Re: Moving oneself to /Applications (or ~/Applications)

2009-02-23 Thread Joseph Crawford
I am not that experienced as a Mac Developer but I can give my  
thoughts as a switcher.  When I first switched over to OS X a few  
years ago I thought it was odd that an application did not *need* to  
be installed rather copied to the Applications folder.  It was obvious  
to me that I needed to put it in the Applications folder even though I  
was new because the first app I installed (I don't recall what it was)  
had a nice window that popped up and had the app icon along with the  
applications folder.  It had a nice arrow that said drag.

Once I did that I checked the Applications folder which I found in the  
Finder window and there it was.

I loved the way it just copied over and there was no need for an  
installer (i found some apps that do require it, shame on them)

I have never had the problem of opening the app from the DMG and then  
not being able to find it so I cannot speak from that.

I however do like the idea of the app asking you where to install  
however that could also be a bad idea as Ben stated you are not  
*required* to install it to any particular location and some may have  
their applications organized by directories.  I particularly do not  
but it is a good idea now that Ben brings it up so I might in the near  

I would lean towards not copying the file, rather showing the window  
like a lot of apps do that have the app icon draggable to the app  
folder. and some nice graphics making it clear that they need to drag  

Joseph Crawford

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NSBezierPath (Modifying Paths)

2009-02-04 Thread Joseph Crawford

Hello Everyone,

I am working on something small just to learn with and I have been  
trying to figure this out for a while.  The end result that I am  
looking for is this

Draw A straight line
click the line and drag to make that line curve

Now I have been able to get all of this to work aside from one thing.   
If you draw a curve then go to draw another the first one is not  


I know it is my call to removeAllPaths on line 59 of the code pasted  
at the URL above.

I know that i need to use the elementsAtIndex: and  
elementsAtIndex:index associatedPoints:points to modify the points  
rather than remove them all

However what I do not know is where I would get this Index to use.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Joseph Crawford

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Re: NSBezierPath (Modifying Paths)

2009-02-04 Thread Joseph Crawford


You make some very good points.  Let me first start out by saying I  
was doing ALL the path work in drawRect: based on someone telling me  
that was the best practice, I then had a few people including you tell  
me that is not the case.

I am not worried about performance right now that is true.  I am also  
not worried about you drawing a curve and then wanting to draw a  
straight line.

This is all just messing around trying to replicate the capabilities  
of the curve tool in many drawing applications, I already saw how to  
replicate the drawing of a line and that would be a different tool to  
choose from.

What would you suggest I look into for wanting to modify the points?

I had this working perfectly with a tempPath for the dragging and  
actually had it grey in color and when it was drawn it was done so in  
black (the visual queue) but was told that I could do it with only one  
path which is why I was looking into modifying the path elements.   
When I have one point the dragging operation always added more and  
more points which led to the line being drawn with every drag and that  
was not the wanted solution.

Joseph Crawford

On Feb 4, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

On Feb 4, 2009, at 07:35, Joseph Crawford wrote:

Draw A straight line
click the line and drag to make that line curve

Now I have been able to get all of this to work aside from one  
thing.  If you draw a curve then go to draw another the first one  
is not remembered.


I know it is my call to removeAllPaths on line 59 of the code  
pasted at the URL above.

I know that i need to use the elementsAtIndex: and  
elementsAtIndex:index associatedPoints:points to modify the points  
rather than remove them all

However what I do not know is where I would get this Index to use.

Your general approach doesn't make a lot of sense to me. 'drawRect'  
is for drawing, and it's a really bad idea to be constructing parts  
of your data model in that method. (In particular, drawRect can get  
called multiple times without the mouse being dragged, and each time  
it's going to add more points to the existing path. Not to mention  
the fact that it'll add these points to *all* the paths, not just  
the latest one.)

I'd suggest:

-- Keep your path array just for paths that are fully created. That  
is, in mouseUp but not before, add the current path to the path array.

-- Don't bother trying to *change* the NSBezierPath object that's in  
the process of being created, just create a brand new one each time  
you go through mouseDragged. Performance would be the only reason  
not to do this, but you're not going to have a performance problem  
anytime soon. If you plan to be able to edit the paths later, then  
NSBezierPath isn't the best choice as a data structure.

-- Do nothing in drawRect except drawing. If you keep the in  
progress path out of the path array till it's done, you can also  
draw it in (say) a different color, which would be a nice visual cue.

-- Change 'numberOfClicks' to something like  
'numberOfControlPointsDrawn' (with values 0, 1 and 2) for clarity.  
The number of clicks isn't actually important, but the number of  
control points dragged out is.

