Re: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2023-Aug-08

2024-08-08 Thread toki

On 2024-08-08 21:42, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:

First, let us return to a point that I thought was already settled:
Changes to help/documentation text are not a solution for problems with
the LibreOffice UI. If a control or a label is confusing or
inconsistent, that needs to be improved in the app itself, as best we
can; and whatever the UI has - the documentation is for elaboration in
greater detail, with more context and examples.

Whilst good documentation is not a solution, it can describe workarounds 
for when things that the naive user does not expect to happen, do occur.

For various reasons, the unexpected are more likely to be seen in CJKV, 
than other writing systems, but they do pop up elsewhere, with even more 
frustration in trying to figure out why things are not as expected.

Let me rephrase the suggested changes briefly, here:

* Split off writing mode control from direction control, using
consistent and clearly-phrased labels.


Question: will rotation of glyphs be part of the writing mode control, 
or direction control, or independent of both?

For some writing systems, glyph rotation has an impact on how to 
construct a document. For example, Boustrophedon Egyptian Hieroglyphics.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2023-Feb-15

2023-02-15 Thread toki

On 15/02/2023 21:41, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:

objections or claims which I would probably be able to convincingly 
rebut or disprove are stated and accepted with no retort or objection.

An RFE masquerading as a bug report has to stand on its own merits.
It has to provide a number of datapoints:
* What the benefits of the enhancement are;
* What the downsides of the enhancement are;
* How to minimize the negative impact of those downsides;
* How to minimize the negative impact of the enhancement;
* Reasons why the enhancement would be declined;
** Explain why the reasons for declining the enhancement are 
insufficient to warrant doing so;

* Present multiple use-cases showing how the enhancement aids usage;
* Provide alternative choices of action to attain the desired outcome(s) 
that the RFE requests;

* Demonstrate an understanding of how and why the current framework exists;


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Requirements for extension site

2018-10-15 Thread toki
On 10/13/18 7:52 AM, Heiko Tietze wrote:

> these insights we created a new document for a new hosting platform. The
> document is shared on
> and open for
> discussion.

Responding here, cause it is easier for me.
(Not sure why the site let me download it once, without logging in, but
when I tried to downloading it from my main system, it insisted on a
password. And of course I failed the ReCapcha.)

(For starters, why on earth is everything "default style"?  All markup
done manually‽‽‽ )

>If an extension is broken would be reported by users not the author.

Some authors are pro-active, in determining if their extension is broken
in a new version of LibO.

There are also edge cases where an extension may run:
* Only on one platform; Eg: Windows, but not Linux or Mac OS X. Android,
but not Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X, etc.
* Only with a specific language User Interface.  IIRC, JILT is an example;
* RUn only when another extension is also installed.  By way of example,
CMath requires CMathCAS to be installed.

>Most of those are already in the metadata of an extension.

Neither the current collected set of meta data, nor the set proposed
within the document include every datapoint from Dublin Core, nor of its
successor. If metadata is to be provided, at least do Dublin Core, if
not its successor.

>homepage. Is this really needed?

It isn't uncommon for developer/creator to use something other than
their email address for:
* providing alpha/beta versions of extensions/templates;
* feedback mechanism, be it a mailing list, or bugzilla or something else;
* Additional documentation;

For when the extension, or template appears to be abandoned, the
homepage as oft as not:
* states that the extension is no longer being developed, maintained, or
* has switched to commercial distribution and support only;
* However, there is at least one vendor who declaims all knowledge of a
LibO extension for their product;

>Categories: Would strongly recommend to change this into single
selection of category (dictionary, clipart, color palette...) with
single selection and scope (Writer, Calc..) with multi selection.

In essence I agree.
There are a couple of corner cases, but they can be solved as they come
up. Off hand, the only three examples I can think of, are an Accounting
package, and a Project Management Package, both of which utilise Base,
Calc, and Write, and a Business Startup package, which either utilises
Calc, Impress, and Write, or just Impress and Calc.

No extension may have more than one top level category.
Do templates delivered as an extension belong under "extension" or
"template"? Examples can be found at .

I've seen reference to a corporate house style that appear to include
colour palettes, dictionaries, fonts, and templates for Write, Calc,
Impress, Draw, Math, and Base. If anything along those lines escapes
from their corporate guard, simply make "House Style" a top level category.

As a user, I like seeing the logo, because it makes it more apparent if
I found the extensions/template I want.
By way of example, there are two extensions that assist with Greek
characters _Ancient Greek_ and Polytonic Greek_.  In a pinch, they sort
of overlap, but for writing in Biblical Greek, the former is slightly
more functional. Telling a Bible Study class that they want the
extension with a red logo makes it far more likely that everybody in the
class will get the "correct" extension.
On the flipside, both Simplified Chinese Punctuation bar, and
Traditional Chinese punctuation bar use the same logo.   Really hard to
differentiate between the two, by logo alone.
Furthermore, as oft as note, taht logo is the identifier on whichever
toolbar it places itself upon.

>Extension most certainly contain a description of themselves.

They do, but as oft as not, that description is inadequate. By way of
* Which versions of GedCom does the GedCom Import extension support?
* Which playback devices does the Transcriber extension support?
* Which Braille printers does ODT2Braille support? (Ignoring that that
extension appears to be abandoned.)

>If the release would be a property of the project we could remove a lot
of needed interactions.

At the expense of requiring yet more volunteers, and cash, perhaps
setting up that is used exclusively to
create extensions, templates, palettes, fonts, clip-art, etc. that is
used by LibO should be done. This way, if the item has the appropriate
license, a LibO volunteer could take over maintaining the item.  Umm,
maybe not extensions, per se, but certainly templates, sound-effects,
and all the other things that are deliverable as .oxt files.
Either a bot, or an individual could walk through each project, flagging
it for missing items,,, etc.

