class that should be globally
accessible by the user controllers and views. Any comments on that?

At the moment I am experimenting with creating a private singleton
class in the AppController that is extended by public accessible
classes such as Request, Response, Security etc.


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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread Felix Geisendörfer

Hi olivvv:

I just modified the AppController from a project I work on right now to
only show the process of setting $menu in every view (unless you set
your controllers var $useMenu to false), so you can use it in your
layout without having to do requestActions:

class AppController extends Controller
var $useMenu = true;

function __construct()
if (empty($this-beforeFilter))
$this-beforeFilter = array();   
if (empty($this-uses))
$this-uses = array();

if ($this-useMenu==true)
$this-uses[] = 'Menu';

$this-beforeFilter[] = '__AppBeforeFilter';
function __AppBeforeFilter()
// This is needed when an error like missingController get's rendered and you still want your Models to load!   
if (!isset($this-Menu))
$this-set('menu', $this-Menu-findAllThreaded(null, null, array('position' = 'ASC', 'id' = 'ASC')));

I think it's pretty self-explanatory, otherwise just ask and I'll
explain a little further ; ).

Best Regards,
Felix Geisendörfer

Olivier Percebois-Garve schrieb:

Hi felix
My advice to people who are concerned about performance, is to think
about what they are using requestAction for right now, and to try to
figure out if some of it should be moved to the AppController. This
will always be the better and faster solution if you have something
like a menu, that you need to have rendered for every request"
how are you doing that ? currently I have menus that are in every page,
and I use requestAction in the layout to do that.
Felix Geisendörfer wrote:

Hi johnwik,

I think the problem with requestAction is not the dispatching alone.
There is a good bit of things happening, just to name a view:

  Dispatcher does routing
  Dispatcher figures out what (Plugin)/Controller/Action is
  Dispatcher loops through all $paths-controllerPaths
figure out what Controller to load (if you request one you haven't
requested before)

Comment: None of this is necessary when you use
You know what exact controller/action you need. No request-php
interface for this is needed

  recursive functions get called twice (stripslashes_deep, see
Dispatcher::parseParams() )
  Lot's of regex get's executed again (finding webroot, base,

Comment: Some of this stuff is necessary to parse the
correctly, but most of it is overhead you only need when rendering the
first Controller action in your script execution.
Controller setup
Once the dispatcher has figured out what Controller you want to use,
the following things get executed over and over again for every
requestAction, even if you call the same controller again.

  All Controller Models get loaded and referenced as Controller
variables (Note: I think the ClassRegistry keeps record of previously
created class instances, which is good)
  All Components get re-instanced over and over again
  All filter's (before, after, beforeRender) get executed

Comment: I think for a good deal of things requestAction is
beeing used right now, some of the stuff above in unnecessary, however
avoiding some of it by default could lead to confusion and strange

So I'm not trying to say that requestAction should be avoided, nor that
it is bad. But I think doing a fair performance test on it, vs. other
approaches would be hard to setup because it's difficult to say what of
the stuff above is definitely unnecessary and what isn't. And depending
on this decision results could be pretty different. 

Side Note: I've written the stuff above from my understand
the dispatching process and only looked in the core code a couple
times, so some of it might not be completely correct.

My advice to people who are concerned about performance, is to think
about what they are using requestAction for right now, and to try to
figure out if some of it should be moved to the AppController. This
will always be the better and faster solution if you have something
like a menu, that you need to have rendered for every request. At least
it is to me.

I think requestAction is more of a problem when you are working with
plugins that are supposed to be independent from the AppController
setup like I do. Because in that case you might end up with something
like 15-20 requestActions / execution which is definitely too much
overhead for me. Right now I'm running with my own solution for the
problem which I mentioned in my earlier post, but I definitely want to
talk to one of the devs about it when I (and they) find time to. 

Anyway, I hope that stuff 

Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread gwoo

There are a couple of things to keep in mind in this discussion.  
First, if you use full page caching putting a requestAction in and  
element that called a menu controller would be better. You can always  
use cake:nocachedont cache this /cake:nocache Also, as of version  
1.2 you will be able to specifically cache certain elements.

