[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2007-03-25 Thread Kevin Rock

Good Evening,
   Another week has soggily passed here in the Coast Range of Oregon.  The  
daffodils have yet to bloom but are starting to gain color in their buds.   
The loggers are starting to build roads and I have seen a few insects  
flitting about.  Hopefully we will not get another freeze or snow storm to  
kill the insects or the daffodils.  After last year's late freeze I did  
not have that many bloom.  But this year there are far more stalks so the  
energy went into splitting instead of blooming.  Pat would be very happy  
   Twenty meters was very nice at 1600z early in the week and 40 meters  
was fairly good when I tried it at 0200z later in the week.  I hope these  
fine conditions hold for tomorrow's nets.  Tom, N0SS, will not be  
available to act as NCS from the center of the continent so you'll have to  
do your best to toss your signal way over to the coast where I am  
sitting.  If anyone else can help you are more than welcome to assist.  If  
I ask you please do not feel shy; it is not that tough to call folks who  
are more than willing to meet you halfway.
   Now that the sun is coming back northward we will have longer openings  
on 20 meters.  Then, later, we'll have openings on 40 which will allow  
folks on the East Coast to work across the continent without a relay.   
Someday, hopefully not that far in the future, the sunspots will  
increase.  Enjoy 40 and 80 meters while you can because the summer  
thunderstorms will start their spate of QRN.  Lately they've been great  
fun but soon we'll have our ears full of crashing static.  However, many  
parts of the parched Midwest sorely need the rain.  We can just as soon  
work each other at different times allowing farmers their rain and cattle  
their forage.


1) Call by geographic area (East, All)
2) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
3) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP relay help)

   Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz

  Kevin.  KD5ONS
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[Elecraft] Re - Tuning Clunks was:K2 compared to others rigs

2007-03-25 Thread Bob G3PJT


I agree with the tuning clunks - just got back from 2 weeks as E51PJT 
having had plenty of pile ups and the clunks were quite irritating.

73 Bob G3PJT, E51PJT

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Low power with K2/100

2007-03-25 Thread Peter

Hi all,

It turns out that pin 17 on U2 has an undefined voltage.
When NOT selected that band (40/30M) it must be 12V. I measure 7V.
The input for this switch is pin 2 at U2  Here I measure 0V (=good) and 
goes HI (5V) when selected

So U1 is working well

Will heading tomorrow for a new U2


Don Wilhelm schreef:


The fastest way to determine if you have a problem with the Low Pass 
Filter in the KPA100 is to check it with an antenna analyzer.

Disconnect the small coax to the K2 RF board and terminate it with a 
50 ohm (51 is OK) resistor.  Power only the base K2 (the ribbon cable 
must be connected). Then switch the K2 to the band of interest and 
connect the antenna analyzer to the SO239 antenna jack and sweep the 
band.  If the SWR in the band is about 1:2, then the Low Pass filter 
for that band is OK.  If something is wrong, you will see a much 
higher SWR.

An analysis of the sweep results along with a look at the schematic of 
the relay contacts should reveal whether you have a bad relay.


Peter wrote:


After a few years of good service,I  have a problem with the K2 output.
I  have the K2 with K2/100.

The barefoot K2 put full power out on all bands via the bnc connector
When I connect the K2/100 with PA off with the menu there will be low 
power on the ant connector on the higher bands (15/12/10 meter).

Since 10/12/15 are combined, I suspect the bandpass filter

I tested from TP2 and ANT. out and see NO interruption  when change 
to an other band.

All C's, L's  and solders look good.

So I guess there will a bad relais thats stay ON when I go to 10/12/15M

The relais in the BPF  are  N.O. when not selected, right?
If so, I can measure between de N.O. and COMMON to see if the 
connection goes away

Futher more, there is 12V at U2 (pin 14 18,17,16,15,14) when the 
relais in NOT selected. If selected the needs pin good down to 0V, 

Any other thing to look at?


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Tuning Clunks was:K2 compared to others rigs

2007-03-25 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy
This might be a tough nut to crack in terms of the surgery required. From a 
quick thus limited investigation into this clunk problem in my K2  I am 
reasonably certain that the lack of shielding to protect the VCO and 
Reference, together with the lack of suitable interface filtering , is 
responsible. I don't think that the BFO is directly involved but I could 
well be wrong. In my K2 the clunks appear, as you say, in the presence of 
strong signals, and are found on every band that I have been able to check 
so far, 40m is perhaps the worst case. What appears to happen is that the 
strong incoming signals leak into the VCO / Reference area, and when their 
composite level exceeds some value, which is frequency and leakage 
dependent, attempt to take over control of the VCO which results in 
clunks. The frequency separation between clunks is not always 5kHz but 
does seem to be related to the frequencies of the incoming signals which are 
attempting to take over. I must stress that I have not had the opportunity 
yet to undertake an in depth investigation, but I am very aware of the 
leakage between the front end and the VCO / Reference from earlier work with 
my K2. Clunks should not be confused with Clicks whose cause(s) are 
quite different!