>Publishing Data, Expiration 

Re: [libreoffice-design] Requirements for extension site

2018-10-15 Thread toki
On 10/13/18 9:13 AM, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Thanks, I added some comments, suggestions. And text (Ctrl+Shft+E starts

Picking up a comment made by Heiko:
«If the release would be a property of the project we could remove a lot
of needed interactions. Drawback is that only one release is stored.
Does that make sense?»

This raises the idea that perhaps should
be a thing. A self-hosted git repository.
Bot-driven, it would clone the developer's site, build the extension,
and create the catalogue.

Lot more thinking needs to be done about how to construct it, write the
automation bots, etc.

Still doesn't solve the issue of "not enough volunteers".
Also means yet another piece of software that TDF has to look after.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Topic for design team to investigate: Content hosting consolidation on

2018-10-12 Thread toki
On 10/12/18 8:05 PM, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:

> site is already capable to host templates, and allows some of the things 
> missing on the current extension site.

Until/unless the search function on ask.libreoffice is fixed, migrating
there is going to ensure that absolutely, positively ensure that nobody
will ever find the extension that they are looking for. (What on earth
does setting up margins in Write have to do with Impress templates? Yet
that was the first response to my search for Impress templates.)

> But IMHO we should also look into what can be done with AskBot starting with 
> evaluating template hosting. Evaluating means just that: to learn what is 
> possible.

a) Can you describe any existing template with enough specificity that
somebody who is unfamiliar with ask.libreoffice will see the template,
as the first hit, when they search for it?

b) Are there enough _active_ moderators, so that the inevitable spam
being presented as templates, get culled often enough so as to not
pollute and render ask.libreoffice completely useless across the board?

Now wondering if those so-called templates that were nothing more than
the name of stores in small towns across the US, have been removed.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Topic for design team to investigate: Content hosting consolidation on

2018-10-12 Thread toki
On 10/12/18 11:36 AM, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> The second question then is how to get that metadata. E.g. the license has to
> be in the extension itself. So why bothering to ask the uploader about it,
> possibly causing even mismatched metadata, because the manual entry had a
> different value than what is in the metadata of the extension itself.

FWIW, I've come across several instances where the page displaying the
extension, the  page that displays the license when installing the
extension, the license within the package, and the actual license were
all very different. In one instance, the real license was a very
restrictive ARR, whilst the others were either Open Source, or could
have passed as being an open source crayon license.

> Having a metric ton of metadata "just in case" we _might_ _possibly_ use it 
> one
> day is BAD. Asking uploaders for huge amount of metadata in errorprone manual
> entry is WORSE, esp. if that metadata is not useful for meaningful queries.

Based on more than a decade of browsing various repositories, I have
strong doubts that the uploader can provide accurate meta-data.

> that metadata is not needed for a relevant and useful query to find 
> extensions.

For an extension, the minimum required information is:
* What version of LibO was it created for;
* What component of LibO does it work with;
* A description, in less than five English words, of what the extension
* What License is it distributed under;
* How big is it?

I'm including that last one, because some extensions are huge:
* CASS comes in at just under 1 GB;
* A full blown installation of Language Tool is the best part of 40 GB.
(I'm currently at 32 GB, and haven't finished installing it.)
* One of the clip-art extensions comes in at just under 1 GB in size;

> [1] E.g. Sure: we can query extension for the license they are published under
> and only list those that have one specific license. But is there a
> realistic use case for that? How many people will do that really?

I for one, don't want to download what looks like a promising extension,
or template, that claims to use an OpenSource license, only to discover
that it really uses a a closed source license along the lines of "All
your Bases, they belong to us". (In either the LibO or AOo extension
repository, there is an extension with a crayon license along those lines.)

> [2]

Where does that leave the template/extension combination that
masquerades as an accounting package, whose license prohibits usage
within a commercial context?


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Topic for design team to investigate: Content hosting consolidation on

2018-10-12 Thread toki
On 10/12/18 9:28 AM, kainz.a wrote:
> Template contributor: Share his template, don't care about LibO version

As a template contributor, in theory, I'm not concerned about the
specific version of LibO that is used.

Two of the templates I've uploaded, haven't been broken by changes
within LibO.

For the third set of templates I've uploaded, every recent point release
of LibO has broken something within the template.  Usually trivial, and
easy to fix. For template bug reports, LibO version number is mandatory
and template version number is irrelevant, simple because the LibO
version is the only thing I need, to fix 99.% of reported issues.
In that 0.0001% where LibO isn't the culprit, I usually have an updated
version of the template, that has a fix for their issue.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re[2]: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05

2018-09-12 Thread toki
On 2018-09-12 2:00 p.m., Pedro Rosmaninho wrote:

> It´s nice to vote to keep something in, but when that something is constantly 
> breaking 

Why is it constantly breaking?

Part of it is that it relies on a site operated and controlled by The
Mozilla Foundation, using a product there that that organization has

Once upon a time, persona could be configured to use files on one's
system.  More specifically it was either

/opt/libreoffice.version.number/share/gallery/ or
/home/user-name/.config/libreoffice/4/user/gallery/persona or

Indeed, going into Expert Configuration, it looks like it can still be
configured from there. However, like everything else in Expert
Configuration, there is no user documentation. Is the "no" next to
string, for Persona a boolean value, and if so, why isn't it marked as
such. Or is it supposed to be the file?

Playing with those values, doesn't enable Persona.  Did I use "bad
values"? Has the ability to configure it from the expert setting been
completely removed? Has something else been broken?  I can't tell.

>and there's minimal dev interest to fix or improve it

According to, the average lifespan of a webpage is under 18
months.  As such, relying on a third party website to provide
functionality is incredibly short-sighted.

>Would any of the people in favor be willing to fix it and improve it? It's as 
>simple as that.