While this approach to drawing paths isn't terrible, it *is*  
terribly modal. If I was to draw a straight line and then wanted to  
draw another path without making the first one a curve, how would do  
I do that? If I started dragging out a path and wanted to get rid of  
it and start a new one, how would I do that?


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Re: Newbie Object Sharing Question

2009-01-30 Thread Joseph Crawford
Sorry I misunderstood the question then :)  Just a newbie trying to  
lend a hand where I can.  Thanks for correcting me.

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 30, 2009, at 9:47 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Jan 30, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

Why don't you create a base controller that those 2 controllers  
subclass, that way they would inherit the functionality of reading  
those properties, also they would inherit the methods for getting,  
setting, etc.

-- Controller 1
-- Controller 2

in Base controller define those properties and any methods for  
interacting with them
in Controller 1 and Controller 2 have your Class specific stuff  
there, because they both inherit from BaseController you would get  
those properties.

This is completely irrelevant to the original question.  Having a  
common base class does not make two objects share state.

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Brian Slick wrote:

I want both view controllers to reference MyListItemArray.

You want both view controllers to reference _an instance_ of  
MyListItemArray.  MyListItemArray is a class.

So in each one I do something like:
MyListItemArray *listArray = [[MyListItemArray alloc] init];

As you seem to have figured out, this is creating (allocating and  
initializing) a new instance of the class.  This newly-created  
object is separate and distinct from other objects in your program,  
even ones created by execution of this same line of code at other  

[...]  It starts to sink in that what I have done is create a  
*local* instance of MyListItemArray in each view controller, and  
what's local to ViewControllerTabA has nothing to do with what is  
local to ViewControllerTabB.  I'm getting local copies of the  
array, not the source array.

As near as I can tell, there is no source array, nor is there any  
copying going on.

You have explicitly created two separate arrays from the get-go.   
You have then filled them out separately to have similar initial  

It starts to occur to me that I don't actually want an instance, I  
want the real deal.

That statement is nonsensical.  There is no real deal.  An  
instance is real.  It's not some pale reflection of something else.

You do want an instance.

I suspect that perhaps you don't understand the difference between  
an object and a pointer to an object.  The reason I suspect that is  
because the simple solution to your dilemma, the thing you're not  
seeing, is that you want a single instance referenced from multiple  
places using multiple pointers.

I read through some documentation about model objects and objects  
in general, and stumbled upon the concept of Singletons.  Some  
additional searching lead me to this blog post:
...which seems to describe exactly what I want.  I reconfigured  
MyListItemArray as a singleton, and remapped my data source  
methods accordingly, and everything seemingly works perfectly.   
Items added in one view are displayed in the other, and so on.  It  
works so well that I have to assume there is a catch.

I can't shake the feeling that this seems more difficult than in  
ought to be, and generally when I feel that way there tends to be  
a single line of code solution that I haven't found yet.  Are  
singletons really the only way (that doesn't involve saving to a  
file, I suppose) to share a model object across multiple view  
controllers?  I think I'm missing something really fundamental.

Yes, I think your are missing something fundamental -- the ability  
to share references to an object simply by assigning multiple  
pointers to point to the same thing.

A singleton implementation is _one_ solution to the issue you're  
having, but it's not necessary, and not even recommended for  
something as simple as this.

One stumbling block is that you have two view controllers, but  
evidently no central application controller.  View controllers  
should have logic and state specific to a view and that view's  
relationship to the model.  An application controller manages your  
application overall.  It manages the other controllers, including  
your view controllers.  It has the primary responsibility for  
managing the application-global (as opposed to, for example,  
document-specific) model, and for providing access to that model to  
other parts of the program.

Since you were concentrating on the view controllers, you thought  
you had to create the instance of MyListItemArray in each view  
controller.  It follows that you got one such instance for each view  

You should have a single application controller object (an instance  
of some custom class).  This application controller is often also  
the application delegate.  It is also often instantiated in the main  
nib, where the delegate outlet of the main application object is  
connected to it.

If your application has one central list

Multiple Nib Question

2009-01-28 Thread Joseph Crawford

Hello Everyone,

I had my project all working smooth using 1 nib file which contained  
my MainMenu and my window.  I have since separated them because a lot  
of people suggested it.  However this separation has led me to hit an  

In my ManManu nib I have my App Delegate which then loads my window by  
instantiating the instance of my WindowController which displays the  

The issue is this.  The application will copy sample files over to my  
application support directory (AppController) and also the  
SidebarController needs to be able to read this directory.  I have the  
following method in my AppController

- (NSString *)appSupportFolder {

   NSArray *paths =  
NSUserDomainMask, YES);
   NSString *basePath = ([paths count]  0) ? [paths objectAtIndex: 
0] : NSTemporaryDirectory();
   return [basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@TomTom POI  


As you can see this just determines the path to the users Application  
Support folder and returns that path.

