[slim] Re: Another Wireless Connection Problem

2006-07-25 Thread ianjohnson_nz

DaveB Wrote: 
> Equipment
> SB3 with firmware V55
> Speedtouch wireless router 716WL
> Linksys Range expander WRE54G
> The music server has a wired connection to the router which then
> communicates (wirelessly) via the range expander to the SB.
> The problem I am experiencing is that (randomly) the
> connection will abruptly drop. There is no break up as I would expect
> for marginal signal strength. Just a a complete stop. The track will
> restart if the play button is pressed on the remote. The drop outs will
> be anything from 5mins to a day apart.
> No problems when used wired.
> Can anyone offer any advice please.
Is your SB a long way from the wireless router? Try putting it close
and see if the problem persists. You might be at the limit of your
reception area.


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[slim] Re: Transporter - its even made BBC News this morning!

2006-07-25 Thread ianjohnson_nz

radish Wrote: 
> That article also lets slip another detail which was discussed a while
> ago - Slim's sales figures. The article states they have almost 50k
> customers, if we assume an average of 2 players per customer we get
> 100k players sold.
I don't reckon two players per buyer is a reasonable average. I've only
got one. Would love five, but can only afford one.

I reckon most punters would buy one. So I'm picking the average is more
like 1.1 - 1.2.

Anyone taking bets on this?


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[slim] Re: server database is case sensitive and that's bad. read why.

2006-05-24 Thread ianjohnson_nz

I'm a late responder to this thread, but here goes:

funkahdafi Wrote: 
> I don't have the time. I want to listen to my music, not do some geek
> tech stuff.
Then listen to it! And don't panic if the songs don't appear exactly as
you want. The time required to fix your faulty data would be far less
than moaning about it in this forum.

> My tags are all right enough to contain the right artist/album/title
> information. Some of them have mixed up capitalizations for which I
> couldn't care less. Because David Bowie IS DAVID BOWIE, and his album
> hErOes IS his album Heroes. Period. No matter what tech geeks will tell
> me about this.
Ahh but there's the rub. You don't care about capitalisation. But
others probably do. For them, hErOes is hErOes, not Heroes, not heroes
and not HEROES.

> If a piece of software is treating the same artist or the same album as
> multiple artists/albums, because the caps are different on some tracks,
> then (and please excuse my language) this software is too stupid to
> follow human thinking logic.No, it's too stupid to follow your logic. Nothing 
> wrong with that. But
don't let your enjoyment of music be spoiled by something as
insignificant as this, especially when there is a perfectly good
solution (and one that ensures you won't have the problem again should
you port your music to another player).

> See I do not want to adapt to how computers "think". I want computers to
> think my way and work for me. That's what they're here for. It's not the
> other way around (aka spending months of time fixing tags).
> No offense. 
None taken. I've got around 10,000 songs but I can assure you I haven't
spent months cleaning them up. Look there is always a certain amount of
fixing to do. It all comes back to the person who created the freedb
record. Try ripping classical music or music by non-English speaking
artists. It's practically a dead cert that you'll have to edit the tags
in those cases.

> For me as a human being with some logic in thinking, David Bowie IS the
> same as DAVID BOWIE, no matter what anyone tells me. And if Slimserver
> makes his single album Heroes into two different albums, because one of
> the tracks has the album tag "heRoEs", then Slimserver plain and simple
> sucks.
Slimserver isn't making the album into two different albums - your
ripping process is. Fix that! Come on, it's an easy fix - select all
the songs in the album in a tagger, and set the Album name to hErOes or
Heroes or whatever you want, and it will write the change to all files.
If your slimserver is set to automatically re-scan, that's all you have
to do.

Cheers, Ian


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[slim] Re: My dream: SB in my car

2006-03-14 Thread ianjohnson_nz

bklaas Wrote: 
> google these words:
> rockford fosgate omnifi
> slimdevices would do a much better job of it, but this product exists.
> here's the amazon page for it-
> http://tinyurl.com/fc9f5
> cheers,
> #!/ben
Thanks, that's cool. Reading through the info I agree, I think
slimdevices would do a better job.