Personally, I'd rip out the "Select Firefox Theme", and  at
">LibreOffice >Paths" under Type add "Persona", and set path
"/home/toki/.config/libreoffice/4/user/gallery//persona" as the default.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Terminology modifications to Paste Special format

2018-04-05 Thread toki
On 04/05/2018 01:22 PM, Heiko Tietze wrote:

> * HTML (HyperText Markup Language) -> Web formatting (HTML) 
>   + Samuel: I would just call this HTML, that's a common term
>   + Heiko: common but not according the convention
> * HTML format -> Simple web formatting (HTML) 
>   + Samuel: What exactly does this do in comparison to the HTML above?
>   + Heiko: no idea, the internal format is SIMPLE_HTML (and it's not shown in 
> the usual list)

In theory, Simple HTML throws out the SPAN tag, CSS styles, and a couple
of similar things.  In practice, it depends. I've seen one
implementation that threw out everything but a core of around 20 tags.
I've also seen an implementation rewrite CSS styles into every tag, then
throw away the CSS StyleSheet.

Ideally, either online documentation, or a user manual created by the
documentation team would list the tags and attributes used by Simple HTML.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] GSoC'17: Customization

2017-06-04 Thread toki
On 06/04/2017 09:24 PM, Heiko Tietze wrote:

>The question to me is why disabled persons would customize menu, toolbar, and 

So it works with their A11Y software.

Shortcut customization is related to which keystrokes, or keystroke
sequences their software intercepts and sends to /dev/null.

Menu and Toolbar customization is to make it easier to select items
using a joystick, or similar tool.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] GSoC'17: Customization

2017-06-04 Thread toki

On 05/30/2017 12:23 PM, Heiko Tietze wrote:

> The project has started this week, so we need quick feedback. A simple
> thumbs up or down is okay, explanations are better.
Just want to make explicit my preference of Variant 2.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] GSoC'17: Customization

2017-06-04 Thread toki
On 06/02/2017 11:35 AM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:

> Also the variant 2 seems to take into account keyboard-only users like blind 
> persons.

Not just blind people.

With variant 2, automated tools/software can more easily interact with
the program·, without using the normal APIs.(There are a couple A11Y
tools that mimic human interaction, rather than software interaction.)

FWIW, as a general rule of thumb, if a feature can be accessed via
keyboard, and via mouse, it is going to be accessible for most people
who have A11Y requirements, assuming that the A11Y software supports LibO.)


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Chart Colors

2017-05-31 Thread toki
On 05/28/2017 11:01 AM, Heiko Tietze wrote:

>as the chart colors are hard-coded. 

Going by
it looks that users don't have the ability to change them.
if so, that is unacceptable.

In some industries, there are standard colour schemes for charts, and
changing them will result in "bad interpretations".

Corporate branding requirements include taboo colours. Colours that may
not be used under any circumstances.

By way of example, one of the universities in the United States
prohibits black to be used in any content produced and distributed by
it. This prohibitions extends to the student newspaper, academic thesis
presented as part of the requirements of a degree, college advertising
(^1), and presentations given by students, staff, faculty, and others,
at conferences, conventions, and the like, if the name of the University
is included as part of the identifier on the presenter. The official
university colour palette has a shade named "dark text", which is to be
used as a replacement for black.

A different university has the colour "light text" in its official
branding palette, to be used instead of white.

Somebody else can go into the cultural, ethnic, and national taboos
regarding colour.

>The only advantage of the chart palette today is that users can find the color 
>directly (after switching to it).

With a user selectible palette, the user can have a 12 colour palette
just for use with charts. One that works with the corporate branding
palette of 4 colours.

To me, it seems simpler to use the same mechanism for selecting chart
colours, as for the other places where users have that option.

^1: Even though the exclusive use of four-colour advertising wrecks
havoc on the budget, doing so drives home the point that the official
branding palette is used everywhere a message is presented for, by, or
on behalf of the university.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Reason for creating document

2017-04-20 Thread toki
On 04/20/2017 01:01 PM, Sławomir Lach wrote:
> My idea is about fit UI of LO for current use reason. 

Whilst the only implementation (^1) of that I've seen, looked workable,
two issues I saw were:
* Confused users, because an unexpected, unfamiliar UI was presented. (^2);
* Users of A11Y tools lost both functionality, and capabilities, due to
the inability to access the relevant triggers;

> so UI is fit for selected use reason.

An example -- even if only mockups --- would be extremely useful here.

Your example uses work-product delivery format. Something originally
written for hard copy, could end up being printed to PDF, or more
exotic, like DAISY.(^3)

The implementation I saw, used document type (Invoice, Memo,
Presentation Report, etc.) When the user can add document types, and
make the appropriate UI modifications, it works.  It totally falls
apart, when one wants to use Draw for the Presentation Report, rather
than Impress, Write, or Calc.

 For example, writter could show text in
> webpage view mode, etc. The reason should been written into document.

^1: Third party add-on that is only available for the commercial vendor
that created it.

^2: In as much as changing the TCIP Classification of a document can
confuse users, an actual change in the UI will confuse users.

^3: Unless things have improved a lot in the last six months, DAISY
support is a lost cause. This is one of those "nice to have" but
"incredibly difficult to develop without a lot of financial backing"
features. (Part of the financial backing is to pay the danegeld.)


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Numbering & Bullets

2017-04-04 Thread toki

On 04/04/2017 07:59 PM, jan wrote:

> Intuitively, I would say, my biggest issue with the bullets is that they are 
> big and ugly*: 

Create your own bullets using List Styles.
That way, you get to control everything.

> to talk about the default image ones (shapes in bright colors).

You can use your own images in creating list styles.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] "LibreColour" palettes for LibreOffice

2016-12-07 Thread toki

On 16/11/16 10:53, Heiko Tietze wrote:

> I forward your message to the ML. As you may know we will have better user
> palette management in 5.3. Meaning you can add colors in the area style
> dialog to the newly introduced 'custom palette'. The former palette
> management at Tools > Options > Color has been removed. Also document
> colors will work now.