My issue is that this method is in the AppController class which is in  
my MainMenu nib.  In my MainWindow nib I have a method that is trying  
to call the above method through an outlet to AppController, however  
since AppController is in another nib I cannot make the connection.

What would be the best way to solve this issue?

My thoughts are this.

1.) duplicate code across multiple nibs (not a good idea)
2.) create a class method (not sure this is the best answer either)
3.) in AppDelegate when the [[MainWindowController alloc] init] method  
is called, call initWithAppSupportPath:path so that the window  
controller gains knowledge of the path

Are any of the above a good method to use, do you have any alternative  

I am familiar with encapsulation in classes but this while multiple  
nib process is new for me.
If you can suggest any reading I would be more than willing to read  
for the answer as well

Joseph Crawford

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Re: IBOutlet objects not responding to any messages passed

2009-01-22 Thread Joseph Crawford

Did you make the connections in IB?
You need to do that on top of adding the outlets in code.

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 22, 2009, at 5:44 AM, Cormac Daly wrote:

Hi list,

I've added a new window to my application and have written a window
controller class. Everything is going fine, except for the fact that
when initialising the window, none of my IBOutlets are responding to
methods called on them. This is the case in both the init and
windowDidLoad methods - NSButtons are not responding to setEnabled
methods, NSTextFields are not responding to setStringValue methods,
etc. All relevant UI elements are visible but are not responding. No
warnings and nothing appearing in the console.

After the window has been initialised and loaded and after I begin to
interact with it (IBAction methods work fine) then my outlets respond
just fine. Very strange.

Here is how I'm creating the object:

m_LicensingWindow = [[[LicensingWindowController alloc] init] retain];

Part of the Declaration. I've snipped out many irrelevant parts of the
code for the sake of readability:

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h

@interface LicensingWindowController : NSWindowController
   IBOutlet NSWindow * m_MainWindow;
   IBOutlet NSWindow * m_licensingPanel;

   IBOutlet NSButton * m_EditLicenseButton;
   IBOutlet NSTextField * m_EmailConfirmTextbox;
   IBOutlet NSTextField * m_EmailTextbox;
   IBOutlet NSButton * m_GetNewLicenseButton;
   IBOutlet NSTextField * m_HardwareKeyText;
   IBOutlet NSButton * m_HideProductsCheckbox;
   IBOutlet NSTextField * m_LicenseInfoLabel;

// snip

- (IBAction)showLicensingWindow:(id)sender;
- (bool)populateProductsPopupList;
- (IBAction)changeEmailAddressAction:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)changeEmailConfirmAddressAction:(id)sender;

// snip

And part of the definition:

#import LicensingWindowController.h
#include CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h

// snip

@implementation LicensingWindowController

- (void) init
	if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibName: @LicensingWindow]) !=  

// IBOutlets not responding here

- (void) windowDidLoad
// not responding here
[m_GetNewLicenseButton setEnabled: NO];
[m_HardwareKeyText setStringValue: @Test]];

- (IBAction)showLicensingWindow:(id)sender
[super showWindow:self];

- (IBAction)clickGetNewLicenseAction:(id)sender {
// responding fine here!

// snip

Any ideas? Is there a problem in the ordering somewhere? Its probably
something very basic but I'm stumped!

Many thanks,

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Re: Interaction with web javascript cocoa

2009-01-20 Thread Joseph Crawford
what i did is created the outlet to my webview, made the webview load  
an html file that contains all my JS functions and then call it like so.

	NSString *command = [[NSString alloc]  
initWithFormat:@addMarkerAtPoint(%f, %f, 13, \%...@\);, [location  
latitude], [location longitude], [location name]];

[mapOutlet sendMapCommand:command];

Now that sendMapCommand is a method I put in my mapController, here it  

-(void)sendMapCommand:(NSString *)cmd
id map = [mapView windowScriptObject];
[map evaluateWebScript:cmd];

The ONLY downfall to this is that you can only make 1 function call  
per command sent.  I tried to do seperate calls and it would not  
work.  Combining the calls into functions and making 1 function call  
has worked for me.