Here the received individual carrier levels of the BC stations above 7100 
kHz can approach -10dbm / -5dbm with an antenna looking East, and there are 
many of them. It is not uncommon for my K2's LO system to lock onto one of 
these carriers, and only let go after the receiver has been retuned about 1 


Darrell Bellerive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree that the synthesizer tuning clunks every 5 kHz in the presence of
strong signals needs to be addressed.

I know that Elecraft found that muting the receiver to eliminate these
noises was worse than the noises, but there must be a solution to at least
lessen these tuning clunks.

On March 24, 2007 03:25 am, Dave-Boat Guy wrote:

A bare-bones K2 is a fine radio, although there are
still a couple of unresolved issues, like the tuning
clunks you hear on crowded bands, due to the
synthesizer.  I'm still puzzled why it hasn't been

Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Help with KPA 100 Alignment and Installation

2007-03-25 Thread Les and Lynn
I am currently building up a KPA100 amplifier (i.e., a recent vintage unit
purchased at the Orlando Hamcation Elecraft booth in February, 2007) and
have reached a problem during the alignment and installation phase of this
build. My basic K2 is a Rev. B model (i.e., S/N 4751).

The first weird thing that happened is in reference to the resistance values
shown on page 43 of the KPA100 manual.  I have an old but serviceable Fluke
Model 29 multimeter that I used for these resistance measurements. I
connected the black probe of the multimeter to ground and the red probe to
each of the test points noted.  In each case, the readings were negative in
polarity, but on an absolute scale, met all the resistance values shown in
the table. Reversing digital volt meter probe polarity (i.e., the red probe
was attached to ground) resulted in resistance values that agreed with the
page 43 values (yes - the probes were correct at the meter!!).  I then
tested several conventional resistors that I had on the workbench as well as
during the continuity check of the K2 final transistors when I re-installed
the K2 heat sink (i.e., as instructed on page 45 of the KPA100 manual) and
all tests with this volt meter were normal. So, do I have a problem with
these readings or are they normal?

On page 46 of the KPA 100 manual with the amplifier connected to the K2 as
instructed, the J3 + lead (red) voltage value was -0.029 V instead of 0 V.
I. checked this measurement several times and this small but significant
voltage was consistently there.  So the question is, is a small negative
voltage significant or should it be considered within a rounding value to be
0V as stated in the manual?

On page 47 of the KPA 100 manual with the amplifier connected to the K2 as
instructed, I hear the 4 MHz crystal oscillator signal very clearly.
Depending on the receiver mode (i.e. upper sideband, lower sideband, RATTY,
or CW, the signal is just violating (i.e., to 3.996 MHz) or just above the
80 m band edge. Rotating capacitor C27 to move the frequency higher has no
effect. So the questions are: How much frequency swing does C27 provide?
What is causing this lack of frequency movement?  Should I be worried?

On page 47 of the KPA 100 manual with the amplifier connected to the K2 as
instructed, under the SWR Bridge Null Adjustment (CI), the SWR null trimmer
works as advertised, and I can change the SWR reading; however, I get no
power out of the amplifier with the K2 output set at 5 W.  Initially I was
powering the amplifier and the K2 with a freshly charged, 12 V, 7 AH power
gel cell battery, but when I saw that the transmit power from the amplifier
was nonexistent (i.e., 0.1 W), I switched to powering this set up with a 12
V automotive storage battery reading 12.53 V (note that I was saving my
Astron 20 amp switching power supply to power the KPA 100 alone since two
power supplies are required during testing).  In receive mode, the K2
display read 12.1 V and 0.36 Amps and had previously passed all receiving
tests. However, in transmit mode, the K2 flashes a momentary high current
signal, and the K2 display reads 10.3 V at 3.98 Amps with no measured power
output from the SO239 connector of the amplifier. Furthermore, if the K2
remains in tune mode for longer than 30 seconds, the final transistors heat
sink gets fairly warm, and the K2 will either shut down for a few minutes
(i.e. the thermal fuse activates) or just reboot.  Removing the K2 from the
amplifier results in normal operation of the K2.  This problem has
completely stopped by alignment and testing of the amplifier, and I would
appreciate any assistance that you can give me relative to this problem.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Les Kramer WA3SGZ

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] GREAT alignment tool

2007-03-25 Thread RC kc5wa

 I found this alignment tool and it does a super job 
of adjusting those caps in the KX1. with a 2mm flat tip 
and being ceramic it does not detune the circuits. Just 
a satisfied customer


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] KPA 100 L15

2007-03-25 Thread Soaring Eagles
OK, now I'm confused. I'm currently building the KPA 100. I've just 
finished soldering the finals. I currently have a blank space at L15. I 
checked the schematics in my manual (Rev D, 9/25/06) and it shows that L15 
is not used. I also don't have any toroids left, and I wrote in all the 
errata that came with the box when I got it (Jan, 2007).

