RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-28 Thread Barney Boisvert
> I don't get it. If you check the addresses first, why check 
> again? If an existing list, just check the format once.

Mostly for the PHB's satisfaction.  Back before I was around, the guys who
originally built the system didn't bother to do ANY validation, at input or
send time.  They had lots of problems, as you might imagine.  That's about
99.99% fixed, but there are still some records that we can't touch (for
political reasons) that are from back then, that may or may not be valid
email addresses.  Hence the double validation.

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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-27 Thread stylo stylo
>>that they have to qualify it all over again with an opt-in.  They'll be laughing all the way to the balcony, and more so as you sail off of it.

I think you've misread something when replying to me. I didn't say - nor did anyone I can see - to re-qualify a list with an opt-in. 

Personally I'd check format once, then use it, then delete emails after 3 bounces.

If a website based list, though, I'd certainly start using a double opt-in for any new emails added.
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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-27 Thread Matt Robertson
One last thing.  If you see annoyance in my last post, its not
directed at anyone here.  I just have had more of these political
struggles with large clients than I would care to.  Real frustrating
stuff, but they pay the bills so, in the end, if they insist they get
their way.

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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-27 Thread Matt Robertson
Unfortunately, good/best programming practices don't really have
anything to do with this.  If they did, as you say, a regex would
solve the problem.

For starters, what happens when users have the ability to change
addresses, or import new ones in large blocks, via means out of your
programmatic control?  If you can't control the inputs...

Besides, users -- especially non-technical middle and senior managers
-- won't often allow themselves to be brought under control.  Try, for
example, to tell a senior executive vice-poobah who has had a
membership list for X years -- and has been blissfully ignorant of all
the bounces since they failed silently prior to CF 6 -- that they have
to qualify it all over again with an opt-in.  They'll be laughing all
the way to the balcony, and more so as you sail off of it.

The bottom line, imho, is that a robust, properly written cfmail
application ignores whether the inputs have been tested or not.  It
tests for failures prior to the xmit, and gracefully catches those
failures so the job can continue.  I learned this one the hard way,

Further, if your circumstances require it, you may have to spell out
in big letters exactly what is wrong with the address so the drooling
slackjaws who let the list get into this shape in the first place can
go fix it.  Sadly, thats a business requirement that has bupkis to do
with efficient programming.

--Matt Robertson--
MSB Designs, Inc.
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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-27 Thread Kym Kovan
Hi Stylo,

>>>So doing a DNS check will not help much in verifying an account 
>I just checked my list via dns using worldcast and about 10% failed, but many with messages about not having an IP they can reverse look-up, so useless.

Yes, one thing that gets checked by most servers now is to make sure the mail coming in is from another mail server, which should have a reverse lookup of its IP address. If there is a reverse lookup response then it is often checked against lists of dial-up lines, etc., to again confirm that it another mail server, not a consumer machine. The re4verse name of the mail server should not have to match the email's sending domain name but it should match the name the mail server itself identified itself as. That should stop email coming in from home machines and other suspect sources.

>Kym, very helpful. Hard to know what emails are getting rejected for exactly what, or just tossed, so what do estimate the hourly threshhold is for big guys like AOL, Hotmail, etc? I have a list of 3000 subscribers and have been trickling it out at only 300/hour out of paranoia.

Send it full-blast to everyone except the big three and pick up on who bounces what and then modify the feed rate to match. That means you need two streams to send but that should not be too hard. For the big three the rules are dirfferent and constanlty change as they try to keep ahead of thr SPAMmers but they do publish their restrictions (go to places like: to find out)

>Also, do you think the presence of a localhost IP ("from for [ISP IP]" etc.) and the coldfusion name as the sending program in the header is a big spam filter problem?

At one time the word Allaire would cause an email to be stopped by some email servers as they were fussy about engines that could send bulk quantities of email but were not email servers themselves but that should no longer be the case. As to things like private IP addresses in the headers it should be OK in the first line or two as the mail gets out of a system into the larger world but records with private IP addresses after that it could be treated as suspicious.

>One thing that annoys me is I send via my local IPS account with a reply-to for our domain, and a certain percentage of hosts rejects that as "no relaying". That's not relaying. Or maybe it's the localhost IP in there, not sure.

What some servers look for is a match between the source domains in the headers and they should not do so as having a "ReplyTo:" that goes to a different place than the sender is not an improper thing. It is often the result of poor configuration but getting it fixed is not easy :-)



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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-27 Thread stylo stylo
>>So doing a DNS check will not help much in verifying an account 

I just checked my list via dns using worldcast and about 10% failed, but many with messages about not having an IP they can reverse look-up, so useless.

To send a newsletter in a slower way with CF, use an email trickler (a page that reloads and cycles through a query). Matt Robertson has posted it before here and one on easy-cfm or whatever its called. Google for coldfusion and email trickler.