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 20, 2009, at 5:27 PM, Markus Spoettl wrote:

On Jan 20, 2009, at 11:06 PM, Alex Mills wrote:
I have built a Javascript WYSIWYG editor. I want to build a WebKit  
based cocoa app with buttons that can call a function from the  
editor loaded in webkit. For example I want to have a button within  
the Cocoa interface that calls the Javascript function 'makeBold()'  
to make the selected text within the editor bold. If this is  
possible I then want to save the editor generated html to string so  
that I can store it within Core Data. I checked out the Apple  
Webkit programming guide but it doesn't provide much.

Have a look at Using JavaScript From Objective-C in the WebKit  
Objective-C Programming Guide: 

What it explains is how you can evaluate any JavaScript code from  
your app (which means calling functions too), you can also have  
JavaScript functions call back into your own Objective-C code.

Markus Spoettl


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Re: Security With Show Package Contents?

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Crawford
AFAIK that would be impossible because someone would just find away  
around the protection.  There has to be a way to unprotect the app  
otherwise the file system would not be able to access the binary  
file.  If the file system has a way to access it, someone will figure  
that out and then they will be able to access it.

Trying to make an app un-crackable is not worth the time or effort, if  
it was feasible they would be doing it with OS's like OS X and Windows  
and even the big guys like Adobe.

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 12, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Chunk 1978 wrote:

so i was a little put off after purchasing iWork '09, because i could
no longer access Show Package Contents of my pages files.  i
generally used this to swap out images of the same size, or to color
balance, etc.

anyway, i started thinking about security of applications based on
showing package contents.  as far as i know the only way for someone
to crack an application is to have access to the package contents
which lists the Unix Executable File in the Mac OS folder.  i guess
there's also the possibility to swap out frameworks (particularly
Aquatic Prime framework if the framework is installed instead of the
Aquatic Prime library)... since apps are really just folders with a
.app extension, wouldn't it be possible to disable Show Package
Contents, as with the new .pages files, so that it would make the app
more secure (if not impossible to crack)?  couldn't Apple implement
some sort of password protection or optional block on viewing package
contents with XCode so that apps are impossible to crack?

this post is totally just me thinking out loud.  i personally believe
that if someone is going to download a cracked version of an app then
either they wouldn't have bought a license anyway, or they don't have
the money... i'm not trying to make an app of mine more secure.  but
i'd like to hear your thoughts about this.

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@loader_path and @executable_path

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Crawford
I do not know if this is a cocoa question or not, it is an error I get  
when I hit build  go

This GDB was configured as i386-apple-darwin.tty /dev/ttys001
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
BWToolkitFramework.framework/Versions/A/BWToolkitFramework (file not  
warning: Unable to read symbols from BWToolkitFramework (not yet  
mapped into memory).
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from Sparkle (not yet mapped into  

I did some googling and found that people used a tool to use  
@executable_path rather than @loader_path but I also read that those  
values should be the exact same so changing them is not the optimal  
change to make.

Does anyone have any idea where I can see / set these values?  I have  
checked my Xcode Project Build settings, the framework build settings,  
etc. and cannot find them.

I also thought it was a project setting so i created the project again  
from scratch (it's small) but I still got the error, this led me to  
believe that it is an XCode setting so I reinstalled dev tools and the  
error still remains.

I did some checking in my build and my Frameworks are under Contents/ 

In my project directory I created a directory called /Frameworks/* and  
put the frameworks there.  I am not sure if this is the best way to  
use a framework by including it in my Bundle but I am not sure how  
else to do this.  I guess I could just put all external (non osx  
frameworks) in a directory on my computer and link them.

I have to mention that these errors do not seem to stop the frameworks  
from working when i run the build.  Sparkle still does the updates  
etc, just a bit odd to have the errors at all.

Any suggestions / feedback would be appreciated.

Joseph Crawford

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Re: @loader_path and @executable_path

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Crawford

Please see the message below in black.

I figured out that issuing this command in terminal fixed the issue  
for this project.

install_name_tool -change  @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle  @executable_path/../ 
Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle  /Users/jcrawford/ 
Cocoa/TomTom POI Manager/build/Debug/TomTom POI 
MacOS/TomTom POI Manager

However my question is since this was only for this one particular  
project, any other project will encounter these errors.

Is there a way to make this system wide so that if my build  
directory is cleared or another project is created this problem will  
not be encountered?