Am I missing something? (namely a toroid). or an errata? I just checked 
Elecraft's web site and looked at the schematic for Rev E (I know I don't 
have it, but for comparison purposes) and it shows that L15 is not used.

Thanks for any help. Just wanted to clear up my confusion before I got too far.


K2 #5757
KX1 #1517

...First question is - do you have a red or a blue toroid core at the L15
location?  If it is red, you should have the Rev C manual and you will
have a voltage at the cathode of D13 with no power connected to the KPA100.

OTOH, if you have a blue toroid core at L15, you should have the Rev D
manual (be certain to download the latest errata sheet from the Elecraft
website).  If this is your KPA100 level, then you will not measure any
voltage on D13 unless the KPA100 power is connected.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] KPA 100 L15

2007-03-25 Thread Don Wilhelm


Sorry about the confusion I caused.  I meant to say L16 but my finger 
slipped.  Yes, the board built from the Rev D manual will have no 
component at L15 (and R12 and C82).

You will not have voltage at D13 unless you have connected a power 
supply to the KPA100.


Soaring Eagles wrote:
OK, now I'm confused. I'm currently building the KPA 100. I've just 
finished soldering the finals. I currently have a blank space at L15. I 
checked the schematics in my manual (Rev D, 9/25/06) and it shows that 
L15 is not used. I also don't have any toroids left, and I wrote in all 
the errata that came with the box when I got it (Jan, 2007).

Am I missing something? (namely a toroid). or an errata? I just checked 
Elecraft's web site and looked at the schematic for Rev E (I know I 
don't have it, but for comparison purposes) and it shows that L15 is not 

Thanks for any help. Just wanted to clear up my confusion before I got 
too far.


K2 #5757
KX1 #1517

...First question is - do you have a red or a blue toroid core at 
the L15

location?  If it is red, you should have the Rev C manual and you will
have a voltage at the cathode of D13 with no power connected to the KPA100.

OTOH, if you have a blue toroid core at L15, you should have the Rev D
manual (be certain to download the latest errata sheet from the Elecraft
website).  If this is your KPA100 level, then you will not measure any
voltage on D13 unless the KPA100 power is connected.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] GREAT alignment tool

2007-03-25 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
That's a FB find RC. Thanks. I have a set of ceramic screwdriver alignment
tools I got from E.F. Johnson back in the 1980's for aligning their 900 MHz
repeater transmitters used in land mobile service. They tools are great but
brittle, as you might expect from ceramic. Almost all of my blades are now
missing a corner from failing to get them aligned exactly with a screw that
was required a bit too much torque.

It is true that when the trimmer caps are properly installed in most
circuits in Elecraft rigs, a metal screwdriver will not alter the tuning.
The orientation is such that the screw is at d-c and signal ground. 

However, even when the use of a metal screwdriver doesn't change the
adjustment, it's nice to poke at a live circuit with a non-metallic tool
that can't short or cause other issues! And the ceramic tools are invaluable
when even the screw adjustment isn't at ground potential.



-Original Message-
  I found this alignment tool and it does a super job 
of adjusting those caps in the KX1. with a 2mm flat tip 
and being ceramic it does not detune the circuits. Just 
a satisfied customer http://www.mtechnologies.com/tools/#align


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] W1

2007-03-25 Thread Dave Van Wallaghen
Hi all,

I've been working on a prototype enclosure for the W1. See here:

As soon as I gather the feedback from my beta testers and incorporate any
necessary changes, I will start the first production run. I haven't settled
on a price yet, but should be forthcoming. 

Feel free to send me any appropriate feedback you feel necessary.

Thanks  73,
Dave W8FGU 

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:elecraft-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ken Kopp
 Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 4:50 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; elecraft@mailman.qth.net
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] W1
 I'd buy a W1 immediately if it had some sort of housing.
 Perhaps the intent of the design was a piece of use-it-once-
 in-awhile and not a day-to-day usage item.
 I bought an Oak Hills Research WM-2 instead, and I'm
 totally satisfied with it.
 73! Ken Kopp - K0PP\
 Elecraft mailing list
 Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
 You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
 Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
 Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
 Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] GREAT alignment tool

2007-03-25 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy
The plastic versions which have a small blade poking out at one end and 
recessed at the other are also useful for tweaking circuits working at HF 
and low - mid VHF, ceramic better for higher frequencies such as 900 MHz 
that you mention. The recessed blade makes getting proper alignment dead 
easy and prevents the blade slipping off while tweaking.


Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

That's a FB find RC. Thanks. I have a set of ceramic screwdriver alignment
tools I got from E.F. Johnson back in the 1980's for aligning their 900 MHz
repeater transmitters used in land mobile service. They tools are great but
brittle, as you might expect from ceramic. Almost all of my blades are now
missing a corner from failing to get them aligned exactly with a screw that
was required a bit too much torque.

It is true that when the trimmer caps are properly installed in most
circuits in Elecraft rigs, a metal screwdriver will not alter the tuning.
The orientation is such that the screw is at d-c and signal ground.

However, even when the use of a metal screwdriver doesn't change the
adjustment, it's nice to poke at a live circuit with a non-metallic tool
that can't short or cause other issues! And the ceramic tools are invaluable
when even the screw adjustment isn't at ground potential.


-Original Message-
 I found this alignment tool and it does a super job
of adjusting those caps in the KX1. with a 2mm flat tip
and being ceramic it does not detune the circuits. Just
a satisfied customer http://www.mtechnologies.com/tools/#align


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] GREAT alignment tool

2007-03-25 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Quite right, Geoff, when they fit! 

I've found that is often not the case, especially in situations like the KX1
where the alignment screw is behind another board that has a small access
hole in it. Often the access hole isn't big enough to accommodate the
larger-diameter tool or the alignment of the screw adjustment isn't exact,
putting it near one edge of the hole. 

That's where I'm digging for my ceramic tools. 

But, as you noted, those tools are more robust and the tiny metal 'blade'
isn't big enough to detune the circuit.

In my experience the worst choice, in terms of potential damage caused by a
slip, is a plain metal shaft screwdriver. If I must reach for the screw
through other boards or close to other component leads I'll either go for
the ceramic tool or wrap some electrical tape around the shaft of a metal
screwdriver, leaving only the tip exposed to slip into the slot on the


-Original Message-
The plastic versions which have a small blade poking out at one end and 
recessed at the other are also useful for tweaking circuits working at HF 
and low - mid VHF, ceramic better for higher frequencies such as 900 MHz 
that you mention. The recessed blade makes getting proper alignment dead 
easy and prevents the blade slipping off while tweaking.


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] W1

2007-03-25 Thread Larry Phipps
Very slick, Dave. Sign me up when you have it ready. BTW, if you are in 
the market for a digital wattmeter kit between the W1 and LP-100, I have 
a new meter kit in prototype called the LP-400. It's styled to match 
Elecraft equipment, and has excellent accuracy and some of the LP-100 
features. I will also be offering free NIST traceable calibration to kit 
builders as I do with the LP-100. You can check it out on my website.

Larry N8LP

Dave Van Wallaghen wrote:

Hi all,

I've been working on a prototype enclosure for the W1. See here:

As soon as I gather the feedback from my beta testers and incorporate any
necessary changes, I will start the first production run. I haven't settled
on a price yet, but should be forthcoming. 

Feel free to send me any appropriate feedback you feel necessary.

Thanks  73,
Dave W8FGU 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:elecraft-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ken Kopp
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 4:50 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] W1

I'd buy a W1 immediately if it had some sort of housing.
Perhaps the intent of the design was a piece of use-it-once-
in-awhile and not a day-to-day usage item.

I bought an Oak Hills Research WM-2 instead, and I'm
totally satisfied with it.

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP\

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Low Power on 10 Meters

2007-03-25 Thread William M. Spaulding, SR

I'm having a real struggle getting 6 to 7 WATTS on 28 Mhz while all other all 
other bands come up with a number well in excess of 10 Watts.

Has anyone experienced this problem and was able to solve it?  I'm suspecting 
low pass filters that are not coordinated to the 10 Meters Caps, if you can get 
my drift. I can't come up with a reason for this.  In fact, it may make 10 
Meters useless for some modes.


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Low Power on 10 Meters

2007-03-25 Thread Don Wilhelm


The most common cause of low output on 10 meters is T2 - be certain it 
is wound exactly like the illustration in the manual (except for the 
number of turns in the illustrations which may or may not be correct).

The second thing is T4 - be certain it is wound as instructed in the manual.

Thirdly, check the low pass filter for the correct number of turns on 
the toroids and check the capacitors.  On the 10 meter band, spread the 
turns of the low pass filter inductors as much as you possibly can.