Kym, very helpful. Hard to know what emails are getting rejected for exactly what, or just tossed, so what do estimate the hourly threshhold is for big guys like AOL, Hotmail, etc? I have a list of 3000 subscribers and have been trickling it out at only 300/hour out of paranoia.

Also, do you think the presence of a localhost IP ("from for [ISP IP]" etc.) and the coldfusion name as the sending program in the header is a big spam filter problem?

One thing that annoys me is I send via my local IPS account with a reply-to for our domain, and a certain percentage of hosts rejects that as "no relaying". That's not relaying. Or maybe it's the localhost IP in there, not sure.
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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-26 Thread Kym Kovan
Hi Mike,

>What Kym does is very important to the users, and worthwhile, however a
>similar thing has bitten a client of mine.   He runs seminars amongst
>university students and school students, who have a lot of hotmail accounts.
>He wants to send (at the users' request!) newsletters, but hotmail does
>something similar to what Kym does - too many emails in a  burst and he gets
>How can we send emails to several thousand of my client's users, a large
>number of whom are hotmail users?

Two things: send selectively and get onto "White Lists".

For the first option you need to separate out the email addresses by domain name and for hotmail, AOL and MSN, plus others possibly, and send to them in batches rather than a mass in one go. This again can be split up, most email servers will reject too many recipients in one email, AOL is very hot on this, but only some will do the rate-measure technique that I described which is by the number of connections rather than the number of recipients in the one post.

The second option is good if you are a legitimate sender of emails. Most of the big organisations have a list of trusted email servers that they will accept emails from without restriction. Getting on that list is not easy, but possible if you are legit.



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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-26 Thread Michael Kear
What Kym does is very important to the users, and worthwhile, however a
similar thing has bitten a client of mine.   He runs seminars amongst
university students and school students, who have a lot of hotmail accounts.
He wants to send (at the users' request!) newsletters, but hotmail does
something similar to what Kym does - too many emails in a  burst and he gets

How can we send emails to several thousand of my client's users, a large
number of whom are hotmail users?


Mike Kear


From: Kym Kovan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 27 June 2004 2:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Mailing to email list using CF


On our mail servers we monitor the IP address of every incoming mail server
or email client that talks to ours and check the frequency of connection. If
we get a burst of many connections in a very short space of time we ban that
IP address for an hour then turn it back on again. It doesn't affect
legitimate connections and if someone is sending many dozen emails at once
(very unusual) then they will eventually get sent in bursts of a few at a
time depending on the thresholds used but we have found that illegitimate
connections, such as a script kiddie scanning for valid POP accounts, will
pick up the banned status and move on to the next mail server in their list
and leave us alone.

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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-26 Thread Kym Kovan
Hi Stylo,

>I forgot to add, can't a dns check fail because rejected just like spam? Would AOL let you (and spammers) check via dns tons of AOL emails? Maybe technically unable to stop it as you disconnect as soon as connected, but maybe not. Anyone know?

I can give you an idea of what we do to try and keep the email-baddies at bay.

DNS itself is harder to check and control than a mail server but the email address style that uses the domain name ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) actually is a wildcard DNS entry (* in the example above) pointing to the mail server and the mail server then works out what the account actually is. So doing a DNS check will not help much in verifying an account other than flagging that the domain name actually exists.

On our mail servers we monitor the IP address of every incoming mail server or email client that talks to ours and check the frequency of connection. If we get a burst of many connections in a very short space of time we ban that IP address for an hour then turn it back on again. It doesn't affect legitimate connections and if someone is sending many dozen emails at once (very unusual) then they will eventually get sent in bursts of a few at a time depending on the thresholds used but we have found that illegitimate connections, such as a script kiddie scanning for valid POP accounts, will pick up the banned status and move on to the next mail server in their list and leave us alone.

As a Hosting provider we have a very large number of domain names and related email accounts in our system which gives a potential attacked or SPAMmer a rich harvest so we need to keep things as tight as possible. Looking in the mail server's admin interface right now I see just over a hundred banned IP addresses and if we look up most of those they turn out to be at the other end of a DSL connection so are probably personal computers that have been attacked by a trojan horse and are sending SPAM/viruses without the owner knowledge.



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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-26 Thread stylo stylo
I forgot to add, can't a dns check fail because rejected just like spam? Would AOL let you (and spammers) check via dns tons of AOL emails? Maybe technically unable to stop it as you disconnect as soon as connected, but maybe not. Anyone know?

BTW, you could download worldcast for free and use their dns check on your list. It's a crappy little program but works.
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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-26 Thread stylo stylo
>>At send time, it's just to kick out the bad ones. 