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 12, 2009, at 11:47 AM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

I do not know if this is a cocoa question or not, it is an error I  
get when I hit build  go

This GDB was configured as i386-apple-darwin.tty /dev/ttys001
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
BWToolkitFramework.framework/Versions/A/BWToolkitFramework (file  
not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from BWToolkitFramework (not yet  
mapped into memory).
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from Sparkle (not yet mapped into  

I did some googling and found that people used a tool to use  
@executable_path rather than @loader_path but I also read that  
those values should be the exact same so changing them is not the  
optimal change to make.

Does anyone have any idea where I can see / set these values?  I  
have checked my Xcode Project Build settings, the framework build  
settings, etc. and cannot find them.

I also thought it was a project setting so i created the project  
again from scratch (it's small) but I still got the error, this led  
me to believe that it is an XCode setting so I reinstalled dev  
tools and the error still remains.

I did some checking in my build and my Frameworks are under  

In my project directory I created a directory called /Frameworks/*  
and put the frameworks there.  I am not sure if this is the best  
way to use a framework by including it in my Bundle but I am not  
sure how else to do this.  I guess I could just put all external  
(non osx frameworks) in a directory on my computer and link them.

I have to mention that these errors do not seem to stop the  
frameworks from working when i run the build.  Sparkle still does  
the updates etc, just a bit odd to have the errors at all.

Any suggestions / feedback would be appreciated.

Joseph Crawford


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Re: @loader_path and @executable_path

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Crawford


I can tell you what needs to be changed but it is not the suggested  

Everyone is saying that using @loader_path is the way to go over  
@executable_path, however that said

You change it in your target build settings for your framework.   
Stated by the author of Sparkle

Oh, yeah, I've seen people need @executable_path. You would change  
that in Install Path in the Sparkle target of Sparkle.xcodeproj.

But as I said people have suggested against that.

Dave Dribin - In general, @loader_path is preferred over  
@executable_path, as it allows embedded frameworks to work in both an  
executable and a bundle, plugin, or sub-framework.  The only downside  
is that @loader_path requires 10.4 or newer.  If you're on 10.5 or  
newer, @rpath is even better than @loader_path.

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 12, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Brandon Walkin wrote:

On 12-Jan-09, at 5:00 PM, Dave Dribin wrote:

On Jan 12, 2009, at 10:47 AM, Joseph Crawford wrote:
I do not know if this is a cocoa question or not, it is an error I  
get when I hit build  go

This GDB was configured as i386-apple-darwin.tty /dev/ttys001
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
BWToolkitFramework.framework/Versions/A/BWToolkitFramework (file  
not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from BWToolkitFramework (not yet  
mapped into memory).
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from Sparkle (not yet mapped  
into memory).

These are just debugger errors.  This is most like due to those  
frameworks being compiled in Release mode with their debug symbols  
stripped.  It should not affect debugging of your own application.

I did some googling and found that people used a tool to use  
@executable_path rather than @loader_path but I also read that  
those values should be the exact same so changing them is not the  
optimal change to make.

For an application, they resolve to the same thing.

Does anyone have any idea where I can see / set these values?  I  
have checked my Xcode Project Build settings, the framework build  
settings, etc. and cannot find them.

They are set in the frameworks project, not yours.  So if you're  
linking to pre-built versions of Sparkle and BWToolkit, there are  
no settings in your app that affect this.

In general, @loader_path is preferred over @executable_path, as it  
allows embedded frameworks to work in both an executable and a  
bundle, plugin, or sub-framework.  The only downside is that  
@loader_path requires 10.4 or newer.  If you're on 10.5 or newer,  
@rpath is even better than @loader_path.


I'm the developer of BWToolkit. Some users have run into this  
problem where the framework would work fine for them for a while,  
and then one day it would output the warnings that Joseph mentioned.  
My Xcode/gcc knowledge is a bit lacking, so I haven't been able to  
figure this one out. Do you know what changes have to be made in the  
BWToolkit Xcode project to fix this issue?


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Re: @loader_path and @executable_path

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Crawford

yes they are there in /Contents/Frameworks/

I did not need to copy them in nor would xcode allow me to because  
they are stored in PROJECT_DIR/Frameworks/

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 12, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Chris Hanson wrote:

On Jan 12, 2009, at 8:47 AM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

I do not know if this is a cocoa question or not, it is an error I  
get when I hit build  go

This GDB was configured as i386-apple-darwin.tty /dev/ttys001
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
BWToolkitFramework.framework/Versions/A/BWToolkitFramework (file  
not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from BWToolkitFramework (not yet  
mapped into memory).
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from Sparkle (not yet mapped into  

Are BWToolkitFramework.framework and Sparkle.framework actually  
copied into your application bundle?  It looks like they aren't.   
Did you click Copy only when installing in the Copy Files build  
phase for them?