William M. Spaulding, SR wrote:


I'm having a real struggle getting 6 to 7 WATTS on 28 Mhz while all other all 
other bands come up with a number well in excess of 10 Watts.

Has anyone experienced this problem and was able to solve it?  I'm suspecting 
low pass filters that are not coordinated to the 10 Meters Caps, if you can get 
my drift. I can't come up with a reason for this.  In fact, it may make 10 
Meters useless for some modes.



Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Low Power on 10 Meters

2007-03-25 Thread David Wilburn
If all else is well, then consider how you are measuring it.  As Don has 
pointed out before, the internal power meter expects a 50 ohm load. 
After trying several configuration that showed 6w on 10m, I checked the 
dummy loads.  All three were showing 1.2 swr with an analyzer.  I then 
connected to my MFJ-949E with internal dummy load, and I connected so 
that the manual controls were in line, and adjusted for minimum SWR 
while hitting the tune button.  When I did this and used the internal 
power meter, it showed 12w.

None of my measurement setups were perfect, I was mainly looking at the 
spread of the readings.  But when I used the setup described above, all 
my readings, on all bands, were above 12w.  When read with external 
power meters, they fluctuated quite a bit more.

David Wilburn
K2 #5982

William M. Spaulding, SR wrote:


I'm having a real struggle getting 6 to 7 WATTS on 28 Mhz while all other all 
other bands come up with a number well in excess of 10 Watts.

Has anyone experienced this problem and was able to solve it?  I'm suspecting 
low pass filters that are not coordinated to the 10 Meters Caps, if you can get 
my drift. I can't come up with a reason for this.  In fact, it may make 10 
Meters useless for some modes.


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 Resistor question...

2007-03-25 Thread dking

Just started on my K2, SN#6048...and am new at this process.

I seem to have smoked the resistor r20 in the control board, as I installed
it...a 2.7 ohm (Red-Violet-Gold) resistor which now reads .001 on the 

think too much heat for too long as I attempted to reposition it after it slid
away from the board a bit.)

I planned on getting a replacement locally...but am uncertain if it's a 
1/4 watt
or 1/2 watt...and the parts list doesn't indicate...but a 1/2 watt one 
looks too


So...any suggestions?

David King

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Re: [Elecraft] GREAT alignment tool

2007-03-25 Thread David Cutter

Whatever happened to plastic knitting needles that we would shape?


- Original Message - 
From: Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Ron D'Eau Claire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Elecraft Discussion List elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] GREAT alignment tool

The plastic versions which have a small blade poking out at one end and 
recessed at the other are also useful for tweaking circuits working at HF 
and low - mid VHF, ceramic better for higher frequencies such as 900 MHz 
that you mention. The recessed blade makes getting proper alignment dead 
easy and prevents the blade slipping off while tweaking.


Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

That's a FB find RC. Thanks. I have a set of ceramic screwdriver alignment
tools I got from E.F. Johnson back in the 1980's for aligning their 900 
repeater transmitters used in land mobile service. They tools are great 

brittle, as you might expect from ceramic. Almost all of my blades are now
missing a corner from failing to get them aligned exactly with a screw 

was required a bit too much torque.

It is true that when the trimmer caps are properly installed in most
circuits in Elecraft rigs, a metal screwdriver will not alter the tuning.
The orientation is such that the screw is at d-c and signal ground.

However, even when the use of a metal screwdriver doesn't change the
adjustment, it's nice to poke at a live circuit with a non-metallic tool
that can't short or cause other issues! And the ceramic tools are 

when even the screw adjustment isn't at ground potential.


-Original Message-
 I found this alignment tool and it does a super job
of adjusting those caps in the KX1. with a 2mm flat tip
and being ceramic it does not detune the circuits. Just
a satisfied customer http://www.mtechnologies.com/tools/#align


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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Resistor question...

2007-03-25 Thread Don Wilhelm


Most all the resistors in the K2 (including R20) are 1/4 watt. The only 
 1/2 watt resistors on the RF Board are R50 and R58.

To the best of my knowledge, all resistors shown in the schematic that 
are NOT 1/4 watt are designated with the power rating.  In most cases, a 
1/2 watt can be used as a replacement for a 1/4 watt resistor, but the 
problem is in the physical mounting space - if you can get it to fit all 
will be well.



Just started on my K2, SN#6048...and am new at this process.

I seem to have smoked the resistor r20 in the control board, as I installed
it...a 2.7 ohm (Red-Violet-Gold) resistor which now reads .001 on the 
think too much heat for too long as I attempted to reposition it after 
it slid

away from the board a bit.)