Have those changes been incorporates into the 5.3 alpha version that is
available from


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Re: Aw: Re: [libreoffice-design] "LibreColour" palettes for LibreOffice

2016-11-20 Thread toki
On 20/11/16 08:21, "Christoph Schäfer" wrote:

>it doesn't make sense to remove most of the previously available palettes 
>until users can download them separately

Which version of LibO will be the first one to ship _without_ the colour

If it is LibO 5.3..0.x (the one that is currently either pre-alpha,
alpha, or pre-beta), then that breakage is OK.

If it is for a proposed 5.2.4, then removing it now is iffy.

My theory is that in the next month or so, somebody will come up with an
extension that correctly installs the *.so? files in ~/usr/config/.

>the label would be "LibreColo*u*r", because fF / fC is based in Europe,

The Spanish word for "Colour" is "Color".

However, that doesn't negate using:
* LibreKleur;
* LibreCouleur;
* LibreFarbe;
* LibreCor;
* LibreDath;

Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, and Irish, respectively.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: "LibreColour" palettes for LibreOffice

2016-11-20 Thread toki
On 17/11/2016 22:33, V Stuart Foote wrote:

> A palette of 16.7 million colors  is a bit too many to scroll and pick from, 
> mind numbing to advance through.

It makes a very good test of one's ability to discriminate between
shades that are very closely related.

> No restart is necessary and renaming standard.soc is the wrong approach as 
> that _would_ make for a bad UX.   Rather, all the color dialogs should now 
> have option to select the palette to use.

I haven't tested LibO 5.3.x, but in 5.2.X if you want to use a different
colour palette in Write, you have to rename the desired palette to


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Re: [libreoffice-design] "LibreColour" palettes for LibreOffice

2016-11-17 Thread toki
On 16/11/2016 08:24, Heiko Tietze wrote:

>But it's hard to imagine how to deal with the 545 (luckily named)
colors from the Scribus palette.

Go back to 2004, and there were complaints from some people that the
palettes for OOo didn't contain enough colours. Those complaints were
what prompted me to create the colour palette at

The second most common complaint I've received about that palette, is
that the colours are not named. The most common complaint is the obvious


The size of the palette is not an issue, _if_ the colours are
consistently ordered by hue ,chroma, and lightness. When colours are
randomly ordered, such as by RGB value, or alphabetically, the palette
becomes, at best, awkward to use.

> Should we limit the number of palettes, 

Ship with one palette, but have additional palettes available for
installation as an extension. ZD_Color_Palettes.oxt being an existing,
albeit somewhat dysfunctional example.

>have also a manageable size in terms of <50 colors (this is a very
arbitrary number), postulate elaborated color names?

Personally, I think that the minimum size should be 128 colours.

One might be able to get away with a 64 colour palette, if alternative
palettes are _easy_ for non-technical people to install.
Both ooespalette.1.1.oxt and ZD_Color_Palettes.oxt throw an error, when
attempting to install their *.soc files using the extension. For
non-techies, this is a fail.


One other item to be considered, is that switching palettes from within
LibO usually requires the program to be restarted.  (My normal practice
is to close LibO, copy the palette I want to standard.soc, then start LibO.)


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Bundled english fonts

2016-10-12 Thread toki

On 12/10/2016 06:20, K-J LibreOffice wrote:

> Vegur is used in the logo and accompanying text. 

Logos don't count, because they are images, rather than plain text.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Bundled english fonts

2016-10-11 Thread toki
On 12/10/2016 02:12, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

> Am I correct that some of the LO documents used Vegur fonts?

I thought that only Liberation fonts were used in the documentation.

> maybe LO could suggest different fonts in the online documentation 

That idea has been tossed out before, but not come to fruition,
partially due to the vast array of use cases, and partially because
"acceptable" isn't usually an acceptable option.

Set the boundaries of the discussion to specific use cases, allow
"acceptable" as an option, and when writing up the results, specify the
use case for the font.

By way of example:
* SBL BibLit: Biblical Languages: Usage mandated in _Southern Seminary
Manual of Style_;
* Times Roman: Manuscripts: Usage mandated in _APA Manual of Style_;
* Unifont: Recommended as a backup Pan-Unicode font;

> If we could have a good list of free fonts and/or free replacement fonts that 
> the LO users think would be a good

The major issues (^1) I've come across with FLOSS fonts are:
* Either Sans only, or Serif only;
* One weight only;
* One style only --- typically "Normal";

In contrast, for the typeface Helvetia, I have 296 different fonts, from
two foundries, consisting of at least a dozen different styles, in a
dozen different weights.

^1:  Liberation typeface is an exception, coming in Mono, Sans, and
Serif, with weights being Bold, Italic, Regular, or BoldItalic, and
styles being Regular, or Narrow, for a total of 17 fonts.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Bundled english fonts

2016-10-10 Thread toki
On 10/10/2016 20:58, Francisco Adrián Sánchez wrote:

> I would for the approach of "2 serif fonts, 2 sans serif font, 1 or none 
> mono".

When you talk about fonts, do you mean fonts, or typefaces?

> Furthermore, I don't see the point of bundling Gentium Basic _and_ Gentium 
> Book Basic.

If one is not a a typographer, then the differences between the two
probably aren't noticeable.

>Besides, *it doesn't count with Greek nor Cyrillic support*...

For both Cyrillic and Greek, one needs a typeface designed for that
specific writing system.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Default and bundled arabic fonts

2016-10-07 Thread toki
On 07/10/2016 19:34, Yousuf Philips wrote:

>I'm looking to get some Arabic fonts bundled with LO

Droid Arabic *?
I was under the impression that Google had dropped support of the Droid*
fonts, in favour of NoTo* fonts.

More crucially is how the fonts look:
* When used with Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux;
* Printed out on paper;
* Printed to PDF, and read on a different system;

I've forgotten which Arabic font is virtually illegible, when printed to
PDF, even when embedded in the PDF.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Fwd: Color palette generator

2016-09-27 Thread toki
On 27/09/2016 20:24, Francisco Adrián Sánchez wrote:

> Document Foundation Wiki. Thus, if you are interested please look for the
> file:
> "File:Palette_Fortran_code.odt".

