Re: [Elecraft] Internal K3 SWR vs Extermal SWR Meter
Most ham-grade "Wattmeters/SWR Bridges" that I've encountered read E, assume R, and "calculate" P in an analog fashion. When SWR is not 1:1, Z is not equal to 50 ohms, and in most cases, the higher the SWR, the higher the power indicated on the meter. For these instruments, nothing you see on the indicator is true unless the SWR is 1:1 [i.e. the impedance is 50 ohms]. Even then, many are sensitive to common-mode current on the outside of the coax shield, and most of us have *some* common-mode conduction on our feedlines. I once put three ham-grade "wattmeters" in series right next to each other on 20m, and they all read differently. When I changed their order in the feedline, they all read differently ... and different from what they had before. I concluded that, unless I was willing to spend the money to acquire test equipment that actually sensed and displayed watts and not E^2/R, I'd have to be satisfied with approximations. 73, Fred K6DGW - Northern California Contest Club - CU in the 2014 Cal QSO Party 4-5 Oct 2014 - On 11/17/2013 2:25 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote: In addition, many wattmeters are woefully inaccurate when reading SWR. Most All will be quite accurate for an SWR of 1.0, but at anything other than that, you will find a variation in the readings on amateur grade wattmeters. __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Updating an older K3
Did you make the VFO tuning noise reduction mod, Arie? My tuning noise was very bad until the mod was applied. It certainly made a lot of difference. 73 Dave G3TJP __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Internal K3 SWR vs Extermal SWR Meter
Mark, the numbers you quoted look pretty typical for SWR meters. They are *not* precision instruments, nor do they need to be even in commercial applications. Within the range of error you reported, there will be no difference in how your K3 and antenna work. Power measurements are no better. Even a much-admired Bird wattmeter with freshly calibrated slugs can be off by 20% or more, depending upon several factors, and I've not seen a freshly calibrated slug since the last time I worked in a laboratory. So it's just as likely the difference you see is the result of external wattmeter calibration as it is the K3's wattmeter calibration. Any procedure for "synching" them is just as likely to make one of them less accurate that it is now. I presume that you are using a good 50 ohm dummy load to compare readings with the KAT3 in bypass, and that you have run the wattmeter calibration procedure in the K3 Owner's manual. 73, Ron AC7AC -Original Message- John, the problem is that I don't have one of these. But thanks for the suggestion. One thing I have not tried is hooking up my antenna and external wattmeter coupler with Antenna 2 instead of Antenna 1. I am anxious to find out if I get the same readings with #2 as I did with #1. I guess I am rather perplexed at the thought that there is such a variance between the K3 wattmeter vs an external wattmeter. Especially, when I connected the coupler to the antenna #1 with a plug and then attached the antenna coax to the coupler. It's a shame that the K3 does not have a way of synching up the internal wattmeter with an external wattmeter. Hopefully somebody from elecraft will read this email and make a comment on it. Thanks to all with their responses. Mark Griffin, KB3Z __ __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Internal K3 SWR vs Extermal SWR Meter
Mark, There is good reason (assuming the internal tuner in the K3) for *not* syncing the wattmeters. With the KAT3 in-line, the SWR is *not* reading the SWR on the feedline, but instead telling you the SWR at the *input* to the KAT3 - that is the load that the K3 PA sees, and that is what really matters for full power output. Remember too that the KAT3 will have some residual reactance even in bypass mode. That will also make a difference in the SWR seen by the K3 PA transistors and the SWR on the feedline - it is just one of "those things". A 1.4 SWR on the feedline may actually result in a 1.1 SWR at the other end of that residual reactance. The external wattmeter will indicate the SWR on the feedline - at the output of the KAT3. There is nothing the KAT3 can do to change that. In addition, many wattmeters are woefully inaccurate when reading SWR. Most All will be quite accurate for an SWR of 1.0, but at anything other than that, you will find a variation in the readings on amateur grade wattmeters. If you have a good dummy load (non-reactive 50 ohms), you can calibrate the K3 wattmeter (for power, not SWR). The procedure is in the Calibration section of the manual. 73, Don W3FPR On 11/17/2013 4:57 PM, wrote: John, the problem is that I don't have one of these. But thanks for the suggestion. One thing I have not tried is hooking up my antenna and external wattmeter coupler with Antenna 2 instead of Antenna 1. I am anxious to find out if I get the same readings with #2 as I did with #1. I guess I am rather perplexed at the thought that there is such a variance between the K3 wattmeter vs an external wattmeter. Especially, when I connected the coupler to the antenna #1 with a plug and then attached the antenna coax to the coupler. It's a shame that the K3 does not have a way of synching up the internal wattmeter with an external wattmeter. Hopefully somebody from elecraft will read this email and make a comment on it. Thanks to all with their responses. Mark Griffin, KB3Z __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] Internal K3 SWR vs Extermal SWR Meter