 -- Chris


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Re: @loader_path and @executable_path

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Crawford

these are not contradictory.

I have the frameworks in my project folder


However in my they are in /Contents/Frameworks/

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 12, 2009, at 6:49 PM, Chris Hanson wrote:

On Jan 12, 2009, at 3:36 PM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

yes they are there in /Contents/Frameworks/

I did not need to copy them in nor would xcode allow me to because  
they are stored in PROJECT_DIR/Frameworks/

These statements are contradictory.

Are the frameworks in Contents/Frameworks within the built  
application bundle you're trying to debug?  Or are they only in a  
Frameworks directory within your source code directory hierarchy?

Xcode won't go looking through your source code directory hierarchy  
for frameworks to debug/run against, it will only look in your build  
results directory and in the places specified in the application  
iteslf (such as its Contents/Frameworks directory).

 -- Chris


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Re: @loader_path and @executable_path

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Crawford


I tried adding @loader_path/../Frameworks/ and @executable_path/../ 
Frameworks/ to my projects Runpath Search Paths and I still get the  
errors shown.

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 12, 2009, at 6:47 PM, Cathy Shive wrote:

Hi Brandon,

I recently struggled with this issue (with not too much Xcode/gcc  
experience) and I found that the @rpath gives very flexible results.

In the framework project, I set the 'Installation Directory' build  
setting for the frarmework's target to @rpath.

Any project that links the framework to one of its targets has to  
define for itself where it's going to look for it.  To do this, the  
target that is using the framework has to have its 'Runpath Search  
Paths' defined in its build settings.  So, if I'm going to embed my  
framework in an application's executable I'd use something like  
'@executable_path/../Framework'  for the application target's  
'Runpath Search Paths' build setting.

This is a great thing for frameworks that might be embedded in a  
bundle like an IB Plugin that you want users to be able to click on  
in the Finder (IB will be able to find the framework), or be  
embedded in an app's executable.  Each of these uses has different  
needs and @rpath allows for that without adding a script to a build  
phase to change the paths dynamically.

The downside is that users of your framework will have to do one  
extra step when they are importing your framework into their  
application projects - they have to set the 'Runpath Search Path'  
setting to their app's target to @exectuable_path/../Frameworks or  
@loader_path/../Frameworks (I don't think it makes a difference in  
this case).  It's not as user friendly, I guess.

I really don't know too much about this stuff either, I'm sure  
someone else can explain it better - but this is the only thing that  
worked for my framework in every case.


On Jan 13, 2009, at 12:05 AM, Joseph Crawford wrote:


I can tell you what needs to be changed but it is not the suggested  

Everyone is saying that using @loader_path is the way to go over  
@executable_path, however that said

You change it in your target build settings for your framework.   
Stated by the author of Sparkle

Oh, yeah, I've seen people need @executable_path. You would change  
that in Install Path in the Sparkle target of Sparkle.xcodeproj.

But as I said people have suggested against that.

Dave Dribin - In general, @loader_path is preferred over  
@executable_path, as it allows embedded frameworks to work in both  
an executable and a bundle, plugin, or sub-framework.  The only  
downside is that @loader_path requires 10.4 or newer.  If you're on  
10.5 or newer, @rpath is even better than @loader_path.

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 12, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Brandon Walkin wrote:

On 12-Jan-09, at 5:00 PM, Dave Dribin wrote:

On Jan 12, 2009, at 10:47 AM, Joseph Crawford wrote:
I do not know if this is a cocoa question or not, it is an error  
I get when I hit build  go

This GDB was configured as i386-apple-darwin.tty /dev/ttys001
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
BWToolkitFramework (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from BWToolkitFramework (not  
yet mapped into memory).
warning: Unable to read symbols for @loader_path/../Frameworks/ 
Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from Sparkle (not yet mapped  
into memory).

These are just debugger errors.  This is most like due to those  
frameworks being compiled in Release mode with their debug  
symbols stripped.  It should not affect debugging of your own  

I did some googling and found that people used a tool to use  
@executable_path rather than @loader_path but I also read that  
those values should be the exact same so changing them is not  
the optimal change to make.

For an application, they resolve to the same thing.

Does anyone have any idea where I can see / set these values?  I  
have checked my Xcode Project Build settings, the framework  
build settings, etc. and cannot find them.

They are set in the frameworks project, not yours.  So if you're  
linking to pre-built versions of Sparkle and BWToolkit, there are  
no settings in your app that affect this.