The list strips attachments, and that link doesn't go anywhere.

> some of you are already dealing with document themes. So, I think that the 
> idea behind it could be useful for you also.

Suggestion: Rewrite your code as a LibO extension.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] LibreOffice Additions (aka extensions and templates)

2016-09-21 Thread toki
Quoting the document at

i) Please add a title at the top of the document;
ii) Define "extension";
iii) Define "template";

>The scope is limited to only extensions and templates

My understanding is that the "proper" way to distribute additional
palettes, icons, clipart, fonts, templates, etc, is as an extension. If
that is not what the reader is to understand, provide definitions,
including examples.

By way of example:
* Palette: Parabolic Colour Palette:
* Icons: Classic Theme: ;
*Clipart: Gallery of Danger Signs: ;

* Fonts: I don't have an example here. I've a dim recollection that
either OOOP-accesories- or OOOP-Accesories-nonfree- included
fonts. (I've got too many fonts installed (^1), to tell if fonts are
installed by either extension.)
Browse ,
or more specifically,
for additional extensions.

(Due to a hard drive failure, I no longer have my collection of
AOo/EO/LibO/NO/OOo/OOoP extensions.)

*Templates: OxygenOffice Professional English Templates:

The LibO template at
does not have an extension, which is why I'm not using it as an example
here. I don't know if Infra can correct that omission, or not.

>Features/Functional Requirements

Two big issues here are:

* Keeping the number of options at each level to five, or less.
Whilst design theory says one can go to seven,by restricting the number
of options to five, an overage of one or two won't result in instant
over-choice confusion;

* Getting the sequence in which choices are made, logical, relevant, and
+ The classic example of bad sequencing is selecting a car, by fist
choosing the type of body, then the colour, then type of engine, then
the number of doors, and finally the number of seats. If you're like
most consumers, you start with a K-Platform, because that is the only
thing you recognize, and only when you reach the number of seats, do you
realize that an SUV is not available;
+ Good sequencing starts by asking if you want a pickup truck, SUV, 2
door, 4 door, 5 door, or something else. Then it asks about seats,
engine, colour, and the rest of personalizations that one desires.(^2);

>Adrian wants to distribute additions for the users in his enterprise only.

Something I'd like see, is an option to install all extensions in one
directory. A long time ago, there was an extension for FireFox, that did
just that.

A more specific use-case would be installing dictionaries for three or
four languages. For example:
* In Vancouver BC, installing French & English (official languages),
Chinese (dominant language), and Spanish (South American refugees that
escaped from the United States) is more or less normal;
* Users in South Africa might want to install dictionaries for each
official language.  There are either 11 or 13 (^3) of them;


Another use-case would be to filter out extensions & templates that have
had no releases.  For example

> Personas: Yes, please!

Can the internal code be modified/rewritten to load personas from one's
local system?
implies that this functionality was part of the design specs.

>Table Styles, Area fill patterns: No need to include and distribute all

I'm not sure if that includes, or excludes:
* SOB: Bitmaps: Presumably for Impress backgrounds;
* SOC: Colour palettes;
* SOD: Dashes;
* SOE: Markers. Currently only Arrowheads are available;
* SOG: Gradient table;
* SOH: Hatch table;

Regardless, I think inclusion of those file types _when_ delivered as
extensions. Discussion about other modes of delivery/installation might
be useful.

>New design/Mockup

>it should automatically filter out entries that don't reach the
additions LO version requirement.

* Leave the ability to search by version number, with the default being
the most recently released version. There are some users who, for
various reasons, have to use an older version;
* Have an option to search "All versions", that has to be specifically
selected by the user. Some extensions haven't been updated in years, but
still work correctly;
* Have an option to search "Fresh Version" and "Still Version", that
point to the current version, respectively;

Re: [libreoffice-design] Blogging with LibreOffice?

2016-06-30 Thread toki
On 30/06/2016 18:37, Blindjourno wrote:

> I would like to know if there is a way to blog with LibreOffice directly
> within the program either through an extension or some other method?

I write/edit blog posts using LibreOffice, then do a cut and paste.

If looks OK after pasting it to the blog, I'll leave it as is.  However,
more often than not, both WordPress and Blogger have mess up the
formatting, so I end up hand-editing the HTML that they created.

I've a dim recollection of seeing an extension that could post directly
to either Blogger or WordPress, but browsing The EuroOffice, Apache Open
Office, and LibreOffice extension sites come up with nothing.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [tdf-core] Square Logo for TDF

2016-06-13 Thread toki
K-J wrote:

> - Text "TheDocumentFoundation" should not be green as TDF does not only 
> respresent LibO (=DLP).

Does the Document Foundation have an unofficial/semi-official/official
livery? The search I did using various search engines failed to find
one. (Which means squat, because the same search engine using the same
set of search strings will present two different users, or the same user
using different software/hardware, very different results.)


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[libreoffice-design] 1024 colour palette

2016-04-14 Thread toki

As alluded to in my messages about the Draw Survey, the colour palette I
use for LibO has more than 1024 colours. (38,120 if "cat standard.soc |
grep name | wp -l" is to be believed. Not all colours are unique.
If more unique colours are needed,
has the code to take care of that issue.)

The largest organized colour palette I have, contains 678 unique colours.


* Can somebody point me to an organized palette in the 1000 - 1100
unique colour range?

* Is there anybody willing and able to help select colours for a 1024
colour palette, based upon that 678 colour palette?


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Results from the Draw Survey

2016-04-13 Thread toki
On 13/04/2016 08:46, Pedro Rosmaninho wrote:

> but if you held and released it only when it has a 1024 color
> palette it would have bigger impact because you would release something
> already much more polished and usable. The marketing team could then give
> more emphasis to that.