John, the problem is that I don't have one of these. But thanks for the suggestion. One thing I have not tried is hooking up my antenna and external wattmeter coupler with Antenna 2 instead of Antenna 1. I am anxious to find out if I get the same readings with #2 as I did with #1. I guess I am rather perplexed at the thought that there is such a variance between the K3 wattmeter vs an external wattmeter. Especially, when I connected the coupler to the antenna #1 with a plug and then attached the antenna coax to the coupler. It's a shame that the K3 does not have a way of synching up the internal wattmeter with an external wattmeter. Hopefully somebody from elecraft will read this email and make a comment on it. Thanks to all with their responses. Mark Griffin, KB3Z __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement
Good Afternoon, I have been busy writing net reports and logging all of the data from each of them. It is very soggy now, typical Oregon fall weather. It tried to snow but never quite got that cold. Please join us today. 1) Hail signs (first letter or two of the suffix of your call) 2) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP help) Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3 PM PST) 14050 kHz Monday 0200z (Sunday 6 PM PST) 7045 kHz Stay warm, Kevin. KD5ONS - Elecraft CW Net Reports for October 6th to November 11th, 2013 October 6, 2013 On 14050 kHz at 2200z: K6MGO - Bill - CA - K3 - 5181 W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422 N6MY - Ray - AZ - KX3 - 4624 N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994 AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398 W7BV - Robert - AZ N0AR - Scott - MN - KX3 - 3941 KS7D - Mike - FL - K3 - 118 October 7, 2013 On 7045 kHz at 0100z: K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183 N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994 K0DTJ - Brian - CA - K3 - 4113 W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 N0AR - Scott - MN - KX3 - 3941 N6MY - Ray - AZ - KX3 - 4624 October 13, 2013 On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z: N6MY - Ray - AZ - KX3 - 4624 N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994 AC5P - Mike - OK - K3 - 2170 AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398 AB3CV - Jim - MD - K2 - 5874 KN5L - John - TX - KX3 - 1658 W8OV - Dave - TX - K3 - 3139 N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866 W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 KS7D - Mike - FL - K3 - 118 K6MGO - Bill - CA - K3 - 5181 October 14, 2013 On 7045.5 kHz at 0100z: W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 K0DTJ - Brian - CA - K3 - 4113 N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866 K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183 AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398 W8OV - Dave - TX - K3 - 3139 October 20, 2013 On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z: NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820 W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422 W8OV - Dave - TX - K3 - 3139 N6MY - Ray - AZ - KX3 - 4624 N0AR - Scott - MN - KX3 - 3941 KN5L - John - TX - KX3 - 1658 K6MGO - Bill - CA - K3 - 5181 WB3AAL - Ron - PA - K2 - 1392 K0DTJ - Brian - CA - K3 - 4113 N7KRT - Jeff - TX - K2 - 5471 October 21, 2013 On 7045.5 kHz at 0100z: W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820 K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183 K0DTJ - Brian - CA - K3 - 4113 W8OV - Dave - TX - K3 - 3139 N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994 N0AR - Scott - MN - KX3 - 3941 October 27, 2013 On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z: NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820 KN5L - John - TX - KX3 - 1658 N6MY - Ray - AZ - KX3 - 4624 AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398 K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422 W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994 WB3AAL - Ron - PA - K2 - 1392 K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183 N7KRT - Jeff - TX - K2 - 5471 AC6JA - Mike - CA - K3 - 500 October 28, 2013 On 7045 kHz at 0100z: W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994 K0DTJ - Brian - CA - K3 - 4113 K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183 N7KRT - Jeff - TX - K2 - 5471 November 3, 2013 On 14040.76 kHz at 2300z: NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820 November 10, 2013 On 14049.5 kHz at 2300z: NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820 W8OV - Dave - TX - K3 - 3139 W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866 N2YC - John - NY - K2 - 5949 N7KRT - Jeff - TX - K2 - 5471 November 11, 2013 On 7045.5 kHz at 0200z: K0DTJ - Brian - CA - K3 - 4113 W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457 W8OV - Dave - TX - K3 - 3139 NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820 N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866 WI6O - John - CA - K1 - 922 - __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Updating an older K3