I planned on getting a replacement locally...but am uncertain if it's a 
1/4 watt
or 1/2 watt...and the parts list doesn't indicate...but a 1/2 watt one 
looks too


So...any suggestions?

David King

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] GREAT alignment tool

2007-03-25 Thread David Pratt
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Cutter 

Whatever happened to plastic knitting needles that we would shape?


They are now made of aluminium (aluminum), David, but even if you could 
get plastic ones they would certainly not be strong enough for the KX1 

73 de David G4DMP

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RE: [Elecraft] Elecraft K2 IF Amp Alignment Question/Problem

2007-03-25 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Did you have anything connected to the antenna jack when you did that? I
cannot hear the birdie at 7.000 with any sort of antenna connected to the
K2. Even with the antenna off it's easy to miss unless I have the preamp On!


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 3:23 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft K2 IF Amp Alignment Question/Problem

Hello all,

Finally got the K2 to the point when I am ready to do the IF  
Amplifier Alignment procedure.

All has checked out well so far, BUT, I can not hear the signal at  
7.000 MHz that is referenced in the manual.
Nada, nothing.
I scanned up and down the band, from 6990 - 7010 and can't hear it at  

So following the manual's suggestion, I did the 40 meter band pass  
alignment, which went quite well.
I was able to hear CW signal and International broadcast stations  
with an outside antenna.

So, it looks like I may have a problem here, wondering if it is a RF  
gain issue, or other problem.
How strong is this signal anyway, I've done my best to carefully  
tune, and feel if it was there, I would have heard it.

Suggestions, thoughts, things to test?
I do appreciate your input!

73 Bruce W1UJR

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Re: [Elecraft] GREAT alignment tool

2007-03-25 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

Please don't misunderstand me, I like to use my ceramic tools as well.

73, Geoff

- Original Message - 
From: Ron D'Eau Claire [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Quite right, Geoff, when they fit!

I've found that is often not the case, especially in situations like the KX1
where the alignment screw is behind another board that has a small access
hole in it. Often the access hole isn't big enough to accommodate the
larger-diameter tool or the alignment of the screw adjustment isn't exact,
putting it near one edge of the hole.

That's where I'm digging for my ceramic tools.


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[Elecraft] 10 Meter power

2007-03-25 Thread William M. Spaulding, SR
Thanks to Don and David for their responses.  Once I spread the turns on L21 
and L22 I noted a couple of dB of gain.  Then I got really serious with my 
measurements using my 3585.  The '85 said something just over 40 dBm - 10 
watts.  So I quit fiddling and am ready to work on the K2 auto-tuner.

Thanks for the pointers, guys,

Elecraft mailing list
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RE: [Elecraft] W1 - customised enclosure

2007-03-25 Thread Siu Johnny

Hi Dave,

I am interested in it, please keep me advised of the price and availability 
in due course.


Johnny Siu VR2XMC

From: Dave Van Wallaghen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] W1
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 11:47:42 -0400

Hi all,

I've been working on a prototype enclosure for the W1. See here:

As soon as I gather the feedback from my beta testers and incorporate any
necessary changes, I will start the first production run. I haven't settled
on a price yet, but should be forthcoming.

Feel free to send me any appropriate feedback you feel necessary.

Thanks  73,
Dave W8FGU

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[Elecraft] No Sidetone with Firmware Upgrade - K2

2007-03-25 Thread Curt Milton
In process of upgrading K2 #2117.  

Installed BFO and PLL thermal upgrade kits.  All was
well.  Then I put in the new firmware.  It came up ok
with INFO 201 and then Elecraft.  Following
instructions I did the EDIT ST L.  As I don't have
anything but SSB and 160 currently installed, I
realize I need the U6-25 setting.  When I hit display
it shows one of these options, and when I hit display
it toggles to the other option.  But neither produces
a sidetone.  I tried exiting when U6-25 is displayed,
still no sidetone.  

I am not convinced I know how to properly set it for

It just calibrated the PLL OK as I was typing this,
but not fun to not have a sidetone.  

Firmware was 2.01F - now its 2.04P.  I also updated
the IOC firmware on the RF board to 1.09.  

Please and thanks for help.  

73, curt


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Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] No Sidetone with Firmware Upgrade - K2

2007-03-25 Thread David Wilburn
I have heard of this being a problem.  They call it a fat finger fowl 
up.  Often hear of folks change something in the firmware by mistake 
when they do not mean to.  I realize this doesn't necessarily apply, but 
at least it is something to check.  Good luck.


David Wilburn
K2 #5982

Curt Milton wrote:
In process of upgrading K2 #2117.  