I realize I wasn't clear, but I'm using a Calc template to abuse LibO as
a pixel-by-pixel editor. This is very much just because something can be
done, does not mean that it should be done. That said, waiting till LibO
6.0 is released, offers some interesting marketing possibilities.

FYI, There are 164 colours, 105 colours, and 166 colours in the core AOo
3.x, EO 2014, and LibO 4.3 colour palette, respectively.

Getting up to 1024 colours in incredibly time consuming.  (I basically
have to do it all in one session.)


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Results from the Draw Survey

2016-04-12 Thread toki
On 11/04/2016 06:58, Heiko Tietze wrote:
> We run some of the previous studies localized. Even Chinese was
> included in one of the surveys. The problem is that not only waiting
> for the translation team heavily reduces the velocity but also the
> analysis of free text answers needs language expertise.

That was partially why I wrote "If the L10N teams are available".  My
assumption being that an L10N team, or member thereof willing to
translate into the target language, would also be willing, and able to
translate responses, if needed.  (Machine translation can go so far,
before it fails spectacularly.)

>> I'm finally creating a comprehensive list of use-cases.
> UX team decided to compile the results into a couple of bugs. Maybe we can 
> work together.

In as much as reading the responses ended up in me getting side tracked
abusing LibO as a pixel-by-pixel editor (export only), I haven't gotten
any further than a quasi outline.


I'm trying to decide if the pixel-by-pixel template should be released
as a work in progress, with updates as the colour palette increases, or
if I should wait until it has a 1024 colour palette.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Results from the Draw Survey

2016-04-10 Thread toki
On 25/03/2016 08:12, Heiko Tietze wrote:

> My intention was to summarize in terms of use-cases. And the article should 
> contain all high-level things. Not sure if it is exhaustive, but you should 
> be 
> able to get an idea yourself from the results.

Is the only locale in the survey « EN »?

If so, may I suggest that going forward, surveys include other locales.
I realize that this probably means translating the survey into other
languages. I'd suggest adding Japanese, Spanish, and either French or
German. (If the L10N teams are available, and willing, I'd include Hindi
or Urdu, Arabic or Hebrew, Russian, and Chinese in the list of target

> If you take the text analysis document you may use the auto filter.

I'm finally creating a comprehensive list of use-cases.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Results from the Draw Survey

2016-03-24 Thread toki
On 24/03/2016 09:29, Heiko Tietze wrote:

>> Can you redo the charts in colour, rather than B&W.
> Sure. But why? 

Improve3s readability/ease of understanding.

>And what color?

Each one a different colour.

>> comprehensive, and more complete set of citations.
> I'm afraid of making the post lengthy, more than it is. It also might be hard 
> to find good citations. Most replies are just one-worders.

Use numbered end notes.   That way people who glaze over notes know that
they can stop reading, without losing any content, whilst those who want
more information, can have pointers to it.

By more comprehensive, I mean things like stating that the House Plan is
part of a 3D model, created using LibO. If possible, point to a tutorial
that describes how to use Draw to create house plans.

"mathematical Constructions" was something I didn't expect to see. I'm
assuming this refers to creating a math formula, that is beyond the
current capability/functionality of the Math component of LibO.
Clarification that that is what is meant would be useful.

I don't remember the other points that I would have expected a citation
for, if only because they were things that I didn't expect Draw to be
able to accomplish what was described.

> This floor plan is one of the most complex vector drawing I found.

I'd say it is complicated, and a very interesting use-case.
Assuming he hasn't yet written one in Spanish, can he be convinced to
write a tutorial on how others can use Draw to create house plans.

> Thanks for the reminder. Documentation is requested in the outlook

Missed that one.  :(

Do you have a list of all of the different use cases that were provided
in the survey?  If so, can you add them at to the missing documentation
page at

If you don't, then, assuming that
is still live, I can grab the data, and create the use cases to add to
that list.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Results from the Draw Survey

2016-03-23 Thread toki
On 23/03/2016 16:51, Heiko Tietze wrote:

> read critical to make sure that it's not too concise, not boring, and
> that you can follow the argumentation.

Can you redo the charts in colour, rather than B&W.

> The result is a personal conclusion that should be verified.

I didn't read the individual survey responses, but based upon what you
wrote there, and the comments that came up in discussing the survey, I
think the only change would be adding that documentation has not kept up
with changes to draw.

> Also I suggest to left out the citations in the final publication.

If anything, the final publication needs to include a more
comprehensive, and more complete set of citations.

Whist it was obvious to me that the house plan from 1991 was not
originally created with LibO, I couldn't tell from either your report,
or from reading the blog it came from, if the new house plan was created
with LibO, or if the user thought that they should be able to recreate
the house plan using LibO.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] New default fonts

2016-02-20 Thread toki
On 20/02/2016 15:44, Tim wrote:

> Here is the text from the Unifont web site [reformated for this email].

I only had unifont 7.x.ttf installed, where "x" is the digits I don't
remember.  (I've since deleted it, and installed all four.)

I've since installed the 8.x fonts.  I'll play with them later this week.

Same basic issue: only one weight, and one typeface, though.

> I do not have the 14+ GB fonts installed. 

I did that on a laptop running both Linux and Win7. It took me a couple
of weeks to figure out why windows performance was so pathetic,
especially in comparison to Linux.

> For me, I do not know how many font names I have since most of them have
> several TTF/OTF files for the bold/italic/etc. styles.

You don't use a font organizer?
OTOH, none of the font organizers for Linux I've come across, will walk
specific directories in which one stores uninstalled fonts.

> that I use for making signs and posters for a few not-for-profit groups and 
> organizations.

Specific use-case exception.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] New default fonts

2016-02-20 Thread toki
On 20/02/2016 20:29, Tim wrote:

> Here is the text from the Unifont web site [reformated for this email]

I only had unifont 7.x.ttf installed, where "x" is the digits I don't
remember. (I've since deleted it, and installed all four.)