Hi all, My K3 is a #1255. I've done all the mods myself. I'll give you a roundup of that , with the results: *Solving a problem:* - K3 Synth ALC = That was a really necessary one, I had that problem and it needed to be fixed - K3 external ALC Mod = Necessary since I started to use ALC when I bought rhe KPA500. Before that I used all Amps without ALC. Actually, now Ithat use the KPA500, the ALC is set at such a level that it well never react :-) - 12V ERR mod (13.8V supply to PA in K3 fails due to bad connectorpins) = Had this problem last year. Decided to make the Field-fix instead of changing the connectors. This means bridging the connectors with a wire. Easy! Good chance that you will run into the problem at some point. *Improvements:* - IF output Buffer Gain = Good mod! I am using a softrock and NAP3 for a bandscope om my stations pc - AF stage upgrade (line out and speaker amp) = Yes, it helps - K3DF DSP Low Pass Filter installation = It really makes a difference. *Do this one*. I noticed that I could sit at the K3 for much longer when I participated in a contest. * **' Maybe' Improvements*: - Front panel Macrophone Circuit MOd = No difference, I had no problems before that but I did this one together with the LPF installation - Improving Immunity of the rear panel RS232 and audio connectors = No difference because I did not have any problem before the mod. * **Precautions*: - K3 AF amp output mod = just a precaution. Never had a problem since I use stereo computer speakers and not a mono speaker. - K3 automatic Frond End Protection = Just a precaution. No difference noticed, I did not have a problem before the mod. I hope this list helps you to decide what to do. 73 Arie PA3A __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] K2/10/100 twin for sale
I have a fully loaded K2/10 and separately enclosed KPA100/KAT100. Listed on QTH for 950 and 400 separately or 1250 the pair. My KX3 with100w HF Packer has taken over Paul AF5BV Sent from my iPhone __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 Low Power on 12 and 10 Meters
Larry, Since you mentioned "a pot to adjust", what is the chance that you increased the value of R98 (on the bottom of the RF board) above its normal value of 270 ohms. That resistor is sometimes increased to provide more rapid settling time for the power control loop (particularly in TUNE), and the procedure to find the correct value is to temporarily substitute a pot. If the resistor value is too high, the power on 10 (and often 12) meters will drop. Remove the bottom cover to check R98. There is no pot to adjust other than the temporary one mentioned above. 73, Don W3FPR On 11/17/2013 12:02 PM, Larry Dodson wrote: In the past I have looked up various problem fixes in the Old Elecraft Digests, but can no longer find them? I would appreciate suggestion as to how I fix my K2 low power problem on 12 and 10 Meters. I think that there is a pot to adjust? Running the K2 without PA (ATU and Power Meter shows 1:1.1) into a dummy load. I find that all HF bands get a full 10-12 watts output, except 12 and 10 Meters, where I get 7 watts on 12M and less on 10M. This reduced output is reflected on the watt meter when I hook up my external KPA100/KAT100 and use more power. Help will be appreciated in solving the output problem and also where to find the Old Elecraft Digests. __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Getting FLDIGI to Work. K3 XML file?
> "-" == - - -- -N3TU - - -- - writes: -> I am using FLDIGI 3.21.77 and when I click on the configuration -> under FLDIGI, -> I can't seem to find the XML file for the K3. I need to copy the -> K3 XML file -> to the FLDIGI configuation. When I do a search for Elecraft in -> my pc, the -> only thing that comes up is the K3 utility which is linked to the -> radio. I -> don't see any other files to click on. I am able to receive, transmit -> digital, and update my radio but I can't control the radio. Any -> help would -> be greatly appreciated. They're all here: download the one you need and put it in the rigs directory (~/.fldigi/rigs/ on Linux) -- Pierfrancesco Caci, ik5pvx __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 Low Power on 12 and 10 Meters
Larry, Take a look at - second item - which talks about various tricks to do with the T2 and T1 transformers. Lifting T2 helped me. - Sverre, LA3ZA K2 #2198, K3 #3391, LA3ZA Blog:, LA3ZA Unofficial Guide to K2 modifications: -- View this message in context: Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] Getting FLDIGI to Work. K3 XML file?