Regards, Ian


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[slim] My dream: SB in my car

2006-03-14 Thread ianjohnson_nz

Hi all

What I love about SB is the user interface and that I don't need my CDs
to listen to music. So how do I get this in my car?

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> I think they'd be smarter to put a small (80Gb) hard disk and a slug in
> it and make it self-contained when taken out of wifi range. Good
> software that allowed you to say "let me take all my beach music to the
> beach" and then downloaded from the Terabyte store we all have ( :-) )
> 80Gb of beach music and you're good to go. 
> Same guts, different case, could go in my car. Same idea. When parked
> in the garage, connects via wifi (doesn't everyone have a hot spot in
> their garage) and downloads the latest - songs, podcasts, etc.

Michael, that's exactly what I want. How cool would it be to arrive
home, in-car SB automatically synchronises with home server via

Is there anything like this available? Someone posted a similar
question recently, but there was no answer. I also remember seeing a
post from someone a while back who had custom fitted a SB, presumably
some sort of computer and a wireless AP in his car. That's a lot of
kit. It must be possible to build a reasonable amplifier, CD player,
wireless AP, radio and say 40GB hard disk into a standard size head

Although this would be significantly different to the existing SB, I
think it would be an excellent product. I'd definitely buy one :-) Any

Regards, Ian


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[slim] Re: New SB3 - Wireless Performance

2006-02-15 Thread ianjohnson_nz

Philip Meyer Wrote: 
> Hi,
> However, a minute later the signal strength dropped to 2-16%.  This
> lasted for a minute or so, then returned back to 50%.  A few minutes
> later it dropped back down.  This cycle seems to repeat.
> Phil
I can't be sure, but I think I read on the forums once that the SB
signal strength is not especially reliable. i.e. fluctuations aren't
too bad.

Litmus test - play some high rate music like a FLAC file for a while.
If the sound drops out, problem. If it doesn't, none.


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[slim] Re: Will Squeezebox display last almost forever?

2006-02-15 Thread ianjohnson_nz

NJRonbo Wrote: 
> I have some concerns about my Squeezebox display.
> I mean, this thing is displaying information all the 
> time -- whether powered ON or with the Screensaver in
> the OFF mode.
Then switch off your screensaver. Go into SlimServer, Player settings,
and set the display to 0 (off) when the screensaver is active.

Edit: oops, stuffed up the quotes. Corrected now.


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[slim] Re: Noise at track change since FW update for 6.2.1 on SB2

2005-12-27 Thread ianjohnson_nz

You could schedule an automatic re-scan every night in slimserver. Handy
way to pick up new albums anyway. Got to SlimServer/Server

Regards, Ian


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox Or Glorified PC?

2005-12-22 Thread ianjohnson_nz

LavaJoe Wrote: 
> Hi - yep!  It's installed in the lower part of my double-DIN opening
> below my Kenwood head unit.  See this thread that I wrote right after
> installing it:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17638

That is very cool. I will add that to my rainy day projects list. Just
got to get a head unit with an Aux input (or maybe I can hack into the
cassette unit, disable the cassette and pinch that as a source?

Try that with a bloody Roku! (Or an SB3 for that matter, long live the

Regards, ian
[edit, stupid typo]


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox Or Glorified PC?

2005-12-22 Thread ianjohnson_nz

LavaJoe Wrote: 
> Before I got the SB2 for my car
You have an SB in your *car*?

This I am interested in. What setup do you have in your car?


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[slim] Re: WRT54G and WPA2

2005-12-20 Thread ianjohnson_nz

dancarne Wrote: 
> Hi Ian,
> How's the weather down under?  Are you saying that a factory reset on
> the SB3, or on the router, will allow WPA2 to work?
> Cheers,
> Dan
At the time I factory reset the SB2. Now I change the SSID if I am also
changing settings on my router, and make SB2 look at the "new" wireless

Prior to that it found my router, but didn't get a sensible IP address
(should have been 192.168.1..., got something completely different) and
couldn't be pinged from another computer. Resetting the SB2 seemed to
clear the settings and it connected first time to the router after.