In general, @loader_path is preferred over @executable_path, as  
it allows embedded frameworks to work in both an executable and a  
bundle, plugin, or sub-framework.  The only downside is that  
@loader_path requires 10.4 or newer.  If you're on 10.5 or newer,  
@rpath is even better than @loader_path.


I'm the developer of BWToolkit. Some users have run into this  
problem where the framework would work fine for them for a while,  
and then one day it would output the warnings that Joseph  
mentioned. My Xcode/gcc knowledge is a bit lacking, so I haven't  
been able to figure this one out. Do you know what changes

Re: Implementing an Inspector similar to the one in IB.

2009-01-11 Thread Joseph Crawford
I am somewhat new to cocoa development and have yet to look at  
controls but would something like that entail view swapping?

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 11, 2009, at 3:20 AM, Brian Bruinewoud wrote:


I'm an experienced C++ developer but a relative newbie to Objective- 
C and Cocoa and am learning my way.

I would like to implement an inspector that has views that show/hide  
by clicking on their headings similar to the ones in the Interface  
Builder inspector.

This control doesn't seem to be available in the IB library, though.  
Am I overlooking it? (I checked the splitview and tab view controls  
as I thought that these might do what I want).

If I have to implement it myself, are the any tutorials or  
suggestions as to how to go about it?


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Google Maps Class / Library

2008-12-29 Thread Joseph Crawford
Anyone know if there is a class or library for working with Google  
Maps in Cocoa?


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Re: The Ages Old __MyCompanyName__ Question

2008-12-17 Thread Joseph Crawford

see this page

On Dec 17, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Phil Hystad wrote:

OK, I am fairly new to Xcode and Cocoa programming and I want to  
change the __MyCompanyName__ template macro definition.

So, I google this question, find answers, and try it out.  It did  
not work.  So, is there something different in today's Xcode that  
means the procedure for changing __MyCompanyName__ is different.  I  
think the most recent entry I found (with a date) was 2005 or so.

The procedure I tried was to set ORGANIZATIONNAME in the  
PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions key of the Xcode plist.  First, I  
could not find it by looking at the plist.  So, I tried the defaults  
command from the shell and this seemed to work but no change in  
behavior on Xcode in spite of cycling Xcode and trying a number of  
other things.

So, How do you change __MyCompanyName__?



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Re: Special Characters Edit Menu Item

2008-12-03 Thread Joseph Crawford
I do not understand why you would want to remove something that is put  
in place by Apple for a reason.

All of my OS X apps have that menu item, if I were to use that menu  
item and be used to all apps having it

I would hate your app for not having it.

Is there a real reason you wish to remove it or just because you dont  
find a use for it personally?

On Dec 3, 2008, at 3:24 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Dec 3, 2008, at 2:09 PM, David Blanton wrote:

I searched the archives and found no useful information on how to  
remove the Special Characters menu item from the edit menu.

I want to remove this item ... is removing this item a good or bad  
practice?  If bad, why?

I can't make any appeal to authority, but I can say that I  
personally find it a bad choice in most situations.

If your app allows the entry of any relatively unconstrained text by  
the user, then the user may have many reasons for wanting to enter  
special characters.  That menu item is the most direct way to do  
that.  (By constrained I mean, for example, a phone number or  
other purely numeric input.  Or, I don't know, DNA sequences where  
only ATGC are legal.)

Why would you want to frustrate your users?



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Re: Special Characters Edit Menu Item

2008-12-03 Thread Joseph Crawford
To any familiar mac user they will know ;)  it's the newcomers that  
will probably wonder, then again they will probably understand

once they see that ever app has it.

On Dec 3, 2008, at 3:35 PM, David Blanton wrote:

There is no text entry capability in my app so this menu item looks  
like I don't know what I am doing.

On Dec 3, 2008, at 1:30 PM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

I do not understand why you would want to remove something that is  
put in place by Apple for a reason.

All of my OS X apps have that menu item, if I were to use that menu  
item and be used to all apps having it

I would hate your app for not having it.

Is there a real reason you wish to remove it or just because you  
dont find a use for it personally?

On Dec 3, 2008, at 3:24 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Dec 3, 2008, at 2:09 PM, David Blanton wrote:

I searched the archives and found no useful information on how to  
remove the Special Characters menu item from the edit menu.

I want to remove this item ... is removing this item a good or  
bad practice?  If bad, why?

I can't make any appeal to authority, but I can say that I  
personally find it a bad choice in most situations.