I don't get it. If you check the addresses first, why check again? If an existing list, just check the format once. There is a udf on for that. Done. Then use as normal.

If an ongoing list, ALWAYS send an email to it that must be confirmed (link in it clicked) in order to be added to the list. Never just add an address. Even if correctly formatted it might be wrong. Show where you sent it so the customer can see if a spelling error: "Thank you. We have sent an email to you at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Check your email. You must confirm it to be added to our list." Then you have zero bad addresses (and no real need to even check the format, though I do to point out errors first). The bad ones never arrive in their inbox and are thus never confirmed.
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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-26 Thread Matt Robertson
Paul Vernon wrote:
> Surely making sure your addresses are clean and correct is a good thing???

Its paramount, I think.  I have a user who has a roughly 7000-address
mailing list.  They get probably 500-750 bounces per mailing (with bad
addresses kept for political reasons) and the resulting backwash
amounts to a denial of service attack on my mail server.

While the validation thing I posted -- which I know is not efficient
but is designed to be used by manager-types and not developers -- will
catch bad formats it doesn't do squat for correctly-formatted but
nonexistent addresses, which is what DDOS's me.

Looking at your tag, it might be the component I need to solve this. 
I'll contact you off-list.

--Matt Robertson--
MSB Designs, Inc.
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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-25 Thread Paul Vernon
> It is my understanding it's better to do your own loop for just this
> reason.  If you use the query option in cfmail you have to make sure all
> your address are clean and correct.

Surely making sure your addresses are clean and correct is a good thing???

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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-25 Thread Ian Skinner
It is my understanding it's better to do your own loop for just this
reason.  If you use the query option in cfmail you have to make sure all
your address are clean and correct.



Do something when bad e-mails are generated.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer

Sacramento, CA

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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
I didn't say that.  But in my experience, it's a lot faster than looping the
CFMAIL tag itself.  We also validate very heavily before inserting any email
addresses (including the same RE test we use at send time).  There the focus
is on identifying errors and giving meaningful messages.  At send time, it's
just to kick out the bad ones.  It seems foolish from the outside, but the
nature of the communication we do has zero room for errors, so we pay the
price of revalidation, just to be safe.  We've discovered a couple chinks in
the input validation "armor" (amazingly subtle ones) that we were saved from
by the send-time checking, so it's worth it.  


> -Original Message-
> From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 12:42 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Mailing to email list using CF
> So looping over the thousands of email addresses and running a regex
> against it will not cause a large performance hit?  I considered doing
> that on output to catch the ones that I didn't handle coming in.
> Everything that comes through any of my sites goes through a 
> cfc method
> that scrubs the data and runs an re on it to ensure it's at 
> least in the
> valid format.
> John 
> -Original Message-
> From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 2:43 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Mailing to email list using CF
> Doing CFOUTPUT/CFMAIL is a huge performance hit, so you don't 
> want to do
> it that way.  We manage mailing lists of pretty significant 
> size, and we
> use a combination of fairly aggressive validation at 
> insertion time, and
> at send time, we error check the list with a simple RE that every
> address must validate against (the same RE is used as the 
> final step of
> insertion validation).  Here's some example code:
>   SELECT name, email
>   FROM recipients
> dbtype="query"
> name="get">
>   SELECT *
>   FROM get
>   WHERE email2 <> ''
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 11:29 AM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Mailing to email list using CF
> > 
> > I'm storing a list of users who have signed up for an email 
> list in a 
> > database.  I have a simple web app for users to use when 
> they want to 
> > send something to their email list.  When they click send, 
> I'm using 
> >  to send the mail out to all of the users 
> > individually.  The problem I've run into is that CF has choked on 
> > invalid email addresses (legacy ones that have been brought 
> to me from
> > other databases) and when that happens, CF produces an error and 
> > quits.
> > I thought about doing 
> > to="#email#...> but I'm fairly sure that takes 
> some serious
> > performance hits or else there wouldn't be the query attribute to 
> > CFMAIL.  Is there any way to tell CFMAIL to keep processing 
> and just 
> > skip the invalid address?  I'm guessing that a cftry/cfcatch block 
> > will only catch the error and move on but will not tell CF 
> to finish 
> > the mailing.
> >  
> > Any ideas? thoughts? Rants? etc?
> >  
> > John
> > 
> > 
> > 
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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-25 Thread Paul Vernon

I've recently released a CFX tag I wrote some months back to help me scrub
my e-mail address data because CFMX is much better at spotting crappy
addresses and stopping before you send so I had to really clean up the data
going in but that still left me with thousands of addresses already in the
DB that needed to be checked

It should be able to validate about 1000 addresses a second :)

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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-25 Thread Burns, John D
So looping over the thousands of email addresses and running a regex
against it will not cause a large performance hit?  I considered doing
that on output to catch the ones that I didn't handle coming in.
Everything that comes through any of my sites goes through a cfc method
that scrubs the data and runs an re on it to ensure it's at least in the
valid format.