I am using FLDIGI 3.21.77 and when I click on the configuration under FLDIGI, I can't seem to find the XML file for the K3. I need to copy the K3 XML file to the FLDIGI configuation. When I do a search for Elecraft in my pc, the only thing that comes up is the K3 utility which is linked to the radio. I don't see any other files to click on. I am able to receive, transmit digital, and update my radio but I can't control the radio. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] KX3 VFO knob noise, mod to fix
Congratulations on your excellent hearing, Pete. Yes, it can be a curse. Also, I envy your obviously silent environment. I wish I could have that. Good for you that you found a solution to your problem, and it sounds like a very good one too. 73 de Arno, K7RNO __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] CONFIG:REFCAL
George - you need to have TECH Mode turned on in the CONFIG menu list first. Jim / W6JHB On Sunday, Nov 17, 2013, at Sunday, 9:57 AM, George Rebong wrote: > I am going to Calibrate my K3. > I don't have the CONFIG:REFCAL in my Config menus. > -- > George Rebong > KE6TE > __ > Elecraft mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
I am going to Calibrate my K3. I don't have the CONFIG:REFCAL in my Config menus. -- George Rebong KE6TE __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Internal K3 SWR vs Extermal SWR Meter
A better way is to connect a load with a known SWR. Using a "BNC-BP BNC Male to Stackable Binding Posts" with three 100 Ohm 1W resistors in parallel, 33.3 Ohms, SWR should ~= 1.5. Directly connected to the K3, ATU in bypass, 5W output, measured SWR = 1.1. 18" piece of coax with W1 Power meter, same 33.3 ohm load, K3 SWR=1.1, W1 SWR=1.4 (Using W1 utility) My K3 is indicating a Low SWR at 5W output. John KN5L __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Internal K3 SWR vs Extermal SWR Meter
Mark, You will get lots of responses to this. 99.9% of the folks on the Elecraft are more experienced and smarter than me. I have a similar situation with a WM-2 wattmeter and my KX3. Here's how I stopped worrying about it: 1. I realized that I have to bypass the ATU in the KX3 to get a "good" reading on the WM-2. 2. Even after doing #1, I still have a 2W discrepancy between the KX3 and the WM-2 (i.e. 5 W on the KX3 reads as 7 W on the WM-2). It varies at different bands and output power. 3. In my experience, wattmeters vary greatly and there is a deviation percentage that I think must be taken into account. I don't know what that amount is either. :) 4. When I use one, I am looking at an external wattmeter with a needle to get an instantaneous reading on reflected power. The needle is large and visible and I keep the meter in REV when I use it. This leads to an experience I had several years ago in a class on SCADA radios. The discussion of the Bird 43 wattmeter came up: I was once told that a Bird 43 wattmeter has about a 10 - 20% error rate (I forget the exact number). I told the guy I didn't care as long as it was the same inaccuracy when looking in both directions. I was looking for a *ratio*, not necessarily an output power. He looked at me like I was purple and had three eyes. I try to simplify things. The purists and the engineers out there will in all likelihood disagree with what I've said. I am sure there are instances where what I say will not or cannot work. In my casual operation as an amateur for 20 years, this has worked for me. In my professional career as a telecomm tech doing PMs and trouble-shooting on 37, 450, and 900 MHz radios for almost as long, this has worked. As with anything else I may say, this is just my experience. Your mileage may vary greatly... 73, Joel - W4JBB On 11/17/13, 11:01 AM, wrote: Good Morning, this is Mark Griffin and my call is KB3Z. I am having some real issues when it comes to getting a reliable SWR reading between my K3 and an external Wavenode Meter. I hooked up my hexbeam directly to the input Antenna 1 Connector of my K3 and got the following SWR readings in the SSB portion of the band. 20 Meters:1.1 17 Meters: 1.1 15 Meters: 1.8 12 Meters 2.7 10 Meters:1.4 Yes, I know that 12 meters is high for some reason! But I than hooked up my antenna to the Wavenode coupler and then to the my Antenna 1 connector and notice the differences between the K3 and the Wavenode. K3 Wavenode 20 Meters 1.11.6 17 Meters 1.11.4 15 Meters 1.82.3 12 Meters 2.71.9 10 Meters 1.41.7 Is anyone else out there experiencing the same issues between their K3 SWR and an external meter? Perhaps the wavenode coupler isn't good but I am so confused that I don't know what to do. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Mark Griffin, KB3Z __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] K2 Low Power on 12 and 10 Meters