I've installed the 8.x fonts today. I'll play with them later this week.

Same basic issue: only one weight, and one typeface, though.

> I do not have the 14+ GB fonts installed.

I did that on a laptop running both Linux and Win7. It took me a couple
of weeks to figure out why windows performance was so pathetic,
especially in comparison to Linux.

> For me, I do not know how many font names I have since most of them ha
> several TTF/OTF files for the bold/italic/etc. styles.

You don't use a font organizer?
OTOH, none of the font organizers for Linux I've come across, will walk
specific directories in which one stores uninstalled fonts.

> that I use for making signs and posters for a few not-for-profit
groups and organizations.

Specific use-case exception.

> I do not know about OSX, but for Linux you have the option to install
> the MS core Fonts - "ms-core-font-installer" or something like that -
> from the Linux repository, or at least with Ubuntu.

If you are talking about the package from then:
* Fonts distributed with Win10 are missing;
* It includes fonts that are not distributed with Win10;

Rephrasing, even if one installs and uses those fonts, there is no
guarantee that a Win10 user will have those fonts.

>The trouble still is that it seems most people have their favorite free
font[s] that they want to be part of LO's install.

That is because most people think that their specific use-case is the
only use-case.

Something to pay attention to, is font requirements according to the
various style manuals.  By way of example, _The APA Publication Manual_
(2010) requires the use of Times New Roman.  The _Southern Seminary
Manual of Style_  mandates the use of SBL BibLit for Greek and Hebrew
text, and Times New Roman for papers written in English.

> Choosing the best ones for most users is the tricky part.

There are three or four conflicting requirements here:
* Include as few fonts as possible, to reduce potential system
performance degradation;
* Cover all of the common use-cases for each language/writing system
* Cover at least some of the unusual use-cases for each language/writing
system combination;

This is part of the reason why I think it would more suitable for the
L10N to construct a country/language/writing system specific extension
to install fonts, dictionaries, grammar checkers, and the like for their
target language and country.

Since I cited the Japanese extension earlier:
*, which excludes
fonts. Oops, it also requires one to set the default language to Japanes
which also excludes the requisite fonts;
*, which also
excludes the requisite fonts.

I thought one of them also installed the appropriate fonts for writing
Japanese.  :(

I don't know if any of them work with the current version of AOo, EO, or

> I am glad I am the the one who has to make that decision.

Can you rephrase that? I'm not sure if the first "the" should be "not",
or if the second "the" should be deleted.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] New default fonts

2016-02-20 Thread toki

On February 19, 2016 5:03:59 PM PST, Tim wrote:

>Personally, I think you cannot have any font that has "everything" for  
>"everyone's" needs.

Three or four core fonts, and an extension similar to the one that optimizes 
LibO for Japanese, for then 40 or so writing systems that LibO supports. Let 
the font junkies and  the grammatologists install all of those extensions.

>I really thing we need to have a good/free unicode font that has many
>of  the characters/glyphs that are available.

Unifont is libre and covers most of the Unicode 7.0 glyphs.
IMNSHO, its biggest flaw is its weight.
Its lack of slant and type options are also flaws.

>LibreOffice [14+ GB worth of TTF and OTF fonts].  

I see two major issues with that many installed fonts:
* Windows takes forever and a day to start;
* Finding the right font is extremely difficult;

I have no idea how many fonts I have. My laptop claims an impossibly high 

>I do wish LO can find a set of the best freely available fonts to
>bundle  with LO's installations, but that is really easy to say and not easy 


In an ideal world, each L10N / i18n team would create an extension tbat 
installs the best libre fonts, along with other useful tools for the 
language(s) they target.
EG: Isreal l10n extension would include fonts,  the Nikkud placement extension, 
along with Hebrew dictionary, and grammar checker.

>is being used for, or how long it has been since I last looked as 

For most people, for most purposes, more then three font families is too many.
Within font families, more than 25 fonts is usually excessive.

Translating that into LibO:
* Unifont: font family #1: only one font is offered;
* Gentium: font family # 2: either 3 or 4 fonts are offered;
* Courier: font family #3: only be font is offered: This is a monotype font.

Those 6 fonts work for the majority of use-cases for Latin writing systems.

Multilingual ODF Support

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Reviews of Libre Office focusing on the UI...

2015-09-23 Thread toki
On 23/09/15 13:08, Pedro Rosmaninho wrote:

> of the functions of the formatting toolbar are present in the Sidebar.
> Maybe we could experiment removing the formatting toolbar by default?

Whilst I am all in favour of abolishing the formatting bar, including
its complete and utter elimination from the sidebar, the issue I see, if
the formatting bar is removed, is people that have Stylist, Navigator,
and the formatting toolbar open at the same time. Can all three be
correctly displayed, in full, in the side bar?

> "Data" section in the Sidebar to manipulate Filtering and Ordering (plus a
> few other functions only present in menus) and transporting a lot of the

Elimination of a toolbar should not result in the elimination of menu


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Validity of survey data

2015-06-15 Thread toki

On 06/15/2015 01:25 PM, Heiko Tietze wrote:
> I'm sorry but you get me wrong. I was refering to Dingo-Dog and Tommy as 
> trolls.

The issue with using terms like "troll" is that those not intended to be
branded as such, do get branded as such.

A second reason is that the term has now come to mean "they advocate
that which I do not approve of, but I have no rational, logical,
irrational, stupid, or insane point by which their claims can be
refuted, because I know that they are 100% correct, but I none-the-less
disapprove of what they advocate.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: The Sidebar Problem

2014-02-04 Thread Toki

On 1/28/2014 2:00 PM, Daniel Hulse wrote:

 >Some people have said that the sidebar emphasizes direct formatting. 

 people are wrong.

In as much as it shows that direct formatting is possible, it is an 

I would not know there was such a thing as styles if it were not for the 

I take it you never ever looked at the formatting bar --- which is also 
a thing accursed, but it saved from being an abomination, because it 
does display the name of the style, and provide similar functionality as 
whatever WP had, that so many people request, and fail to recognize is 
already present in LibO, by judicious use of the formatting bar.