-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 2:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Mailing to email list using CF

Doing CFOUTPUT/CFMAIL is a huge performance hit, so you don't want to do
it that way.  We manage mailing lists of pretty significant size, and we
use a combination of fairly aggressive validation at insertion time, and
at send time, we error check the list with a simple RE that every
address must validate against (the same RE is used as the final step of
insertion validation).  Here's some example code:

  SELECT name, email
  FROM recipients


  FROM get
  WHERE email2 <> ''

> -Original Message-
> From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 11:29 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Mailing to email list using CF
> I'm storing a list of users who have signed up for an email list in a 
> database.  I have a simple web app for users to use when they want to 
> send something to their email list.  When they click send, I'm using 
>  to send the mail out to all of the users 
> individually.  The problem I've run into is that CF has choked on 
> invalid email addresses (legacy ones that have been brought to me from

> other databases) and when that happens, CF produces an error and 
> quits.
> I thought about doing 
> to="#email#...> but I'm fairly sure that takes some serious

> performance hits or else there wouldn't be the query attribute to 
> CFMAIL.  Is there any way to tell CFMAIL to keep processing and just 
> skip the invalid address?  I'm guessing that a cftry/cfcatch block 
> will only catch the error and move on but will not tell CF to finish 
> the mailing.
> Any ideas? thoughts? Rants? etc?
> John
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Re: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-25 Thread Matt Robertson
This one has come up before, you can bet.

Short answer:  If you have not validated your addresses you cannot use
the query= attribute safely.

If you wrap cfmail in a try/catch block and just let it continue on if
it hits a bad address, then you'll never scrub your db.  What I do
looks like what you see below.

includes/inc_verify_addresses.cfm runs a 40-odd-step address test. 
Far less efficient than a regex but it creates a list of messages that
describe everything wrong with the address.  This is an html-formatted
unordered list and is dumped into variables.failurelist.

Then the mail xmit is attempted.  If an error was found in the format
checker, the error is logged into a special db table dedicated to
collecting system errors (one error per record, the errmsg and bad
address goes into a long text field).

If the format checker missed something, then the try/catch block bats
cleanup and handles it.  Here again the error is logged in the same
fashion and the process is allowed to continue.

When done, the list of errors is collected and can be emailed
automatically to some responsible party.  Since this could be a
Hyoooge email its not a bad idea to create some other method of
viewing the error log if you're dealing with any kind of decent-sized


--Matt Robertson--
MSB Designs, Inc.

		...blah blah blah...
			...log the error...
		...log the error... the error to the email inbox of your choice.
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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-25 Thread Barney Boisvert
Doing CFOUTPUT/CFMAIL is a huge performance hit, so you don't want to do it
that way.  We manage mailing lists of pretty significant size, and we use a
combination of fairly aggressive validation at insertion time, and at send
time, we error check the list with a simple RE that every address must
validate against (the same RE is used as the final step of insertion
validation).  Here's some example code:

  SELECT name, email
  FROM recipients


  FROM get
  WHERE email2 <> ''

> -Original Message-
> From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 11:29 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Mailing to email list using CF
> I'm storing a list of users who have signed up for an email list in a
> database.  I have a simple web app for users to use when they want to
> send something to their email list.  When they click send, I'm using
>  to send the mail out to all of the users
> individually.  The problem I've run into is that CF has choked on
> invalid email addresses (legacy ones that have been brought to me from
> other databases) and when that happens, CF produces an error 
> and quits.
> I thought about doing 
> to="#email#...> but I'm fairly sure that takes some serious
> performance hits or else there wouldn't be the query attribute to
> CFMAIL.  Is there any way to tell CFMAIL to keep processing and just
> skip the invalid address?  I'm guessing that a cftry/cfcatch 
> block will
> only catch the error and move on but will not tell CF to finish the
> mailing.
> Any ideas? thoughts? Rants? etc?
> John
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Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-25 Thread Burns, John D
I'm storing a list of users who have signed up for an email list in a
database.  I have a simple web app for users to use when they want to
send something to their email list.  When they click send, I'm using
 to send the mail out to all of the users
individually.  The problem I've run into is that CF has choked on
invalid email addresses (legacy ones that have been brought to me from
other databases) and when that happens, CF produces an error and quits.
I thought about doing 
to="#email#...> but I'm fairly sure that takes some serious
performance hits or else there wouldn't be the query attribute to
CFMAIL.  Is there any way to tell CFMAIL to keep processing and just
skip the invalid address?  I'm guessing that a cftry/cfcatch block will
only catch the error and move on but will not tell CF to finish the

Any ideas? thoughts? Rants? etc?

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