In the past I have looked up various problem fixes in the Old Elecraft Digests, but can no longer find them? I would appreciate suggestion as to how I fix my K2 low power problem on 12 and 10 Meters. I think that there is a pot to adjust? Running the K2 without PA (ATU and Power Meter shows 1:1.1) into a dummy load. I find that all HF bands get a full 10-12 watts output, except 12 and 10 Meters, where I get 7 watts on 12M and less on 10M. This reduced output is reflected on the watt meter when I hook up my external KPA100/KAT100 and use more power. Help will be appreciated in solving the output problem and also where to find the Old Elecraft Digests. 73 - Larry- G0IKE (K2 -2424) __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] Internal K3 SWR vs Extermal SWR Meter
Good Morning, this is Mark Griffin and my call is KB3Z. I am having some real issues when it comes to getting a reliable SWR reading between my K3 and an external Wavenode Meter. I hooked up my hexbeam directly to the input Antenna 1 Connector of my K3 and got the following SWR readings in the SSB portion of the band. 20 Meters:1.1 17 Meters: 1.1 15 Meters: 1.8 12 Meters 2.7 10 Meters:1.4 Yes, I know that 12 meters is high for some reason! But I than hooked up my antenna to the Wavenode coupler and then to the my Antenna 1 connector and notice the differences between the K3 and the Wavenode. K3 Wavenode 20 Meters 1.11.6 17 Meters 1.11.4 15 Meters 1.82.3 12 Meters 2.71.9 10 Meters 1.41.7 Is anyone else out there experiencing the same issues between their K3 SWR and an external meter? Perhaps the wavenode coupler isn't good but I am so confused that I don't know what to do. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Mark Griffin, KB3Z __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Split function on K3 # 2802
I'm sorry, it's probably the DISP button rather than MENU. MENU also changes VFO B, but not to the things you're seeing. Those are DISP functions. Dick, K6KR -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Dick Dievendorff Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 8:41 AM To: 'Glenn Haffly'; 'elecraft' Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Split function on K3 # 2802 You may have a menu open. Tap MENU. VFO B should show a frequency unless you have a menu open. Dick, K6KR -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Glenn Haffly Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 8:33 AM To: elecraft Subject: [Elecraft] Split function on K3 # 2802 My K3 has a problem using the split function. When holding the split button the split function shows the B VFO is controlling transmit. When turning the B VFO knob all I get is time and voltages and no split frequency. Any suggestions on how to correct? Thanks Glenn __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Split function on K3 # 2802
You may have a menu open. Tap MENU. VFO B should show a frequency unless you have a menu open. Dick, K6KR -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Glenn Haffly Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 8:33 AM To: elecraft Subject: [Elecraft] Split function on K3 # 2802 My K3 has a problem using the split function. When holding the split button the split function shows the B VFO is controlling transmit. When turning the B VFO knob all I get is time and voltages and no split frequency. Any suggestions on how to correct? Thanks Glenn __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Split function on K3 # 2802
Tap the Display Button. 73, Ken K3IU On 11/17/2013 11:33 AM, Glenn Haffly wrote: My K3 has a problem using the split function. When holding the split button the split function shows the B VFO is controlling transmit. When turning the B VFO knob all I get is time and voltages and no split frequency. Any suggestions on how to correct? Thanks Glenn __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] Split function on K3 # 2802
My K3 has a problem using the split function. When holding the split button the split function shows the B VFO is controlling transmit. When turning the B VFO knob all I get is time and voltages and no split frequency. Any suggestions on how to correct? Thanks Glenn __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] NAQCC Sprint Wednesday night!