Installed BFO and PLL thermal upgrade kits.  All was
well.  Then I put in the new firmware.  It came up ok
with INFO 201 and then Elecraft.  Following
instructions I did the EDIT ST L.  As I don't have
anything but SSB and 160 currently installed, I
realize I need the U6-25 setting.  When I hit display
it shows one of these options, and when I hit display
it toggles to the other option.  But neither produces
a sidetone.  I tried exiting when U6-25 is displayed,
still no sidetone.  

I am not convinced I know how to properly set it for

It just calibrated the PLL OK as I was typing this,
but not fun to not have a sidetone.  

Firmware was 2.01F - now its 2.04P.  I also updated
the IOC firmware on the RF board to 1.09.  

Please and thanks for help.  

73, curt


Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
Browse Top Cars by Green Rating at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.

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Re: [Elecraft] Low Power on 10 Meters

2007-03-25 Thread Don Wilhelm


That is an excellent method of achieving a 1:1 SWR with an unknown (or 
questionable) dummy load.  Thanks for the reminder.  Just be aware that 
the SWR=1 condition is frequency sensitive - the tuner must be retuned 
if the frequency or band is changed.


David Wilburn wrote:
If all else is well, then consider how you are measuring it.  As Don has 
pointed out before, the internal power meter expects a 50 ohm load. 
After trying several configuration that showed 6w on 10m, I checked the 
dummy loads.  All three were showing 1.2 swr with an analyzer.  I then 
connected to my MFJ-949E with internal dummy load, and I connected so 
that the manual controls were in line, and adjusted for minimum SWR 
while hitting the tune button.  When I did this and used the internal 
power meter, it showed 12w.

None of my measurement setups were perfect, I was mainly looking at the 
spread of the readings.  But when I used the setup described above, all 
my readings, on all bands, were above 12w.  When read with external 
power meters, they fluctuated quite a bit more.

David Wilburn
K2 #5982

William M. Spaulding, SR wrote:


I'm having a real struggle getting 6 to 7 WATTS on 28 Mhz while all 
other all other bands come up with a number well in excess of 10 Watts.

Has anyone experienced this problem and was able to solve it?  I'm 
suspecting low pass filters that are not coordinated to the 10 Meters 
Caps, if you can get my drift. I can't come up with a reason for 
this.  In fact, it may make 10 Meters useless for some modes.


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[Elecraft] Help with KPA 100 Alignment and Installation

2007-03-25 Thread Les and Lynn

I solved the problem with the SWR Bridge null adjustment (CI) by reflowing a 
bunch of solder joints (i.e., Don's usual suggestion) around T1, R21 and R22. 

However, now I have a new problem -  I am drawing to much power in the transmit 
tests of on pg 50 of the KPA 100 manual. My metered Astron switching power 
supply shows 25 Amps on key down (2-3 sec.) at 100 watts. Calculating the 
amperage across R7 shows 21 Amps - still to much. Q1 seems to get 
preferencially hot compared to Q2 during the 2-3 sec.key down. The signal 
sounds great in a remote receiver. Changing the values of R26 and R27 doesn't 
seem to effect the power reading.

I probed voltages and the deviating voltages are shown below:

Q1 RX - All OK
Q! TX - B=0.532V and C= 13.26 V  Note - Voltage input at  K2 Display is 14.2 

Q2 RX - All OK
Q2 TX - B=0.523 V and C= 13.28 V

Q3 RX - All OK
Q3 TX - B= 0.543 V

Q4 RX - All OK
Q4 TX - C=14.23 V

Q5 RX - All OK
Q5 TX - B = 2.8 V and C=0 V

Any ideas on what to do next would be appreciated.



Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Re: [Elecraft] Low Power on 10 Meters

2007-03-25 Thread David Wilburn
That is absolutely right Don.  I was playing with it several different 
ways, and using the tune button and the manual tuner you could really 
see it jump when you got it dialed in.  The output of the power meter 
on the K2 was considerably more sensitive than the meter on the tuner, 
and was able to peak the setting looking at that.  Worked great.  Once 
I had seen your post, then tried that, and saw the numbers that I was 
getting, I was confident I had nothing to worry about.

David Wilburn
K2 #5982

Don Wilhelm wrote:


That is an excellent method of achieving a 1:1 SWR with an unknown (or 
questionable) dummy load.  Thanks for the reminder.  Just be aware that 
the SWR=1 condition is frequency sensitive - the tuner must be retuned 
if the frequency or band is changed.


David Wilburn wrote:
If all else is well, then consider how you are measuring it.  As Don 
has pointed out before, the internal power meter expects a 50 ohm 
load. After trying several configuration that showed 6w on 10m, I 
checked the dummy loads.  All three were showing 1.2 swr with an 
analyzer.  I then connected to my MFJ-949E with internal dummy load, 
and I connected so that the manual controls were in line, and adjusted 
for minimum SWR while hitting the tune button.  When I did this and 
used the internal power meter, it showed 12w.