However its also possible to do this in app controller as Felix  
suggests but I would write it like this:
class AppController extends Controller
 var $useMenu = true;
 function beforeRender()
if($this-useMenu) {
 $Menu =  new Menu();
 $menuArray = $Menu-findAllThreaded(null, null, array 
('position' = 'ASC', 'id' = 'ASC'));
 } else {
   $menuArray = null;
$this-set('menu', $menuArray);


Using the beforeRender method is a better place in case you use  
requestAction to not return a view.
As was previously stated requestAction is not much slower when it  
does not have to return a view. So, if you are using it in an element  
to just get the data needed you will not notice much of a speed  
difference over the above code. The slowest part of Cake is the model  
as in any application. View is the next slowest piece. The dispatcher  
and controller operate much faster.

Bake on.

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

very useful explanations felix and gwoo. Thanks a lot, I'll sleep less 
stupid tonight.

gwoo wrote:
 There are a couple of things to keep in mind in this discussion.  
 First, if you use full page caching putting a requestAction in and  
 element that called a menu controller would be better. You can always  
 use cake:nocachedont cache this /cake:nocache Also, as of version  
 1.2 you will be able to specifically cache certain elements.

 However its also possible to do this in app controller as Felix  
 suggests but I would write it like this:
 class AppController extends Controller
  var $useMenu = true;
  function beforeRender()
   if($this-useMenu) {
  $Menu =  new Menu();
  $menuArray = $Menu-findAllThreaded(null, null, array 
 ('position' = 'ASC', 'id' = 'ASC'));
  } else {
$menuArray = null;
   $this-set('menu', $menuArray);


 Using the beforeRender method is a better place in case you use  
 requestAction to not return a view.
 As was previously stated requestAction is not much slower when it  
 does not have to return a view. So, if you are using it in an element  
 to just get the data needed you will not notice much of a speed  
 difference over the above code. The slowest part of Cake is the model  
 as in any application. View is the next slowest piece. The dispatcher  
 and controller operate much faster.

 Bake on.



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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-29 Thread gwoo

unless you want the Menu model available in all of your controllers,  
I would not put it in the uses array. Both the uses array and the  
method I described use references, so they are pretty much the same  
in that respect.

As far as MVC, requestAction in a view should be avoided. Elements  
break some of the MVC rules to make our lives easier, so lets not get  
too caught up there.

Overall, Felix I think you are writing more code than you need to. A  
couple of things from my perspective. The beforeFilter property was  
deprecated in 0.10 in favor of the beforeFilter() method. The  
beforeFilter happens before the controller, so grabbing a menu for  
display is out of place there unless for some reason you need that  
menu data in all your controllers.

Bake on.

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Re: Are there performance overheads to RequestAction?

2006-06-28 Thread Felix Geisendörfer

Hey admataz,

from my experience the performance overhead from requestAction can be
significant when you have more then 5-7 of such calls for each action
you execute. 

However, this definitely depends on the work-load that is caused by the
actions/views themselfs, so I would need to do a series of benchmarks
in order to figure out how much overhead is caused by requestAction

What I can tell you for sure, is that I've written up a solution for my
plugin based cms(toolbox) called SpliceIt!, that has it's own way to
exchange data between controllers and that performance increased by a
good amount after implementing it. I basically added a new variable to
my AppController that's called $apis (var $apis) and I can use it like
var $models, but the stuff that get's loaded are specific Controllers
of other plugins that are only ment for data exchange with other
plugins, I call them ApiControllers.

Just take a look at this, if you are interested in it:
right now it's still a bit experimental, but works like a charm. I
would love to see a similar thing integrated into the cake core and
I'll try to talk to phpnut_ about it, but I don't have too much hope
that'll actually be part of cakephp soon ; ).

Therefor, you should stay with requestAction and maybe make use of
cache() as much as you can for right now.

Best Regards,
Felix Geisendörfer

admataz schrieb:

  Hi all,

From some of the research I've done and few experiments I've tried with
CakePHP, I've discovered that RequestAction in combination with
Elements is an extremely useful and flexible way of embedding modular
dynamic content on pages controllers.

However, a few comments I have read in this list suggest there is an
overhead and possible performance hit when using RequestAction.

Can someone clarify or confirm?

Thanks for all the tasty treats. CakePHP is really working well for me.



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