Oh by the way I was using WPA2/AES, not WPA2/TKIP.

Weather's great thanks, pleasant day today, about 22deg, gentle breeze.


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[slim] Re: WRT54G and WPA2

2005-12-20 Thread ianjohnson_nz

dancarne Wrote: 
> FYI, I was unable to get WPA2 to work with my Linksys WRT54G.  The
> highest you can go is WPA1/TKIP.  Just thought I'd post that so others
> would know.
> Tech Support said the issue is being worked on.
> Dan

I've got the same router and got it going fine (until I discovered my
laptop wouldn't support WPA2). I couldn't get it to connect at first,
it seemed that changing the encryption method but not changing the SSID
meant the SB2 retained a memory of the previous settings.

I found that performing a factory reset fixed it and it then connected
using WPA2 with no problems.

Since then, whenever I play with my encryption method on the router, I
change the SSID as well, which seems to make it easier to change on the
SB (also means that if I want to revert to previous settings, just have
to change the SSID again, because SB remembers the settings for that


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[slim] Re: record audio to std out

2005-12-07 Thread ianjohnson_nz

This looks like it might be helpful as well:
It talks about streaming audio from a conventional tuner but only as an
example of loading a source into the computer's line in, so presumably
it would work for any line source.


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[slim] Re: record audio to std out

2005-12-07 Thread ianjohnson_nz

Could you use SHOUTcast? Refer:
It seems to imply that you can broadcast whatever Winamp is playing
(maybe you can get Winamp to play line in?).

If you're using Linux, it makes the following statement:
"This archive is for advanced users who wish to source content on their
Mac OS X, Linux or FreeBSD servers and feed the audio into a SHOUTcast
DNAS instead of using Windows. The Linux version permits input from a
soundcard in addition to MP3 files on disk. Please refer to the example
.conf file included with the archive for more information on using this
beta unsupported method of broadcasting."

So to stream your soundcard maybe you need Linux? (see


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[slim] Re: Helping Newbies get the most from SB2

2005-12-07 Thread ianjohnson_nz

ceejay Wrote: 
> Well, there already is a "Tips and Tricks"page, which I think is what
> you are looking for, at
> http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?TipsAndTricks
That's good to know. Mind you I searched high & low through the Slim
Devices website, SqueezeNetwork website and SlimServer control site to
find this sort of information and I never came across the Tips & Tricks
page. This sounds ideal, but it could do with being more visible.

ceejay Wrote: 
> Perhaps a neat idea would be if people felt free to create their own
> HowToDoSomething page in the wiki, then link to it from the tips and
> tricks page, and if appropriate from elsewhere in the wiki (including
> the beginners guide).
> Sounds like you are all set to start with WakeOnLAN and SqueezeNetwork!
> :)
> Ceejay.
Point taken. I'm not shying away from adding it myself. But I wouldn't
wish to load incorrect information and I believe this woiuld be useful
to most new users. I think this warrants inclusion in the formal Slim
Devices documentation so I'd feel more comfortable if it were generated
(and QA'd) by a SD employee.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox3 - Complete FREAKOUT & stereo damage warning

2005-12-07 Thread ianjohnson_nz

jonheal Wrote: 
> Well, if there is a bug that could potentialy shred your speakers,
> whether they cost $30 or $3,000, that seems like a problem of general
> interest to everyone. (Butterfly wings a pretty delicate, you know.)

Indeed. But it's a "bug" with, to date, no concrete analysis and no
similar reported behaviour from any other users. It's fair to assume
that if SB had a habit of blowing speakers, there'd be more than one
person moaning about it.


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[slim] Helping Newbies get the most from SB2

2005-12-07 Thread ianjohnson_nz

Hi all

As a newbie I have found it quite difficult to find information on
enhancements for my SB. e.g. I knew SqueezeNetwork existed but had no
idea what it actually was. Beyond the forums I haven't found any
documentation on it or how to use it - is any available? (For example:
instructions on what buttons to press to turn off the alarm!) To date I
have found out by trial & error but this is quite time consuming.