Many times, people want to make one-page documents  that they can quickly make 
and print out, and direct ad-hoc formatting is

 perfectly fine for that.

If you don't understand why direct formatting is an abomination in a 
one-off one time only document, you don't understand the virtue of styles.
I assume you already know that 70% of the time, that "one-off one time 
only document" is neither a one time only thing, nor a one-off document".

I don't like menus. Menus are a good thing for fully-featured applications

Menus are _mandatory_ if LibO is to have any hope of being a11y.
As is, LibO is barely a11y. "Barely a11y" is probably overstating how 
anti-a11y the current setup is.


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[libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-users] AOO for Android - not worth the download

2013-06-22 Thread Toki Kantoor
On 06/22/2013 04:58 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

>>What type of features and options are really needed, or

People replaced their desktop with a laptop.  Now they are replacing
their laptop with a tablet.  So whatever you used to do on a desktop, or
laptop, will be done on a tablet.

>> But what editing options will you need?

The biggest point of failure of EuroOffice, is that it makes no
provision for styles. To me, that is a failure on a par with the mean
time of 15 seconds from starting MSO, to seeing the Blue Screen of Death.

> This is a little confusing to me. You mention LibreOffice and Apache 
> OpenOffice for Android, but as far as I know there is no Apache OpenOffice 
> for Android,

The description matches AndrOffice, which is a port of Apache OpenOffice
to Android.

LibreOffice in a Multi-Lingual Environment.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Font repository integration

2012-09-11 Thread toki
On 09/11/2012 11:48 AM, Sveinn í Felli wrote:

> Counting the number of used styles and fonts would be nice to have
 somewhere, some power users may appreciate.

Once upon a time, and extension was available that did that.  Guessing,
it died around the time that OOo 1.1.4 was released.

TestFonts lists fonts that are used.  However, it didn't install when I
last updated LibO.
(I didn't look into why it didn't install, but my money is on Ubuntu
being the point of failure. (I have this bad habit of assuming that DEB
files in the Ubuntu repositories are neither broken, nor will break my
system. LibO is one of half a dozen programs that should never be
installed from the Ubuntu repository, because the result is guaranteed
to be broken somehow, somewhere, when one leasts expect it.))


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Screenshots for LibreOffice documentation

2011-07-08 Thread toki
On 07/07/2011 04:59 AM, David Nelson wrote:

> I somehow *feel* that Microsoft would be much less likely to succeed in such 
> hypothetical action in European courts.

It doesn't matter if Microsoft wins or loses the judicial decision.
What matters is if the defendants have the cash to pay for their legal
fees.  Legal fees that could have been avoided by not using Microsoft's
alleged intellectual property in the first place.

> feeling that it is not especially beneficial to ensure that all screenshots 
> look identical (in terms of the theme used). 

I'm going to argue that consistency of theme is important. Especially
for a new user.

A change in colouration is usually interpreted as being a change of
data. When the colouration changes simply as a result of a change of
theme, that simply introduces noise into the content.

In a similar vein, the same window manager, and set of utilities should
be used. At the best of times, people can be tripped up by the simplest,
most trivial differences between what they see on their screen, and what
screenshots show. Throw in a mixture of window managers, and you are
begging for them to be tripped up.

Consider the difference in function and appearance of the default file
manager for Xfce(Thunar) and KDE (Konquer). Compare both of those with
Windows (Explorer).

> Nor do I personally feel it's particularly beneficial to ensure that
all screenshots be taken using a theme based on colors from the
LibreOffice Design/Marketing pallet.

That is called branding. Something that helps establish, and identify
the product.  Something that needs to be consistently adhered to, even
when one can't understand the requirement for doing so.

If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be anything new worth requesting.

If Bing did not copy Google, there wouldn't be anything relevant worth

  DaveJakeman 20110207 Groklaw.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Usability comes from stability

2011-05-10 Thread toki
Hash: SHA1

On 10/05/2011 20:11, Octavio Alvarez wrote:
>> Have you ever tried to copy and paste fifty pages out of a hundred page 
>> document? It was easy to do in WordStar but difficult with all of the 
>> scrolling in current era programs. WordStar had a simple command to mark a 
>> starting spot for selection and another
command to mark the ending spot for a selection.

> Try placing the cursor in the start of the text block you want to copy,scroll 
> down to the end of the block, shift+click on the last character.
> Adjust with shift+arrows.

The OP is looking for the LibO equivalent of:

Use the search function to locate the end of the text.

Where ^KB inserts a text marker to denote the beginning to the text, and
^KK inserts a text marker to denote the end of the text. Furthermore,
one could set those markers in any sequence, with any number of
operations between them. Additionally, one could delineate two blocks of
text that would remain distinct.

This is vastly from setting the cursor on the start of the block, then
scrolling to the end of the block, especially when the end is more than
2500 lines away.

I don't remember if it was WordStar, or one of its competitors that had
a function that enabled one to jump "x" lines, where "x" was a number
that the user supplied, each time that function was invoked.

For people who touch type, or are blind, WordStar was probably the best
word processor that has ever been developed and distributed.

- -- 
If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be anything new worth requesting.

If Bing did not copy Google, there wouldn't be anything relevant worth

  DaveJakeman 20110207 Groklaw
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [libreoffice-design] They need graphic material, WE NEED A MOTIF!

2011-02-20 Thread toki
Hash: SHA1

On 19/02/2011 23:08, Daniel Merker wrote:

> and an overarching color scheme for the suite, not individual programs.

Could you more clearly differentiate between what you are proposing, and
the LibreOffice colour palette, _without_ using Microsoft, or any other
company as an example.

- -- 
If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be anything new worth requesting.

If Bing did not copy Google, there wouldn't be anything relevant worth

20110207 Groklaw.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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