If your app allows the entry of any relatively unconstrained text  
by the user, then the user may have many reasons for wanting to  
enter special characters.  That menu item is the most direct way  
to do that.  (By constrained I mean, for example, a phone number  
or other purely numeric input.  Or, I don't know, DNA sequences  
where only ATGC are legal.)

Why would you want to frustrate your users?



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David Blanton


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Re: Tabbing to Placeholders

2008-11-21 Thread Joseph Crawford

Yes you would just have to change your keybindings in preferences

On Nov 21, 2008, at 10:12 AM, DKJ wrote:

On 21-Nov-08, at 6:50 , Greg Deward wrote:
Is it possible to tab or jump to the next placeholder in the  

Control-/ does it on my keyboard.


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Re: placing a window in the top left corner

2008-11-19 Thread Joseph Crawford

Wouldn't the point just be 0, 0 in that case?
I'm a beginner so I am not positive.

On Nov 19, 2008, at 9:47 AM, Nick Rogers wrote:

whenever my app opens a second preview window, I want it to be  
positioned at the top left corner of the desktop screen.

I have come across two methods in NSWindow, they are:
– setFrameTopLeftPoint:
– cascadeTopLeftFromPoint:
But these require a point as input.
How do I calculate this point?
Also if the user has the dock vertical on the left side, how do I  
adjust for that?

What if the user has different resolution like 800x600?


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Re: Autorelease Question

2008-11-19 Thread Joseph Crawford

I believe that would better be done like this

- (NSString *)foo
NSString blah = [[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease]
return blah;

I might not be correct as I am a newbie too..

Joseph Crawford

On Nov 19, 2008, at 5:37 PM, Carmen Cerino Jr. wrote:

I am not sure the best way to phrase this question into words, so I
will phrase it using example code.

- (NSString*)foo

   NSString blah = [NSString string];


   //Now do I do:
   return blah;

   return [[blah retain] autorelease]];

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Re: how to create a faceless background application

2008-10-14 Thread Joseph Crawford


by any chance would you be talking about NSThread?  You want to break  
a process off into another thread to complete your calculation then  
notify your application when it is completed.  This will not hold up  
the UI while doing the calculation.

I am not sure how to implement it as I am still new but NSThread seems  
to be what you are looking for.

Joseph Crawford

On Oct 14, 2008, at 2:53 AM, han wrote:

My application uses a faceless background application to perform  
some calculations. This background application is launched and  
terminated by my foreground application.But

I don't know how to create a faceless background application?


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Re: KVC Question

2008-10-12 Thread Joseph Crawford
I would like to thank everyone who responded to my last e-mail,  
especially Nathan for helping out so much off-list.

I do have another question however.

I have a class that is set to be the File Owner for a view.  This View  
has an array controller that is bound to an NSMutableArray in the File  
Owner so

[SearchNameViewController result]

The issue I am running into is that when I do [result addObject:obj]  
the array controller does not seem to update so the UI does not load  
the data.

Nathan suggested changing that code to [resultsArrayController  
addObject:obj] and that works perfect.

What I need to know is if there is something I should be doing to  
*notify* the array controller telling it to update.

Joseph Crawford

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KVC Question

2008-10-10 Thread Joseph Crawford


To give a bit of a background what I am doing is writing an  
application that will query the web api.  I have all  
the XML parsing done so that it parses all the results into a results  
array that I am trying to use for my table data source.  I am trying  
to set this up to use KVC but I am having a little problem.  I have  
read the docs on apple about KVC but I cannot seem to get it to return  
more than 1 row to my tableview.

Here is how I have things setup.  I am using view swapping and I am  
trying to keep things abstracted to avoid code duplication.

I have my classes setup like this

CBSSearchNameViewController (extends CBSManagingViewController)

I have an NSMutableArray named results which is allocated and  
initialized in the CBSManagingViewController.  Each result object is  
an instance of CBSSearchNameResult which holds 2 more arrays for the  
people and phone numbers and 1 address object.

The issue I am running into is that when I run a search only the first  
row in the table view is populated with data from my results array.  I  
am thinking this is because the valueForKey method is not passed the  
row index so it does not know which result object to return.

I have the model key path for my first name column set to  
primaryPerson.firstName, this is calling the primaryPerson method  
which returns an instance of the person object.  Then it will use the  
value of the firstName property to populate the table column.

Here are the sources for my files.

CBSManagingViewController   -
CBSSearchNameViewController -
CBSSearchNameResult -
CBSPerson   -
CBSAddress  -

This is my first application so please be gentle with any feedback on  
the code.

Joseph Crawford

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