None of my measurement setups were perfect, I was mainly looking at 
the spread of the readings.  But when I used the setup described 
above, all my readings, on all bands, were above 12w.  When read with 
external power meters, they fluctuated quite a bit more.

David Wilburn
K2 #5982

William M. Spaulding, SR wrote:


I'm having a real struggle getting 6 to 7 WATTS on 28 Mhz while all 
other all other bands come up with a number well in excess of 10 Watts.

Has anyone experienced this problem and was able to solve it?  I'm 
suspecting low pass filters that are not coordinated to the 10 Meters 
Caps, if you can get my drift. I can't come up with a reason for 
this.  In fact, it may make 10 Meters useless for some modes.


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Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Help with KPA 100 Alignment and Installation

2007-03-25 Thread Don Wilhelm


The most usual reason for excessive current is the Low pass filters - 
check the toroids for an extra turn - count the number of times the wire 
passes through the center of the core.

Also carefully check the calibration of the wattmeter forward power pot.

Also check the bias setting again, and re-check the number of turns on 
the T1 and T2 transformers.


Les and Lynn wrote:


I solved the problem with the SWR Bridge null adjustment (CI) by reflowing a bunch of solder joints (i.e., Don's usual suggestion) around T1, R21 and R22. 

However, now I have a new problem -  I am drawing to much power in the transmit 
tests of on pg 50 of the KPA 100 manual. My metered Astron switching power 
supply shows 25 Amps on key down (2-3 sec.) at 100 watts. Calculating the 
amperage across R7 shows 21 Amps - still to much. Q1 seems to get 
preferencially hot compared to Q2 during the 2-3 sec.key down. The signal 
sounds great in a remote receiver. Changing the values of R26 and R27 doesn't 
seem to effect the power reading.

I probed voltages and the deviating voltages are shown below:

Q1 RX - All OK
Q! TX - B=0.532V and C= 13.26 V  Note - Voltage input at  K2 Display is 14.2 VDC 

Q2 RX - All OK
Q2 TX - B=0.523 V and C= 13.28 V

Q3 RX - All OK
Q3 TX - B= 0.543 V

Q4 RX - All OK
Q4 TX - C=14.23 V

Q5 RX - All OK
Q5 TX - B = 2.8 V and C=0 V

Any ideas on what to do next would be appreciated.



Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for March 25th 26th, 2007

2007-03-25 Thread Kevin Rock

Good Evening,
   Forty meters was much more RF friendly than 20 meters today.  I  
received a number of reports of prospective QNIs going begging since there  
was either no one there or they could not hear the NCS.  In this case  
there was only one NCS: me, way out in Oregon.  I read on Space Weather  
that we are entering a solar stream but not quite sure when that started.   
Twenty meters had a background hiss which was fairly strong.  Forty meters  
was transmitting a spring thunderstorm quite nicely.  Reports of QSB were  
also wide spread.  But, this is why we get on the air.  If we did not at  
least try we would never know what works and what does not.
   To all the folks thanking me for running the net you are very welcome.   
I get a big kick out of hearing all of you and digging as deep as I can  
hear to put you in the log.  After two nets on Sunday I buzz for a few  
days with the happy glow it gives me.  Pat would chuckle at me when I told  
her of all the folks from here and there who talked with me.  She made  
sure I had the net times set aside so I could continue.  Now that she is  
gone I keep running the nets both for her and for me.  I think they are a  
good thing.  Because of them I have met a great many very nice people.

   On to the lists =

On 14050 kHz at 2300z:
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
K3JHT - John - PA - ?
K4GT - Jim - GA - K2 - 2015
NN8K - Sonny - WV - K1 - 380
N3AO - Carter - VA - K2 - 678

On 7045.50 kHz at 0159z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - KX1 - 85
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422   QNI #45!!!
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798
N0FU - Bill - CA - Kenwood
K4GT - Jim - GA - K2 - 2015
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993 QNI #95
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
K0RS - Larry - CO - K2 - 2072
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
W1BPJ - Terry - CO - K1 - 1800
WA3UCR - Bill - PA - K2 - 4716

As ever, if there are any fills or corrections you would like made in  
these records please email me and I will fix the database.  I hope you all  
have a good week this week and have some nice spring weather.  I am  
looking forward to at least one day of sun but cannot plan on much more  
than that given Oregon's capricious weather.  I think the daffodils may  
just open this week if the temperatures stay in the 50s.  We shall see.

Thank you,
   Kevin.   KD5ONS (Net Control Station 5th Class)
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