I appreciate this is in part a consequence of using an open source
product. But I think adding a Tips page on SlimServer FAQ would be
worthwhile, to help newbies make the most of their SB.

I would start by including:
* Popular plugins (e.g. AlienBBC)
* SqueezeNetwork
* Configuring Wake on LAN
For each: explain what it is, why it's cool and basic pointers on
configuring it with link/s to more detailed info. Most of the
information on the forum is technical and presumes prior knowledge of
the functionality. e.g. to facilitate Wake on LAN, it took me ages to
discover that all I need to do is configure my LAN card (easy if you



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[slim] Re: How do you add a radio station?

2005-12-05 Thread ianjohnson_nz

JJZolx Wrote: 
> Where do I add the URL of a radio station feed so that I can easily
> access it?  I rub a 24x7 server, so I'm not looking at using
> SqueezeNetwork.
> I just loaded the 'Favorites' plugin.  There's no indication in the
> plugin list what it does, but I suspect it's for something like this. 
> However, I don't see how to add anything - radio station, playlist,
> track, or album to the list.

I think you do it via Slim Server. If you go to the web interface, on
the left side there is a link for RADIO - click on "Radio Tune In". On
the resulting page you can input a URL for the radio station. I've just
tried it with the Australian station Triple J

It looks like you need to save the resulting playlist and then play the
radio station from your playlists. I have just done this & it works. I
don't know if there is a way to make it show up under the Internet
Radio menu on the SB.

[edit] Hmm, seems I was too slow. Presumably you make it a favourite by
creating a playlist and then adding that to favourites.


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[slim] Re: Announce: Third-generation Squeezebox, SlimServer 6.2

2005-10-28 Thread ianjohnson_nz

stinkingpig Wrote: 
> mattybain wrote:
> >I know (hope?) you were only being humerous but calm down a little
> bit!!
> >  
> >
> I think you meant he's being humerus 
> (http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/humerus?view=uk).
> Humerus? Are you joking? (As in funny bone.) Otherwise it's humorous
> you're after m'dear... refer
> http://www.askoxford.com/betterwriting/spelling/?view=uk about half way
> down...
> Love the new SB, even if I did just buy a SB2 a week ago. Still I got a
> good deal so no complaints from me.

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[slim] Re: "I want a Squeezebox boombox"

2005-10-20 Thread ianjohnson_nz

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17185

Question: Who wants a Squeezebox Boombox?

- I'm interested.
- No, thanks.

MeSue Wrote: 
> You all have some interesting ideas, but there is a certain appeal to a
> self-contained unit, or an attachable speaker accessory that simulates
> a self-contained unit. I don't understand why the idea of a
> self-contained unit garners such opposition, but I'm still going to be
> on the lookout for one whether it's from Slim Devices or not. The
> Saitek Audio A-250 comes close… too bad it's Bluetooth and can't be
> controlled from a remote.
> Let me repeat for good measure… the desire is for a self-contained
> unit.

It's not that it garners opposition; you asked who else would want one
& I like some others gave my opinion, which was, on balance, no I
wouldn't. I can see the benefits but it's not something I'd choose. I
think the point is that there is a certain appeal to a self-contained
unit to *you*. So you don't need to repeat for good measure!

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[slim] Re: "I want a Squeezebox boombox"

2005-10-20 Thread ianjohnson_nz

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17185

Question: Who wants a Squeezebox Boombox?

- I'm interested.
- No, thanks.

I've just bought a sb2 after researching it for ages, and I love it. I
too wanted a small system in addition to the separates hifi I've
already got.

So I bought a JVC EX-A1 as well. Small attractive head unit with DVD
Audio/Video and CD audio, astonishing sound for the size of the
speakers and the price (GBP260) - and RCA input!

Perfect. My platinum sb2 looks the part on top of the system, all looks
like it is one unit.

I think SB2 is fantastic. Love the AlienBBC plugin as well. Thanks to
all the developers who contributed.

|Filename: JVC EX-A1 and SB2.jpg|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=410|

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