NAQCC Sprint Wednesday night! Our November Sprint is this coming Wednesday evening local time (November 20, EST - 8:30-10:30PM, CST - 7:30-9:30PM, MST - 6:30-8:30PM, PST - 5:30-7:30PM), which translates as Thursday November 21, 2013 0130-0330Z in all cases. I will refer you to the proper URL: There you will find all the details as to time, frequencies and other important information. This is a monthly event that caters to the CW veteran, the CW newcomer, straight key and bug fans. All are welcome to participate (this includes QRO); but you must use QRP power levels to compete for awards. If you've been hesitant to join in our sprints because you hear other sprints running at breakneck speeds, have no fear. Our sprints are geared to the newcomer to CW and/or contesting. Virtually everyone including the many veteran contesters who regularly enter our sprints will slow down to YOUR speed to help you make your contacts. If you are not already a member of NAQCC... membership is FREE! Sign up on the NAQCC website today ( and receive a handsome certificate, with your membership number on it, which is good for life. Come join us and have a real good time! 72/73 de Dave VA3RJ NAQCC #0004 for NAQCC __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Updating an older K3
Hi Gary, Some of the hardware mods correct problems or prevent problems and they aren't noticeable after installation. But they provide peace of mind and increase resale value. One mod that I found useful was the one that corrected noise while tuning the VFO. It improved operation on 6 and 10 meters on my K3. An upgrade (not really a mod) was the exchange of the DSP board. This made my K3 sound quieter to me. I think you have to hunt around the Elecraft website to find this one. I did the mods myself so I can't comment on the factory cost. 73, Mike K2MK Gary Smith-2 wrote > I assembled this K3 in Nov 08 and it has most of the accessories of > the day; sub RX, KAT3, KP3A, KXV3, KTCXO3-1 TCXO & KBPF3 Gen > coverage module. > > I'm thinking it might do well with an update with the factory mods to > bring it current. Has anyone had this done at the factory recently > and if so, did you notice any obvious operational difference from > before to after the upgrade? > > If yes, in your opinion was it significant enough to be worth the > money spent after all was said & done? And, how much did it cost in > the end? > > Off list replies please. > > Thanks & 73, > > Gary > KA1J -- View this message in context: Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] KX3 VFO knob noise, mod to fix
Hello all, picked up a new KX3 yesterday from my local emporium, slightly annoyed by the awful noise the VFO knob makes rubbing on the felt washer to provide the spin resistance, so I came up with a mod to improve this dramatically. Find a section of the clear plastic sheet that is used as mobile phone screen protector material, draw round the felt washer on the plastic so you are basically making a new washer the same size. Cut out the washer from the plastic. Place the felt washer back on the VFO shaft as the build instructions show, place the new plastic washer on top of the felt washer, then re-fit the VFO knob. Adjust to your choice of resistance. I now have a VFO knob that feels very similar to my other radios and most important, no rubbing noise, its almost silent. 73s Pete -- View this message in context: Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Updating an older K3
I would be interested in the same information. My K3 serial number is 3215. Mike AC6JA In a message dated 11/16/2013 7:39:32 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes: I assembled this K3 in Nov 08 and it has most of the accessories of the day; sub RX, KAT3, KP3A, KXV3, KTCXO3-1 TCXO & KBPF3 Gen coverage module. I'm thinking it might do well with an update with the factory mods to bring it current. Has anyone had this done at the factory recently and if so, did you notice any obvious operational difference from before to after the upgrade? If yes, in your opinion was it significant enough to be worth the money spent after all was said & done? And, how much did it cost in the end? Off list replies please. Thanks & 73, Gary KA1J --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] K3->SteppIR via Network?
I use serial device servers in remote stations. The ones I use from Lantronix allow you to also connect via telnet. I have never tried using them that way, but I would assume that this would solve your problem. 73, Mitch DJ0QN On 17.11.2013 02:27, Martin wrote: Elecrafters, has anyone done this or has some advice: I plan to forward the frequency information from my K3 -wich is hooked to a Windows machine - via Network to the remote SteppIR controler. The controller connects to a RaspberryPI. So far, i can redirect the K3's serial output via TCP to a Linux machine and watch the information using a telnet client. What i'm looking for is a way to pass this output to a raspberryPI and hook the controller to the PI's serial output. I tried ser2net on the raspberry, but no success. Anyone? -- Mitch Wolfson DJØQN / K7DX Neubiberger Str. 21, 85640 Putzbrunn Skype: mitchwo - Home:+49 89 32152700 - Mobile:+49 172 8374436 Echolink: 3001 - IRLP: 5378 __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
[Elecraft] Updating an older K3
Well, most of the update can be done by the user and I did them myself. Elecraft gives a webpage of the modifications: They also provide the necessary parts with clear instruction and at reasonable prices: Parts To me, the construction process was interesting and educational. The soldering work is not difficult and managable by most of us. 73 Johnny VR2XMC 寄件人︰ pkhjr 收件人︰ 傳送日期︰ 2013年11月17日 (週日) 9:11 PM 主題︰ Re: [Elecraft] Updating an older K3 Ditto's, I would be very interested as I'm in the same boat. 73 Tex ka5y __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Updating an older K3
Ditto's, I would be very interested as I'm in the same boat. 73 Tex ka5y -- View this message in context: Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list:
Re: [Elecraft] Updating an older K3
Why off list? This is of interest to all K3 owners and the experiences/expenses of others is very relevant. Thanks, Bill W2BLC K-Line __ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: